I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 373

Now that the surgery was mentioned, Zhan Guo thought about it and carefully gave Ai Jiang a reassurance: "The surgery and the repair and replacement of organs have been successful, and now you only need to cultivate for about a month before you can go to the hospital again. "

He picked up the medical certificate hanging next to the medical cabin, waved to the patient and said, "Do you want to hear about your injury?"

Before Sakarsky could open his mouth, he muttered to himself: "Thirteen fractures in the whole body, seven broken ribs, lungs were pierced by bone fragments, the spleen was severely damaged, and other internal organs were also damaged to varying degrees. Bleeding concussion."

Warring States pointed at Sakaski, and continued to add: "As for other traumas... Although it is a bit exaggerated, it can also be described as not having a piece of good meat all over your body. You would have died a few years ago, say There is nothing wrong with not knowing life and death.”

"I don't know if I'm alive or dead?" Sakaski wondered about Sengoku's intentions, "I thought you would announce that I was seriously injured."

"To deal with those politicians, you have to learn to play literary games, Sakaski." General Zhi's words were full of deep meaning.

Bitter tricks have to be seen by someone, right? How to make people see tears and believe in it is what he has to do in the Warring States Period.

Seeing that Sakaski was still confused, Sengoku gave a simple case.

“【The three big pirate groups join forces, and the admiral is seriously injured.】

Which one sounds more serious, or 【Three Pirates join hands, the life and death of the admiral don't know】?"

The two words are different, and the meanings they represent are very different.

Just as if you lose your head if you talk about a battle and a defeat, and you can get a few words of praise if you lose and fight, the Warring States sublimated the bitter trick again through simple verbal tricks.

Through Sakaski, he was beaten to death without knowing that Wu Laoxing tried his best to promote the theory of pirate threat.

After figuring out the joints, Sakaski became even more curious. At this time, as the marshal of the Warring States Period, he didn't go to give the Five Old Stars a big boost, but was here to accompany him, but it was a bit unreasonable: "It doesn't matter if you don't help Marie Gioia to show off?"

When asked about this, Warring States stroked his beard with the anticipation that the old man was waiting for you to ask this question: "The old man has better candidates."

"Who?" Sakaski couldn't help being stunned.

"Karp brought Zefa to sell you miserably!" Warring States wishful thinking slapped loudly, Sakaski was beaten so miserable, why?

Promoting the pirate threat theory?

Too young, in the final analysis, it is to earn military expenses and get the world's conscription authority!

The scheming old man of the Warring States Period spoke shockingly, and he looked towards the Holy Land Mary Joa with a little pity in his eyes: "Who do you think is the most shameless in our navy group?"

OK, this answer is completely flawless.

As Garp's lifelong black man, Sakaski felt at ease at the moment, as if he had opened up the legendary Ren and Du's two veins.

Just...damn, hold back, can't laugh! can't laugh!

Sakaski vaguely felt that the wound that hadn't healed began to hurt again.

355. People Hate Ghosts and Annoy Old Heroes (2)

At this time, the five old stars can be described as one of the first and two big. Obviously, the lethality of the old navy heroes to them far exceeds the frequent phone calls Sakaski made to renovate the G-1 base some time ago.

"If the world government is determined to dismantle its own platform, I would like to trouble you old men to inform the navy in advance. We can also write a collective resignation letter in advance and go home to fish and retire." Monkey D. Karp Zhang Kou came and sat down skillfully on the tea table in front of Wulaoxing.

After entering this room of power, Garp unceremoniously raised his voice and threatened.

Anyway, he is not the kind of person who is nostalgic for power and position, and he will talk about retirement when they meet.

They know how good Karp can play. They know better how high the reputation of this old thing is in the navy.

If such a veteran with outstanding achievements and outstanding military exploits takes the lead in resigning, the chain effect that can be caused will be absolutely disastrous.

In particular, the current admiral of the Navy Headquarters does not know whether he is alive or dead, and the various powerful enemies dormant in the new world are showing a trend of joining forces.

"Destroy your own people?" The five consuls who were not surprised by Garp's virtue didn't even raise their eyelids, but asked back with a little displeasure: "What do you mean? Garp."

Politicians are not surprised to face Karp's sudden accusation. In fact, they all know in their hearts that if it is true, this time it is true that the top leaders of the world government have cheated their teammates.

