I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 165

"Vice Admiral Sakaski, are you going back to the voyage?" Robin didn't act like a little princess on the warship because "my father is Sakaski", and asked his adoptive father with a businesslike look.

In fact, she is the sailor with the most tasks on the entire warship, staff officer, navigator, helm, assistant surgeon, cook, and a combatant. The girl who aspires to be an admiral strives to be familiar with every position on the warship .

Sakaski took a look at his adopted daughter who was becoming more and more charming, and then glared angrily at the group of embarrassing things on the deck who thought they were covering up flawlessly but were actually riddled with holes.

"Put this head and that safe in place, and then lock it in the freezer." Sakaski thought for a while, in order to prevent the group of muscular idiots on the ship from inadvertently putting [Doflamingo the Suicide] Take it as a meat dish for extra meals, and asked again and again.

Robin accepted the pirate head from the lieutenant general with a normal expression. She was no longer the recruit who screamed at the dead.

Instead, he was selected from the reserve team of the expeditionary force in advance to join the gang of talented killers.

Zhenmengxin tilted her head obediently, and looked at her adoptive father's new work: "Is it purely frozen this time? Your craftsmanship is getting more and more realistic."

The black-bellied girl expressed strong support for Sakalski's new hobby that he has only cultivated in recent years. At least in her opinion, this artwork is indeed quite delicate.

Listen to it, it's real when you hear it. Sakaski nodded, seemingly indifferent to Sergeant Robin's compliment, but his walking pace slowed down a bit.

The people on the boat didn't notice any changes in Sakaski's inconspicuous little move. After all, who would care if he just walked a few steps slower?

However, someone really noticed it. Robin glanced at Sakaski's footsteps and then looked at the other party's indifferent face. The girl who realized something suppressed her smile. This is obviously a girl who wants to show her father's majesty. The silly father wanted to hear his daughter's praise with a straight face.

Well, I won't tell you~ I won't tell you~

Robin, who pretended not to understand a hidden signal, kept a kind and generous smile and speeded up his pace cheerfully.

【. . . Why don't you understand, you son of a bitch? 】Seeing that the cub was indifferent and even quickened his pace, as if he was in a hurry to help him put his head in place, Sakaski's eyes twitched, feeling a little disappointed.

But after all, on a warship, all tasks are given priority... The tasks assigned by herself, she must be carried out with tears in her eyes.

Seeing that Robin was about to go far away, Sakaski, who had no idea what to do, turned around and walked to the captain's cabin. He happened to go to see Colonel Rossindi, who called the fox, and the children who had just boarded the ship.

"Compared to the tanned pirate heads before you, this work of art retains the rebellious temperament of the big pirate to the maximum extent in addition to the pursuit of vividness." The crisp voice of the little goddess in the army came To Sakalski's ears.

The two with their backs to each other smiled knowingly.

Author message:

ps: I learned three things from the fierce battle yesterday.

1. It turns out that pure vodka with a high concentration can really be ignited.

2. Not all Maozi are called [Special Energy Drink]. One cup of two taels, three cups will make you blush and thick neck.

3. But all Maozi seem to be afraid of death. Even though he was drunk enough to speak Russian English badly, he still dared to hold a glass of wine and continue to yell at me. . .

【4】I didn't wake up until the afternoon, and I don't even remember what supper I had last night

204. Lieutenant General Sakalski, "loved" by everyone

Sakalski slowly pushed open the cabin door, and to some surprise, Rosindi seemed to have ended the communication with Lindemann, and was now frantically comforting two crying children.

Rossindi seemed a little at a loss. He didn't bully the little ghosts as usual, but tried to comfort the two crying cats.

"Wuuuuuuu, young master! Mr. Corazon! Why! Why did you betray us!"

"Don't call that kind of person Mr.! Baby-5, wow, wow, young master, you died so badly! That goddamn red dog!"

Rosindi resisted the pain of losing a loved one in his heart and explained the reason: "Dover is not a kind person, but anyone who blocks his way will suffer, regardless of whether the opponent is a civilian or not."

