I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 520

A few tough guys didn't say a word even before being defeated and beaten into a coma.

But this strange creature in front of him obviously has a strong body strong enough to withstand the [Jet Rocket Launcher], but it screams louder than anyone else when it takes damage.

"It hurts to death!!! Huh! Ahhh! No, it really hurts!" As if the pain was unbearable, the rough fat man who didn't take care of his appearance not only kept screaming, Luffy even noticed This person even clenched his palms into fists, trembling with pain.

Lu Fei blinked his eyes without knowing it, and didn't understand whether the other party's move was deliberately showing weakness to the enemy or the pain was unsustainable: "You guy, how strange? If you are so afraid of pain, why do you have to choose?" attack me?"

Blackbeard was panting heavily, but his eyes became more terrifying, like a devil who chooses to eat people: "This is helpless, after all, after eating this devil fruit, I have to bear double the pain compared to ordinary people." Pain."

He clenched and opened his hands slowly, like a nouveau riche who is unwilling to travel in brocade clothes but likes to show off. He proudly introduced the special fruit he had just obtained: "The price is undoubtedly huge, but the reward is also the same. Tempting. It is also a different kind in the natural system, the most vicious fruit ability! Dark fruit!!"

Knowing that the other party does possess the ability of devil fruit, the vigilance of the straw hat boy can't help but increase. No matter what type of ability user it is, those weird abilities are very likely to cause the gutter to overturn the ship in battle.

Although he hasn't realized what kind of ability it is, Luffy is the first to find a trace of contradictions in the information exposed by Blackbeard's words: "Nature? I just hit your entity!"

Seeing his palm pointing at Luffy like a black smoke, the arc of Tiqi's mouth widened: "I am the only one with a natural entity, and I am the dark man who controls the endless darkness. The so-called darkness, that is, It is gravity, the force that attracts and devours everything!"

After five years of hard work, although Luffy doesn't know how much damage gravity can cause, his ability to respond to enemies has become better and better.

The movement of the opponent raising his palm seemed harmless, but the distance was so far away, but Luffy still slammed on the road, and "shaved" out of the area directly in front of the opponent's palm.

He had seen a lot of ranged attacks by nature-type powerhouses in the Navy Headquarters, and among them, the general Huang Yuan was the main target of defense.

"It's a good reaction. I don't know the true face of my ability, but I already have corresponding countermeasures." Blackbeard praised this young man who was much younger than himself with satisfaction: "Such a sophisticated reaction must have been experienced. Many wars, right? Unfortunately, common sense is in the face of infinite gravity that does not let go of a glimmer of light..."

Before the words fell, Luffy, who was moving at a high speed, stagnated abruptly.

462. The Darkest Hour (Part 1)

"What? This strength!?" Luffy, who was moving at high speed with [shaved], showed surprise.

But before he could react, he was directly locked onto his body and grabbed by a huge suction force.

The person was still in mid-air, and the agile Luffy quickly adjusted his attacking stance, intending to use the opportunity to punch this strange devil fruit user.

The big hand covered in black mist stopped Luffy's forearm halfway.

It is not uncommon to restrict the opponent's body movements in battle to resist the interception attack.

But this technique is not applicable to the rubber man.

Rubber has extremely strong ductility and toughness. This kind of jab that snakes out like a snake, even if someone cuts off the arm, it stands to reason that the fist that has not been clamped can still continue to stretch and hit the target.

However, the fist that was supposed to extend several meters like a spear still stayed at a distance of more than ten centimeters from the guy's eyes due to the restrained arm, trying in vain to continue to punch the guy in the face.

【My body? Is it...】

How good is Luffy's fighting instinct? The moment he realized that his limbs could not be extended smoothly, he had already tensed his muscles to gather strength, trying to use the iron block's defensive skills to minimize the damage.

Immediately, a merciless and fierce belly fist punched Luffy completely into a prawn, and fell towards the houses and shops on the side of the square while maintaining a U-shape.

"Hmm!" Crashing through several houses one after another, before Luffy's upside-down body landed on the ground, the suction hit again like a tarsal maggot.

