I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 263

"Mr. Sa, His Majesty Vinsmoke Gage led Germa 66 to meet us, and the two sides still have about ten minutes to join forces." Chief of Staff Lindeman sorted out the information that his subordinates kept passing him, and sent a piece of information to him. Report complicated matters to the head of the army step by step according to the degree of importance.


"Well, they came quite quickly. I'll go to the cabin to tidy up my appearance." Sakaski closed a large list of trophies in his hand, and was about to stand up from the chair.

Since the invasion of all nations without declaration of war, it has become a daily routine. In order to prevent the emergence of dangerous situations and he was not in the command room for the first-time processing, Sakaski was on standby almost every day at the flagship command headquarters for dispatching and processing.

Cigarettes and coffee, these two treasures have become indispensable hard goods for the staff group every day.

Not to mention the smoky cabin these days has stained the clothes with the smell of smoke absorbed and the brown coffee stains accidentally spilled, the current image of Sakalski's unshaven beard is ten times worse than his clean and tidy appearance in the past. Thousands of miles.

The busyness of the battle is only one aspect, but the main operative who launched the [Central Blossom] tactic spent two days and one night digging holes in the ground and digging tunnels.

Even the meal is rubbed on the aunt's tea table, not to mention the trivial matter of shaving.

Then, there was the island bombing, the death battle with Charlotte Lingling, the post-war inventory...

Due to various reasons, Sakarski interrupted the regular routine of cleaning instruments.

The scar on the right side of his face was still scabbed with blood, and the stubble that hadn't been shaved in more than a week grew thickly around his lips and on his chin.

The wildness and toughness of the whole shape have hit a new high in history.

Mr. Sa, a senior patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, said that this is really detrimental to the dignity of the Navy until——

"Darling! Your beard is too manly!!!" Says Gion, the great swordsman who has set the flag that he will go back to get married after this battle, and can almost cut a cracker into a stick in the final battle praised.


Jonathan, who has a deep friendship with Sakalski, proudly fiddled with the two brown-red curly mustaches on his face and commented on his old friend's new look: "Oh! It's more manly! Sakalski! I thought you couldn't appreciate the beauty of a beard!"


Dalmesia, the Dog Fruit Dalmatians-type ability user, also expressed his appreciation for the domineering beard shape of His Excellency the Legion Commander.


Even the fighters of the fighters, such as Shi Tieresi and Dauberman, all agreed that Mr. Sa's appearance is the material for the next marshal.


【. . . . Then I don’t want to grow a beard for two more days to see the effect?] Sakarsky narrowed his eyes rarely and hesitated.


Unable to bear the real eye rays behind him any longer, Sakaski turned his head and stared up at the big pirate Moria who had his head against the ceiling even when he was sitting down.

"I've been staring at this general like this, do you want to express some good opinion about beards?" Mr. Akainu, who has a short temper, was really disgusted at Moria's expression of a resentful woman who was "abandoned from beginning to end".

After the undead army was exposed, the world was in an uproar.

Controlling mysterious and powerful zombies at will, gothic style of clothing, and the excellent performance of constantly catching pirates after abandoning the dark and turning to the light over the years, this [Moonlight] Moria, one of the seven martial arts under the king, is inexplicable gained massive popularity.

However, Moria didn't know that he had become a popular idol in the sea. He just wanted to find Sakalski to verify one thing as soon as possible: "That... Mr. Sa, when my zombie generals are resisting Kaido Half of it is damaged, do you want to make up for my missing zombie generals?"

At this moment, the big pirate completely ignored the majesty of the Shichibukai, and rubbed his hands with a calm face: "Boss Sakaski, you see, we successfully blocked Kaido, and I have made an indelible contribution to the battlefield." contribution, the loss of the zombie general should be counted as a work-related injury, right? Work-related injury, right?"

"Pfft..." The deputy army commander who was maintaining his beloved knife was almost not amused by Moriah. Even though Shiliu had a cigar in his mouth, Moria could hear his next words clearly.

