I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 348

After staying in the Navy headquarters for so long, everyone still knows the principle of the flying finger gun and the blue foot, one of the six styles.

Although Shiliu and Ghost Spider relied on their knowledge and arrogance to make tactical evasions, the sailors behind them did not have this skill.

Most of the Wild Hunt school officers barely escaped the surprise attack of the air bombs, only a small number of veterans who couldn't dodge in the alleys were hit head-on by [Slam Pressure Cannon].

The veterans who were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe looked horrified. Most of them could figure out the strength of their comrades through the frequent ranking competitions, but these school officers with good strength were beaten unconscious by one blow.

What's more, they were hit in the head, heart and lungs, and they didn't even have time to leave their last words, so they died on the spot.

Before the big bear could make another move, densely packed sharp silk threads shot out from the ghost spider's wrist.

The road at the entrance of the alley was completely blocked like a spider web, weaving countless mysterious traps.

While controlling the field, the ghost spider has already bullied him. The eight-handed saber made a shrill sound of piercing through the air, bringing bursts of cold light towards Bartholomew Xiong's body.

The extremely sharp silk threads and blades firmly lock onto the opponent's throat, heart and other deadly positions.

Even though the meat ball fruit is amazingly powerful, its defense against all parts of the body is limited at the same time.

The two knives cut on the meat ball bounced back at a faster speed, making the ghost spider's strong body directly imprinted on the ground.

But when it was bounced back, the ghost spider's remaining six arms had already scratched the big bear's arm and torso with several knife marks that were as deep as bones.

Even though Yintuo was on the ground, the essence of iron block defense learned from Mr. Sa made his first contribution, and the ghost spider bounced off the ground again relying on its strong physique.

The claw-like blade pierced fiercely at the opponent's head.

Even if the ghost spider's armed domineering spirit is not deep enough to walk sideways, but if this attack is carried out, Daxiong may have to become a useless person.

But in an instant, the big bear's tall body disappeared from the ghost spider.

[What?] Without waiting for the ghost spider to think again, Shiryu's sword blocked the ghost spider's back.

The domineering and hardened [Black Sword] of the armed color splits the air bullets attacking from behind the ghost spider into two.

"Teleportation?" This time's temptation still made the faces of the two leading officers completely gloomy.

They are very familiar with this tactic of dodging max. Admiral Polusalino of the Navy Headquarters often uses this kind of sloppy tactic when he tries hands with them on weekdays.

But Xiong ignored one point. In this long alley, the transparent silk thread laid by the ghost spider in advance is extremely difficult to see with the naked eye.

This loyal cadre of the revolutionary army crashed into the tough blade net while moving at extreme speed.

"Oh!" Rao was as tough as a big bear, and couldn't help but let out a cry of pain at this time.

Whether it is the ghost spider or Shiliu, they are all pragmatists through and through. They won't give up this kind of good opportunity to work together to beat the water bear because of embarrassment.

The two master swordsmen made more than ten cuts in an instant, but the big bear, whose body was bleeding from the silk thread, disappeared again.

"Life is a journey, and we are always on the road." The ghost spider chanted the idea that Sakaski had unintentionally told him, and answered the question raised by the opponent before the battle from the side.

He slowly raised his head, staring at the formidable enemy standing high in the house.

"Does the Navy want to intervene in this war?" As a cadre of the Revolutionary Army sent by Long to serve as the commander of the theater, he seemed to completely ignore the wounds around his body and asked.

This kind of pediatric scheming is purely left over from Shiliu's playing in the big prison. He immediately sneered twice: "Look at what you said, Xiong, your revolutionary army is about to directly declare war on the kingdom."

The rescue mission of the expeditionary force itself is a black operation, and only a fool will report the purpose of the mission.

Unexpectedly, the navy had already grasped the information that he had joined the revolutionary army, and Xiong's iceberg-like expression finally showed a wrinkle.

Especially when the revolutionary army was still in its infancy, it would be the most stupid move to easily expose one's own combat power. It was absolutely impossible for him to admit his true identity to the navy like this.

In order to conceal his identity as a revolutionary army, Big Bear thought for a moment and finally said: "I have resigned as king long ago, and the one who intercepts you now is just a pirate. If you want to arrest me, please feel free."

This is apt to say, a force that has always been hostile to the navy, isn't it just a pirate?

"A pirate, right?" Uncle Xiliu seemed to have thought of something, and took out a phone bug that was in a talking state from his arms.

Da Jianhao shook the little thing lying in his palm with a complicated expression, indicating that this thing has been broadcast live from the beginning: "I have never seen such a strange request."

And the angry subwoofer on the other end of the phone exploded instantly: "I think you are looking for death! If you have the guts to stay there and don't run away, I will definitely arrive in a day!"

Surprised by Xiliu's habit of taking notes when interrogating prisoners, Daxiong only felt that the voice seemed familiar.

only. . . What is the difference between the other party acting like this and children fighting and talking harshly, and one party simply sues the teacher?

Brother behavior. . . . . . . .

In the next moment, the bear completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

Kicking away a rioter who was trying to smash the glass of the bakery with a shovel, the ghost spider seemed a little unbelievable: "He... ran away?"

"Legion Commander, I would not have called you if I had known." Although he clearly knew that the few people present could not stop the big bear that could move at the speed of light, Shiliu shamelessly blamed himself on his boss.

"...Are you sure it's not because you two fought too hard?" Sakaski didn't like this at all, and based on his understanding of Shiliu, the two guys were absolutely forced to join forces again.

No matter how well-known he is, Sakalski thinks he has no ability to scare away the bear with a phone call.

"It's a pity," the two led the team for a while, and Shiliu said with regret, "If you master the birdcage, there is at least a 90% chance of killing him in a short time."

"Forget it, the task is the main thing." Compared with the deputy army commander who ignored the killing all the time, the ghost spider obviously knew the general situation better. Distraughtly, he glanced at the free folk who were smashing and grabbing a dragon around them, and lowered his voice: "Don't forget, we are currently in a mob."


The researcher hiding in his own warehouse lives in fear every day, for fear that the protesting people will rush into his house if they get too excited.

Tiredness and burnout are written on his stubble-covered face, and the panda-like dark circles hanging on his face tell the story of the hardships these days.

But when Shiliu kicked open the iron door of the warehouse, he really did not expect that at the most desperate moment, the Navy Headquarters actually dispatched a rescue team to go deep into the hinterland of the rebel army.

And the leader was the deputy head of the expeditionary army.

Extreme ecstasy and gratitude flooded the researcher's face in an instant, just like the rest of his life.

But Ghost Spider ruthlessly stated the purpose of this trip: "Your tutor sent us to rescue you back to finish your thesis."

The researcher showed some excitement and a smile, which froze on his face.

Immediately, his facial expression showed obvious confusion and bewilderment.


The graduate student, who was about to praise the humanitarian actions of the Navy Headquarters, narrowed his eyelids slightly, his brows were gathered together, and the wings of his nose bulged to the maximum.

The smile just hung in the middle, and the white teeth were bared outside in such an embarrassing way.


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