I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 301

When Sakaski was living in harmony with the boy scouts, Wu Laoxing, who had lived for a few years, was also receiving a "child" in their eyes.

"Your Excellency Wu Laoxing, the current patriarch of the Vinsmoke family and the king of the Germa Armed Kingdom, Vinsmoke Gage, has arrived at the door." The guard's loud voice sounded in the huge room, causing waves of echo.

"Oh? What is he doing here?" The bearded old man wearing a flat cap muttered, and gently raised his cane to tap the floor, as if relying on this to sort out his thoughts.

And another bald old man with a straight face frowned directly, because the rash behavior of the Vinsmoke family without an appointment had interrupted the important matter they were discussing just now.

An hour ago, His Majesty the former emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, a military powerhouse living in the windless sea, had a short conversation with Wu Laoxing.

Nine Snakes, a special case where almost all the National Guards have mastery of domineering, makes the world government covet the huge combat power of the whole country.

After the Battle of the Five Armies, they had predicted that these neutral congresses, which were still on the sidelines, would make their own decisions, but the "daughter country", which had never interacted with the world government, was the first to show a tendency to cooperate, which really made the five elders Xing was surprised and delighted.

The fact that Gu Luoliosa, who was in power three generations ago, was forced to make such a bad move was due to the terrifying combat power displayed by the Navy Headquarters on the Battle of All Nations some time ago.

But more importantly, the world government has the ability to allow ships to sail into the restricted zone of navigation - the windless zone!

After learning that the navy recently had a strange ship that does not need wind to enter and leave the windless belt and reach the East China Sea, Grandma Gu Luoliosa even raised her vigilance to the maximum.

Mr. Garp's unintentional move indirectly led to the first official contact between the Amazon Lily Kingdom and the world government.

The young and energetic new owner of the Nine Snake Pirates naturally does not have this keen and sophisticated foresight and judgment. But the short old woman keenly judged the extremely dangerous signal through this trivial matter.

The old emperor, who has always been far-sighted, was worried.

Once the navy can enter and leave the windless zone at will, it means that the last natural barrier protecting the Amazon Lily Kingdom from the outside world will disappear.

Without the protective walls of the Quiet Belt and Neptunes, what will Amazon Lily do to resist the conquest of the expeditionary force?

While Boya Hancock was still complacent about winning a high amount of wanted money for himself, the empress, who had long since abdicated, began to carefully seek a way out for the future of the country.

If the navy can destroy a sea area of ​​all nations where the Four Emperors and many great pirates under their command are located in the new world, it will naturally defeat Amazon Lily, who boasts of good force, and its elite - the Nine Snake Pirates.

The initial short-term negotiations were not smooth, and both parties were desperately raising their status and showing their toughness.

But this sent a friendly signal to Wulaoxing-the Amazon Kingdom does not want to go to war directly.

The problem that can be resolved through negotiation is the best way for both parties to gain the most and minimize the loss.

Wu Laoxing, who was thinking about how to carry out further dialogue, was interrupted by the unexpected visit of the Kingdom of Germa.

"My personal suggestion is to maintain the negotiation, and then send [Red Dog] to recruit." The blond old man hurriedly gave his proposal, and he had full confidence in Sakaski, the number one mad dog who pointed and bit.

Since the world government is to obtain the maximum profit, it is extremely important to give kindness and strength together.

In this way, a new King Shichibukai can not only play a divisive effect among the pirates of the King Shichibukai who were originally united around the navy headquarters, but also the world government can further carry out in-depth cooperation with the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

In Wu Laoxing's eyes - Amazon Lily Kingdom is already another fishman island.

"Okay, send him a message later, let Akainu personally lead a team of hundreds of wild hunters to the calm zone after three days!" The old gentleman with white hair like a waterfall expressed his strong support and admiration for his colleague's proposal, but it could have been A more detailed plan must be temporarily concluded.

The minds and thoughts of the five supreme consuls must be concentrated on the Kingdom of Germa, which has already arrived outside the gate.

As we all know, Germa has successfully transformed from a mercenary country. The trinity of arms manufacturing and sales, acceptance of mercenary troops, scientific research and medical treatment, the Vinsmoke family can be said to be making a lot of money.

