I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 329

Too sleepy. . . The end result of staying up all night and using coffee to maintain energy is that without coffee, you can sleep directly on the sofa and become a green pheasant. . . . . . . . . .

I will make up today's chapter for you tomorrow morning.

Sleep first for respect, sleep first for respect

On the first day of 2019, a new achievement was unlocked - fresh pigeons

Don't stew me (squat to prevent ing)

322. Navy Idols Are Legends (Part 2)

"Ghost!!" A shrill female voice resounded on the terrifying three-masted ship. Victoria Xinduoli, who had just been given new life by the shadow, jumped up from the bed in fright, and retreated to the corner of the wall.

Her lips trembled unconsciously, and she stared at the group of demons surrounded by the bed in extreme horror.

It's no wonder she panicked like this, when you open your eyes, it's an unknown ceiling. In an unfamiliar environment, there are still a circle of zombies watching you aggressively, who would be frightened.

Yes, zombies.

Those evil creatures that only existed in ghost stories and horror novels jumped up and down the room in one breath.

And the horror of his countenance is comparable to the image described in the book—withered, bluish skin, suture marks and rolled-up rotten flesh can be seen everywhere, and the entire teeth that are exposed without the cover of the lips Zhou even increased the zombie's inhuman attributes by a notch.

"Hehehehe, this is the shadow of Katerina Depen implanted as you said, why are we still trembling with fright?" A sharp and piercing voice suddenly sounded from the pile of zombies.

It was only then that Victoria Xinduoli noticed that strange figure who was sitting cross-legged on the floor was still much taller than ordinary zombies.

The skin is paler than that of a zombie, with horns growing on both sides of the forehead, and there are cross-shaped sutures from the head to the neck that resemble suture wounds.

The eccentric in classic gothic clothes put one hand on the floor and stood up slowly.

Moria stared at the shadow that he had spent so much time creating, his disappointment was beyond words: "Dignified [Crescent Moon Hunter], the most vicious female pirate in history is also afraid of ghosts?"

Before the fat house (Fog) could continue to complain, another magnetic voice explained in good time: "Oh, Moria, you don't know about this."

"Fear of ghosts and love of beauty are women's nature, even the shadow of Katerina Depen is not immune." The Zombie Head of State Civilization Staff gently pushed aside the generals crowded in front of him, and slowly approached the corner curl up lady.

He slowly stretched out a hand as an invitation gesture, trying to calm down the number one accompanist who had just been revived and was still in shock.

The next moment, a silver light flashed, and a scalpel was cut at the neck of the zombie head of state at an extremely fast speed.

But the shadow of the Red Earl was faster than the opponent, and at some point, the cane had appeared on the path of the blade.


The scalpel was knocked flying by the stick shadow, threw a graceful arc in the air, spun and landed on the floor.

"Not bad, not bad." The zombie head stretched out his right hand and lightly tapped his left palm as a sign of encouragement: "The timing and acting skills are just right."

Moria also saw the clue at this time: "You mean, since she turned over and jumped up from the bed, she has already held the prosthetic surgical instruments beside her in the palm of her hand? She just made a trembling look. It's about letting our guard down."

"No, at the very first moment, I was really flustered." A female voice with a cold voice interrupted, this was the first organized discourse since Victoria Xindoli's resurrection.

She stood up gracefully, stretched out her arms and looked sideways at her body parts: "By the way, when there are zombies standing on the doors and windows, retreating to the corner will help you grasp the general layout of the house. The only thing I didn't expect , it’s because the strength of this body is really not enough.”

With the character and habits of Katerina Depon, the female corpse explained to Moria what a monster pirate on the sixth floor is with her own actions.

Even if the body is no longer strong, but the thinking and rich combat experience are far better than ordinary pirates.

She raised the corner of her mouth slightly, showing a smiling face: "So, who can explain to me where this is? And, what exactly is [us]?"

When moving her body, Victoria Xindoli noticed that the color of her skin was completely different from that of ordinary living people. The skin is still fair, but it lacks the elasticity that belongs to a living person.

Combined with the living corpses in this room that could speak and move freely, she had roughly guessed that she was very likely to become one of them.

The Zombie Head of State did not take the lead this time, but waited for the true owner of the ship and the actual operator of the shadow to introduce himself.

These are also some details of how he and Moria get along in harmony. Even if his shadow status is respected, Moria can put down his body and change from control to cooperation, but this does not mean that the other party is a coward who is bullied.

The sophistication of the zombie head of state is that it can maintain the equal status of both parties and give them enough respect. This is the way to cooperate.

"Xiao Mo" also felt very good about himself after being given way by the zombie head of state.

Who is the Red Earl? Full name: Baloric Redfield. He is a legendary giant who can compete with Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion on his own.

Having such a group of bigwigs working under him made Moria feel like "I'm so high!"

The Shadow Fruit ability user cleared his throat: "Welcome to be a guest on the terrifying three-masted ship, and I—[Moonlight] Moriah, one of the members of the King's Shichibukai, the commander of the Undead Legion. I hope to bring you back to life with the help of With your wisdom and skills, do your part for the natural disaster."

As far as he knew, Katerina Depen had outstanding taste among female pirates, so the combination of this pretty female corpse and the shadow of the "nine-tailed fox" could at least satisfy the Red Earl's picky aesthetic.

The shadow of the crescent moon hunter occupying the body of Victoria Xindoli is quite knowledgeable. Now that he is resurrected by this person, surrounded by zombies with amazing physical strength, he has no chance to resist.

The former big singer leaned over slightly, and paid the highest respect to Moriah: "I'm here to serve you, so is there any task you want to arrange for me?"

Wang Shichibukai, who stood up and almost touched the ceiling, looked at the zombie Prime Minister with a smile: "Of course, you are the one who can complete this task."


When the shadow of the Red Earl and Moria led the undead army and were frantically "recruiting" backup dancers, the protagonist of the tour was still leisurely stopping at the entrance of the Great Channel.

On Cape Twins, the lighthouse is still standing on the high ground, despite the wind and rain and the waves. Although it has been carefully maintained, it is still much older than when it was newly built decades ago.

The originally strong middle-aged man with black hair has also turned into a graying old man under the passage of time.

In the vicissitudes of life, what changes is the scenery-how many things are right and wrong?

What doesn't change is the heart.

"Rab! Rab!" Noodle-shaped tears flowed down from Brook's empty eye sockets in an extremely unscientific manner, soaking the skirt of his clothes and soaking the soil under his feet.

Unexpectedly, the little whale has turned into a bigger and bigger island whale than ordinary islands, and there is even a bay in its body.

This old man who lost everything on the great voyage is crying like a child here.


The companions who had taken risks together before were all buried in a foreign land, and only I, who ate the fruit of the underworld, lingered in the world.

Full of passion and sorrow, sing and listen to mountain ghosts.

No one knows how many sad and sad pasts are contained in that bright and weird laughter of "yo ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho".

"Raab!" Brook put his hands on his mouth like a trumpet, calling that name almost howling.

The figure that kept hitting the Red Earth Continent stopped suddenly, and turned its head stiffly.

Eager to see its companions again, it has been trying to butt its head against the red earth continent, which will never be broken, for decades.

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