I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 54

You must know that when they first went to the training island under the CP department, Kalifa often bumped into a tree.

From the very beginning when he easily grabbed the blond loli who hit the tree, it took Robin a whole night of practice to barely catch him when the long-nosed boy was about to lose his eyes.

Kalifa and Kaku are a new level of difficulty. Until today, Robin experienced the difficulty of hell, and Lu Qi refreshed her understanding of the six-style technique.

As the strongest player recognized by the team, Lu Qi's understanding of "shaving" is also above everyone else.

"The more concentrated the power is at one point, the more you can notice the reaction force on the ground." Lu Qi even had enough energy to explain to several people on the ground while moving at a high speed.

"Learn to use this reaction force." Lu Qi tapped his toes and disappeared in place again.

"No, I can't do it." The girl shook her head discouraged. The boy who had been calm all the time exerted his strength too quickly, and he often lost sight of the other party in a blink of an eye.

Lu Qi didn't expect the opponent to be able to catch him from the power point of his legs overnight, but learning to be flexible in battle is equally important.

"You can't think of a way to catch me tonight, so don't rest." Rob Lucci shook his head.

"Lucci! That's very harsh." Kalifa tried to plead with her good sister.

The vicious-looking boy rubbed the blond Lolita's hair, and said mockingly, "Which idiot bumped his head into a tree, and Robin picked him upright?"

"Emmm, you are sexual harassment." Kalifa made a grimace, and angrily turned to the long-nosed Kaku for help.

The square-nosed boy shrugged his shoulders helplessly, because he was too sleepy when he was practicing with him, and Robin, who had been patient all the time, locked his calf and fell down the tree.

This embarrassment has been ridiculed by that idiot Gabra for a whole day, and he doesn't want to be hit with the map now.

Seeing that foreign aid was fruitless, Robin's thoughts changed sharply. According to Lu Qi's speed, no matter how patient she was, she would not be able to catch the opponent's loopholes and flaws tonight.

Uncle Warring States said that in the art of war, one must learn to use one's own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses. Since the other party has no flaws, she will create them.

The girl who made up her mind took a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery, she nodded to the boy, signaling to start.


Just as Robin crossed her hands, she lost sight of the other person.

The girl quickly turned her head and looked at Lu Qi who had just landed on the tree trunk, but the other party's reaction was too fast, and Robin missed again.

Robin bit his lip, not to mention being able to catch it, it would be good if he didn't get dizzy.

She simply closed her eyes and used Huahuaguo's detection ability to the limit that she could grasp so far.

Dozens of eyes appeared on the branches of the trees, watching the surrounding figures carefully.

Slowly, small ears grew on the leaves, listening to the movements of the woodland.

Suddenly the tree trunk on one side trembled slightly, the girl tried her best to activate her ability as quickly as possible, but the other side still dodged leisurely.

Suddenly dozens of small hands bloomed on a branch to form a big net trying to intercept the opponent. This really surprised Lu Qi, but the boy twisted his waist and abdomen, just in time to avoid the girl's arm pounce.

He turned around and flicked towards the tree trunk, trying to continue to borrow strength.

But the girl was faster than him, and the arm that grew suddenly from the foothold grabbed Lu Qi's ankle.

Robin smiled, just about to speak proudly. Unexpectedly, Lu Qi's speed was too fast, he stepped on the tree trunk with great force, and directly broke away from the girl's arrest.

Robin had been standing there without moving, and suddenly she turned and rushed backwards. Through these few days of observation, she found that these guys like to stand quietly behind others.

And Lu Qi is even more like a feline, a little embarrassed to see others turn around and show his back.

Robin naturally didn't notice Lu Qi's traces, but all the previous abilities to capture, make hand nets, and ambush at the foothold were just for this pounce, and this was the real flaw she created.

She wants to create a misleading situation for Lu Qi that he is being monitored all around and only around her is the loophole.

The boy standing behind her slammed on the iron bridge, Lu Qi quickly propped his right hand on the ground, and scrambled his feet to avoid the girl's side.

But that was enough, Robin lying on the ground had already seen the opponent's figure rolling in the air.

"Six Wheels Bloom!" The arm protruding from Lu Qi's thigh locked tightly on Lu Qi's knees, thigh muscles and crotch.

"Hmm!!!!!!!!!!" Lu Qi fell to the ground, his voice distorted.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The boys who watched the battle covered their lower body parts empathetically, clamping their thighs desperately.

"You are sexual...sexual harassment!" The blond Loli covered her eyes, her face flushed.

The person concerned raised his head in embarrassment, and stared at the girl with gritted teeth: "Let me go!"

"Don't let me go! If you run away again, I won't be able to catch you." The girl was extremely stubborn.

Lu Qi felt that his voice was trembling: "Quickly release... Oh! Damn! Don't pinch!"

This time the camp exploded.

"Release quickly! Sister Robin"

"Don't pinch it, Robin!" Gabra's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Oh oh oh, please spare brother!"

Yinwu was even more panic-stricken: "Chababa! Don't be like this, big sister!"

"Let go of your head, big sister! You won this game!" Kaku, who had followed suit, quickly changed his words.

Robin tilted his head and looked at Lu Qi who was struggling on the ground: "I won?"

"This kind of ghost trick, I was hurt to death today! Also... oh! You won!!!!" Lu Qi hit the ground heavily with his head.

Author message:

PS: I would like to recommend to you a rare Conan fan "Conan: Aso Facts", which has a smooth logical reasoning of the case and the author's control of the plot is also very good. It is an interesting Conan fan, if you are interested, you can go and watch it

91. Auspicious Big Sister Head

Sakalski drank coffee in the restaurant as usual, and the morning meal was quiet and orderly. Holding a copy of the World Economic News in his hand, he read it carefully. The hot climate in the jungle makes it humid and hot all year round.

The unchanging climate has caused the island to maintain its most primitive posture. It made people forget the passage of time. If it weren't for the date reminder of this newspaper, he had already spent nearly two months on this island without knowing it.

Suddenly, the lieutenant general noticed that there was an anecdote about the navy "The Burning Pirate Ship" published in the World Economic News. The article mentioned that from the beginning of 1501, pirate ships had been defeated by the navy on all routes of the Great Route. In the past, when merchant ships passed by occasionally, they could only see burned pirate ships and floating corpses floating on the sea.

The article commented that this new action of the Navy Headquarters was interpreted as a new strategy carried out by the new generation of hawk leaders in the navy.

The article also thoughtfully exposed the photo of this hawk leader. The photo was taken on a warship, but you can still clearly see a burly admiral with his arms folded and his waist straight.

Following the direction of his gaze was a pirate ship burning with flames.

When did they take this photo? Sakaski didn't expect that he devoted himself to practicing in the small garden for half a year, and somehow it appeared in the newspaper.

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