I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 510

Since it is a transfer, there must be a new goal, and this goal must be enough to attract the attention of the world government.

The captain of the First Division suddenly realized: "You want to provoke a war between the Navy Headquarters and the Revolutionary Army?"

"Of course! I don't believe you can't see how afraid the world government is of the Navy Headquarters! The army they expand every year is said to be used to guard against the revolutionary army. In fact, what they really want to target is not the generals who hold a lot of troops. We?" Tiqi sneered again and again, and there was an excellent opportunity in front of him.

As long as the Navy Headquarters does not show dissatisfaction for a day, then they still have to obey the orders of the top level of the world government.

It is true that the Revolutionary Army is a major concern of the world government and the five old stars, but the world government is also wary of the navy.

Against the backdrop of the "decline" of the Black Sail Alliance ahead of schedule, once there is an opportunity to consume both the Navy and the Revolutionary Army, Blackbeard believes that the Five Old Stars will never let go of such a god-given opportunity. Even the grandson of Karp, those politicians would use it without hesitation. No, perhaps it is because the three generations of the Monchi family belong to different camps that it is easier for these politicians to split the hill of the Navy Headquarters.

He laughed and took out a crumpled reward order from his arms: "This is a big gamble, if I catch Monkey D. Dorag's son first and give it to Wu Lao Xing! Then The Revolutionary Army will go to war against the Navy even if they have to!!"

Author message:

ps: Sorry for the late post, there are really too many things going on recently. . . . .

453. Traitor (Medium)

Marco looked at this rough man who had been with him on the main ship for decades, as if he was meeting him for the first time today.

This is Marshall D. Teach, a member of the second team of the original Whitebeard Pirates who is now nicknamed "Blackbeard".

He looked as scruffy as ever, with thick hair on his body, but he didn't like to wash and groom frequently.

Grease accumulated on his bluish skin, highlighting his chest and exposed belly more and more.

But no one expected that under such a rough appearance like a brainless man, there is a cunning, bold, and wise soul hidden.

Regarding the plan proposed by Tiqi, even Marco, who is as experienced as he is, can't help but sigh secretly for his quick thinking and wide span.

If it were other ordinary pirates, it would be impossible to have such a good and meticulous view of the overall situation.

But what is really scary is the other party's extraordinary thinking mode and thinking angle.

Bold but still logical, every step that seems to be clueless can be connected with his far-reaching ultimate goal.

Regarding the pirate supernova who appeared out of nowhere in the past five years - Monkey D. Luffy, Marko, who is in charge of the integration and coordination of the Black Sail Alliance's intelligence system, has indeed studied it carefully.

As the world's leading transcendent force, the Black Sail Alliance, formed by the combination of the Four Emperors and their affiliated forces, undoubtedly possesses a powerful intelligence network and extensive information channels.

Marko has also seriously analyzed the fact that the Straw Hats can continue to toss from several great routes and travel around the world with a relaxed and comfortable mind like traveling.

After all, this group of young people have been out at sea as pirates for five years, and they haven't been wiped out by the navy headquarters with thunderous means. This is a problem in itself.

Constantly attacking the fortresses of various branches, coupled with the peculiar style of this group of people making trouble wherever they go, if they follow the concept of "nipping danger in the bud" proposed by Akainu, I am afraid that the expeditionary force will strike hard Take down the Straw Hat Pirates in one fell swoop.

But this gang of trouble-loving bastards has been roaming around for five years.

In Marco's opinion, it is true that the Navy Headquarters never really wanted to deal with this group of people.

As for why the headquarters turned a blind eye to this, all the bosses who knew the straw hat captain's surname laughed and said nothing.

From the very beginning, Marco didn't believe that the grandson of the naval hero Garp would become some kind of pirate, and he could even drag the noble Vinsmoke siblings onto the pirate ship?

Looking at the deeds of their group of people, almost all the senior officials of the Black Sail Alliance came to their senses, or, this gang of high-ranking officials played pirate games when they were full.

Or, the navy is quite purposeful and targeted and wants to use the identity of a pirate to make a fuss.

