I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 558

However, within ten minutes, a flashing emergency call rang on the phone bug in Sakaski's palm.

I had already expected who would be unable to sit still now, Sakalski didn't even have the slightest intention to answer the phone, and threw the phone bug to Lindemann: "Throw the phone bug to the old man, and then take the expeditionary force." Call Wulaoxing’s public phone bug, and use our side to defend the ancient weapon [Pluto] as an excuse to start a full-scale war with the Black Sail Alliance.”

492. The Eye of the Storm (Medium)

Seeing that Sakaski casually threw the personal phone bug to the fox and turned a deaf ear to the call from Wulaoxing, all the marines felt a sense of gloom.

Compared with the high-level military governors of the headquarters who often deal with the world government, these admirals who are fighting on the front line and directly participating in military operations have a [feeling] and [ Opinion] are extremely indifferent, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are close to evil.

As the backbone of fighting pirates all the year round,

They don't really care much about how much power those politicians have in their hands.

These unattainable existences and over-exaggerated powers are too far away in the eyes of the sailors, and it is difficult to form an actual intuitive impression.

If the world government led by the Five Old Stars can maintain this management model of "well water does not interfere with river water" and everyone does not interfere with each other to do their own things well, that's all.

Perhaps the sailors' impression of these politicians can still stay on the level of impartiality and unsatisfactory calmness.

But for many years, what the world government has done has played a good hand of cards to a pulp.

It has caused a substantial negative impact on the life and combat of these sailors.

If it is said that helping to do the dirty work that is not visible has to be blamed, the military department can barely convince all the sailors above and below with "the duty of a soldier is to obey orders".

Well, the Navy Headquarters has repeatedly cleaned up the mess created by the world government and cleaned up the aftermath, which really made the whole navy unable to bear the swearing.

However, the sailors who are used as eagle dogs on a daily basis, in most cases, the only condolences and encouragement they receive from the world government is nothing more than a useless commendation order.

Whether it is the commendation promised verbally by the world government or the paper commendation order issued, for front-line soldiers, it is not as real as a handy rifle.

"Even if it's a box of ammunition, it's fine." This is the most sincere complaint and response from soldiers and generals to the many letters of commendation and paper awards issued by the Five Old Stars during the war.

Ammunition can at least guarantee firepower suppression when dealing with enemy pirates, but what about reward orders? There are many sailors who say that they are too sick to wipe their buttocks.

In addition, Wu Laoxing still digs holes for his own people from time to time, and has the urge to leapfrog command.

This led to surprisingly similar evaluations of those politicians from the top and bottom of the Navy Headquarters—pig teammates who can only mess with people!

The sailors have not rebelled against the world government so far, which is already the result of the general knowledge of the generals at all levels and the ability to control them well.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Facing politicians who say "you fight me", these straightforward, straightforward and efficient sailors are of course more willing to obey a macho general who "you fight me" on the battlefield .

"I have heard the new instructions from the Marshal of the Warring States Period on the phone bug," Sakaski glanced at every naval officer present: "

Well, the short vacation is over, soldiers!"

Following the specific instructions from Akainu, the generals who had been a little slack and casual suddenly stood up neatly.

Among these people, there are veteran veterans who have been famous for a long time, and there are new stars on the battlefield who are emerging. They separated into two rows symmetrically with the central axis of the hall, and gave the most standard military salute to the solemn-looking legion master.

The man nodded heavily. This is what the expeditionary army should do after entering the state of combat readiness. He raised his arms and returned a solemn salute to the generals:

"Everything, for justice!"

Feeling the heart and pulse beating fiercely again due to the upcoming war since the five-year truce with the Black Sail Alliance, the eyes of these bloodthirsty veterans shone with unconcealable fanaticism and pride, and they shouted shouted:

"Long live the Legion!"

When Sakarski connected to Wu Laoxing's phone again, there was already a stern look on the other end: "Why, as a general, didn't you answer the phone immediately?!"

However, no one spoke to him, and even the words that Sakaski had expected to defend himself did not appear in the slightest.

From the mouth of Mary Joan's phone, only a familiar deep voice can be heard carrying out a series of orderly deployment strategies: "

Inform the Alabasta Kingdom of the current situation, and let the king's army stay in the interior to maintain alert and be ready to build a defense line at all times.

