I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 388

"Relax, I won't..."

The man gently raised his hand and rubbed the little thing on his shoulder, his eyes were filled with unprecedented kindness: "Like you, you are six years old and waiting to be shipped."

367. I Laugh That Zhuge Liang Is Little Wisdom, Zhou Yu Has No Plan

When the edge of the sea and the sky showed a touch of fish belly, the whole island suddenly spread an imperceptible vibration from the center to the surroundings, but it was only for a moment, and the calmness of the past was restored immediately.

Above the boundless ocean, there are countless places that are more prosperous and magnificent than this island with tall volcanoes.

But among the many anecdotes and strange things circulating in the New World sea area, "it" is second to none in popularity.

According to legend, as long as the three giant volcanoes called End points are activated, a chain reaction can be caused to cause a massive eruption of magma in the ground of the New World, and then swallow everything and sweep everything.

Baptized by wind and rain and polished by waves, it was born in ancient times and witnessed the rise and fall of countless lives.

After experiencing vicissitudes and changes, the majestic and old volcano is still sleeping quietly.

Under the thick rock formations with hundreds of millions of years,

The magma gushes out of the surface layer from time to time, and the gas inside it slowly rushes out from the surface layer with the least pressure, pushing up countless fine bubbles on the surface of the hot lava.

With a "boo", it burst open with a short and dull sound.

Hidden in the core area of ​​the island, the red world filled with death and silence is becoming more and more mysterious under the layers of dark rock walls. Looking down from a high altitude, it looks like a demon's eye imprinted on the surface.

And those explosive rocks, whose destructive power is comparable to ancient weapons, are stored inside this naval station.

But the crater, which used to be uninhabited, is quite crowded today. There were crowds of people on the vast and desolate obsidian rock wall, and hundreds of soldiers wearing the blue seagull logo on a white background stood in place, as if they were welcoming something.

Especially after that undetectable underground vibration, the scorching color in everyone's eyes became more and more intense.

Received the notice of the frontline position early, and the sailors on the second front line gathered here before the sun came out.

They are waiting for someone.

Many newspapers bragged about him like a god, and his reputation in the army was even close to that of the legends of the older generation.

The lowly pirates are terrified, even on this sea, his name is the endorsement of killing and conquest - one of the highest combat powers of the world government, the undisputed military god of the expeditionary force, the general of the navy headquarters Sa Kaski.

A dark red human-shaped lava is faintly visible, slowly rising from the bottom of the magma lake in the center of the crater until it steps on the solid obsidian bedrock.

"Mr. Red Dog." The chief person in charge of the station hurried up to greet him, and the heavy oppressive feeling on his face made him swallow unconsciously.

Even though he knew that the other party's appalling murderous aura was not aimed at him, it made the resident chief's hair stand on end.

"Phone bug." This military man who has been fighting on the front line for a long time said succinctly.

Hearing this, the officer stationed at End Point hurriedly took out the communication phone bug he was carrying with him from his pocket, and handed it over with both hands full of respect.

Because the person in front of him is a living legend.

Intercepting Whitebeard and beheading Big Mom, even in the face of the joint attack of the strongest creatures and several big pirates, they finally returned safely.

Who among the young and strong faction in the army does not feel admiration and fascination for this? Under the great military exploits, there are piles of dead graves of pirates.

There are even brain-dead fans who are full of praise and call it [Perfect Soldier].

Unaware that he was surrounded by fans of the club, Sakalski focused all his attention on the call.

"I have arrived at my destination, and I haven't found any traces of pirates yet. Gion, you arrange the fleet to be ready." He hastily hung up the communication with G-5, and then connected the other party's phone: "

Polusalino, how is the situation on your side? "

"Oh~ don't mention it, Sakaski." The strange tone of the yellow monkey came out of the phone.

Resisting the Whitebeard Pirates head-on made this old fritter who is used to paddling miserable. Fortunately, the Warring States Period dispatched the Qibuhai and various branches of the army in advance, otherwise the standing force of a legion would not be able to support it. live.