"I won't listen! I won't listen! You big traitor! Hit you!" The little girl, crying with tears and snot coming out, raised her small fist and hammered at Mr. Corazon.

However, the last generation of the Don Quixote family, Red Heart, did not fight back, but just hugged the two weeping children. Perhaps in his and the navy's view, eradicating Doflamingo is for the safety of more innocent people and for these children to have a better future.

But in the eyes of these children, good and evil are not so clear, and the navy is just a cold-blooded bastard who took the lives of their relatives.

The red dog who was called "God Kill" by a kid is standing at the door of the cabin at this moment, he knows that things will not go so smoothly, and wants these little bastards who were almost led astray to realize that what they did before is wrong To do the right thing, you have to spend some thought.

Although under his deliberate arrangement and exaggeration, an almost pathological bloodthirsty and militancy appeared in the general environment of the expeditionary army, but Sakaski did not want these little kids who have not even developed the concept of good and evil to blindly imitate With the spirit of his regiment.

As for Robin? That little wit who was able to get a doctorate at the age of seven has already surpassed the mind of ordinary people. Although I followed Sakaski in the legion to organize some pirate head tanning competitions, some oolong tea big royal...

Even though he was messing around, Robin knew what he should learn in his heart. And she also knows the reason why Sakaski took such painstaking efforts. Since the establishment of the expeditionary force, the initial target was not those little thieves who were still leveling in the four seas, let alone chasing and fighting with those rookie pirates. .

It is a powerful pirate group entrenched in the new world, gathering together a terrifying army that will destroy the country at every turn.

The information deciphered from the series of actions of Sakalski is that the commander of the legion almost unscrupulously improves the morale of the army, even if he does not hesitate to cultivate fanatic believers in organizational training.

Robin knew that the first contact battle with the new world was approaching.

Sakaski looked down at the only child in the captain's cabin who remained quiet and calm. The terminally ill child stood there without saying a word, quietly watching the scene in front of him.

"Aren't you mourning for Doflamingo? Like those two kids?" Sakalski asked with interest, and he had to admit that a precocious genius always attracts extra attention.

The little devil in a felt hat stared at the military cap with the seagull logo on Sakaski's head. After a long time, he replied in a muffled voice: "Doflamingo and his family, of course He has done me many things, but I am only a useful tool in his hands. When the tool is broken, it is broken, and he will not mourn for me, so I will not mourn for him."

The child infected with platinum-lead disease understood why the Don Quixote family took him in. The destructive desire to destroy everything in the world was the capital that the other party really valued.

As for members of the family calling each other's family members, it has always been a joke.

And the people who really regard him as family are still by his side at this moment.

Luo never dared to forget his parents who were shot to death. Those gentle people always suffered hardships they shouldn't have to bear.

Are the neighbors who close the country's borders bad? Luo didn't know how to evaluate the foolish people who made extreme actions out of fear.

At that time, his heart was only filled with hatred for this world and resentment against God's tricks.

Until Luo met Klasson.

This stranger who often irritated him made him relive the warmth from his heart once again.

The warmth that is as gentle and kind as the dead parents and the nuns in the white town.

Luo stared at Sakaski without blinking, his face distorted.

Just as he has not forgotten his parents who taught him medical knowledge, Luo also has not forgotten who made him, the whole town, and thousands of people experience such a miserable world.

World government! !

Those black-hearted officials who were greedy for property and profit, those Frevans royal families who covered up the facts. It was them who co-directed the tragedy of the white town! Knowing that platinum and lead are poisonous, they deliberately conceal the truth, and let uninformed civilians mine platinum and lead, a chronic and highly toxic substance that can enter the human body through volatilization, for the huge and lucrative benefits in front of them.

It was them who jointly blocked the country of Frevans and started the war!

And when war broke out, with the assistance of the World Government, the royal families fled.

The helpless civilians are left waiting to die in the smoke of war.

The children, nuns, mothers and fathers, and the hospital were also completely destroyed by the fire.

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