I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 218

The pigeon fluttered its wings and landed on the girl's shoulder obediently, with a posture that I know you very well.

"Cuckoo ~ cluck cluck"

"Hadley?" Robin always felt that the pigeon seemed familiar, and she called out a little too uncertainly.

The pigeon wearing a red tie nodded in a very human way, and let out a series of "coo coo coo coo" sounds.

The girl slowly raised her head and looked in the direction of the spiral staircase, from which the pigeon Hadley flew: "You are here...that is to say..."

A loud, mocking voice sounded from the upper spiral staircase: "Strange, your pigeons will fly away without authorization?"

The ferocious young man with braids stepped on the steps of the stairs unhurriedly, as if planning to come down to find out the reason.

When he saw the figure downstairs from the corner of his eye, it froze instantly.

A series of small footsteps above the spiral staircase were getting closer, and the indifferent and haughty voice seemed a little dissatisfied with the disheveled guy: "Gabra, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

But Gabra's mouth opened wider and wider, and he stammered and shouted: "Big...big sister head!!?"

Upstairs, there was a messy sound of glasses breaking and tables and chairs tilting.

After a few seconds of silence, it seemed that the air had condensed due to the suddenly quiet atmosphere.

Several heads seemed to be fitted with springs, crowding and appearing at the entrance of the spiral staircase.

At a glance, Robin recognized the oblong nose that was mixed in but stood out from the crowd.

She waved to the boy who was still standing at the entrance of the corridor in surprise: "Kaku!"

"It's really a big sister!!!"

"Chababa, Lucci! Come down!"

The figure of the golden-haired girl at the top of the stairs moved suddenly, and instantly turned into an afterimage, hanging directly on Robin: "Robin-chan!"

After many years, facing the only female best friend in the training camp, Robin was also extremely excited at this time.

She hugged her beautiful companion with her backhand: "Kalifa! I miss you so much!"

Before a few people swarmed down, the haughty and cold voice sounded again: "No wonder Hadley left on his own, you are here."

Robin looked up suddenly, and she couldn't forget the voice.

That voice of "let go!" mixed with unwillingness, desolation, and helplessness back then is definitely still fresh in my memory.

Reunited again, at first glance he seemed even colder than before. The childishness of the past has faded away, and the whole body exudes a dangerous atmosphere.

The sharp suit is mixed with the other party's aloof temperament, which undoubtedly reveals the coexistence of elegance and danger of felines.

Lu Qi almost squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "What is your purpose in coming to Judiciary Island this time?"

Robin was a little amused. Today is this the first time someone has asked her what she is doing?

Is she so unpopular?

"Come to see the judge and jury." The navy girl pointed to the crew members who were looking around behind her.

The boy nodded, and suddenly asked: "Is it urgent?"

"On the contrary." Robin nodded to the other side helplessly. Outside the window, the pirates who came down from Moria's giant three-masted ship to be judged had already formed a long queue.

Judging from this posture, even if the judges don't take a breather, they will definitely not be able to finish the trial in less than half a day.

She can't compete with that big pirate Moria! ?

Lu Qi heard the words and finally revealed the purpose: "I heard that you have been practicing in the headquarters, so your strength must have become more and more profound?"

[I knew I couldn't hide from this!] The girl complained secretly in her heart, but after all, it was the cause she planted back then. Although it was a few years late, the evil result is the evil result after all.

In fact, even if he didn't have the death grip back then, deep down in his heart, Robin still wanted to know a little bit about his current real combat power.

Except for Smoker's natural smoking gun, she is almost invincible among her peers in this department.

But how many catties and taels are there in the outside world, and I really haven't found a suitable opponent. Right now, the strongest newcomer in the CP department who has been given the name of the world government's ruthless murder weapon is definitely an excellent target.

"Want to compete?" Robin actually initiated the invitational battle first.

A cold smile finally bloomed on Rob Lucci's tense cheeks: "I wish for it."

In the next moment, the two disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Khalifa fled up the stairs in a panic, and gave up the venue to the two who started fighting after a disagreement.

"What are they doing! It's a rare meeting, why did they start fighting so well?" Still immersed in the beautiful atmosphere of reuniting with her girlfriends, the blond beauty obviously didn't figure it out.

Kaku, who started the spectator mode beside her, explained after hearing the words: "Back then, when the eldest sister hit her head, we all felt pain when we saw it. You girls can't understand it! Lu Qi has always had this knot in his heart."

As soon as this remark came out, the boys subconsciously covered their crotches.

They all quite understand the resentment in the hearts of their companions. Lu Qi, who has been the strongest among their trainees these years, has trained even harder. The source of this motivation is self-evident.

"Chababa, speaking of it, Kalifa liked to bump into..."

With a puff, Otonashi Owl's big zippered mouth was quickly sealed shut by Kalifa.

"Can you not mention the black history?!" Seeing this big mouth mentioning the old things again, Kalifa punched the opponent's head.

"But she's improving really fast," Kaku recalled that in the small garden, Robin was only exposed to the six styles.

But right now, the two who had turned into afterimages in the house seemed to be inseparable from each other.

In this not-so-spacious room, he moved around without hurting others.

There are no moves that are too powerful, and the two of them have a tacit understanding to control the exchange within an appropriate range.

Laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the doorway.

In the eyes of other CP9 newcomers, this is actually more difficult than the open and close moves.

Although great strength can perform miracles, being able to precisely control one's body and adjust the appropriate strength at any time is also an essential practice for a truly strong person.

But right now, the dojo in the snail makes everyone even more terrified.

A bright blue air blade slashed neatly on the ground, cutting a neat deep gap between the tiles.

Robin frowned. Although it seemed that the two were on equal terms, in fact he was suppressed by Lu Qi as soon as he came.

Whenever I draw a distance and plan to use my best joint skills, I will always be interrupted by the opponent's tricky angled kick or a quick close-up finger.

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