In addition, it climbed up the thick leg of the Navy Headquarters and became a supplier of arms equipment for the expeditionary force and a cooperative outsourcing company for the naval science department.

If it is said that Koko Umit, who is flourishing in the new world, holds the reins of the pirate forces to control the monsters.

Vinsmoke Gage, then, is inseparable from the expeditionary dog.

But all countries and forces that want to attack him have to weigh it carefully. Standing behind the Kingdom of Germa are these behemoths.

The visit of Vinsmoke Gage, therefore, was all the more puzzling.

Although the other party's temporary meeting was a bit rude and hasty, the five old stars can still be regarded as courteous to the king of a country of the world government allies.

"The guard system of the holy land of Mary Joa is really strict. Even me, a member of the world government's affiliated country, has been interrogated several times along the way." Vinsmoke Gage stepped into the room's first sentence. It is to praise and criticize secretly.

He was a little displeased with this complicated investigation.

It's not that the guards here don't know why he is waiting for someone, so who are they looking for so frequently?

"It's natural to be more strict. As the city of the world government, the holy land of Mariejoa is the core of the governance of a huge organization, and it is also the place where the world's nobles and dragons live." The five old stars are not stingy people. What kind of characters have you never seen before?

With Wulaoxing's words, Jiazhi became more confident about his next goal. He prepared his words, carefully insinuating and said: "I have heard Marshal Sengoku and General Red Dog mention the scene of reinforcements to the Holy Land back then. A large number of peripheral guards did not care about their priorities, and did not think about their mission to protect the Tianlong people. Instead, they seemed to be out of control. Like a horse, they are chaotically arresting the escaped slaves."

"What do you want to explain?" The faces of the five old men immediately changed. This is a matter of Tianlong people's face, and outsiders must not be allowed to slander it.

Jia Zhi secretly laughed and cursed, Wu Laoxing's attitude was no different from what Sakarsky predicted for him.

His attitude became more and more sincere, and his posture lowered again and again: "Such a magnificent and magnificent holy city has placed a group of short-sighted people as caretakers, so where does Mary Gioia's impregnability come from!"

Seeing Wu Laoxing's face relaxed slightly, the patriarch of the Vinsmoke family revealed a key message: "I don't know what you think of the clone soldiers produced by the Kingdom of Germa?"

Of course, Wulaoxing had heard about the clone soldiers of Germa Kingdom, and even sent the cp department to conduct a special investigation.

Many parties have given high praise to the clone soldiers' obedience and fearlessness.

"What? The Kingdom of Germa intends to sell this technology." The bald old man asked tentatively, and the joke was far more than a question.

Because they all know that this is absolutely impossible. The clone soldier technology is the foundation of Vinsmoke's country. It is natural that Gage can develop the Germa Kingdom from a single output structure to the current dominance in multiple fields. Naturally, he will not be a fool .

Never risk the foundation of the country.

"Although I am the king of a country, I like to use the word "purchase" in terms of arms and medical care." Applying the manuscript written by Sakalski for him, Gaji smiled and fully carried forward his superb skills as a politician acting.

Buy. This term is not new. The purchase and sale of goods in the world are inseparable from the word purchase.

You can put the word "purchase" on the clone, which is very brilliant.

The five old stars were very interested in this novel vocabulary, and instantly forgot about the uninvited rudeness of the Vinsmoke family and the questions that interrupted their discussions.

A consul frowned slightly, and opened the conversation: "You mean buying? How about buying?"

Jia Zhi secretly took the bait in his heart, and his expression was even more normal: "Ammunitions can be purchased between countries to refurbish their armaments. You can also book a private doctor in Germa Medical for a lot of money to diagnose, treat or provide surgery for them."

The Vinsmoke family, who turned into business tycoons, is also very comfortable with the rhetoric prepared by Sakalski: "And what I really care about now is to bring more favorable capital chains and bigger orders."

He holds up a finger to indicate a product of the Vinsmoke family:

"Arms can be commodities.

Medical equipment and physician resources can also be commodities.

So why can't clone troopers be a commodity? "

He has the demeanor of an idiot (idiot) president.

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