[Here it comes again... Can no longer be hit by "that" force. 】Luffy, who seemed to be pinched by an invisible giant hand, struggled with all his strength, but he was still unable to escape from the strange pulling force immediately.

Seeing that the distance between himself and Blackbeard shortened again, even he, a trace of panic quickly appeared in the depths of his eyes.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two long and dull gunshots sounded from the end of the street in the distance.

He staggered the black beard who was guiding the move [Dark Water], directly interrupting the huge suction force aimed at Luffy.

Two specially-made sniper bullets with flat bullets slowly slipped from Blackbeard's brow and heart. Luffy, who was closest to him, could clearly see that guy's black and reflective forehead. (Refer to the official formula book)

Blackbeard's weather-beaten face trembled unnaturally. Although he used armed domineering to protect his vitals in advance, the impact transmission of large-caliber bullets should not be underestimated.

"It seems that you have a very good sniper?" The rough villain didn't hide his envy at all.

In his mind, the pirate group he wants to form must be equipped with members of this level, instead of the mixed crew members on the white beard ship.

The sound of strong wind arrived around the square one after another, and the ensuing sound of complaints also slightly faded the uneasiness accumulated in Luffy's heart.

"Hey! Luffy! Why do you always have trouble in public places?" Sanji and the others couldn't help shaking their heads and smiling wryly. They didn't even talk about shopping for supplies and wandering around, they just listened to the noise in the square ahead And shouted in horror.

Regarding the troublesome characteristics of the captain and the strange luck of where troubles follow, they hardly thought about whether other pirate groups were causing trouble here.

Take a closer look, great! Sure enough, it was my own "bear child" who got into a fight with others.

However, this time is a bit special.

The thoughtful deputy captain stopped Sanji, and she noticed that Luffy, who was a rubber man, was bleeding all over his face: "Wait, you were injured?"

Less than two minutes after the riot started, the other crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates had already arrived at the "scene of the crime".

【That is to say... that guy broke the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Luffy directly in just two minutes?】 Reiju's thoughts changed sharply, not to mention how many people in the East China Sea can do this, Luffy's serious expression itself shows the seriousness of the problem.

"Be careful, he is Blackbeard!" Luffy, who was steaming again, warned his companions loudly.

All the people who were just casually teasing the captain stopped their smiles in an instant.

Especially Vinsmoke Reiju, who had been vaguely feeling that he had missed something, his expression changed slightly.

She finally remembered what was a little wrong on the way from leaving the restaurant on the sea to Rogge Town: the original intention of the group of them to go to the restaurant on the sea was not to grab a meal, but to act as a gift to someone. bait.

The real meaning of Xiliu's warning them to leave the East China Sea before leaving was not to avoid the fierce battle between the navy and the Four Emperors, but to ask them to beware of Blackbeard who was always hiding in the dark.

Little did they know that Nuo Qigao, who was standing beside Reiju, also frowned slightly, and her eyes scanned the two severely deformed flat warheads on the ground.

The power of the special sniper [Qianlu], these companions who get along with Van Oka on a daily basis, are very clear.

And a large-caliber firearm with such destructive power couldn't cause obvious injuries to the person in front of him?

"Everyone be careful, he can capture people [accurately] by relying on his fruit ability!" The tentative attack almost suffered a big loss, and the straw hat boy hurriedly shared the important information he had obtained through his injuries with everyone.

Instantly understood the word "accurate" in Luffy's extra emphasis, Sanji, who is still good at speed, clicked his tongue in displeasure.

There is no need for him to try again, apparently some unlucky kid was caught by Blackbeard's weird fruit ability from a state of high-speed movement.

"Tsk, should I say that this guy is skilled and daring?" Reiju, who was the planner and commander, frowned more and more after the exchange of several pieces of information.

From the looks of it, it was just the tip of the iceberg revealed by the other party. Blackbeard did have the tyrannical strength to attack their entire pirate group alone.

Mysterious and strange abilities, knowledge-like arrogance that predicts bullet points, and armed arrogance that can easily resist large-caliber bullets.

No matter what, it is not a kind person.

The person in front of them is destined to be the strongest opponent they have encountered since they sailed for five years.

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