Recruiting [Sand Crocodile] Crocodile immediately went to the port city [Rape Flower], I need to get the specific location and dynamics of the remaining King Shichibukai members.

Immediately estimate the arrival time of the expeditionary force fleet and get in touch with Lieutenant General Gion. "

The five old stars on the other end of the phone were obviously very happy, but they still pretended to be worried about the overall situation. Just before the latest report made to them by the Warring States Period: White Beard and others confirmed that they were going to Alabasta to try to seize the ancient world. weapon.

This is undoubtedly a surprise for the plan of the Tianlong people.

Whether it is the Revolutionary Army or the Black Sail Alliance, as long as it can muddy the desert kingdom, no one cares.

Although according to CP0's summons, for some reason, Crocodile seems to have stagnated the Pluto's excavation project recently.

Even if the CP0 agents who have been tracking the movement of the sand crocodile and following the clues tried their best, they only roughly grasped which desert hinterland Pluto is in.

Even though this matter was not as perfect as they originally expected, it also preliminarily met the necessary conditions for the plan.

As long as CP0 passes the news of the specific area where the ancient weapons are located to Whitebeard and the others through the eavesdropping of the Black Sail Alliance, a war will break out in that desert.

The world government only needs to convince the world that [Pluto] has fallen into the hands of other evil forces, and they can force the murloc Tom who has been "invited" from Marin Vandor to the Holy Land to fulfill his promise and use the design he has memorized Blueprints and batch building of Pluto battleships.

The Five Old Stars' scheming is not incomplete. Whether Pluto falls into the hands of the Black Sail Alliance or the Revolutionary Army, they can implement the supervision plan.

Even if Pluto ultimately belongs to the navy, the world government standing behind them can forcefully issue decrees through formal means to drive Pluto away from Marin Vandor and take it back for research.

Now the only concern of Wu Laoxing is that this bastard, Sakaski, should not act recklessly, and come up with a set of show operations that destroy Pluto on the spot, so that everyone can't get it.

Seeing that he was directly ignored by the military warrior who was devoted to the deployment, Wu Laoxing glanced at each other, and said in a slightly relieved tone:

"Akainu, we also understand the urgency of the current situation, and we don't want to pursue your dereliction of duty due to your busy schedule."

Finally, he brought the microphone that had been set aside to his lips, and Sakaski said concisely: "Dereliction of duty? What exactly are you referring to?"

To Akainu, the bald old man who is the most unappreciated, he yelled: "Idiot, of course it's because you didn't report the situation to the world government in time!"

Sakaski turned a deaf ear to this, turned his head and continued to issue orders to Ghost Spider, Lindemann and the others: "The compulsory recruitment order of Qibuhai from the headquarters has been issued tens of minutes ago, tell Moria that I want him to open Keep an eye on the Angry Legion led by the brothers Katakuri and Cracker for Level 6's inventory, if you dare to refuse the call-up, you will wipe them out on the spot!"

"Decree." The ghost spider turned and walked away, striding towards another communication device.

As if he didn't see the phone bug that was still in the communication state in Sakaski's hand, the fox reported to the other party with a normal expression: "Mr. Sa, there is news from Vice Admiral Gion. It still takes 3 days to arrive at the fastest.

Mr. Garp and Mr. Zefa have already confirmed their presence in the G-1 fortress. "

The expressions of the Five Old Stars sitting around the sofa became more and more gloomy. Listening to Sakaski's current arrangement and the big moves of this giant war beast in the Navy Headquarters, it seemed that they had no intention of letting Whitebeard and others live at all. Landed in Alabasta.

Then the news of [Pluto's appearance] in the hinterland of the desert kingdom is still spreading?

Sakalski, who turned his attention back to the microphone, said in an increasingly bad tone:

"Dereliction of duty? Don't be joking, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, even if one person shows up in Alabasta, it's too much, and now the exact information sent back by the Megatron is that the Whitebeard Pirates, the Flying Pirates and the Floating Pirates The island group is about to enter, and there is not enough troops, what do you teach me to resist?"

Sakaski's eyes flickered with inexplicable brilliance, and the coldness on his face became more and more intense, and he asked intriguingly:

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