"Heh, what you said is like a pregnant woman on Happy Street who asked to be counted as a work-related injury." Uncle Xiliu once again proved that his mouth is really poisonous.

Moriah was no Lindemann, and he retorted bluntly: "Shileu! You bastard! Can this be the same? Holding a knife all day long, is it your wife or husband? You bitch!!"

He glanced sideways at Shiliu, and completely assigned this item to the category of prodigal gadgets that don't know how expensive daily necessities are.

"What did you say?! Looks like you're looking for hacking! Shadow bastard!!" Uncle Xiliu was not a good person, and his eyes flashed fiercely immediately: "Do you think I won't dare to touch you with the shadow of the Red Earl backing you?" ?”

A pair of domineering, armed fists with the momentum of a sonic boom upgraded their bickering to an armed cooperative fight: "Enough is enough!!! ヽ(#`Д′)ノ〃"

Sakaski is really one of the first two, God knows why the expeditionary force doesn't have a few worry-free things!

"Moria apologized to Shiliu, and I will help you make up for the lost combat power from the deep sea prison for free!" Sakaski took out a cigar from his pocket and lit it for himself.


It is undeniable that Moriah fought very hard in this battle, and without any hesitation, he directly took out all his wealth to help the navy.

If you don't replenish your combat power, who will really be willing to help you fight next time? When you are on the top of the war, seeing Qi Wuhai in various poses and paddling water is a headache!

Shirley, I'm sorry. As soon as Sakaski finished speaking, a certain licking dog bent down at 90°.

Compared with the official compensation, what is the victory of lip service?!

"Replenishment!" Mr. Sa immediately satisfied this reasonable small request, and threw a blockbuster at Moria: "Not only do I need to make up, but I also want to open the latest shadow card pool of Wan Guo! The ssr five-star probability is up!"

"Krypton Krypton Krypton Krypton Krypton... I'm so fucking explosive!!!" Moria opened his bloody mouth and roared to the sky.

In his eyes, he seemed to see the luxurious shadow of the leader of the four generals waving to him.

Seeing that Moriah was still going crazy, Lindemann couldn't help raising his voice again: "Mr. Sa, Germa 66 has already started splicing snails! Is the warship docked?"

"Arbor, let the soldiers relax their tense nerves, and then arrange the treatment team of the Vinsmoke family to stand by." The lord of the legion walked out of the hatch first. I don't want to be infected by Moria.

There are so many devil fruits waiting for him!

Shiliu walked out of the cabin door, he didn't want his favorite knife to continue to eat ashes in the smoky command room!

The current patriarch of the Vinsmoke family, and His Majesty the king of the Kingdom of Germa, has long been waiting at the port.

He also had two other special guests on board.

278. IWC card pool praises up (middle)

Today, Vinsmoke Gage can be said to be proud of his spring breeze, and he is the leader in the field of medicine. Although all the arms sales are handed over to Koko Umit, the other party reciprocates a considerable part of Gage's profit share.

In terms of science and technology and new technologies, the Vinsmoke family, which is already at the forefront of the times, has launched an unprecedented technological cooperation with the naval scientific forces under the jurisdiction of the Templar Warden.

It has always been Jiazhi's lifelong dream to dominate the North Sea, and now, he even dares to proudly declare that he has achieved the dominance of the North Sea!

Although it has not achieved the integration of the North Sea countries by force, nor has it made more demands in name.

But controlling most of the cutting-edge technology in the sea area, and cooperating closely with the arms giant Umit, and even when the doctors of the royal families of the North Sea countries are all dispatched by Germa, the Vinsmoke family has become a leader in the North Sea. Substantial overlord.

And all of these are closely related to one person.

"Mr. Sa, I've been looking forward to you for a long time." Jia Zhi's words did not imply any formality, but came from the heart.

He is really eager to see the leader of the Germa Kingdom's many achievements.

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