I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 360

The navies here are still analyzing this, and the shells have already been bought and left.

The introduction of Kou Kou's witty words below is also continuing; "The following is a treasure map."

There are countless treasures left by the pioneers buried in the vast sea, which is also what many pirates and adventurers are eager to find when they go to sea.

The most famous one is of course the Great Secret Treasure, but there are still many legends of huge treasure buried by famous pirate predecessors floating in the sea, and this treasure map is also one of them.

Xiao Baimao gently held up this relatively unusual treasure burial site map from the soft cushion, and the black bracelet in her palm was shining beautifully under the light: "This is the treasure of Captain John, the great pirate of old times." As shown in the picture, the identified sea area is marked on the wristband, how many treasures will lie there quietly waiting for those who come to discover them?"

This treasure map was originally dug out from the treasures searched by Moria, but Kou Kou directly maximized its value.

Hearing the frequent gasps below, the auctioneer put on an elegant smile: "Then the bidding price is 70 million Baileys, and each increase starts at 10 million Baileys."

In the end, the bracelet was won by a pirate star at a price of 130 million.

And when Kou Kou took out the next exhibit, it attracted everyone's attention, even Shiliu, whose eyes were above the top.

It was a devil fruit.

Like a ripe dark red fruit, the whole body has a spiral pattern, lying quietly on the soft cushion.

"Sure enough, it's only when you reach a certain level that you can come into contact with different things." A dolphin who has been brought to the scene exclaimed in amazement. In previous auctions, such tight items as devil fruits were regarded as the core, but this time Even before the auction reached its climax, a Superman appeared.

"We haven't identified this devil fruit, and we don't know what power it contains, but devil fruit is a gamble on luck. The starting bid is 50 million Baileys." The auctioneer smiled like a flower.

"Sixty million Baileys!" Someone shouted out the price first,

Immediately, a voice overwhelmed him: "Sixty-five million Baileys."


"100 million and 30 million Baileys!" This price exceeded the ordinary devil fruit market price, so Kou Kou shouted for a second confirmation.

In fact, when the price reached this point, some weaker forces finally gave up.

Even the sailors who were about to intervene, after looking at each other in blank dismay, all retracted their bids with ugly faces.

They all came here for the soul soul fruit, there is no need to waste money on this devil fruit whose function is unknown.

But some people broke the previous price after hesitating for a long time, and with such uninterrupted price elimination, ten minutes later, the middle-aged butler in a suit belonging to the king of usury finally quoted 100 million with a face twitching. The sky-high price of 60 million shocked the entire auction hall into silence.

By this time, the price of the "Mysterious Devil Fruit" has risen to an astounding price...

And when the second devil fruit was put on the table, even the well-educated Lindeman cursed: "That female fox! What about the devil fruit that was promised to the Navy?

With the appearance of the animal-type devil fruit, the atmosphere of the auction room basically entered the climax period. Those big forces that stomped and shook the world finally started the shirtless and red-faced bidding that stunned countless people.

This devil fruit did not set an initial reserve price, but the moment the auction hammer fell in the hands of the auctioneer, the price suddenly soared to a high price of 20 million. With such a terrifying growth rate, even those who often participate in the auction For the first time in their lives, the biggest names in the world have seen it.

"200 million Baileys!" The voice from the navy box raised the devil fruit to 200 million for the first time.

In an instant, a male voice came from the opposite box: "250 million Bailey, Akainu, let's go slowly."

【Beckman...】 The guy's face flashed in Sakaski's mind, and he raised his eyebrows: "200 million and 70 million Baileys"

Big deal? No, no, tens of millions of Baileys can be lifted as soon as they say it. Such pride and courage allow those forces to fully demonstrate in the face of temptation.

The ever-increasing price kept the atmosphere of the auction hall in the roar of excitement, and it didn't drop for a moment.

And under the rapidly doubling sky-high price, even if many people know that they are no longer qualified to make such an idea, seeing such a thrilling money competition with their own eyes makes them feel that their trip is worthwhile .

"500 million Baileys!"

The entire auction house was shocked into silence.

A devil fruit actually fetched a sky-high price of 500 million Baileys! ?

"One time for 500 million Baileys, is there anyone going to increase the price? 500 million Baileys for two times?" Kou Kou looked around the audience with a bright smile, and finally made a final decision: "The third time for 500 million Baileys, I announce that the transaction has been completed."

