I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 485

Permission is permission. From the beginning of receiving the intelligence from the Supervision Section back to the headquarters, Warring States did not report much expectation and confidence.

After all, the character involved this time is Marco, the [Phoenix] known as the first person under the Four Emperors.

If the other party co-ordinated the team to appear in the East China Sea, at least there were traces to follow.

But if Marco acted alone this time, it would basically be tantamount to directly announcing that the tracing plan had failed.

In the vast East China Sea, if you want to find a master with strong three-dimensional mobility and proficiency in reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, even if the headquarters spends a lot of manpower to search the land of every island, it may not be able to find him.

This kind of thing is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. It doesn't matter whether you are the strongest combat force in the headquarters, it is useless if you can't find someone.

According to the original plan of the Warring States Period, one or two lieutenant generals were sent to collect evidence and investigate, but it was unexpected that Akainu took the initiative to attack.

[But it's better than burning the sofa in the marshal's office with this tantrum. 】The Great Buddha was thinking to himself, but he was beyond shocked by the next sentence in Sakaski's language, which was not astonishing.

"Marco is looking for a crew member belonging to the Whitebeard Pirates. The old man has enough evidence and intelligence to show that if this person is ignored by the military, he will most likely replace Whitebeard as the navy's biggest enemy in the future." Saka Ski unreservedly raised the threat of Blackbeard Titch to the highest level in front of the high-level officials in the headquarters.

Probing, Sengoku analyzed what Sakaski said earlier: "You mean, he has the potential to become the Four Emperors?"

"Potential? No," Sakaski shook his head, and immediately denied: "You still don't understand thoroughly, the old man even suspects that he already has the strength comparable to the Four Emperors."

In the five years he worked with him, Fujitora had rarely seen Sakaski so solemnly raise the threat of a certain pirate to such a high level.

The admiral, who is blind but has a clear heart, somewhat understands why Sakaski chose to take the initiative: "If that person really has such strength, no matter what the reason is, it would make sense to alert Marko to look for it himself. As it should."

As long as the value of things worthy of the pirate's attention is equally important to the navy.

"More than that, you must know that the current pirate forces in the new world are not fighting alone. As one of the two poles, the Black Sail Alliance knows the power of the navy better than anyone else. Facing the status quo, the big pirates who are out of control, simply cannot I can't afford to die." After a moment of contemplation, Polusalino deduced and restored the events one by one according to the current situation:

"It cannot be ruled out that other members of the Black Sail Alliance rushed to help Marco. The navy may face the same unsolvable [Fire] Jhin in the East China Sea, or even the floating fleet commanded by [Golden Lion]."

Warring States did not continue to say anything, if other people came to report to him that a little-known big pirate appeared in the Whitebeard Pirates, and his strength could even rival the Four Emperors.

He would probably ask the reporter to go to the medical center or the psychiatric department of the headquarters hospital for an appraisal.

However, these words came from Sakaski. Warring States also knew the basics of this subordinate who had followed him for decades. An absolute expert.

[Once it is about the threat level of the pirates, Sakaski will never lie. 】

Seeing that the Marshal seemed to be still thinking, Polusalino, who was very good at observing words and expressions, helped General Warring States to ask what he wanted to say: "Sakaski, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Sakaski slowly turned his gaze to the screen where the green bull was.

At present, each of the four major legions has a commanding general, and the only one who is free is actually guarding another place.

Located at an altitude of 5 kilometers directly above Marin Fondo—the huge artificial island built by the Navy Headquarters spared no expense and effort. When it is destroyed, the navy's last counterattack.

The adoption of composite energy supply, although still dominated by electricity, is by no means limited to the power of one person.

It is far bigger than the sky fortress where Sakaski is currently located - the [Megatron].

It is not an exaggeration to say that the two are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

Taking the gravity controlled by Fujitora as a major basis for its suspension in mid-air.

Of course, only this general who can easily pull down meteorites can easily support this city in the sky that is enough to hold a hundred thousand soldiers.

On it, [Green Bull], one of the strongest combat forces in the Navy Headquarters, sits in person.

"I propose to activate the Sky City [Spear of Adun]." Sakaski put forward his suggestion. As for the floating island fleet of Golden Lion Shiji, the navy has not been able to accurately grasp its movements so far.

If the golden lion relies on this point to cross the windless belt and show up in the East China Sea without anyone knowing, it will be really difficult for him to deal with it.

A dog with short legs shed tears of unwillingness from the bottom of his heart.

Obviously, as long as he lands, he can knock the opponent out of the shit. But the golden lion is a ruthless person who can float in the air for more than ten years!

The reason why Sakaski formally filed an application at this military meeting was because at least three generals had to vote to approve the use of this magnificent city in the sky.

"No, all forces are involved near the island of Alabasta, the desert kingdom. This is the point we should pay urgent attention to right now?" The most sensible yellow ape immediately refuted Sakaski's suggestion.

And the green bull who is sitting in the 【Spear of Adun】spreads his hands like a bachelor:

"I abstain, it doesn't matter where I stay anyway."

"This commander also disagrees. If Sky City needs to be [completely] activated, two generals must sit on it. Fujitora, Green Bull, and you and Enilu are stranded in the East China Sea. Whether it is a G-1 expedition Both the military fortress and the navy headquarters are short of masters, what if the Black Sail Alliance takes the opportunity to attack on a large scale?" Warring States simply expressed his real worries, and the loss outweighs the gains.

The navy is currently concentrating on the investigation of the ancient weapon [Pluto], and all the powerful warriors of the new generation are gathered in that turbulent place. At this time, it is really embarrassing to use three generals to fight on two fronts .

Smile, who loves to dress up in a purple bathrobe, has a different opinion: "I choose to support Mr. Akainu. After all, if such a threat really exists, it is the most sensible way to break the situation by killing it in the cradle."

One abstained, two supported and two opposed.

And the key vote that ultimately determines whether this big operation will be carried out or not is held tightly in the palm of someone's hand.

Everyone realized something, and turned their attention to the communication channel that belonged exclusively to the deep-sea habitat.


Kuzan, who had already fallen asleep at some point, proved to everyone his excellent quality of deep sleep with his extremely sweet snoring.

Hearing the long breathing coming from the communicator, Sakaski couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

What is this guy doing?!

Across the screen, everyone couldn't physically wake up the drowsy person who lost the chain at the critical moment, only the guy on the other side of the screen who was about to sleep out of his saliva was frequently called.

"Are you really going to use that on him?" The merciful Buddha looked a little hesitant when he asked about it.

On the other hand, Sakalski had a heartbroken look on his face: "This is something that can't be helped. You can't wake him up if you don't make a loud noise through the screen, right?"

Everyone looked at each other and sighed in unison: "Oh, that's the only way."

Immediately, the four generals and the current "head" of the Navy Headquarters slowly stood up from their seats, and their movements could be said to be uniform.

The generals turned their backs and only projected the white coats on their shoulders on the screen.

It seems that some emotions are being accumulated, and it seems that a certain atmosphere is brewing.

In the next moment, the screams of a few rough old men suddenly exploded on all the screens:

"Chicken~ You are so beautiful!!!"

This sudden sonic attack not only successfully awakened Kuzan, but also completely plunged him into a state of bewilderment.

Kuzan, who was sleepy, didn't know what happened during the meeting. Why did everyone's painting style look a little wrong when he woke up?

He couldn't allow him to think about why the supposedly solemn military meeting suddenly turned into a dance fight meeting, but he saw that everyone on the screen was staring at him with "anticipation".

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