I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 472

"Bang! Bang!"

Naturally, the first shot returned in vain, and Van Oka's second shot aimed at the swordsman's head was also jerked away by the opponent, and the bullet grazed his cheek to avoid it.

Even though he dodged the deadly gun, Zoro was still taken aback by the blow. The hairs all over his body stood on end, and fine goose bumps gradually appeared.

"【Wolf Sword Style】!"

This is Sauron's rare "sword of softness" that is both offensive and defensive.

Instead of focusing on the fierce and indomitable fierce swordsmanship, instead use three knives to resist and defend against the opponent's attack, so as to strike fast and turn into a fatal counterattack towards the opponent.

Its appearance is like a willow branch being blown by the breeze, which is both soft and gorgeous.

Although this is a move that is very suitable for actual combat, it must be performed with superb swordsmanship.

The gunman didn't retreat but advanced, and didn't want to widen the distance, he did the opposite and put the muzzle of the gun directly on Sauron's forehead.

He lowered his left arm deliberately, using the more threatening muzzle of the opponent's forehead as a cover, and at the same time shot the opponent's thigh.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Zoro suddenly shortened his figure, and using one leg as a support, he rotated his small body, avoiding the two shots at a well-calculated angle.

In the blink of an eye, the swordsman counterattacked logically after being bullied, and the extremely sharp blade mercilessly slashed at the neck, heart, waist and abdomen of the opponent.

Van Orka slid back out of the attack range without any hesitation, and simply knocked the handle of the gun on Sauron's long knife, blocking the opponent's sharp edge in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, he placed another spear between the swordsman's eyebrows, and the distance between the muzzle and Sauron was less than 10 centimeters.

I saw that the other party slashed across the knife brazenly, and hit the pistol facing him with the thick back of the knife.


The slanted muzzle of the gun could barely brush the swordsman's hair and deflect it. At this moment, Sauron's long-planned knife had already rushed towards Van Oka's face.

Just when the sharp sniper was about to pierce his pupil, a kite turned over in a large arc, kicked off the ground, and rolled over Sauron's head.

Just as he was about to raise his gun to aim in mid-air, out of the corner of his eye Van Oka caught a glimpse of a rapidly blooming white light coming from his left side.

There was no way to avoid it in mid-air, and he had to face the risk of being hit by a ricochet, and his shot collapsed on the blade that the opponent passed by.

Half a second later, the right leg of the sniper, who landed steadily, squatted slightly as the key fulcrum for bearing the weight just now. He lowered his body, and the two shots from bottom to top did not aim at all, and threw them directly at Sauron.

The intense fight at close range is far more tense than the previous collision between Nodachi and Odachi.

Even Usopp, who was watching the battle, couldn't help clenching his fists, his palms were greasy with sweat.

Looking at it from the sidelines, it is as if two dancers are taking their lives as their pledge, dancing the dance of death in a square inch.

The man with two guns remained calm, avoiding the stabbing, slashing, picking, and slashing of the blade every time there was a slight difference, and the deadly sword flowers shook by his side, but he never hurt him at all.

The total distance was less than two meters, and the fireworks from the muzzle of the gun and the white awn of the sword's aura echoed each other.

This round of competition lasted only a few seconds, and the two of them quietly changed their previous positions.

Usopp was stunned, he had never seen such a gorgeous and fleeting moment of a wonderful battle.

Undoubtedly, the two big men in front of him are admirable masters, with eyesight, skill, and most importantly - prediction.

Every time the gun is raised, except for the muzzle that threatens the front, the other gun is always looking for the swordsman's next foothold, or paying attention to the opportunity to interrupt and hinder the opponent's offensive.

And the green algae-headed swordsman wearing a turban is also a master of the experienced side. He can always launch a deadly counterattack immediately after dodging the opponent's shots.

Even when the snipers launched a fierce offensive, they used offense instead of defense.

"This green algae head is interesting." Sanji, who was born in a famous school, has a good vision, and this East China Sea swordsman seems to belong to that kind of

The type of [When you meet the strong, you will be strong] is an extremely rare fighting genius.

Under tremendous pressure, this green algae head was not defeated as quickly as everyone expected at first, but on the contrary, in the extremely fast offensive interaction, his own potential was gradually forced out.

If this kind of guy is said to improve himself one step further in battle, it is not impossible to even break through.

The teammates who were teammates knew how difficult Van Oka's "gun fighting" was.

They even secretly speculated in their hearts before that maybe from the moment their own sniper completely let go of his hands and feet, Sauron would be defeated within three seconds.

Van Oka, who should have an absolute advantage, was still unable to suppress Sauron.

In the fight between the swordsman and the gunslinger, from the perspective of others, Sauron only seemed to be slightly inferior and temporarily at a disadvantage.

But Fan Oka, who was personally on the scene, only felt that the close combat between the two was completely equal.

"Heh, the captain picked up the treasure this time." Speaking of how they got along these few days, Franky didn't take this swordsman brother too seriously.

Now the opponent's stunning swordsmanship made the reformer have to face up to the dream that Sauron once said.

"The number one swordsman in the world... maybe this guy can really do it in the future?" Franky muttered to himself.

This piece of rough jade, with more polishing, will definitely be able to reach the level of the world's top swordsman in time.

"Continue? We haven't decided the winner yet." Sauron looked full of fighting spirit, and he hadn't experienced such a hearty battle for a long time.

Immerse yourself in the world that resonates with the sword, and concentrate on every breath, every blink, as if other noises in the world are far away from your ears, and the high-intensity battle that requires a lot of mental calculations and predictions is in his eyes. It looks so...preserved.

Those miscellaneous fish in the East China Sea have no value as a whetstone, just as the Straw Hats predicted and promised when they invited him to board the boat: Only by constantly fighting with real masters can you break through yourself.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your battle." A slightly anxious female voice stirred into this short competition.

Everyone looked around, but it was Nuo Qigao who was supposed to be watching the battle with popcorn in his hands.

In the palm of her open hand lies a small and exquisite orange phone bug, which is in the state of talking at the moment.

"Nami? How did you choose this time to call?" the steady deputy captain asked first, after all, this [Minister of Finance] is a busy man.

"Money fan, is something wrong?" This is little friend Luffy who is good at giving people nicknames.

"I suggest that you return to the boat immediately and prepare to run away." Nami's slightly distressed sigh reached everyone's ears.

The Straw Hats looked at each other in blank dismay, there must be an explanation for running away for no reason, right?

"I just got the news from the [Fraudster] commander's intelligence department. At the same time that you took down Branch 153, the Naval Inspection Section was also investigating corrupt elements in Branch 16 in the East China Sea." She didn't know about this intelligence beforehand, Nami came to get the exact news when the scandal was about to hit the general's desk.

The orange-flavored money fan was equally curious when passing this information to the Straw Hat Pirates:

"I don't know what the local mouse colonel did, which made the prosecutor furious and reported the information and evidence directly to the expeditionary army."

"What will happen?" Luffy blinked dully, for Nami's half-spoken habit, he really couldn't figure out what was going to happen next.

The voice on the other end of the phone seemed to be full of gloating: "In normal times, it's nothing. The Supervision Section arrests the person and it's over. But this time, for some reason, I completely annoyed Lieutenant General Dauberman, who was the first to receive the intelligence. , at least three of the lieutenant generals of the legion headed by him are about to arrive in the East China Sea."

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