I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 536

This sense of panic of losing control is gradually filling my heart.

He is not the kind of man who is insensitive to the trend of the world, on the contrary, it is precisely because of his early decision to join the Qiwuhai camp that he is living a nourishing life now.

However, the overall situation in Lindeman's mouth does not seem to be as simple as maintaining the stability of the domestic situation in Alabasta as imagined.

"A gentleman asked me to send you a message when I was ordered to go to Alabasta."

He paused for a while, his habitually squinted eyes had quietly opened at some point.

At this moment, like peeping at a dead thing, it slowly swept across Crocodile's body.

There is a mysterious smile on the corner of the grinning mouth, which is unpredictable.

This smirk is fleeting, and eventually returns to the iconic smirk he always shows to the outside world:

"'Don't say it's unpredictable'."

474. Sakaski the Cigarette

Crocodile suddenly felt a little uneasy, and it was self-evident which gentleman told Lin Deman to send the message.

Although great kingship and ancient weapons are good, they must be captured by fate.

That polite warning didn't mention life and death threats, but the whole meaning was: if you don't listen to the greeting, you will be killed.

If this word came from other people, Mr. 0, the proud president of Baroque Club, could ignore it and deal with it indifferently.

It's so good that you can't die, but this warning comes from


As a member of the Shichibukai under the king, Crocodile is more familiar than outsiders with how terrifying the combat power of this admiral of the Navy headquarters, who was called "Mr. Sa" by the expeditionary force, is.

If he really annoyed him, once he confronted Akainu head-on, he thought he wouldn't be able to go for a few rounds.

"The monarch does have supreme power, but the king is just a symbol at the same time. In a situation where faith has collapsed and the king is disqualified, his personal strength is not even more useful than those big soldiers wielding knives and guns." Unexpectedly, he pondered for a long time Crocodile suddenly brought up this topic for some reason.

However, the other four present are not human beings? They all heard the meaning behind the other party's words from the endless words.

Crocodile relented.

At least, on the surface.

Combined with the actual situation that the navy basically locked the suspect on the sand crocodile although it failed to obtain conclusive evidence, Crocodile's remarks were rather cryptic, but extremely chewy.

In just a short sentence of declarative and plain words, there are "one answer and one question".

His extraordinary city and scheming are vividly highlighted in this sentence.

【His personal strength is not even more useful than those big-headed soldiers wielding knives and guns. 】It seems that it is just talking about empty truths, but after emphasizing the background of the situation, the word "useful" for the king shows a different meaning.

Crocodile hopes to use this to make the Navy understand that

Even if Cobra himself appeared to govern, it would not have an immediate effect on the country's trend.

The root of the civil war between the rebel army and the king's army stemmed from dissatisfaction with Cobra's "own" absurd actions.

How can it be so easy to mediate due to personal reasons when the war against the king and downfall begins?

But that's not the point of the sentence.

It is a prerequisite for the real king to be able to show up and govern whether the situation can be changed-he Crocodile agrees to let people go.

This is the "one answer" contained in the previous sentence.

And "one question" followed.

How will the Navy and the freed Cobra deal with the rest of the situation? And what will they do with Crocodile?

Lindeman rolled his eyes, and with a smile, he also hid the words containing a lot of information:

"Especially when a large number of revolutionary army cadres are in the rebel camp to guide the war, this country urgently needs a king and a hero."

Although the navy is basically guessing that the king's disqualification has something to do with Crocodile, and even it was written by him.

But just before, a party of three representing the military and

Although Crocodile fought against each other and fought with each other for a long time, he never completely broke through the window paper that was about to come out.

Firstly, due to lack of evidence, he rashly and completely tore up his face and asked Crocodile to hand him over, which made this famous big pirate unable to step down on the spot, and it was very likely that the negotiation would break up unhappy.

But now, although the two sides have not made it clear, at least they have left enough room for maneuver.

Seeing that the tone of the meeting had been set, Kou Kou and Robin finally started a formal negotiation on the sidelines.

The Queen of Arms is indeed prepared.

The wealthy businessman who knew the inside story restrained his tense attitude for a second, and took out a thin metal tube from his pocket with a smile on his face.

After unscrewing the bottle cap that was tightly fitted, she spread out her hand with the palm facing up, so as to catch the poured thing. With the other hand, he held the thin metal tube upside down, and with the opening facing down, he gently shook out a cigarette that was mainly white in color, with a long silver snake-like pattern on the cigarette butt.

"I see that Mr. Sa often smokes a cigar on weekdays, so he must be under a lot of pressure as an old man, right?

Think about it too, the Qiwuhai, the Four Emperors, the Revolutionary Army... none of them are fuel-efficient lamps, and it is normal to have more troubles.

Tobacco and alcohol are not good things for the human body, but they can relieve some stress and fatigue. "

Koko Umit expressed his understanding, helplessly shook his head while holding his forehead. It seems that I deeply understand the feeling of wanting to smoke a cigarette to soothe my mind at any time when all these troubles are piled up together.

Xiao Baimao smiled and handed the cigarette in his hand to Robin: "I have a cigarette specially provided by the Umit Chamber of Commerce here, which is not a respect, please take a [sample] back for Mr. Sa to taste.

It would be great if the old man likes it and can get used to it. It is also convenient for me to help him mail three or two. "

However, Robin did not raise his hand to pick up this extraordinary cigarette as soon as possible. On the contrary, he frowned: "Outsiders say that we are very similar, but I sincerely think that we are not the same way at all. You are not the kind People who are rewarded with kindness. It is too thin and too risky for me to maintain only the chain of interests."

"Listen, you admit it yourself, don't you? These anxieties and worries are only for you personally." Kou Kou emphasized the word "personal" when uttering the words.

She knew that in the end, it was not Robin, the intermediary, who would decide whether the Umit family would stay or not.

"I'm letting you worry about it, Kou Kou. My adoptive father is a rough man, and he doesn't have any extra hobbies. Anyway, Old Man Sa is a smoker who has been smoking for decades, and it's hard to quit.

To be able to bring back the special cigarettes exclusively provided by the Umit family is considered a bit of respect and filial piety for me as a daughter. "As if rehearsing and telling it countless times, Robin brought out the call with ease.

She raised her hand and raised the standard cloak of an admiral. On the left side of the inner lining, more than a dozen metal cigarette cases were placed in the thick special interlayer.

As if there was a deliberate partition, Robin took out a cigarette case made of thin brass skin from the interlayer at the top of the slope. The surface of the cigarette case was carefully carved with dense and delicate lines, symbolizing the seagull pattern of the navy. Placed in the very center of the cigarette case.

While Robin opened the cigarette case to store the cigarettes, from this angle, Kou Kou could clearly see that there were already more than ten cigarettes of different shapes inside.

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