I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 155

Relying on the unloading force of the retreat, the young lord of the Don Quixote family avoided the sorrow of being a boy of Ibaraki, but allowed Shileu, who was in power and relentless, to grab the rhythm of the attack.

It took less than a second for the two of them to fight this round, and it was enough to tell the difference.

Doflamingo, whose right arm was severely injured, quickly moved towards the cadres, and the family members who reacted protected their young master with their wings. Pika even directly rolled up the rocks and road surface on the surface, forming a wall to isolate the two.

But the family members who attacked Shiliu did not find any advantages. The deputy director of the deep sea prison can be called the double wall with Magellan, the poisonous fruit capable man who chased at least two Shichibukai. , which shows its terrifying swordsmanship and domineering cultivation.

The murderer, who is not interested in these desserts at all, wants to eat the staple food at this time: flamingo white cut.

He let out a low growl, rolled up his sword from bottom to top, and sent Corazon and Poletor flying away, and slashed down with his sword.

The slender sword energy cut through the stone wall built by Pica in the blink of an eye, and hit the target precisely before the heavy boulder tried to block it again.

Doflamingo's left hand was clawed, he flicked his fingers repeatedly trying to guide the silk thread to dispel the oncoming sword aura, but the slender blood-colored sword aura was like a tarsal maggot, and it slashed at the somewhat distraught young man without changing its direction. Your Excellency.

Not all swordsmen can control the big demon sword that can be compared with the first generation Onitsu. Contrary to the Xinyinliu who pays attention to not killing to win, Shiliu's kendo has been a thoroughly murderous sword from the very beginning. , every style is rushing towards killing.

Xiliu's timing was extremely accurate. From the very beginning, Xiliu found relevant opportunities from various things, large and small. The first thing to do is to observe the distance and the background to determine the timing, which is the main content of the art of war

In Shiliu's eyes, there is no distinction between the so-called "slaying grip" and "trial fit grip". He switched hands with one hand, dexterously struck the rock giant formed by Pica with the back of his knife, and ejected himself from the pincer attack of the boulder.

He tapped his toes lightly, stepped on his heels tightly, and walked on the nearly ten-meter-high rock giant as if walking on the ground.

Doflamingo began to dodge desperately. He flicked his left hand in the air, blocking the manipulated members of the chamber of commerce from Shileu's way.

While avoiding the bombardment of the rock giant, Shiliu chased Doflamingo at a very high speed by stepping on the unique yin and yang steps on the sword path.

Rao G's Diweng Fist struck from the side, but apart from his extraordinary sword skills, the Great Swordsman also focused on his steps as part of his practice.

"Yin-Yang Step" is important and practical, so that swordsmen don't just focus on one leg.

Facing another resistance from the family members, Shiliu didn't even bother to let go of his sword energy this time. He slashed, retreated, and blocked.

Poletor, who had the worst physical skills, was the first to be attacked, and was amputated with a knife in the middle. The sticky fruit could not have a corresponding protective effect against such a master of swordsmanship.

As long as Shiryu's sword is fast enough, the disgusting slime won't be able to touch the blade.

Xiliu had no intention of holding back at all, and the members of the chamber of commerce who were controlled to rush forward were beheaded one by one by him.

There is a peak in the way of swordsmanship, a hundred flowers bloom, and a hundred schools of thought also have their own emphasis. But no matter what faction, they are all emphasizing the relationship between people and swords, and swords and the world.

Because in addition to the exquisiteness of sword skills, the harmony of the mind and spirit with the body and even all things is also a crucial part.

In order to take advantage of the knife, then, you must understand the world and yourself on a deeper level.

Shiliu obeyed his own heart, laughed and started the carnival of killing.

Author message:

ps: I posted it late today, and I tore up the manuscript several times in the past few days when I was coding these chapters. Involved in the unfamiliar field of kendo, although I have practiced fencing for two years, the use of Western rapiers is completely different from that of Taidao and Taidao.

I went to consult a lot of information and documents such as Wulunshu, but what I wrote still lacked a sense of substitution.

In desperation, I only found a senior who had taught kendo for nearly ten years, and after two days of beatings, I finally understood how to write realistically.

193. This war will become my masterpiece

Lindemann finally understood what the commander of his own legion reminded him to pay attention to when getting along with Shiliu on the phone.

I thought it would be easier for me to adapt if I had experience working with ghost spiders, but obviously, that wasn't the case. Because this lunatic with red eyes doesn't distinguish between enemy and friend at all, when he meets an object, he divides it with one knife, and when he meets a person, he kills him with one knife.

