I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 343

Sakaski's physical fitness is definitely far superior to his own, even compared to pure physical masters such as Zefa and Karp.

Did he know that this guy who often muttered "stack the thickest armor" during training, his ability to resist blows was almost unmatched by anyone.

Excluding the additional defense systems such as fruit ability evolution and armed domineering, the most basic defense is to rely only on physical strength.

"In order to stimulate the growth of physical strength, you have to do anaerobic exercise." Jonathan made a reasonable judgment.

Oxygen intake is very low during strenuous exercise. Due to the excessive speed and explosive force, the sugar in the human body has no time to be broken down by oxygen, and has to rely on anaerobic energy supply.

The smirk on the part of the sparring staff made Sakalski even more dizzy: "You try to fight with me for a longer period of time, this should help.

His fists were clenched and hammered continuously, and Sakaski gave all his strength in every blow.

But someone who turned into a devil instructor is full of disgust:

"Come again! Sakalski! Are you able to do this after wearing the bracelet?? Speed ​​up your punches! Faster!"

"Speed ​​up! Soft fists! You're punching meow meow!!!"

And whenever Sakalski made progress, Jonathan would add new requirements: "Use iron when punching! Don't tell me [iron] When you tense your muscles, your body will be stiff, I know Your life return has already entered the level of deep control!"

"Phew, Jonathan... you bastard, sooner or later, I'll wear a bracelet and beat you!"

Sakalski has tried his best, but the physical load makes it difficult for him. The iron block and the return of life are the fundamental guarantees for maintaining this kind of intensity training.

He felt like his muscles were on fire, burning hot. Return of life regulates the blood, muscles and even some hormones in the body.

The strength of the whole body is poured into the two fists, and the life return is operating with difficulty, controlling the muscles of the whole body to punch at this high-speed and high-speed. Keep the fist frame in shape, and strive to achieve the most ideal force with each punch.

Big beads of sweat dripped from his forehead down his cheeks, and his chest and back were soaked with sweat.

Under the crazy predictions and calculations of knowledge and domineering, the two continued to fight with high frequency.

"Very good, let the muscles recover every other day, and then maintain this strength." Sakaski, who had been buttoning his hat, growled

[That's the kind of momentum! My friend!] Jonathan's eyes are full of appreciation, but his actions are absolutely unambiguous.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!"

"There is no bar, no bar, no bar, no bar, no bar!"

333. A Pure Man Doesn’t Read the Manual (Fog)

"Gion, it seems that our backup preparations are no longer needed." Sakaski realized one thing firsthand. Armed color domineering is not a panacea, but without armed color it is absolutely impossible.

At least, it can guarantee that you won't see any bruises on your face after being blasted by someone.

In fact, before that, he specially asked for a box of anti-swelling masks from Vinsmoke, just in case of accidents.

But now it seems that it is just a superfluous move. Jonathan really beat him so hard that he didn't even have room to parry, but I'm so stubborn! !

Although they were beaten with the nature of fighting each other, they were quite embarrassed. But the substantial damage caused by the opponent was blocked by [Iron Block], nothing happened.

Recently, there have been rumors of a defensive curse in the headquarters, but if there is a stunned young man who dares to use six-style iron blocks to defend against the enemy, he will be killed properly.

Mr. Sa scoffed at this kind of false news. Those young people dare to show off after learning a trick. If you don't die, who will die?

The guy with half a tank of water didn't even learn the essence, so the iron block defense was naturally poked.

Under the premise of being relaxed and vigorous, Sakaski pushed the iron block and tried his best to block the continuous heavy punches on his body.

If he had untied the Hailou Stone and used [Iron Block Empty Wood] to passively defend and counterattack, then Jonathan's domineering fist would have been shattered long ago.

After watching the battle, the two ladies collected the drinks and popcorn in a leisurely manner, and walked back with the idiots of each family.

After one pass to Euler, Sakaski estimated that he had almost received nearly a hundred punches.

But the double defense of iron block defense and domineering made him have nothing to do except being beaten back one after another. On the contrary, it was Jonathan's punching hands that gradually became red and swollen.

Why did he pay close attention to physical fitness again and again? Because this is the foundation of Sakalski's sturdy combat power.

At one time, Sakaski considered taking the martial arts style, and he moved around in a flashy way, circling with the enemy to see the opening, and killed him with a single blow.

But in fact, the real ultimate battle moves are extremely simple and rude. There is no ornamental, elbows to lock the throat, kick the crotch, insert eyes, whatever action can kill the enemy in the shortest time.

Therefore, Sakalski's attack mode is the most realistic and useful.

It is two points, can resist beating, and be able to hurt others.

Sakalski has tried and tested Tyson's usual fighting method-you hit me, you can resist and defend, and when I hit you, you can't fight again with one punch.

This seemingly uncool style of play, compared to the elegant and elegant flipping movements, is actually the real sense of shamelessness.

Just like in the real world, aside from the kilogram level, martial arts are basically hooligans.

"Major General Salazar seems to have been sent back to the headquarters for follow-up treatment." Walking on the road, Gion casually chatted with Sakaski.

Mr. Sa, who has been paying attention to this matter, is personally watching the movement of the lifeboat, and naturally knows its movement like the palm of his hand.

He nodded, and turned his gaze to the fortress of the headquarters: "It's out of danger, I'll go and have a look tomorrow."

But Sakaski didn't know that at this moment, the protagonist in the topic of their chat was experiencing an unprecedented ordeal.

First bumped into by Hody, who happened to be walking to the New World, smelling the smell of blood, and then Jack's crippled limbs and not killing him, the poisonous milk successfully survived.

Salazar was lying in the recuperation cabin undergoing all-round repairs, but in addition to the high-ranking officers of the Templar Warden unit surrounding him, club members of the Hellfire Brotherhood also gathered beside him, listening to what the doctor said diagnostic report issued.

Although at that time, the major general had his limbs broken and lost a lot of blood, but fortunately, Huodi immediately notified the murloc comrades on the nearest patrol route.

There is no fundamental difference between the blood types of the murlocs and humans. Seeing that Salazar was on the verge of hemorrhagic shock, the murloc sailors donated blood along the way to survive until the arrival of the medical rescue ship.

"So, are you out of danger?" Brigadier General Norrington, who was ordered to retreat, confirmed again and again.

"Life was saved, but we can't guarantee that he will be cured due to his unstable mental state and severe post-war traumatic stress reaction." A military doctor in a white coat sighed faintly.

Physical trauma is nothing more than a trivial matter to the current Naval Headquarters Medical Department.

But even with the most sophisticated high-end medical equipment and the most effective drugs, the real difficulty for military doctors to overcome is still a heavy blow to the heart and spirit.

The entire army was wiped out, and the remaining three ships, from sailors to major generals, were all killed in battle.

And this is also the first sentence that Salazar said after waking up: "Where are the others?"

The comrades-in-arms were silent and did not speak, this silent reply was the most desperate answer.

"Are they all dead..." Salazar looked at the remaining torso lightly, and laughed nervously: "[Drought] Jack, Captain Jack, Jie Jie Jie, I will come to you!"

This kind of strong mental stimulation made the wounded who had been able to leave the medical cabin enter a brief coma again.

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