Recently, the Templar Warden troops led by him, together with Moriah's Scourge and Hancock's Amazon forces, were able to stop the opponent's offensive with the joint efforts of the three parties.

The phone bug is still imitating the eight-character eyebrows of the yellow monkey, and even the forehead lines between Polusalino's eyebrows are perfectly presented: "Barely defending the third line of defense, how about you? Confronting the Beast Pirates? "

Relying on the tacit understanding between the two for decades, Sakalski did not start from the beginning, but only briefly described the current situation: "The confrontation is fake, and their goal is to seize Dynamite Rock."

"Dynamite Rock? What are they doing with the Dynamite Rock? Apart from being strapped to the upper body of the Death Squad, that kind of thing can be used as a weapon?" Polusalino on the other end of the phone couldn't help but be amazed. In his impression, this kind of strange thing whose blast radius easily covers the range of fire The thing doesn't work at all.

But Sakaski shook his head, these guys who have no sense of air supremacy.

He could only sigh that it would be great if the high-mobility bomber like Jhin was still in his own camp. The destructive power of the explosive rock dropped from high altitude was absolutely comparable to that of the "Little Boy".

It's a pity that Huang Yuan's current focus is not on air supremacy, he asked back with a bit of distress: "Have you got things over there?"

It is difficult for the Navy Headquarters to face the three big pirate groups at the same time. Even if the affiliated King Shichibukai is included, it still seems to be outstretched.

However, it is obviously not the practice of the Navy headquarters to be beaten and passive defense.

In the previously secretly held military meeting, Sakaski took the lead in proposing a counterattack plan, which was unanimously approved by the high-ranking warlords.

"Of course, for more than a month, Gion and I have not stayed in the base in vain." He pointed out that Kaido wanted to use the confrontation between the two armies to hide the real purpose, so why not the expeditionary force?

Even if there is a difference between the target location of the current combat plan and the original expected location G-5, it is more conducive to Sakalski to exert his capabilities on this volcanic island.

Glancing at the magma lake, this general who is known for his military integrity and his ability to overwhelm others did not know who to talk to, and said loudly: "Run with me personally, can you remember the direction? Go, put [ They] all took it!"

The towering crater is at the highest peak of the island, and you can see the sea in the distance. At the sea level, there is gradually a tinge of redness, which slowly spreads around, staining a small half of the sky.

The red is still spreading, most of the sky has turned slightly red, and under the cover of the light and shadow of the sunrise, three black-sailed sailboats are heading towards the island at full speed.

For the first time since the war started so many days until now, Sakaski breathed a sigh of relief.

After marching into the new world, the navy was suppressed so bleakly, but this time, he finally got an upper hand.

Plague Quinn, who glimpsed the outline of the island from afar, laughed. His boss, Kaido, was actually the most suitable for this mission. The navy is in sight.

Jhin is the next candidate, but this master of air supremacy needs to take into account too many aspects, such as investigation, support, and incidentally, he also needs to cooperate with the red-haired pirates to carry out the "Burning Project" on the navy's murloc units.

In the end, only Quinn himself stepped forward to provoke this wave of major events that would affect the future trend of the war.

"Um... why is Brother Quinn laughing?" A pillar standing beside him answered tentatively.

Going deep into the enemy's rear, the cadre of the Hundred Beasts Pirates didn't feel anything except nervousness, and he really didn't know what the boss beside him was laughing at.

"I laugh at that Warring States has no plan, and Sakaski is too wise." The think-tank general who thinks he is the smartest among the three disasters sneered again and again: "The explosives and other weapons of war are buried on this desert island like this. In fact, even if the navy can't use explosive rocks for military purposes, it would be excellent to use this place as a trap."

Quinn is worthy of being a master who proposed the supernova labor reform plan, and he outlined a good calculation in a few words.

He laughed loudly: "The red dog who is in charge of this war zone is indeed a warrior. He may be capable on the frontal battlefield, but he is still far behind in terms of ghost tricks! If I am the person in charge of the navy, I will definitely lay an ambush here. A hero, any pirate who dares to raid this place will tell the other party to go and never return!"

368. The Community Sends Warmth

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