I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 354

? To be continued

340. The port of Gadgetzan is innocent today (1)

When Sakarski returned to his office, someone was already waiting inside.

She was smoking a lady's cigarette, and seemed to be quietly waiting for the owner of this office to return.

But judging from his clothes, his unrestrained level is almost comparable to that of Colonel Dashiqi who is possessed by Smoker.

This female navy who likes to open her skirts has appeared on the list of recent military promotions. After the Battle of the Five Armies, there were two people who rose from the rank of colonel to brigadier general based on their actual military achievements.

One of them is [Ghost Bamboo] Virgo, but the other one can make this hidden original Red Heart frankly say that it is difficult to understand its level.

Active as an admiral-rank seaman among women, Bello Betty is active under the command of the expeditionary force.

Just from his upright and straightforward style, Sakalski still appreciates this rare female general.

But at this moment, she appeared in Akainu's office, which made the legion commander not happy at all.

There was a conflict between her side and the revolutionary army, and she showed up here, which obviously explained the problem.

"Are you here to spy on information, or to deliver a message for Drago?" Sakaski raised Erlang's legs with great interest, and immediately revealed the other party's details.

The brigadier general of the expeditionary army seemed to be puzzled, and slowly stretched out his index finger to press down the well-worn sunglasses: "Dorag? Mr. Akainu, you are joking. Does the leader matter?"

Although CP0 hides and hides from the Navy Headquarters, the current high-level military has long known who the leader of the Revolutionary Army is.

Uncle Garp's biological son—Monch D. Dorag, personally nominated by Marshal Warring States [Headache No. 2].

Therefore, Bello Betty spoke the name of the dragon very naturally, not afraid of leaking the slightest bit.

As for [Headache No. 1], who is it? Hahaha, don't mention it, don't mention it.

"Okay, let's not go around the corner. If I finally expose your details, it will hurt everyone's feelings." Sakaski casually threw a cigar at the sailor who had performed outstandingly in the invasion of the New World. , staring at the other party meaningfully: "Besides, you took the initiative to come to me today, presumably because you have the consciousness to expose your identity?"

The probe took the cigar thrown in the air, Bello Betty just smiled, and admitted openly: "Afraid of hurting feelings? I thought you would directly pierce me with lava as soon as I confessed my true identity. "

As the head of the army said, this backbone of the revolutionary army is indeed ready to expose his identity and prepare for the battle without speculating.

After all, her task today is to create an opportunity for the leader Drago to talk.

It's not like she didn't think about it, but anyone who has entered the general's office is always monitored by the phone bug.

Such a move would, on the contrary, make it appear that the revolutionary army was sneaky and insincere.

She sniffed the aroma of cigar leaves very skillfully, then took out the lighter and lighted it for herself.

After closing her eyes and appreciating it carefully, she let out a long breath of smoke, nodded to Sakaski and said, "Good stuff!"

"I got it from Wu Lao Xing, so it's a good product." The Legion Commander rarely dealt with the [traitor] directly, but chatted with him in a different way.

Belo Betty was not polite to Mr. Sa, and sat down on the sofa carelessly: "I basically guessed the main reason why you didn't do it immediately. It is also my lifelong goal to be your companion and fight against pirates on the sea frontier." pleasure."

The other party can still remember this friendship of carrying guns together, which has already made Belo Betty secretly say that he has not been fooling around all these years for nothing.

In fact, she was only half right. Sakalski didn't turn into a grumpy old man to open the film on the spot. On the one hand, he really cherished the comrades and veterans who survived the battlefield.

These brothers and sisters did not die at the hands of the pirates, but ended up at the hands of their own family members, which is a terrible thing anyway.

The head of the legion can't be said to be caring for his soldiers, but he has definitely fulfilled his responsibility.

The words "the bastard who protects the calf" came from the mouth of the chief staff officer, even if it wasn't a good reputation, it flowed into the hearts of everyone in the expeditionary army.

The other half of the reason is that Sakaski did it on purpose. The fact that he didn't kill the demon king on the spot was not to make all the members of the navy headquarters pussy, but he, Sakaski, just wanted to use this cadre bait to force the revolutionary spies hiding in the navy's various units to try to rescue them.

