I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 281

He was carrying out a latent mission that would never return, but he could no longer find peace of mind.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out to this poor man who was suffering from inner torment: "Then can I take the time to learn domineering under your hands for a while? After all, my grandpa doesn't have the time to teach me like Grandpa Ace, Mr. Virgo? "

Ask for it, my king.

291. This Peaceful Place Is My Hometown (Part 2)

The noise from the men's bath did not affect the cheerful atmosphere in the women's bath.

The war is over, and the hot spring is a good way to relax your body and mind during the holiday.

And gossip and gossip flying around are excellent media for comrades-in-arms to get closer to each other and open up topics.

"There seems to be a fight over there?" These female soldiers who have fought for most of their lives are particularly sensitive to the intertwined voices of gold and iron.

Immediately, many people stood up naked from the hot spring pool, as if they were going to help the male soldiers of the legion.

Gion was also quite drunk with this group of shameless legionnaires, so she had to intervene and said: "The lieutenant generals are all over there, no matter how noisy they are, there won't be any big troubles, you can stop making trouble .”

While appeasing these militants, Gion winked wildly at the two adjutants—to signal for their cooperation to change the subject.

But what caught my eye was the appearance of those two unreliable major generals who were immersed in their own world, engrossed in the research of their field of interest, and turned a blind eye to Gion's eyes asking for help.

[You two guys are hopeless. 】

Gion rolled his eyes with a wry smile, looking at the tacit understanding between the fox and the dog, and then at his two heartless lieutenants.

If you compare people, you will die, if you compare goods, you will throw them away, that's what it says!

"Major General Esdes, can you please stop playing with torture molds in the hot spring pool? It's scary!" Gion let out a sigh of relief, just as Sakaski lamented privately, there are really few in the expeditionary army Peace of mind guy.

The unlucky boy who asked Xiliu about the method of torture in his free time was one of them.

He is extremely bloodthirsty towards the enemy, and often uses Impelton's torture tools in order to obtain information. Before joining the expeditionary force, she had wiped out several West Sea pirate captains who were thought to take at least many years to be captured in a blink of an eye. She can be described as the super S queen in the expeditionary force.

Men usually have a misunderstanding that women may only discuss small and refreshing literary and artistic stories when they gather together.

But this is not the case.

The things discussed by female compatriots often have a pornographic index that crushes men several levels in a straight line.

Lieutenant General Gion's other lieutenant, Major General, is a master who is well versed in this.

Among the group of tough women who got up immediately upon hearing the commotion in the men's bath, the adjutant major general unexpectedly participated enthusiastically.

"By the way, why are those old men so useless?" The one who spoke was another major general who gave Gion a headache.

Born into a military family, Balalaika has repeatedly fought at the forefront during her years of being conscripted into the Burning Legion.

She will appear wherever the most dangerous place is. If it weren't for the many famous doctors in the headquarters and the rapid advancement of medical technology, this major general who was obsessed with fighting would have died 10,000 times.

Years of fighting made her lose her feminine face, and she has war scars on her right face, neck and chest.

Although the Navy Headquarters provides free scar removal technology, this female soldier, who regards scars as an honor, does not hide at all. She has always acted in a military style and has won the respect of many sailors in the Headquarters.

The heroic female major general who was smoking a cigar in the hot spring couldn't hide her disdain: "There are so many girls in the female bath, how dare they come over and peep?"

"Come here?" Gion sneered twice, successfully attracting the attention of all the female soldiers: "Who dares to come here alone?..."

The faces of the female soldiers turned bitter, and they could almost recite Gion's next words. [Too bad, the officer has entered the preaching mode. 】

But things are often unexpected, Gion pointed to this group of problematic girls, obviously speechless:

"The male soldier, come here and wait to be killed by a group of old women who are sitting on the ground and sucking dirt?"

"Hahahaha, disgusting! Chief Gion, just tell the truth."

There is nothing new here, and a group of old Si Ji who sailed across the drainage ditch burst into laughter.

A lieutenant who served as a sniper on the battlefield stretched out his thin tongue and licked his red lips: "If Chief Gion is not angry, Mr. Sa might be able to dominate the audience by himself!"

"Don't you have a husband?! Kerrigan!" Belmel, who entered the women's soup together with Gion, had a lady's cigarette in his mouth, choking on his best friend's tough remarks.

But looking at the whole hot spring pool, she is not the only old smoker.

"Come on, Renault is a flirtatious man. I heard from Robin that he is now flirting with that retired officer Falme." The sniper, who was the little lieutenant, was full of jealousy.

Major General Balalaika, who smoked a cigar, stared at his boss, as if he would be willing to cut Mr. Akainu to bed as long as Gion agreed to her: "That's Mr. Sa! If I can order him, I will All the military pay has to be handed over.”

"Hey! Balalaika, I'm still playing here! Do you think my husband is the number one!!!" Seeing the topic getting farther and farther away, Gion jumped three feet high, and pressed the guy who was peeping at his boyfriend Just a rub.

Compared with these two uneasy guys, Brigadier General Belo Betty, who was promoted in the series of wars of the nations, is much smarter.

She took a lady's cigarette from Bermer, and pointed to the men's bath that gradually became quiet across the wall: "Don't worry about them, there's no sound now."

Tina, who just got the nickname [Black Prison], shook her head nonchalantly, handed the lighter to Robin, and let the thousand-handed girl activate the ability to send the lighter to Brigadier General Belo Betty: "Let them fight, Are there still fewer problem children in the Legion?"

"No, I think you should say that there are still many normal people in the Legion?" Robin felt a little tired looking around the group of weirdos.

"Well, you're right to say that." Tina thought for a moment and nodded in admiration.

Thirty thousand people would rather be short than excessive.

This is the iron law set by the expeditionary force at the beginning of its establishment.

Even if it is not possible to make up the establishment in the future due to battle damage, the expeditionary force has not been recruited.

And the veterans who can survive are all weird.

Seeing that the group of old Siji were still keeping pace, Robin had no choice but to change the topic to Tina, who was a little more normal: "How are you and Smoker doing?"

"That big fool who doesn't understand style, he invited me to ride a motorcycle to the sea after training." Tina looked annoyed that she couldn't bear to look back on the past.

Robin was confused by Tina's words, and the Science Department of the Templar Warden has produced a series of new gadgets, which seem to be constantly trying to develop steam power.

The locomotive that Tina is talking about is one of the subsidiary brand products. The [Harley] named after Akainu himself has made this series of locomotives that can race on the sea relying on strange power gain a great reputation in the headquarters.

【Know everything】Of course the girl knows about motorcycles, but what bothers her is Tina's distressed voice.

Wouldn't it be nice to be taken out for a ride by Smoker? How romantic!

Although the girl's heart was bursting, Robin became a front-line consultant for her best friend without changing her expression: "Don't just jump on the motorcycle stupidly, have you considered his sincerity? Sister Gion told me, Men are big dog paws."

Major General Esdes, who has been in listening mode, also hides a girlish heart under the strong aura of trembling: "Smog sent an invitation, at least the word "baby" must be added?"

"...He added it." Tina punched the stone beside the pool.

"Why are you still angry, Tina?" Robin and Estes looked at each other.

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