I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 249

If he really dared to show his face, the next moment he would be a dead fox. He has already experienced how terrifying Kaido's demon god is.

It's just...you are so majestic and a big shot. With so many masters on the battlefield, you don't want to provoke them, but you find yourself?

The bone-piercing cold air lingered around the dragon, and Kuzan took advantage of Kaido's attention to search around the warship group, completely turning the battlefield into frost.

"The fox is the commander's caring little padded jacket, why? The beasts also took a fancy to that transparent fox?" Kuzan stepped on the climbing iceberg and looked up at the world's strongest creature.

Unexpectedly, Kaido was also crazy on his own. When talking about this matter, he almost burst into tears: "He lied to me back then and broke my heart!!"

With such extreme cold and low temperature, even Kaido couldn't help but wobble. In this environment, his flexibility plummeted.

"What shit is the thirteenth squad! What is the black-skinned cat girl of the second squad! They are all fake! I went to Wano country full of dreams! I took off my pants! Then I saw a big dick and a big snake general!!!! "


Kuzan opened his mouth, as if regretting his meddling. Kaido's words made him unable to find the insertion point at all.

"And that captain! Who is it!! I've asked all over Wano Country and there's no one like him! He's clearly on the same level as me!!"

The giant dragon, who was crying in mid-air, complaining that he was deceived by an unscrupulous fox and trampled on his pure feelings, suddenly froze.

He slammed his big mouth, recalling what Aokiji had just said.

"[Legion Commander's intimate little padded jacket].....Wait! Wait! The captain of the First Division is not the Legion Commander you are talking about!!"

The giant dragon with a missing string in his head finally discovered a blind spot that he hadn't understood for eight years.

The next moment, the situation changed, and the mirage dragon spit out fog.

Kaido's roar directly stirred up waves on the sea——

"Sakalski!! Get out and get beaten!"

Hundred Beasts directly threw the empty back to Kuzan, jumped up and flew towards the side of Jam Island.

Kuzan stomped his feet fiercely: "What is this all about?"

He didn't understand what the crying, noisy and funny psycho was trying to express.

But Aokiji's movements were not slow, and the swift and violent freezing air followed from the sea all the way to the direction where the giant dragon was taking off.

Parallel to him, there was a black shadow clinging to the ice.

Seeing that the strongest fighters on both sides vacated their positions inexplicably, Enilo cursed "Pirates are all crazy" and made a phone call according to Kuzan's instructions before leaving.

He was full of doubts about this. In that sea area, there was only one small ship thrown out for scouting before the legion entered the Ten Thousand Kingdoms. How useful would it be in such a battle where great gods were flying all over the sky?

"Hello? Has Lingling been defeated by Kuzan and Sakasky together? Then we will carry out the final arrest operation according to the plan." A deep old man's voice completely unfamiliar to Anilu was the first to speak.

But Robin, who was listening to the phone, was overjoyed.

She snatched the microphone from the console in front of her: "Uncle Zefa! Kaido has entered the battlefield!"

Before Zefa on the other end of the phone spoke again, a steady voice made Enilo's eyes widen.

"Wahhahaha! Those two little bastards are unreliable! Didn't we just let the two of us get in the way of aunt's escape?"

Enilo swears that he can recognize this voice even if he turns into ashes.

That bastard old man who stunned himself with a punch on Bika Island.

269. Dedicated to the Great Chapter of Death and Life (Part 1)

Putting down the phone bug, Zefa ordered the captain outside: "Ain, push forward at full speed!"

Seeing the serious expression of this legendary sea soldier with the reputation of black wrist, Garp laughed straight away: "Why are you afraid that your precious apprentices will suffer?"

"That's Kaido after all," the former admiral who served as the chief instructor of the headquarters' training camp sighed softly.

According to the battle plan drawn up by Marin Fando on the eve of the expedition—after the bombing of the island is completed, Kuzan and Sakasky should be able to defeat Charlotte Lingling at the lightest cost.

But it was not easy to kill a Four Emperors known for their steel balloons on the spot.

This expedition concerning the trend of world power in the next ten years cannot tolerate any mistakes. The navy cannot be defeated, and it dare not be defeated.

The existence of black wrist and iron fist is the last barrier to completely cut off Charlotte Lingling's escape.

It is also the last fuse of this expedition initiated by the Navy Headquarters.

Zefa, who is brave and resourceful, is much more stable than Garp, who likes to go all the way. Therefore, under the entrustment of Marshal of the Warring States Period, the black wrist did his part to provoke the reinforcements.

Although, in the current situation, he is more like an external brain circuit of Mr. Garp.

It also comes with a thinking aid.

Initiated by the World Government and planned by the Navy Headquarters to invade the New World, its significance is far from the simple suppression of one or two big pirates full of crimes.

Charlotte Lingling has been entrenched in the New World for decades, and her power is enormous.

Coupled with her ally relationship with Kaido, the World Government always considers this or that whenever it plans to take action.

But the reckless and violent temper of the navy headquarters can't control the various situations and entanglements in the new world.

Even if they knew that getting rid of Big Mom would inevitably lead to great changes in the situation in the new world, the military still gritted their teeth and insisted on punishing you.

Without him, you big pirates are happy and happy in the new world, and the navy will not be able to make trouble for a while, how dare you call yourself emperor?

Kill you without discussion!

The reckless gangsters in the navy want to use the prestige of this battle to kill the new world, and help those few wise people who like destruction the most to wash their minds.

A pirate, always a pirate!

If you dare to pretend to be too much, even if you are the Four Emperors, the military department will still beat you.

This expedition, which concerns the trend of the world's various camps in the next ten years, is naturally not a child's play.

If the navy wants to fight, it must win the battle, even if it uses almost all its combat power, it must crush the growing arrogance of the pirate forces in the new world.

"How is your body recovering? The fruit of Luo's operation didn't make you lose parts, right?" Garp looked up and down his old comrade, and suddenly asked with concern.

Zefa flexed his muscles and bones, raised his arms, and made a fit posture: "You can rest assured, although Luo Na is not a medical student at present, but the two who are in charge of giving advice are Chief Physicians Strange and Watson of this department."

Talking about this matter, even Zefa, who has experienced the storm, can't help but sigh: "I never thought that the operation could be carried out like this. The medical technology in the headquarters is really advanced now."

"Yeah, there is no incision at all, and there is no need for stitches." Garp stretched out his hand and gestured continuously on Zefa's neck: "I saw your trachea was removed with my own eyes!"

Zefa's illness is not a serious illness to say the least, but an asthma attack is really fatal.

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