I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 376

"Keep the fruit, and get out." The great swordsman, who seemed eager for vengeance, slowly moved the blade away from the opponent's neck, and ordered sarcastically.

Seeing the other party walking away, she closed the door of the office and held the Soul Soul Fruit in her hands.

This devil fruit, which caused a storm, was lying quietly in Gion's white palm at this moment.

The female swordsman who almost fell out with the agents directly under the World Government just now was lying lazily at the desk, with her head resting lightly on her left arm.

Gently hold the soul soul fruit and throw it high, then catch it firmly.

She turned her head sideways, her eyes moved with the ups and downs of the fruit in her hand, and her eyes were even more sly: "It took me so hard to hide it from me, it seems that when you return to the headquarters, I have to give you a big-surprise... "


1513, spring.

Marin Fando, an island located in the middle of the great sea route, is in the midst of a scene of celebration under the unprecedented sense of urgency caused by the alliance of the pirate tycoons in the New World.

One month ago, Admiral Akainu of the Navy Headquarters, whose whereabouts are unknown, was encountered in the sea area of ​​​​New World by the joint interception of big pirates headed by Kaido, and the news of the official confirmation of his survival spread throughout the world.

In the waters of Wano Country in the New World, apart from Beast Kaido, who clapped his hands and laughed happily when he heard that Sakaski was alive, everyone in the Beast Pirates gritted their teeth with hatred.

I was not even in the mood to watch the cherry blossoms all over the city blooming in the best season, and I only sighed that the life of the navy mad dog was really hard.

The cherry blossom trees transplanted from Wano country have quietly bloomed beside Marin Fando's No. 5 training ground. These street trees embellish this spacious stone road like a fairyland country.

"Flowers are as beautiful as cherry blossoms, and people are as powerful as samurai", this is a Wano country proverb that was passed down to the Navy headquarters along with the cherry blossoms.

According to legend, the samurai is revered in the Wano country, and the only thing that can be compared with it is the cherry blossoms that spread all over the long street and fill the sky.

No matter if you love her budding and still blooming five points, or you only love her with seven points of beauty and unrestrained. It is undeniable that Sakura, who is burning like fire, should meet once in a lifetime.

Gion walked alone on this long street. Even though there was still no news from Vinsmoke, and the three Gates of Justice did not report the passing news of the warship, she still put on delicate makeup.

【In case, if in case...】

The morning sun is bright and bright, reflecting the light-colored petals, slowly hanging down on the smooth cobblestone-paved road through the shadow of the whirling tree.

Sengoku did not hide the fact that Sakaski was seriously injured.

Even in the Germa Kingdom with top-notch medical equipment, even with the best efforts of those with the ability to perform surgery and several chief physicians of the headquarters, the severe trauma still required hospitalization for about one month.

It is rare to see flowers and scenery. Even the senior steel daughters have heard the knowledgeable Sister He and Robin mention that cherry blossoms are a symbol of love and hope, implying elegant, simple and pure love.

The cherry blossoms blooming all over the street are like ignorant girls, blooming quietly in spring, and it is the most beautiful language to express love to lovers.

Just like the beautiful girlish fantasy that she has always hidden in the deepest part of her heart, but the feelings that just showed up are suppressed by Gion again.

Compared with the agreed wedding, she hopes that the other party can concentrate on cooperating with the treatment and continue to recuperate.

Now that he has made up his mind to be with him for the rest of his life, Gion doesn't mind waiting a little longer.

Just like the flower language of cherry blossoms - life and waiting for return.

In a flash of wind, the cherry blossoms all over the sky were blown up like snow, and fell down gently.

At the end of the long street, a person had already stopped and waited.


Seriously suspecting that he was thinking too much and hallucinating, the rabbit blinked his eyes vigorously. The man was still wrapped in bandages, and the strong smell of medicine wafted in the wind from afar.

"You...you...why...not...the Gate of Justice didn't respond!" Startled by a certain dog's out-of-the-box play, Gion stammered and misled the topic .

"Sea snails can even climb red clay continents, and the Gate of Justice made of alloy steel is really nothing." Explaining the reason, Sakaski approached step by step.

Gouzi, who can't say anything earthy and romantic, really wants to say something suitable for the occasion at this time, but his knowledge of picking up girls is completely blind in his knowledge.

After holding back for a long time, he recalled a few words from his barren lewd vocabulary.

"I heard that the falling speed of cherry blossom petals is 5 centimeters per second. How far is the distance of missing?"

Slightly leaning over, Sakaski put his probe close to Gion's ear, whispering in a low voice the affection he had never shown with others in his life.

"The falling speed of the cherry blossoms is 5 centimeters per second. If the cherry blossoms made a sound when they fell, would you hear my thoughts about you?"

After a long time, the two lips parted, and Sakalski said frankly without any shame: "I don't remember seeing these lines by accident in any collection of prose and poetry. I just hope to remember them all."

Gion burst out laughing, she knew that most of the poetic words were memorized by the other party by rote.

The female general in military uniform looked very heroic, and took the initiative to gently hold the opponent's hand: "Baga, you just need to be yourself."

Sakalski had a smile on his eyes. He chose this place to meet Gion because he had carefully questioned his family's little researcher.

Whenever the full buds on the cherry blossom branches bloom, or the white or pink petals dye the street with a new layer of makeup——

"Which idiot dares to rob my mother!!!"

A sound came from behind him, making Sakaski suddenly a little dazed.

Even if Gion has had sex with himself many times, it's not so fast, right?

Mr. Sa, who is in command of the Forgiving Legion, doesn't believe that Gion can play anything. Love is a ray of light, so green that you panic.

"You can eat and talk nonsense, who are you?" Sakaski felt a little familiar, this little guy who came out of nowhere was like the most familiar stranger.

"I heard from Mr. Garp that you and your aunt had an illegitimate child..." The pink-cut devil's whisper slowly came from Sakaski's ears, and the desire to slice Garp into slices came from Gouzi's heart arose spontaneously.

"Gion, calm down, listen to me, those are all Soul Fruits...wait a minute...Soul Soul Fruits?" Being "hammered" by Karp, even if he is as innocent as Sakaski, he is worried about himself Even jumping into the Baibaihai can't wash it off.

He blurted out halfway through the unthoughtful words before he smacked his mouth, as if he had reacted. . .

Looking at the crimson "slime" that came out of the ground, Sakaski had mixed feelings.

But this little guy still didn't realize it, and he yelled at the magma fruit ability user: "Listen to me, this ugly ghost! Stay away from my mother! Do you know who my father is!"

"...I" Sakaski was interrupted by the self-recommendation of the orphan player in front of him before he finished speaking.

"I was born out of the obsidian fragments made by Admiral Akainu during the training of the Navy Headquarters, reactivated by the retrograde fruit and given life by my mother! Now! You idiot over there, I will take your life with my father's blood! "

358. Cub, Dad is Very Disappointed in You (Part 2)

The scorching hot and deadly magma suddenly rose from the whole body of the crimson "slime", and drove straight to the opponent's vicinity, unstoppable.

The ground fire magma, which is said to be able to incinerate all things, rushed and flowed wantonly at the beginning of the formation of the world, and hit Sakaski mercilessly.

The fiery dragon shaped by lava circled its red body and bit down on the enemy fiercely.

In Xiao Zai's imagination, this bastard who had the guts to kiss Grandma forcibly while talking dirty, even if he survived this blow, most of his body would definitely be swallowed up by the magma.

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