I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 306

Jace turned his attention to another diminutive figure among the clone troopers.

He held his breath and concentrated on adjusting the shooting state to the best. While holding the handle of the bow with his left hand, he also used his ring finger and little finger to hold the other two long arrows.

Seeing the astonishing combat power shown by the green-haired boy earlier, Jess looked for another high-level combat power hidden among the clone troopers and shot three consecutive arrows with his bow and arrow.

Iji, who was wearing a fiery red combat uniform, just tilted his head slightly, and easily dodged the arrows coming from his side.

And the second arrow immediately after was caught by him with amazing strength, Yizhi grinned, grabbed the shaft of the arrow with his right hand and swung it vigorously, knocking the third sharp arrow flying in the face.

The burgundy-haired boy turned his head and slowly aimed his gaze at Jess who dared to shoot him secretly, with a pervasive smile.

He gently tossed the only remaining arrow in his hand, letting the shaft of the arrow bump up and down in his palm: "Lianzhu arrow?"

The next moment, his right arm instantly turned into an afterimage, and the bow and arrow from Jess' hand returned to its original owner.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the sharpshooter suddenly became shorter, and even though he avoided the blow through the heart, the bow pierced his left shoulder.

Witnessing the miserable situation of his colleagues, Cromarimon couldn't help but shudder, and stepped forward to rush over for reinforcements.

But who knows, several clone soldiers from Germa Kingdom surrounded him one after another, blocking his way.

As an important minister who can be relied on by Walpo, the physical fitness of the Drum Kingdom Affairs Officer is still much better than that of ordinary soldiers and civilians.

For the first time, the clerk, who claimed that it was difficult for ordinary people to get close, felt the inexplicable trembling from his body's instincts.

Cromarimon was wearing an electrostatic glove, and raised his hand to strike, hitting the tall clone soldier who was slashing at him head-on with a knife, and fell straight back.

Before he could sneer at the words "the army of evil is nothing more than that", two sharp knives flashed out from one left and one right, rushing towards his ribs.

And the soldier who fell backwards stepped on his footsteps to stop his retreat, and rushed towards the target person again.

"Entangling!" Cromarimon roared, and with both fists, he abruptly parried the two sabers that were attacking him. He raised his left foot and kicked one of the clone soldiers five meters away in an instant. far.

The Drum Island officer, who had turned from defense to offense, swayed his left fist, and punched another clone soldier's abdomen with his powerful right hand.

The clone who was punched by him in the waist and abdomen had no joy or sorrow on his face, as if he wasn't the one who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth due to the heavy punch.

Taking advantage of the gap between the opponent's punch and before he stopped, he discarded the knife with both hands and directly embraced Cromarimon's body.

A snow-white steel knife pierced through the Germa soldier's back, piercing the spot together with Cromarimon.

Because of his extraordinarily tall body, the Drum Island affairs officer was lucky enough to save his life.

"You!" Cromarimon's waist suddenly felt cold, and the cold blade stuck to the warm abdominal cavity, causing muscle spasms.

With a single round of individual combat power, facing these clone soldiers, he thought he could fight one to five and still not get hurt.

But he never expected that these clones would be so vicious that they even greeted their companions.

Only then did he initially experience the power of the clone army.

Although they are all like cannon fodder, these guys are not stragglers who are given to the enemy to defeat one by one, but lunatics who try to drag each other to hell together.

These strong men, all over 2 meters tall, had much higher explosive power, reaction speed, and physical fitness than ordinary soldiers.

But the most terrifying thing is that there is no pain or fear, as long as the order is given, it will be carried out by any means.

It's like an army of zombies who are under control and know how to work as a team.

Several war knives pierced into Cromarimon's body from behind again, and the gauntleted jester made a "cluck" sound, and a mouthful of blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps these clone soldiers can only be regarded as ants that constantly interfere and cause trouble for the world's most high-end combat power.

It can be placed in the middle and grassroots battle situations, and it is the most frightening killing machine.

Even the officers of the expeditionary military academy, whose individual quality is far superior to the clone soldiers, dare not go alone in this kind of military formation where they will play with you at every turn.

Because "shaving" can't be used in such a dense formation, and the "iron block" will be broken one by one by these clones looking for the weak points of the eyes, ears, nostrils, and lower body that are difficult to form defenses.

Seeing that the conflict still broke out, dissuasion was ineffective, thinking that Dalton also changed into an animal-type human-beast form in an attempt to drag Walpo away from the battlefield.

The devil fruit endowed Dalton with great resistance to blows and endurance, but the most obvious point is still the bull-like strength.

The good times didn't last long. After knocking several clone soldiers into the air one after another, Dalton suddenly became limp and fell to the snow.

"Hai...loushi?!" The Niu Niu fruit capable person turned his head weakly to look at his ankle, and a handcuff tightly bound it.

And that sense of powerlessness, like being soaked in sea water, is constantly spreading from bottom to top all over his body.

Germa 66, which originally belonged to a technological powerhouse, even equipped individual clone soldiers with Hailou Stone, a powerful weapon to suppress devil fruit ability users. It's almost a normal operation.

In the absence of anyone to respond and cooperate, even the elite officers of the Navy Headquarters will fall under this kind of high-density and high-intensity attack like ants, let alone the ordinary military strength of a member country. .

In the blink of an eye, Cromarimon's head was chopped off. Within a few minutes, it was passed in front of Gage amid the vigorous running of the clone troopers.

"Feed it to the fish!" Jia Zhi snorted coldly, he didn't even bother to look straight at this kind of pig-like waste.

Another important minister of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom fell down on the snow, and was kicked by Vinsmoke Idge in a special battle uniform and broke the heavy bow in his hand.

The Vinsmoke villain took all the bows out of his quiver and played with them between his fingers.

The next moment, the long arrow shot in from Jess's Tianling Gai.

This war with no chance of winning lasted only a few minutes before coming to an end.

The snow-capped ground of Drum Island is stained with scarlet blood all year round. The Drum Kingdom headed by the new king Valpo ushered in the first and last fiasco since ascension to the throne.

The bewildered king mumbled his lips, but before Walpo could say anything more, Yongzhi, the fourth son of the Vinsmoke family, grabbed his hair and pushed him down on the snow.

"Okay! I'll sign!" Walpo exclaimed angrily.

Having said that, Walpo's calculations were ringing in his heart. He could agree to re-sign the treaty first, and only waited for Gage to lead the army to leave before he set off to the Holy Land to file a complaint in front of Mary Joah. Use the power of the World Government to deter the Kingdom of Germa.

As if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, the commander-in-chief Germa, who was wearing a golden combat uniform, landed steadily from the height of the castle on the snow after a few vertical jumps.

As if confirming the authenticity of what Walpo said, the chief of Vinsmoke walked up slowly and repeated again: "You agree to sign the contract?"

How could there be no reason for Walpo, who nodded like a pounding garlic? He repeated his previous words repeatedly.

Jia Zhi leaned down, stretched out his palm and slapped the opponent's fat cheek: "But the king has changed his mind!"

He waved his hand to signal the soldiers of the kingdom to bring a large barrel with a stench that could be smelled from a distance to Walpo.

"Since your mouth was so stinky before, this king will let you eat your shit!"

308. The Arrival of the Black Ship (Part 4)

"Hmm... gurgle gurgle... vomit... gurgle gurgle" His Majesty the current King of Drum Island, who was shackled to the stone shackles of the sea building, struggled feebly, but the two burly men beside him didn't even bat an eye one time.

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