I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 435

"Oh, when did they never guard against us? Although most of the current Shichibukai are on the same front as the navy, don't forget that the [King's Qiwuhai] system created by the five old stars is essentially a deliberate Create 'three major forces' to weaken the influence of the navy."

If it weren't for the enthusiasm of the military department for the plan, and to fight hard for reason, then the Qiwuhai plan under the king might die into the appearance of separatism by the princes of all parties.

The old guys present, as the parties involved, all saw it in their eyes. The great pirates of the Seven Martial Seas said they were used to stabilize the first half of the great route, but in fact they were used to check and balance the headquarters and weaken the influence and credibility of the navy.

Karp quite agrees with Sakaski's cold snort, because the world government's pig teammates have never stopped showing off: "At present, it may be that the high level of the world government finds that most of the members of the Shichibukai With the Navy Headquarters following the example, why did Katakuri, who has a grudge against us, be deliberately selected to be the last Shichibukai?"

"It's not unreasonable. I always feel that Katakuri is not that simple." He once fought against [Pink Minister] Katakuri, who was the chief of the four generals in the Battle of All Nations. From Ji's point of view, this excellent commander and tactician can be regarded as the core of all nations.

In World War I, Sakaski was busy digging holes, but the real naval battle was actually led and launched by Aokiji.

Therefore, Kuzan, who has fought against Katakuri several times in the formation of troops, has the best say on this:

"His talent, temperament and strength are not the kind of ordinary things that can be squeezed and rounded at will."

Recalling the great pirate who remained calm until he was imprisoned on the sixth floor of Imperton Prison, Polusalino supported the views of his colleagues:

"He is indeed currently enshrined in the World Government, but I guess he should also know that the mastermind behind the war of aggression among nations was the World Government."

How could that guy not see the trick of killing someone with a borrowed knife?

The Navy Headquarters is certainly a sharp knife.

But it was Wulaoxing himself who actually picked up this sharp knife to destroy all nations.

"I have to find an opportunity to talk to him face to face, Sakaski, this matter was caused by the [Burning Legion] expedition, and I will leave it to you to handle it." Warring States made a conclusion.

The wise general shook his head. He was indeed a little too sensitive and nervous. Foresight is sometimes not a kind of happiness: "No matter what military system reform the world government plans to make in the future, for now, the five old stars still have to rely on Navy Headquarters."

The newly-promoted general who had been silently listening to a few people talking to each other suddenly spoke. This man who was promoted through the world conscription and given the title [Green Bull] directly mentioned the crux of the problem:

"If it weren't for the fact that the Four Emperors formed a true offensive and defensive alliance, it would have caused unprecedented tension and an unprecedented sense of crisis to the world government. The Five Old Stars will definitely not tolerate the existence of five current generals in the Navy Headquarters at the same time. .”

Although the pressure of the Four Emperors on the navy is extremely huge, correspondingly, the strength of the headquarters is also unprecedentedly strong.

Obviously, if the Black Sail Alliance reached by the Four Emperors is disbanded. . .

With such strength, the Navy Headquarters will become a thorn in the heart of the five old stars, which is far more difficult than the single four emperors.

Having dealt with Wulaoxing and others for so many years, the wise general can probably guess a little bit about the plans and schemes that these politicians who crossed the river and demolished the bridge may implement.

Warring States believes that if there is such a day, the world government will never delay the order of the high-level restructuring of the military headquarters until the next day.

399. The Rabbits Are Dead and the Dogs Are Cooking, and the Birds Are Dead and the Bows Are Hidden (2)

Putting down the rough-made noodle bowl, [Fujitora], who had just integrated into the military organization of the navy, smiled and touched his head suddenly: "I originally thought that the world government and the navy headquarters were on the same boat, but I didn't expect... .”

Although it is the truth, the words are not pleasant, especially the part after the word [actually] is deliberately vague and hidden.

It is very likely to connect with words such as [dog bites dog], [mianhexinli], etc.

Sakaski turned his head, maybe Fujitora just wanted to express his sincere emotion, but with a strong personality, he still hoped that the other party could express his position clearly.

The two newly promoted generals who came through the world conscription do have extraordinary strength, each of them is as strong as a monster.

However, on the other hand, it is different from the sense of identity and mission of the navy as a collective of the veterans who have served for many years.