"The expeditionary force I'm in charge of is really [full of talents]!" Sakarski introduced one by one with irony:

"The former warden of the prison, the former top cadre of the pirates, and one more general of the revolutionary army is no big deal."

It is normal for big forces to have friction. You can see that Rabbit and Eagle Sauce secretly fight each other. There are many spies and agents, but most of the time they still pretend to be good brothers on the surface.

But Bello Betty also knows very well that friendship is friendship and cannot be relied on. Even if Sa is always a nostalgic person, once he touches on his principles, he should be killed on the spot, and he will never talk nonsense with you.

"If I said that I didn't pass any information to the revolutionary army these years, I would not even believe it. But I dare to guarantee with my life that I have never endangered the lives of my brothers, not once." Bello Betty went ahead very smartly Putting aside the relationship, many of the two wild hunting centurions led by the deputy head of Shiliu's army were killed at the hands of Big Bear, and she really didn't do anything about it.

In other words, how big of an intelligence network can a commodore have access to the secret rescue operations of the general and several top naval scientists?

The secrecy of this black operation was not terminated until Shilio returned to Marin Vandor with the dead bodies.

Seeing that Sakaski was noncommittal, she could only smile helplessly, and took out an encrypted phone bug from her pocket.

Skillfully dialing a few password keys, the brigadier general who was in Cao Ying and his heart was in Han handed over the phone bug.

"Sakaski, long time no see." A magnetic male voice came from the mouth of the phone bug.

But Sakasky didn't want to be polite at all, and immediately said: "I think, you let such an important senior spy be exposed, not just to catch up with me, right? Dragon!"

"One of my comrades fell into your hands, is he still alive?" Seeing that the other party was still as staunch as before, Long also stopped talking about the past and went straight to the topic.

"Alive, but when the information he knows is drained, he will be worthless." Sakalski looked indifferent, and issued Ivankov's death sentence to the phone bug.

After a brief silence on the other end of the phone, Drago spoke again: "I understand you, Sakaski. If Ivan had no value, you would kill him on the spot, but you kept him on purpose, except for a few obsolete Apart from intelligence, do you still want to use him to negotiate with the revolutionary army? Tell me about your conditions."

Sakaski secretly sighed that the collective IQ of the fucking Mengchi family was all added to the dragon, and the lion opened his mouth and said: "Yes, hand over that bastard Bartholomew Xiong."

"You know it's impossible." To sell one brother for another, Long didn't even hesitate, and immediately rejected Sakaski's proposal.

"Really? Then we have nothing to talk about." The irritable dog hung up the phone directly.

It seemed that he was a little dazed by Sakalski's determination to hang up, and it took a few seconds for the phone bug to ring again for a communication request.

"I admit that the big bear did kill your people, but your previous retaliatory attack was connected to the rebel camp!! Our loss is more than yours!" Drago pointed out the problem as soon as he came up: "It's true that everyone hurt each other, but I hope that as a high-ranking military governor of a big force, you can restrain your personal emotions."

The IQ responsibility of the Monchi family felt helpless. As one of the only three admirals, Sakaski would not be so short-sighted. But this kind of one-sided rigidity, even if he knows that the other party is deliberately using negotiation skills, but Long can only bear it first.

Who left the initiative in the hands of the navy?

The phone is easy to be tapped, so Sakalski was so cautious that he didn't start any topic. It's not a big deal even if the five old stars know about the negotiation of a revolutionary army hostage.

But this does not mean that he does not want to do things. After checking the time and date, Sakaski asked: "[Sea Transport King] Umit Chamber of Commerce has sent invitations to the world government, navy and all forces in the new world. See you at Gadgetzan Port in seven days."

341. The port of Gadgetzan is innocent today (2)

It has been nearly a year since the kingdoms of Totland ruled by Charlotte Ringling were routed by a naval expedition.

The dispute between the navy and the pirates did not end because of the destruction of one of the four emperors, and the drums of war that shook the sky sounded again. The pace of mutual exploration and expansion of various forces has intensified in the sea area of ​​​​the second half of the great sea route of the New World.

But in this land of disputes, there is a relatively neutral paradise - Gadgetzan Port.

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