I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 332

Karp has always been running around, which has long been taken for granted. But the task that can really attract the attention of the five old stars and the big pirates from all walks of life in the new world still falls on the marshal and the strongest combat power.

"Who are you going to arrange?" Sengoku asked Sakaski.

"In order to attract the greatest range and attention, that person must come on stage and interact with Brooke." Sakaski slowly pointed a finger at someone.

325. The Navy Idol is a Legend, The Poisonous Divine Comedy [combo]

As a celestial superstar, the first stop of the King of Souls naturally chose the Chambord Islands, a huge transportation hub that undertakes the upper and lower sections of the great route.

With the dedicated hosting of the terrifying three-masted ship and the vigorous publicity of the Navy Headquarters, the concert has attracted millions of people to watch online and live before it even took place.

Originally, the popularity of the King of Spiritual Songs was ridiculously high, and his loyal fans ranged from the princes and nobles to the common people, and there were a large number of die-hard fans at all levels of society.

Among the pirates, there are many fanatical admirers of Brook. In addition to the countless pirates in the world, the number of pirates who can be counted in the New World is almost as many as two conventional fleets.

Even in the disciplined Navy camp, every raid on the dormitories always turned up stacks of Brooke's signature vinyl records and piles of acoustic shells.

At the entrance of the concert, which was decorated in a grand style and full of Gothic style, the navy and the pirates who were fighting to death on the sea formed a rather strange tacit understanding.

A young sailor hesitantly took out a thick stack of bounty orders from his arms, trying to identify the fugitive with the bounty in the crowd of fans: "Hey...is that the pirate with a bounty of 40 million Baileys? ..Huh? Sir, why are you covering my mouth?"

"Wait until they finish watching, I guess there will be many pirates and gangsters stopping at the concert site every time." The lieutenant of the navy with the King of Spirit badge pinned to his chest let go of his subordinates, allowing these guys to listen After the concert is considered a small treat for fellow fans, right?

The entire stage is surrounded by a man-made pond, because the Chambord Islands are actually made up of dozens of giant mangroves with exposed root systems intertwined. Ponds leading to the ocean are simply within reach.

The "designers" from the terrifying three-masted ship installed a network of suspended trusses on the roof of the venue, scattered with 16 beam lights suspended from the top. Modern LED lights, courtesy of the Naval Science Corps, are attached to vertical ladders along the side of the stage and to V-trusses above the stage.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the whole stage can be lit up.

In order to better match the deeds of the resurrection of the king of spiritual songs, and to imply that his songs can give people a wonderful experience like new life.

The Zombie Head of State with a super high artistic level also arranged an octagonal design for the stage and lighting in person - from a religious point of view, it has the meaning of regeneration and resurrection.

"It's super luxurious!" The fans whispered excitedly. This high-end scene arrangement can completely allow them to enjoy a wonderful audition feast.

Naturally, some people also raised doubts: "These lights are arranged on the edge of the pool, but in this way there is no solid stage for Mr. Brook to play and sing!?"

And this confusion and incomprehension makes people look forward to the gorgeous debut of the King of Soul Songs.

As the eye-catching countdown on the screen gradually approached, the heartbeats of all the fans and security personnel present accelerated for a while.

Hold your breath and concentrate, looking forward to it.




When [1] jumped, the water surface of the stage, which was originally calm, instantly became choppy.

The water surface in the center began to rise sharply, and the entire shape was not immediately exposed due to the tension of the water.

It just quickly propped up a huge arc, and using it as a dot, the sea water poured towards the surroundings, and its black shape could only be vaguely seen through the water curtain.

Finally, with the continuous sound of splashes, the black giant appeared in the center of the stage.

Fans looked at each other, trying to figure out what it was that had surfaced.

Someone boldly guessed: "Is it an island?"

"No, it's a whale!" The fans in the front row saw the clues, and as expected, before the fans finished speaking, a jet of water spewed out from the air holes exposed on the water surface.

Following this stream of water, what appeared in front of everyone was an exploding skull covered in silver metal.

"King of Spiritual Songs!!!"

This whimsical way of appearance instantly detonated the emotions of the scene.

His hands were wide open, as if he wanted to embrace the entire venue. The spotlight then shone on Brooke's gleaming metal skeleton.

The stage layout of the concert is precisely designed by the shadow of the Red Earl. There are colored light par lights on the top of the stage, surface lights to fill the face, and follow spot lights...all of this, for , It is to show the most glamorous and glamorous side of the idol to the audience.

"...Fortunately, he has been waterproofed all over his body." Zhan Guo, who was sitting in the office with two other generals watching the live broadcast, felt that his heart seemed to have a tendency to stop suddenly.

In addition to this shiny metal skeleton, the first px_0 body developed by Vegapunk is also equipped with a series of high-end products such as laser transmitters and smart scanners.

If it hadn't been waterproofed in advance, Vegapunk would probably have killed the opponent from the moment the opponent flowed out of the blowhole of the island whale with the water.

As the spotlight shrouded Brook, more than ten ropes hung from above. Immediately afterwards, slender figures climbed onto these long ropes and slowly landed on the back of the whale.

"Oh?! Those are?" The camera focused on those young and pretty beauties.

Either pure, or charming, rebellious eyes, gentle eyes, from the cold and arrogant Yujie to the petite and lovely young girl, the images and temperaments of more than ten people standing on the back of the whale are not the same.

Aokiji, who was on the sidelines in the office, sighed lazily: "These girls are all beauties, next time I have to ask out for a drink..."

But before he finished speaking, Sakaski slapped him on the back of the head.

"Kuzan, don't be fooled, it's just makeup."

Without waiting for Qingzhi to refute, Wuzhishan from the Great Buddha came one after another: "Have you been single for a long time? Why are you interested in dead bodies?"

"Corpse??!" Kuzan was stunned by the slap, but what made him even more confused was the [corpse] claimed by the two people in front of him.

Sakaski's temples were faintly bulging, and he was not angry at the bastard who was absent from the general's work every day.

Anyone who came here for a short meeting would know what was going on, but this guy just woke up naturally after sleeping in the dormitory.

Seeing Kuzan still blinking his confused and perplexed little eyes, Sakarski asked, "Are there any living people under Moria?"

"Oh!" Anyway, it was just a casual remark, and Kuzan only acted as if he had gained knowledge again, and looked at Sengoku and Sakaski with an expression of "You make sense, I fully understand it."

Zhan Guo took a sip of the froth on the surface of the matcha tea, and said helplessly, "You don't understand at all, do you?"

Sakaski was even more annoyed, he opened his mouth and said, "Ice Love Man, no wonder Moriah likes to lean against you so much."

Originally, Warring States wanted to support Kuzan's "new nickname", but when Sakaski blurted out the second half of his sentence, his focus quickly shifted.

【No. . . Sakaski, I don't think Moria leaned towards Aoji's side for this reason at all]

【No, brother... please be a little self-aware】

"Heh, keep looking down." Seeing the sympathetic eyes of the two, Sakaski twitched the corner of his mouth and forcibly brought the topic back to the live broadcast of the concert.

In the picture, a beautiful woman with short blond hair is hanging up the guitar and adjusting the microphone stand for Brooke.

Without exception, the dozen or so stunning women on stage are all "beautiful products" picked from Impelton.

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