I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 362

But Jhin also knows very well that it is impossible for such a hardworking background and financial resources to consume more than the world government-how can a money grabber play with printing money?

If we only talk about financial resources, even if we take Hundred Beasts and Wano Kingdom together, in the eyes of the world government, they are just bigger grasshoppers.

It's just that this devil fruit must not fall into the hands of the already powerful navy headquarters. According to the current momentum of the opponent, adding another member of the general level will be a catastrophe for the entire new world pirate camp .

[Fire] glanced indifferently at the wing where the navy was, thought for a moment, and decided to terminate this meaningless auction.

Immediately, Jhin turned his head and made a gesture to the pillars standing behind him: "Call the governor so that he can prepare to set off from Wano country, and wait for the navy to show up and intercept it as soon as it leaves the port."

Killing and stealing goods is the specialty of pirates, and this method can be said to be commonplace.

However, there were still people who insisted. Marco gritted his teeth and added another 100 million on top of the 1.5 billion as a test.

Unexpectedly, it fell into Sakaski's arms, and he was worried that no one would bid with him! Anyway, Sa always didn't feel sorry for Bailey, who was taken advantage of by the Hua World Government. The higher the price, the more money the Navy gets in the end, bro! Not bad money, work harder!

Of course, not long ago that little girl Kou Kou suggested a half-and-half split, and she was almost scared out of shit by Xilieu's knife in the chest.

Because of the harsh words before adding another 1 billion, Sakalski gave Marco back without thinking: "2.6 billion Pele!"

[Damn it... Sakaski] Phoenix was so angry that he didn't raise his price again. Obviously, the Navy is determined to win this game.

There are several other emperor's assistants who are thinking similar thoughts.

With the wealth of the Whitebeard Pirates, they can call Akainu for a few more rounds, but this is unnecessary. In terms of financial resources, the three pirate emperors can still talk about it together, but no one pirate group can alone compare with the Navy Headquarters and the larger world government behind it.

"2.6 billion Berries once," listening to Kou Kou confirming the highest asking price, the leader of the revolutionaries, Dorag, who hid his real identity as an ordinary guest, couldn't help but frowned.

The huge temptation of the soul soul fruit is in front of him, even if he is like him, he wants to participate in this competition for a moment.

Now behind the navy is the giant of the world government, even those big pirate groups who are invincible in the second half of the great route can't do anything about it. With the current economic strength of the revolutionary army, it is impossible to compete with those big forces accumulated over the years.

The price of bidding is too high, so we can only figure it out slowly.

"2.6 billion Berries for the second time!"

"For the third time at 2.6 billion Baileys, I declare that this devil fruit belongs to the Navy." As the sponsor dropped the hammer heavily, the soul fruit that was auctioned at a sky-high price temporarily fell into the pocket of the World Government camp. Almost everyone with a discerning eye knows that the real bloody fight has just kicked off.

Those big forces are not good at anything, and it is absolutely impossible for them to give up their peeps at the Soul Soul Fruit only through financial wrestling.

"The auction held by the Umit family has ended successfully. Thank you all distinguished guests for your support."

In the hall, the atmosphere was quiet for a while before people got up one after another and then exited within. "Let's go too. The soul fruit is indeed of great benefit to our future career. If we have the opportunity, we will fight for it." Seeing the auction was over, Drago got up from his seat and spoke softly. The companions who also wore hoods said. This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity. If the soul soul fruit can be obtained from the red dog, then the road for the revolutionary army to overthrow the commander of the Tianlongren will become extremely smooth.

And the revolutionary army lacking top experts may cultivate a super strong man who is not inferior to the general. At that time, if he fights against the world government, he will be more sure. Wang Ivankov returned.

"However, before that, you have to talk to Akainu first." He tilted his head slightly, and saw the big forces that had successfully auctioned the Devil Fruit before entering the backstage of the auction one by one. At this moment, the generals of the navy also turned around and followed the leader in. Looking at Sakaski's back, Dorag muttered softly.

As everyone knows, there is a nonsensical slapstick going on in the background——

"Mr. Sa, Mr. Sakasky, do you want to stop thinking about it?" A certain little white fur was rolling all over the table in the VIP room, and the address that came out of its mouth became more and more shameless: "Brother Dog, Sa Uncle Kaski, how about we open three or seven?"

When it comes to profit, Kou Umit instantly turned into a miser, and she even undid a button of her clothes jokingly in front of Bailey: "My acting skills were so superb before, give me a little bit of trouble...or else I Let you have a good time, you will pay an extra 10% as prostitution, right?"

