I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 430

Most of the military staff inferred this as the routine behavior of pirates: such as collecting territorial taxes and tributes. "Holding the record book in his hand and reading to the end of this page, Lindemann intends to scroll down.

"Routine..." Sakaski rubbed his fingers and murmured to himself as if thinking of something.

The fox, who is good at observing words and expressions, keenly caught a trace of hesitation and doubt in Sakalski's words.

"Mr. Sa, is there something wrong?"

Carefulness has always been Lindemann's greatest strength.

This Virgo patient with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder lowered his head and carefully examined the collected and summarized information again.

In fact, Sakalski didn't notice any abnormality, but his years of troublemaking and painstaking planning gave him a faint delusion that he would be persecuted at any time.

This uneasiness stems from his usual cautiousness, and also from his fear of the forces of the Four Emperors of the New World.

The word [unknown] is like a thorn in his back, disturbing him for a moment.

As a leader, what I hate the most is the unknown, and I wish I could have everything under control. Unknown means variable.

And variables will affect the balance of victory in a war.

A Lunjin military master who likes to quarrel with Wang Situ the most once said, "If you want to be a general, you don't know astronomy, you don't know the location, you don't know the strange gates, you don't know Yin and Yang, you don't look at the formation map, you don't know the force, and you are mediocre!"

But in fact, most generals are not proficient in these methods.

If you really judge by this standard, the Navy Headquarters will basically belong to the mediocrity of all members.

Even looking at it by modern standards, Uncle Kong Ming's pretentiousness in the past also belongs to the category of elite theory.

But these many aspects that need to be judged by the generals undoubtedly illustrate the fact that there are many factors that can affect the trend of a war, and the leader needs to consider all aspects.

The fewer unknown factors the enemy has, the better, and the more information the enemy can obtain, the better.

"It's okay, you can continue." In the end, the admiral waved his hand to signal Lindeman to finish the unfinished report.

Knowing that his boss has always been cautious in using troops, [Fraudster] can only find ways to analyze each piece of information in more detail to help Sakaski gain more room for thinking.

He said in a deep voice: "According to the information we have obtained, the Black Sail Alliance is currently recruiting a large number of new crew members. The main pirate groups are standing still, and the subordinates boldly infer that they are still recuperating."

This inference is undoubtedly reasonable, and the major pirate forces who have been severely injured take advantage of the truce to try their best to replenish personnel and restore combat power, and Sakaski himself will do the same.

"Very good, seize the opportunity of their personnel vacancy and put spies in." Someone's calculations were clattering, except for the red-haired pirates who suffered less losses, the rest of the pirate emperors suffered serious manpower losses. , especially grassroots and middle management.

Don't worry about inserting people in at this time, when will you wait?

Lindemann is worthy of being an old subordinate who has followed Sakalski for more than ten years, and once again proved that he is a caring subordinate who can save the boss trouble: "It has been deployed, and I tried to arrange some guys with little reputation and obvious appearance. "

"Where are the four emperors themselves? Can we find out their specific movements?" Gouzi still didn't give up, racking his brains to detect something abnormal.

Isn't there an old saying?

The biggest anomaly is "everything is normal".

However, Lindemann, who did his best, immediately reported the specific movements of the four great pirates: "Since the war, Whitebeard has not left his station for half a step. Not surprisingly, Redhead is drinking with Hawkeye on Winter Island." The Golden Lion Shiki is said to be recruiting his former subordinates to return, but Kaido has returned to Wano Country."

"Is there really nothing abnormal?" Someone who is keen to make trouble is sitting on pins and needles. In the past, whether he provokes others or others are full and support him, he can get used to it and accept it.

The current calm and peaceful situation made him a little at a loss and uncomfortable to the extreme.

[Man, I'm a bitch] Sakaski sighed, and by the way, slapped himself a little bit.

It's not that he doesn't like to be idle, a busy workaholic actually has a rare time to fish. . . Has the world line changed? Kuzan's luck finally passed on?

He was so busy that he suddenly stopped, and he still felt empty in his heart, always looking for something to do.

In the past, Sakaski was able to steal half a day's leisure in a floating life, and he claimed to be the virtue accumulated in his previous life.

After all, in addition to finishing the task at hand, he also has to help Kuzan's seal that should eat a spear.

Such a normal life, a peaceful commute to and from get off work,

It must be joyful to be the two paddling gentlemen Kuzan and Huang Yuan.

If you hear that the Four Emperors kept their law and order, in the eyes of Sengoku and Sakalski, the two villains in the Navy Headquarters who never work overtime, absolutely! Absolutely! It’s just a matter of "celebrating with the crown"!!

Oh, yes, now I have to bring the guy who doesn't even bother to eat.

"No." The honest silver-fur fox said frankly.

As if he felt that after saying this answer, he might be dragged out by Mr. Sa who was too busy to practice one-on-one, Lindemann hurriedly added: "The front line is basically stable, but there is a small problem in the headquarters. "

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the fox always felt that the eyes of President Sa in front of him suddenly lit up when he finished speaking.

"What's going on?" Maintaining a stiff face, Sakarski tried his best to appear less interested.

When mentioning this anecdote, Lindeman only felt that the guys left behind in the headquarters were too useless, and he sighed: "Mr. Karp's little grandson actually slipped out to sea with a few navy companions, and it is said that he is going to become a pirate."

The more he thought about it, the more angry the fox's face turned cold, and he even scolded the officers on duty: "This is simply a rebellion, we must arrest these brats before the news spreads! Stay behind!" Can’t even the little ghosts look down on those trash in the headquarters? How did the door of justice be opened!!”

What could be more ironic than a kid who grew up in the Navy Headquarters to become a pirate?

After receiving such astonishing news from the staff officer, Sakaski immediately became furious: "The old man ordered that the general on duty of Marin Fanduo go clean the toilet for a month!"

"What Mr. Sa said is very true! If the news spreads, it will become a joke for the pirates." Lindeman nodded empathetically: "Even in the rear, they are too negligent!"

Unexpectedly, Sakaski's next sentence almost choked him to death.

"Why is it a few weeks earlier than the original plan?! Did those bastards seriously act for the old man?! What should I do if I make the other party suspicious?!!"


The air was quiet, and after a long time, the fox said awkwardly: "Well, you arranged this matter?"

Sakaski changed his angry look, and calmly asked his subordinates for their opinions: "How? How many people do you think this move can deceive?"

After thinking about it for a while, and reviewing his previous performance, Lindemann replied: "Although I was very angry when I got the news at first, but after calming down and thinking about it carefully, I found a lot of loopholes."

The delicate fox slowly raised a finger: "First of all, even if Luffy wants to become a pirate, I really can't figure out who will follow him in the headquarters."

"Secondly, the door of justice was opened without authorization. You actually only punished the guys in the headquarters to clean the toilet. In normal times, this group of dereliction of duty guys would be court-martialed three times."

Knocking on the armrest of the sofa, Sakarski's tone was playful: "How many people do you think you can fool?"

"For insiders, after the initial annoyance, they can basically find out what's tricky." Lindeman speculated based on his previous performance.

After a moment of hesitation, he went on to add:

"Forgive me, except for those low-level pirates, any well-informed old guy will never treat straw hats as ordinary pirates."

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