I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 295

"Rosinindi, tell me, what can I do for them now?" The little straw hat that was left hanging aside gritted his teeth. Difficulty suppressing anger and sadness.

Rossindi glanced at him, didn't say much, and pointed back to the many clothes left in the cave: "Pick up the clothes and blankets scattered on the ground, and wrap the two girls who can't be rescued tightly." Strictly."

"I'm really fed up with this era of broken pirates!" Rossindi turned his head and muttered softly to his companions in the Navy headquarters.

Kaku, who was at the other end of the port, said similar words at the same time as him.

The young man, standing straight behind the old mayor who had contacted the navy, complained softly to the fox.

The old man sat cross-legged silently in the pool of blood not far away. He tightly held the other's thin and already cold palms with both hands, trying in vain to warm his wife with his body temperature.

In his mouth, he whispered the song that was used to pursue love back then:

“All shall be well, and Jack shall h**e Jill. (Lover shall be well)”

again and again.


It hurt my heart, it hurt the souls of the civilians and the soldiers who came to help the navy.

300. Uncle Sakasky Tells a Story

The military doctors deployed in the Centuries and the doctors in the towns were very busy.

The militiamen and townspeople who were injured in the previous attack have been transferred to clinics and hospitals for treatment in batches after initial first aid.

What made them feel at a loss was the girls escorted by Rossindi.

"Alas," the female nurse at the town hospital who washed and wiped the body of a girl sighed repeatedly. What happened to these girls was shocking.

Compared with the physical injuries, what is more serious is their psychological shadow and mental state.

Because Rape Trauma Syndrome is by no means a joke, people are indeed saved, but who really cares about how those girls will live in the future?

The insecurities that are difficult to eliminate are very likely to plague them for a lifetime.

It's not that the military doctor at the Navy Headquarters who helped them with the gynecological examination has never seen a woman raped by pirates.

Often these poor people will become very cautious, even more withdrawn and indifferent in character. Another thing that has been damaged more severely is their sense of self.

After this incident, the girls will have serious doubts about their self-protection ability and independent living ability.

The lingering sense of fear, shame, inferiority, and hatred will make them extremely reject each other in the process of getting along with men.

Not to mention whether they will get married in the future.

The military doctors hung iron tags on the girls' necks, and the iron tags with the hound logo on them were the last help their navy could do for these girls: "If you can't survive in the town, take Come to Marlin Vanduo with the iron plate, there are many similar ones in the female soldier camp who are inspired to kill pirates."

Either way, these unspoken champions give them a reason to live.

Even if it's not very good.

Witnessing all this, Luffy squatted outside the tent and began to blame himself for no reason: "If it wasn't for my wanting to see Pirate Town, we might be able to get here faster, and those girls..."

He opened his mouth, but did not speak the last words.

The sailors who were also waiting outside were stunned for a moment, and their eyes softened when they looked at this stubborn little guy.

Undoubtedly, this boy who dreamed of being a pirate has a gentle heart, but it is not his responsibility that the town was broken by pirates.

Rosinindi and Kaku exchanged a wink, indicating that this square nose, who is closer to Luffy's age, should comfort him.

[I am also a child! Mr. Raven]

[Isn't that good? Fifteen-year-old boy!]

After some eye contact and a contest, Kaku, the youngest former spy member of the world government, was defeated.

This sunny boy with a rectangular nose patted the straw hat kid on the head pretending to be mature: "It wasn't your fault in the first place."

Combining the actual situation, he comforted the old-fashioned way: "No one can predict what will happen in the next moment on the vast sea. If it is not because we happen to berth in Mogu Town, which is not too far away, then when the old man receives an emergency call, he will It may be inside the [Sea Hedgehog] fortress, which is farther away from the support."

And the other braided head standing beside him chose to turn on the phone bug abruptly in an attempt to liven up the atmosphere: "Hey, big sister, I recorded the black history of this kid Kaku for you. I will send it to you when I get back. you."

[Gah! You deserve it, you bastard, you don't have a girlfriend!] Kaku suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

Gabra, the hangman, pinpointed the timing for him to comfort the little ghost, and under the guise of an active atmosphere, deliberately engaged in the dark history of what he called "old age".

"Do you believe that this old man knocked you down from the ninth place on the school official list?" Now that the deal has been done, Kaku is determined to turn the accidental black history into a mantra that everyone is accustomed to.

Immediately, Gabra's temper jumped up: "Kaku! What are you so proud of! Ranking one place higher than me is amazing! If you have the ability, you can mess with that Bilibili!? Look at him with a stick! I can't beat you to death."

It's annoying to say that two elites who came out of the special agent training camp of the CP department were beaten so badly by a lieutenant who joined the army halfway.

Seeing that the two problem children abandoned the task assigned by Rossindi halfway, Lindeman couldn't help but jumped up and rewarded each of them with a scabbard.

"Get off and patrol the mountains! There were pirates who escaped on the battlefield just now, cut the weeds and eradicate the roots." At this time, if the troubles are not eliminated, after they leave, who knows if those pirates will continue to come back to cause trouble?

Without comparison, there is no harm. Comparing my heart to my heart, the good girl who took care of her boss ten years ago is much more worry-free than the rubber kid in front of her!

"Hey, even if we can save this town, how many towns with similar encounters are being looted by pirates on the seven lines of the great route and in the vast sea?" He squatted halfway beside the boy and turned his head Come to test the school.

Lu Fei shook his head blankly, all the things he had experienced before gave his dream a blow.

Shanks showed him the best side of pirates, and here Luffy learned the other side of the pirate profession.

"I don't know. I used to think that One Piece was the freest person, but he was also the one who started this chaotic era. So, I don't know. Now my head is in a mess, and it's all about the angry and helpless civilians eyes."

Luffy clenched his fists tightly and didn't express his heart.

Whenever he closes his eyes, the empty eyes of those two girls who are messed up and dying will come to his mind, as if they are questioning him and examining him.

The child's current entanglement and confusion are naturally within the expectations of Rossindi and Lindeman.

A thing that I believed in for a long time suddenly discovered that it was not what I imagined it to be.

If Luffy immediately chooses to become a navy at this time, they will be a little surprised, after all, confusion and panic are the normal state of this process.

Seeing that the goal was initially achieved, Lindemann quickly dialed Sakalski's phone bug and reported the situation in detail.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Sakaski didn't force the man of destiny to switch to the navy camp immediately.

In Sakasky's eyes, it is a good thing to make him change his mind, but if Luffy continues to be stubborn, it will not be a big deal to the navy.

If this kid commits illegal crimes in the future, does Karp really think that he, Sakaski, will not do it himself?

The Son of Destiny sounds awesome, but if a person does not follow the right path, he is worthless.

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