Sighing that the little white hair really dared to say it, Sakaski was almost not amused—especially when the other party had an aggrieved expression of "you got a big hair for cheap", which was even darker than the fairy dance.

He would dislike this kind of bean sprouts body for nothing, but his big rabbit is ten thousand times stronger than her! ! !

So, the witty dog ​​thief gave little Umit a look to let her understand by herself.

Kou Kou, who was asking for a lot of money, looked angrily at the other party's eyes quickly skipping over her chest, like a flying fish around the Chambord Islands gliding across the water, and then stopped on Lieutenant General Gion's chest for several seconds.

The unlucky child with smoke from his seven orifices smashed his head on the table: "Damn it! I'm so mad!!"

After clearing his throat, Sakaski said leisurely: "Little girl, do you understand the rules of the Tao? Twenty-eight!"

"I take 80%?" Kou Kou raised her head upon hearing this, and smiled shamelessly.

"Eat a ghost dog, I will let you get 90%." A skillful combination of bluffing and intimidation, the admiral successfully reminded the arms dealer of the fact that the army is a violent institution.

Looking at the devil fruit in the crystal box, Sakaski suddenly snapped his fingers.



Ben Beckman, who is the deputy captain of the Red Hair Pirates, keeps an absolutely calm mind at all times. The disputes and conflicts between the Beasts Pirates and the Navy are not a day or two. It is hard to believe that the two sides will not mess with such an opportunity. something happened.

The fuse has already appeared. How to add another layer to the chaos and make the navy's trip even worse. Beckman has a good idea of ​​the timing of this: "We are the first to set off, bound by the iron laws set by the Gadgetzan port. They may still suppress the desire to fight on the spot, after all, the forces that belong to the world government sequence are present, in addition to the navy's expeditionary force, there are also three Shichibukai and the Scourge."

The red-haired pirates left the table ahead of retreat, but it made everyone tense up. No one knows whether Beckman really made his return trip, or just waited in ambush in the dark and waited for several parties to fight to the death before coming out to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"But as soon as the red dog leaves the Gadgetzan port, the many forces that are eyeing the tiger will take action directly." Ben Beckman's eyes slowly swept around. He knew that there must be countless roads inside and outside the auction field. Keep your eyes on here. Presumably, within a few minutes, the situation of Akainu walking out of the auction house will be heard by those forces.

As he expected, a tight conversation was going on with the other two pirate groups.

"I haven't given a formal answer to the alliance with the Whitebeard Pirates I proposed earlier, but judging from the current situation, this is not an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with first." breakthrough. There must be conflicts and entanglements of interests between Beasts and Whitebeard, but in the face of a common enemy, it is possible to maximize resources by joining forces.

"The two of us put aside the dispute first. The first thing to solve at present is to intercept the soul soul fruit and then discuss the ownership issue in detail."

Things are now in the hands of the navy, and this is what Marko cares about.

In the worst case, even if Sakaski got the devil fruit, he would let his companions swallow it. As long as a certain degree of combat power is integrated, they can also use this interception to weaken some of the navy's existing combat power.

Jhin stretched out his palm first, he is confident that as long as Marco is not a fool, what the other party will do is predictable: "Do we have a deal?"

What followed was a brief silence.

After weighing the pros and cons, Marco finally made a choice.

“We have a deal.”

Two hands were held together.

348. Talking about it for a while

What should we do now, carry out according to the original plan?"

The ghost spider approached Sakaski and asked softly.

Sakaski took a light breath, and said in a deep voice: "Go back to the station first and confirm the movements of all parties. It will definitely be much easier."

In the lobby of a hotel located in Gadgetzan Port, several high-ranking generals of the Navy Headquarters are impressively lined up. This is the temporary resting base of the Navy.

"Is there any news about other pirates?" Sakaski sat on the top seat, frowning slightly, and asked the spy member who was in charge of scouting for news.

"The red-haired pirates have already left the port of Gadgetzan, and their traces are uncertain. The beasts pirates and the whitebeard pirates are resting in their respective positions. Judging from their appearance, they are obviously waiting for us." The spy replied respectfully.

"Hey, these guys really still want the idea of ​​the soul fruit." Hearing this, Shiliu sneered suddenly, and just as Sakasky was about to say something, his ears moved suddenly, and the person standing beside him sneered. Lindeman winked: "It seems that our first guests have arrived."

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