I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 396

From behind Polusalino, it was instantly shaped into a huge, mighty lion's head. The giant lion made of mud and rocks opened its mouth and rushed towards it, intending to swallow the yellow ape whole.

【Lion Might Land Scroll】!

Even though the giant lion's bite speed is extremely fast, it can't move faster than the speed of light of the shiny fruit ability user himself.

A strong light flashed, and I saw Polusalino standing calmly behind Shiji, and repeatedly praised: "Such a large-scale move can be done with just one hand. It's so good ~ scary~"

For such a fast-moving, high-agility opponent who is full of flirtatious words, the Golden Lion feels a headache.

We can only hope to see the opponent's flaws as soon as possible, and then defeat them in one fell swoop.

Immediately, the old and ruthless big pirate thought of where to start, and said sarcastically, "What can you do if you smashed a large island in the last battle? Why can't you just watch your subordinates die like now? Huang Ape! Jiehahaha, in the final analysis, are you incompetent? Or are those watchmen who died under the falling island too rubbish?"

The air seemed to condense suddenly at this moment.

Only the hum of energy lasers echoed across the sky.

"Shiji, no matter what you insult me, whether you are incompetent or invincible, I will not be angry. The only reason for your defeat today is that you dare to slander the heroic spirits who died in the battle of the Temple Watch!"

The dazzling glare bloomed high in the sky, piercing the clouds and the sky together, like the legendary gate of heaven.

This veteran who likes to make jokes with his crooked mouth and mischievous face looks extremely solemn at the moment. His back is straight, his head is bowed, and the light reflected from his glasses makes it difficult to see his eyes.

The cross-handled laser long sword called [Amazono Cloud Sword] shined brilliantly above the sky.

The slippery middle-aged man who always cared only half-heartedly when he did things suddenly sighed for no reason, but he didn't know who he was speaking to: "I won't keep the word [Guardian] on my lips like the Marshal of the Warring States Period and Mr. Zefa. I won’t learn what Sakaski said [what you do is justice], today I will make an exception for you and be serious.”

Although the luster restrained by Amacongun Sword is dazzling, it is not as cold as the shining cold light in Polusalino's eyes at this moment.

The next moment, the admiral of the navy headquarters, Huang Yuan, completely disappeared from the Golden Lion's sight.

When the buzzing photon tremor sounded again, Polusalino had already swung his sword, and the Golden Lion, who had barely opened his knowledge and arrogance and predicted this sword in advance, was actually not so easy to resist.

In the past, when he was holding the two famous swords "Sakura Ten" and "Mukur", he could almost be called the world's strongest swordsman of the two-sword style, this slash was not an irresistible sword force.

If it was before, when the top of his head had not yet penetrated into the rudder, affected his thinking and influenced his domineering color, and his knowledge-colored domineering use, no matter how fast the slash was, he could still perceive it at will.

It's a pity that there is nothing if, under Polusalino's blow, the golden lion felt a life-threatening threat for the first time in a long time.

With a sword in his foot, Shi Jikan blocked the opponent's sword with a domineering sword covered in armed color. He kicked his leg suddenly, and chopped the blade on the other leg towards the Shining fruit ability user.

"Lion Chikiriya Chopping!"

This sword move is similar to Lanjiao in the six moves, but its power is not the same. Countless sword auras flew across at high speed, and before they touched Polusalino, they chopped off the rock wall of the floating island beside him with traces of sword aura about several kilometers deep.

However, Polusalino did not elementalize and retreated for the time being, waiting for an opportunity to attack, he stood on the midline of his body with swords in both hands.

Let the mixed sword energy be bounced off by the light blade and pass by him, stop still, concentrate on not being disturbed by the surroundings, and look for the gap to counterattack.

This technique was originally used by swordsmen to coordinate and strengthen the relationship between the sword and the body and mind. In Polusalino's hands, it gradually evolved into a defensive style of warfare.

In the center of the wave of sword energy, a ray of light is getting closer and closer. This admiral, who has never been known for his two-color domineering spirit, has shown his terrifying sword skills.

The light is refracted among the pumice stones, and finally converges on the position three inches above the head of the golden lion.

The sword of Amacongun, shining with dazzling light, launched a strike aimed at the head of the golden lion Shiji with a symbolic [top position] in Western swordsmanship.

Just raised his legs to support it, and before the big pirate exerted his strength, Polusalino immediately stepped forward like hitting a snake with a stick, followed by a kick, forcing the golden lion to cross his hands wrapped in armed domineering to resist.