Whether it's Fujitora or Green Bull, these new recruits in the navy are completely different from generals from the military such as Sakaski in terms of words, deeds and ways of thinking.

Originally hidden and dormant among the people, the two exceptionally promoted generals are indeed rare and powerful high-level combat forces in the naval camp.

But I have to admit that the two of them still lack the recognition of the naval power from the bottom of their hearts.

In this political contest between the Navy and the Five Old Stars, at present, they do not have the belief that they have to fight to the end even if they sacrifice their lives and are doomed.

It's more like a passerby, or a chess spectator who stays out of the matter.

Akainu, who was wearing a blood-colored double-breasted coat, reflected Fujitora in the depths of his eyes: "Do you regret it?"

"No, after learning about the true relationship between the navy and the world government," the blind swordsman, who has a gentle and upright personality and cares about the safety of civilians, said frankly, "It should be said that he breathed a sigh of relief."

Sakaski knows that in the original book, Fujitora stands out from the conscription of the world, and one of his goals and expectations for taking office is to abolish the system of Shichibukai under the king.

However, with the joint efforts of all members of the navy, the current Shichibukai system is far from the mess in the original book.

No matter from the candidates, or from the treaty that needs to be fulfilled and abided by as a member of Shichibukai.

Moreover, the current relationship between Shichibukai and the Navy Headquarters is not simply a superficial employment relationship.

If it is said that the generals of the Navy headquarters gathered in the name of justice, under the pressure of "internal troubles" and foreign aggression, they became an iron ball forced to hold together as one.

Well, the most intelligent Wangxia Shichibukai who lived on this sea had their own interests and needs, but at least they all held the same position as the navy.

Under such circumstances, if Fujitora proposes to abolish the Shichibukai system under the king, it will undoubtedly be a farce of self-destruction of the city wall.

The chain of interest between the Shichibukai and the Navy is too deep, and Sakaski has no reason to push the allies who can be used to the world government and the Four Emperors.

The Scourge driven by Moonlight Moriah and Imperton Deep Sea Prison have achieved a mutually beneficial win-win situation.

In addition to adding an army of the dead whose combat strength is not inferior to that of the expeditionary force, the navy has also almost solved the possibility of escape from the large prison almost once and for all.

It is a powerful ally who is completely tied to the chariot and the Navy Headquarters to share the glory and lose the glory.

Tiger Fisher has kept his own place on the bottom of the sea these years, but Sakaski doesn't think that the other party will stand on the side of the world government, whether in public or private.

The world's largest slave owner, the world aristocrat who regards others as pigs and dogs is an old enemy that [Liberator] Tiger hates extremely.

As the hero of the Fishman Island and the captain of the Sun Pirates, his position determines that it is absolutely impossible to help the world government.

Personally, whether it was Sakaski's tenacious defense of Fishman Island, or his kindness in helping Tiger blame Doflamingo for attacking the holy land of Mariejoa and rescuing slaves.

As for the empress with the most savage temper, Boa Hancock, as a platinum member of the Hellfire Club and a severe patient of Stockholm Syndrome, is said to get along well with Ace, who is also a dog fan.

In this new world defense battle, it was the Nine Snake Pirates under her command and the Amazon Valkyrie Army that helped Polusalino frequently block the Whitebeard Pirates on the frontal battlefield.

Regarding the loyalty of Brooke, the King of Soul, none of the high-ranking naval officials present questioned it.

After all, the brand-new, magnificent, and stalwart steel fortress under their feet was built by the old bones who sold their performances all over the world to make money, and lost their coffins to help the navy repair them.

The unbearable good old man Warring States has repeatedly warned Sakaski to be better to this PX0 pacifist who sold himself to the headquarters.

On the contrary, Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's number one swordsman who rarely had anything to do with the navy, maintained a neutral attitude.

Neither want to involve the navy nor be attached to the world government.

"Fujitora," even though he knew that Yixiao's eyes couldn't see anything, but out of respect and politeness, Sakaski still looked at him squarely: "May I take the liberty to ask, what is the reason why you responded to the world's conscription?"

How to fully integrate the two new recruits into the navy will undoubtedly take time to polish. At the same time, there is an even more pressing need for a united front where we stand on the same ground.

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