In the past few years, the Navy's all-out crackdown on corrupt elements in various branches and the major exchange of blood at the top of the branch also indirectly support this fact.

Marco can even guess that the Straw Hats, who have accumulated many anti-corruption and anti-thief feats, can ascend to the sky in one step as long as they take off the coat called "Pirate".

Leaving aside the character and temperament for the time being, just talking about the plan proposed by Tiqi earlier, after a few times of deliberation, Marco felt that there was a lot to be done.

Although these plans seem fanciful and risky everywhere, they are really reasonable when they are carefully considered from the perspective of logic and general trend.

If Blackbeard chooses to hand over Straw Hat Luffy to the Navy, according to Garp's consistent rogue nature, Marco estimates that he will say in all likelihood: "We want to catch the Straw Hat Kid, and Monkey D. What's the matter with Luffy?" and so on.

But if the straw hat Lu Fei is handed over to the five old stars to deal with, things will change a lot.

Does the World Government really not know that the Straw Hats are the dark thread planted by the navy? Of course these politicians know.

It is even very likely that they have cleared everyone's identity and background through the CP0 investigation when the Straw Hat Pirates first appeared.

But the bottom of my heart is clear, and the door is clear.

Because this kind of thing can't be brought to the surface at all,

And the world government just needs to pretend to be confused and seize this opportunity to consume the strength of both the navy and the revolutionary army.

"Whether the Navy accepts the order to execute the Straw Hat Boy and engages the revolutionary army who came to rescue him, or the Navy completely breaks face with the World Government and cooperates with the Revolutionary Army to counterattack the Holy Land, our New World is the winner." Blackbeard laughed evilly, and the world The World Government, the Revolutionary Army, and the Four Emperors Group are often regarded as three forces that are intertwined with each other.

But in his view, the only three parties that are truly afraid of each other and have interests are the Navy Headquarters, the World Government, and the Revolutionary Army.

After carefully listening to Tikki's "big plan", the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, although he reckoned that Tikki might have something to hide, but the plans that were revealed to him were already shocking!

Although he doesn't like Tiqi, Marco has to applaud and admit that this guy has a calculating heart:

"What a calculation! What a great layout!

It was supposed to be a conspiracy of ghosts and monsters, but you started it under the guise of the hands of the five old stars, and it turned into a big trend, forming an unavoidable conspiracy that you knew it was so. "

Tiki stroked his fluffy hair, and refastened the crooked turban. He looked at the sky with piercing eyes: "My strategy is not worthy of your admiration, Captain Marco, do you know who I am most convinced by now?"

Before Marco could reply, he asked himself and answered:

"It's that mad dog Sakasky, the Akainu guy, who hides profound wisdom beneath his apparent madness.

Without a doubt, he is the best strategist I have ever seen in my life. "

For such a veteran in layout, Marshall D. Teach wished he had never had the opportunity to confront him head-on in strategic planning, so now he can only praise him in this way: "We have lost since 20 years ago, Marshall Section chief."

It was the first time Phoenix had heard such arguments, and he couldn't help being a little curious: "How do you say it?"

Since Titch mentioned the exact time period, Marco naturally began to recall in his mind, constantly digging and thinking about what happened 20 years ago, which led to Blackbeard's conclusion.

Then he thought of something, and Marco's face was slightly startled: "Is it Fishman Island?"

"It's Fishman Island." Tiki nodded approvingly: "There, it was the beginning of our active abandonment of offensive tone and transition to passive defense."

The strong man with a ferocious face slowly raised a fat and rough finger: "The strategic point, and the extremely precious source of murloc soldiers."

This point is exactly what Marco thinks in his heart. The Immortal Bird couldn't help but sighed, "Yes, the [Deep Sea Dwelling Ship] currently under the command of Kuzan has almost maximized the role of murlocs in naval battles.

In the New World Defense War five years ago, the front led by General Aokiji was the most inconspicuous one. But in my eyes, it is the most terrifying one. "

Seeing that Marco's attitude has finally loosened, Tiqi, who is good at observing words and expressions, immediately laughed: "

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