It doesn't care whether this unlucky soul under the sword is a member of its chamber of commerce.

And this kind of indiscriminate killing intensified as Doflamingo fled around desperately.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" Manipulating the thin transparent thread, Doflamingo firmly fixed the right arm that was almost cut in two.

The skin and flesh were sewn together with tough silk threads, which stopped the wanton flow of blood, and barely allowed the thread fruit ability user to use his right arm again.

In order to buy time for his right arm to move, he grabbed Dies Batias who was lying down in the snow.

During the initial raid, Doflamingo recognized the Beihai resident school officer who was pointing a bazooka at him, but before he could kill him leisurely, Shileu's intrusion almost killed him.

But right now, this trembling navy has become a sharp weapon for delaying time.

With a sneer, he blocked Yuan Haijun in front of him. With the cooperation of the silk thread, he slowly gathered strength with his covered right hand: "Shiliu! Do you want to kill even the navy?"

The answer to him was a clean slash, and Doflamingo secretly said bad luck, and this slash also eliminated his idea of ​​taking this opportunity to fight back.

The fully charged [Super Strike Whip] directly hit Dies Battias's chest out of his back, and the wire harness with astonishing impact penetrated the chest of the North Sea Navy who was a twenty-five boy into a bowl-sized The blood hole also diverted Shiliu's saber energy to the distance.

The index finger of the right hand of the thread-line fruit user tightly hooked the parasitic thread, which is invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people, and freed the left hand from the work of controlling it.

The wire net that was originally intended to solve the caged bird became an increasingly difficult obstacle for him to avoid. He raised his left wrist abruptly, spreading out the birdcages that were still surrounding him step by step. Doflamingo didn't want to fight a bloodthirsty lunatic in a cage, he was going to flee.

"[Empty Road]!!"

Using the silk thread floating in the air, the vigorous pink-haired flamingo quickly changed direction, dodging the flying slashing blows coming from behind.

The four top cadres of the Don Quixote family, Diamanti, were the first to be defeated, and in less than a minute of encirclement, the weaker Porétor suffered the bad luck of being cut in half.

At this moment, there are only two people who still have combat power. As a stone fruit capable person, Pika can assimilate himself with the rocks he touches, and incorporate the appearance, hardness, and other properties of the rocks into his own power. .

This fruit can even turn a kingdom-sized building or rock mass into a mountain giant that is dozens of times the size of an ordinary giant.

But this excellent anti-army ability did not cause too much trouble to Shiliu, not to mention how loopholes Pika's wide-open and wide-open attack method was in the eyes of the great swordsman, in terms of speed alone , if he wants, he can walk this stupid big man into a dog at any time.

Shiliu, a master swordsman who is good at explosive high-speed movement, makes it difficult for the bulky Pica to stop him, so he can only try his best to set up obstacles on the opponent's path.

The second generation of the Don Quixote family, Red Heart, had no intention of fighting at this time. He held the little ghost suffering from platinum lead disease firmly by his side with his big arm, and held a little ghost in each of his free two palms. Without stopping, he ran desperately toward the periphery of the island.

"Hey! Corazon! Let me down! The young master and the others are still fighting." Baby-5, who was held by him on his left hand, had a faint cry in his voice. There was still Poletor, who was still half crippled but not completely dead, and these companions all fell at the hands of that ferocious enemy.

Buffalo, who was carried by Corazon on his right hand, was a little trembling from the sudden change: "Mr. Corazon, are you going to abandon the young master?"

"Don't be silly, Buffalo!" Luo, who was held in his arms, looked at the direction Corazon was running, hesitated for a moment, and helped Corazon, who had always been dumb in front of family members. He clarified his real intention: "Let's go sail the boat first, or are we going to fight that killer here?"

The little girl baby-5 showed despair: "But...there is a birdcage! We all can't get out...the birdcage?...is it scattered?"

As the younger brother of Don Quixote Doflamingo, Corazon has a good grasp of his elder brother's mind.

Whether it is in a few words in the original book that Doflamingo intends to sacrifice his younger brother to perform the ultimate operation for himself, or Doflamingo's intention to act under the current disadvantage.

Lindemann also had the same plan as Doflamingo.

If he hadn't dodged in time, the flying sword aura that slashed sideways would have turned the fraudster into a dead fox.

He quickly rushed down to the second floor, took out the devil fruit placed in the locked iron box from the basement, and bumped into a boy with an x-scar on his chin head-on.

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