After several minutes of buzzing like bees, the auction house gradually returned to silence.

All of them looked at each other, and they were all speechless by the terrifying sky-high price. For 500 million Baileys, only the big pirate groups like Hundred Beasts could give them what they said.

Ember of Fire would call such a high price without hesitation, which obviously caught Beckman, Sakalski and others a little off guard. Moreover, for them, an animal-type devil fruit can only be regarded as icing on the cake at best, and it is really not important enough to embezzle future funds.

With the retreat of forces such as the Red Hair Pirates and the King of Usury, it is natural that no one is qualified to compete with the Hundred Beasts Pirates. Even, no one was willing to offend the deputy of the Hundred Beasts Pirates—Fire, and the animal-type devil fruit fell into Jhin's pocket in full view.

Sakaski stared at the box with cold eyes, tapped the armrest of the sofa lightly with his fingers, lowered his head slightly, and a savage and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

This huge amount of money is equivalent to the total income of a small country for several years. Presumably, even among the pirates, there is no force that can take it out at will without paying attention.

"Huh... this is the real fight..." Looking at the cruel competition that was slowly ending, the well-to-do bidders couldn't help but shook their heads and smiled wryly in their hearts.

The lights were once again focused on the stage, and a figure guarded the transparent box and slowly stepped into the crystal booth.

The main event finally begins.

346. Big dog

When the shriveled zombie with a rare "toothbrush beard" on his face walked up to the front desk with a crystal box, several members of the Scourge in armor and military caps followed at the same time. Walking out of the curtain slowly, the entire auction platform was guarded.

And Marco and others also relied on their knowledge and arrogance to perceive more zombie officers hiding in the dark venue to maintain security, but what really shocked them was the four zombie generals guarding the stage with all their heart—— The strength of these generals under Moriah's command is so outstanding that they have earned a lot of fame in the New World.

But this is also a matter of course, whether it is the shadow or the body, they were all famous pirates during their lifetime.

"I didn't expect even the [Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] to show up. Then, the guy who is in the center and keeps the devil fruit must be the [Zombie Head] who is rumored to be able to defeat the Admiral." Marko looked optimistic. Leaning against the stands on the second floor with a playful expression, according to intelligence, there is a super strong hidden in the undead army commanded by Moriah. Beast Kaido on the battlefield.

As the supreme commander of the undead army, Moriah's every move attracts attention, but this master who sees the dragon and never sees the end is always dormant in the dark, as an ally and partner, providing the Scourge Legion with a reliable master. Tier combat power.

Marco, who doesn't like to watch concerts, is indeed the first time to witness this zombie head of state who has gained fame faster than others, but the three disasters who are also fans of Brooke know that the Scourge is hiding such a powerful fanatic .

These zombie generals kept a fixed distance from each other as they walked. Their hollow and terrifying gazes slowly swept around. At this moment, as long as there is any change in the surroundings, these extremely powerful dead bodies will directly enter the fighting state.

Seeing them so cautiously, as if they were facing an enemy, the auction house gradually quieted down.

A strange atmosphere enveloped the audience, making people feel a little depressed from the bottom of their hearts.

"You must also know what the highlight of the auction held by our Umit Chamber of Commerce this time is. And Kou Kou also knows that many people here are here for this thing." The smiling little white hair gradually restrained the smile on his face, looked around the audience and said in a deep voice.

She could almost feel hot gazes intertwining beside her, and this feeling became more intense as the small crystal box was gently placed on the auction stage.

The corpses serving as guards gathered at the same time, and stopped at a distance of about one meter from the transparent crystal box, as if they were about to block the auction platform. Looking at it like this, if anyone wants to make a crooked idea of ​​forcibly taking it, then these four zombie generals whose bodies came from LEVEL6 Infernal Hell must be defeated at the same time.

At the same time, don't forget that on the auction stage closest to the crystal box, the intruder will face another shadow of the Red Earl who can contain Kaido alone.

The three Shichibukai who appeared at the venue at the beginning did not know when they appeared on the left side of the booth. It is no wonder that the protection system of this auction will be so strict, but this soul soul fruit is too important.

Of course, most of the reason why this thing is so valuable has to be attributed to its previous host - Four Emperors Big. Mom!

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