But knowing it well, I know it well, the play that should be pretending to be stupid still has to be acted out.

Wiping the simple-looking knife, the bald old man made a gesture that he felt deeply regretful and tried his best to rescue him: "Sakaski's life and death are uncertain, and we have mobilized most of the intelligence resources of the world government to spread new information. Islands of the world..."

"Huh? You still don't want to admit it, do you?" Kap immediately became angry, and he slapped the table loudly: "Let me ask you first, Koko Umit is the dark secret of the World Government's trade with the New World." Middleman, am I right?!"

The navy is not blind, but it just turns a blind eye to black market transactions due to the affection of the world government.

As the navy's most capable emperor, Karp can be described as a veteran hooligan. Adhering to his usual steady style, his entire old face was almost stuck to the head of the bald consul: "Since you can use her to trade sea stones, rare Metal, etc., how can you not know what she has in hand?"

Wu Laoxing's heart tightened when he heard the words, if Karp really got a conjecture that was close to the truth, it would be strange if it didn't provoke the Navy's collective eccentricity!

Immediately, the consuls denied it with one voice: "We are not directly contacting the middleman. The Umit Chamber of Commerce is just a pawn. Naturally, other officials are responsible for this kind of thing. As for what goods she has in hand, we have no idea." Just know a thing or two."

Telling nonsense with open eyes has long been an instinct, and even the five of them personally instructed CP0 to hand over the Soul Soul Fruit to Koko Umit, but when they opened their mouths, the vagueness and innocence revealed in their voices were far worse than ignorance. Lovers are more vivid.

Seeing that Karp was furious at this time, Wulaoxing, who was well versed in the essentials of throwing blame, immediately found a scapegoat.

The long-haired old man did not explain much, turned his head and ordered to the clone guard standing at the door: "Go and find out who is responsible for the direct contact with the dark middleman! It is precisely because this kind of dereliction of duty waste has not done its job This caused our camp to lose a huge combat power!"

The bald old man was obviously more ruthless, and he was worried that the high-ranking official would involve several of them in the face-to-face confrontation with Garp. After the companion gave the order, his expression was also filled with righteous indignation: "This kind of moth!! Because of one person's negligence, many soldiers on the front line were implicated, guards! Find him! Shoot him on the spot!"

Although it is known that Wu Laoxing is throwing the blame at the navy, this move also gave the military an explanation to a certain extent.

Garp had no choice but to give up resentfully, but he still seemed quite upset, and vividly interpreted an unstoppable single-celled creature: "Sakalski's defeat this time, you have to bear full responsibility."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was stopped by the black-armed Zefa who had remained silent after entering the door.

"I don't want to be so decisive," said Zefa, who was obviously much more restrained than Mr. Garp who jumped three feet high and slapped the table and roared.

In this miserable drama, the development process of the incident has already been clearly presented in front of everyone. How to achieve the finishing touch is an exquisite knowledge.

In the past, as a marshal, Warring States naturally cooperated more tacitly with Karp, and he could also gain a lot of logic and justice when facing the five old stars.

But this time, it is essentially for the sake of selling miserables and performing bitter tricks, of course it is as true as it is.

And Mr. Zefa, who had a deep friendship with Sakaski, became the first choice target of the Warring States Period without hesitation.

Yuan [Don’t Kill General], who has always been known for his style of Confucian generals, raised his hand to stop his comrades from disrupting the situation, and commented more objectively and fairly: "Sakaski is my first class of students, and one of my most beloved disciples." One, and an excellent soldier."

Speaking of this, his originally calm tone became more and more low, and his sullen eyes kept scanning the several rulers: "Please think about it carefully, every time the world government's dirty work, all kinds of black Action, you hand it over to Sakalski, did he ever complain?"

"O'Hara's Demon Slaying Order, facing the Whitebeard Pirates on Murloc Island alone, slaves rushed to the scene to maintain order when the Holy Land rioted...you should know better than me!"

Move it with emotion and understand it with reason.

The high-level world government, who has never cared about the face of the navy, actually doesn't feel much guilt. The few people in front of them just regret that there is a lack of a powerful pawn in the world government sequence.

Just as a thing will have a little nostalgia even if it stays around for a long time, sending Zefa to state these, what the Warring States really plots is the human heart.

Even if he still thinks the heat is not enough, regret and distressed expressions are intertwined on Zefa's face.

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