Although the two attacks by the Shining Fruit ability user failed, his body is already in the state of [cow defense] naturally, and the tip of the sword is pointed directly at Shiji's face, so that the old former two-sword swordsman has no chance even if he wants to fight back .

Huang Yuan, who has kept holding the sword with both hands from the beginning until now, suddenly changed his sword style. He casually put his left hand behind his back, stepped forward slightly with his right leg suspended in the air, separated his left foot at 90°, and stepped forward to fencing. standard pace.

The light saber that strikes again is brisk and elegant, like a dancing beauty, dancing the deadly flower of death.

It is not as thick and powerful as the previous sword move, but the attack point is extremely tricky and vicious. By holding the sword with one hand, Polusalino, a great swordsman with a deep hide, can obtain a faster sword speed and a wider range of motion.

Different from the basic movements of other battle types, which are large slashes and blocks, Polusalino's sword moves this time only include the subtle basic movements of dodging, stabbing and cutting. In the fight, he had the upper hand for a while.

With one sword, the famous sword "Sakura Ten" was thrown away, and Polusalino's sword style changed again, seamlessly switching from stabbing and slashing to two-handed holding.

This time, the swordsmanship is wide open and very aggressive. While emphasizing [momentum], it is more inclined to attack at a fast pace.

Caught off guard, the sword on the right leg was lifted away, and the "Mukur" on the left leg of the golden lion who was about to bend his leg to kick was chopped off by this series of aggressive sword moves.

Shi Ji, who had a good vision, frowned at this time, and retreated sharply, catching the famous Muku sword that was about to fall into the sea. Originally, according to Whitebeard's description, among the three generals, [Red Dog] Sakaski is supposed to be the strongest, but why did a weirdo who can master several kinds of sword techniques and sword moves suddenly appear here?

Most of the world's swordsmen specialize in one kind of swordsmanship, and they study it in depth so that they can respond to all changes without change.

The more one reaches the level of swordsman and great swordsman, the more one returns to the basics, not looking for sword moves but only for sword intent. But some people find another way and do the opposite.

The Golden Lion Shiji never imagined that there was a great swordsman of the natural department hidden in front of him????

374. The Only Reason You Defeated (Part 2)

Looking up at the sky, the flashing glare of light continuously hit the golden lion Shiji from all directions.

Countless rays of light are tossing and refracting between the rocky walls of the island suspended in mid-air, and the buzzing sound of interlaced oscillations of sword blades and light blades can be clearly heard even on the ground.

Polusalino slashed out with a sword, and the mighty laser long sword slashed fiercely on Shiji's only famous sword [Sakura Ten] left on his leg.

The temperature of the laser is much higher than that of the magma. If the opponent does not apply a sufficient degree of armed domineering protection on the sword - I am afraid that a collision, the laser that can melt tough metal at will, can easily destroy this sword. famous knife.

With the help of the opponent's domineering sword style of opening and closing, the golden lion took advantage of the power transmitted from the [Sakura Ten] sword body to the body, and the Piao Piao fruit ability user simply retreated tens of meters away.

Before Yata-Kigami's light conduction could arrive, this old-fashioned pirate overlord actually took the first step to disassemble the famous sword [Sakura Ten] from his leg.

The self-amputation of both feet in Impelton did not seriously affect the mobility of the Golden Lion.

Relying on Piao Piao Guo, he can still move and change directions as nimbly as before.

The real reason that made Shiji almost abandon his amazing two-swords skills—one is the vacancy and doubts in his heart.

But the more important point is that due to head trauma over the years, it has gradually become difficult to use domineering manipulations.

Shi Ji even suspected that if he waited for another three to five years, he would most likely not be able to show his domineering and knowledgeable arrogance again.

Psychological comfort from a certain angle - the hands freed from using the sword are also convenient for this pirate overlord, who is almost tormented by the psychological shadow of the strange and changeable weather of the sea, to refine and enlarge the Piao Piao fruit. Range control manipulation.

The naval battle known as Aite Wall completely changed the life of Golden Lion.

The desperate Roger Pirates were rescued by a sudden severe storm, and most of the Golden Lion Pirates fleet, which had never taken off in advance, was driven into the bottom of the sea. On the head of a pirate lion.

Since then, Golden Lion has attached great importance to natural fields such as meteorology, and has tried every means to make skilled navigators a member of the team.

But for more than ten years, Golden Lion Shiji did rely on the floating ability of Piao Piao Fruit to stay above the sky most of the time.

On the one hand, it is to avoid the never-ending investigation and pursuit of the navy, but on the other hand, it is not known whether there is a little fear of the sea in the heart of this pirate captain who was once defeated by nature.

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