I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 433

Although he has won many battles and made many contributions, he thinks that he is not qualified and qualified to command a huge army, even if he is only a deputy.

Unexpectedly, Sengoku shook his head, and solemnly declared: "Sakaski has already transferred your military status from the expeditionary force. Considering the special nature of your devil fruit, this deputy position must belong to you."

[Fruit... Does this have anything to do with fruit? Wait...I'm Dian] Enil suddenly realized that he now understands the arrangements and plans of the Warring States Period.

The thunder fruit ability user slowly turned his gaze to 【Fujitora】 who was sitting next to him.

This newly promoted admiral who was promoted through the world conscription has the ability to control gravity.

"Admiral Fujitora will serve as the commander of the Fourth Army." The admiral got up and handed the Gravity Fruit ability user a letter of commission that could be read in Braille.

In this defensive battle with the forces of the Four Emperors of the New World, the Navy suffered heavy losses under the air combat advantage of Golden Lion Shiji.

Concerned about the threat that the Golden Lion and the flying pirates led by him would bring to the navy, the well-thought-out Sengoku resolutely decided to form the navy's own air defense force.

Sakarski, who likes to name the most, will naturally not let go of this rare opportunity, and he seems to be carrying some expectations. He said in a deep voice: "The fourth legion is named [First Order], and the first air force of the navy is I leave it to you."

Warring States was handed over to Sakasky for explanation, and at the same time he took out a stack of design drawings from the drawer: "There is one more thing to be put on the agenda, the choice of our Air Corps aircraft."

Tomochi distributed the blueprints to everyone in a hurry: "Although we rely on Fujitora's abilities most of the time when flying, we must ensure that they can still function normally when Fujitora has no time to take care of the air fleet.

I would like to ask you to select a suitable air battleship with a professional eye, but Vegapunk gave the design to the old man. "

Flipping through the many patterns provided by Vegapunk, the aircraft with different characteristics makes people dazzled.

When he turned to a page, Enilo's eyes suddenly lit up.

[It] is not much more difficult than a hot air balloon.

The biggest difference from a balloon is only a device for propelling and controlling the flight state.

This blueprint, called an airship, broke their established thinking of designing aircraft as ships.

The airship is composed of a huge streamlined hull, a pod located under the hull, a tail surface and a propulsion device for stability control.

The airbags of the hull are filled with hydrogen or helium, which is less dense than air, to generate buoyancy to lift the airship into the air.

Perhaps in terms of speed, these big guys like fish swimming in the air are not as good as those airships with spiral blade rotation as the core of staying in the air, but from other aspects, the airships show a crushing advantage.

Because this airship is specially designed for war.

Its strong skeleton and thick outer shell make it extremely difficult to destroy. Even if some holes are pierced by artillery fire and sharp objects in the air, it can continue to fly stably without any problems.

The extra-large bomb bay is loaded with countless heavy aviation cluster bombs, which has become a reminder for the ground troops.

If an airship force driven by electricity is used to deal with the large fleet of flying pirates built by Golden Lion Shiji...

"What do you think of airships?" Coincidentally, Sakasky and Ainel also held similar views: "Other spaceships are expensive, and the mechanical structure supporting them in the air is complex and unstable, and maintenance is quite difficult. difficulty."

Warring States, who had never been in contact with the three-dimensional combat of large air corps, was a little hesitant. According to his inherent thinking, he was actually quite optimistic about another ship-like aircraft driven by multiple sets of propellers and electric power.

"Well...let me think about it again." Warring States fell into a difficult choice.

He kept comparing the drawings, and kept listing the advantages and disadvantages of each aircraft in his notes.

He pondered over and over the points put forward by Sakaski and Enilo, and almost forgot the time.

It wasn't until the sound of "clicking" sounded in his ears one after another that he finally woke up the thoughtful Marshal of the Warring States Period.

Turn your head to the side, and those who disturb your own thinking will not be surprised by the Warring States Period.

The busy marshal was too lazy to pay attention to it, and just wanted to continue thinking deeply.

But the complicated voices were still coming into his ears from all directions, and then into his mind.

Sengoku suddenly looked up, and the one closest to him was indeed Garp, a bastard.

The old and disrespectful naval hero is working hard to challenge the [Battle of Donuts in One Breath], which is still breaking the upper limit record so far.

On the other side, Polusalino, who was holding a teacup, took Chess, a puzzle game, into the office.

While playing chess, Your Excellency Huang Yuan sipped that cup of black tea, which made the earthquake sound louder.

On the opposite side of him, the [Red Dog] Sakaski who was playing against him was particularly dedicated, almost blocking other influences from the outside world.

Kuzan, who has been blushing since entering the room, is even more straightforward.

With his arms as pillows and his coat as a blanket, he lay across the middle of the Warring States Temporary Office.

Snoring like thunder.

The two newly recruited monster-level warriors were also not much better.

He is obviously a fierce man who can compete with the legendary big pirate Golden Lion head-on, but he does not show any signs of mountains or leaks, and has been dormant among the people for many years.

This guy who is said to be self-defeating with both eyes is holding a bowl of steaming tonkotsu ramen at the moment, sucking in his mouth.

Another brother in a dark green shirt moved the chair to the window where the light was the best, and basked in the sun comfortably.

Seeing Zhan Guo's eyes sweeping to his side, the green cow swears and explains repeatedly what photosynthesis is going on.

This kind of lie that sounds like nonsense makes the veteran feel extremely uncomfortable-if you want to bask in the sun, please speak up, don't use this kind of biological common sense that children know to be perfunctory.

Warring States never expected that the guy who made the loudest noise was the bastard Enilu.

The thunderbolt fruit user even spread the three metal thunder taiko drums floating on his back in front of his body, and played with the Tesla coil.

Although it was indeed what I asked for [Let the old man think about it], the current actions of this group of youngsters made Zhi Jiang feel stunned.

Warring States coughed lightly: "Quiet (order)!"

Perhaps the sound is too low, and the room is too noisy.

All in all, these seven people were extremely busy and did not intend to listen to greetings at all.

The blue veins on Zhijiang's temples were faintly bulging, he took a deep breath and raised the volume of his speech.

"Quiet (ooooooorder)!!!"

His words were drowned out by Kuzan's snoring.


[I'm so tired.. I want to retire. . . real. 】

The stupefied Buddha finally couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly turned into a tiger and leopard thunder, from his neck to his cheeks reddened rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye:


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