I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 584

The sailors waved their swords and wielded long guns and artillery, chasing and killing the desperate thieves.

A high-pitched battle cry called out the names of their generals.

Fanaticism and restlessness ignited the entire battlefield.

As if his name had some kind of magical power to make people forget about fatigue and pain, the fanatical fighting spirit inspired countless sailors, making them scream and growl, turning the spontaneous admiration and love in their hearts into unadorned Phrases.

That is the comrade-in-arms who fought side by side with them, that is the general who led them to charge.

Victory and glory, all in one unspoken word. Thousands of battle cries turned into a deafening chorus after several shouts.

Overwhelmed the clamor of bullets, overwhelmed the roar of artillery fire. There was only one voice left, which resounded throughout the battlefield.

They called him—[Red Dog] Sakaski.

516. Wan Muchun in front of the sick tree (middle)

The ice surface with a faint blue halo irregularly refracted the few rays of sunlight that came through the gaps in the clouds.

The sea that should have sparkled amidst the countless surging and receding waves stopped the endless noise of the day.

There are no surging waves turning up, no surging and magnificent waves.

Everything was frozen in such a short few seconds.

In this sea area condensed by ice crystals, everything has returned to dead silence, as if time has stagnated here.

Stillness is the melody played quietly by Frost.

Alabasta's waters have been frozen for thousands of miles, and even if you look up, you can't see its extremes.

The endless bone-chilling frost enveloped the entire sea surface, and at the end of the line of sight between the sea and the sky, long white clouds floated, bordering the sky with the ice surface.

Except for the coastal area where the fierce battle was still going on, there were only a few tall or thin figures of various shapes running wildly along the end of the ice.

"You can hear the shouts of killing from so far away, Luffy, are we really going to break into that level of battlefield?" Usopp, who was running vigorously, had a slightly hesitant expression.

In the battle between the Navy Headquarters and the Black Sail Alliance, the Navy has mobilized most of the top experts who are stationed in Marlin Vandor to fight. A battle of this scale and intensity is simply not something they can participate in now.

No one can guarantee that once they are involved, they will be able to escape unharmed.

"Now it's a situation where we can't retreat. You have seen the power of that evil star who has been chasing and killing us for half a month." Sanji kept walking, casually analyzing the pros and cons.

Sanji still remembers the last encounter with the pirate nicknamed Blackbeard in Logue Town.

Even with the strength of all members, they were defeated and retreated steadily.

If Lieutenant General Smoker hadn't intervened, the Straw Hat Pirates would have been wiped out.

Usopp, who had never experienced any war, couldn't help but tremble with fear, but his rational thinking told him that he had to admit that Sanji was right.

Moving forward is the coexistence of risk and safety. Maybe they are unlucky and will die on the battlefield, but there is always a chance.

But stagnation or retreat is a dead end.

The ship carrying them was severely frozen by the thick ice before it arrived in Alabasta.

In desperation, he had no choice but to abandon the ship and run away.

Usopp nodded with a solemn expression, indicating that he can distinguish the current collective decision-making of the Straw Hats.

But immediately, he returned to his usual depressed and negative appearance: "I can understand what you said, but...why can't I ride a sleigh cart pulled by reindeer!"

For this matter, Sanji did not give an inch: "Don't even think about it! It is a means of transportation specially prepared for Lady!"

The chivalrous and gentlemanly head chef bowed in the direction of the sled with feigned grace.

Riding on the sleigh that didn't need a rein, Vinsmoke Reiju laughed out loud:

"Xiaoshanji~ That's right, my sister has also felt your meticulous care, but among us... the only one who really needs a means of transportation to speed up is Usopp?"

Both she and Nuo Qigao have undergone intensive military training since childhood.

The skills for displacement and high-speed movement can be said to be at their fingertips.

Sanji's good intentions seem a little superfluous.

Hearing that the vice-captain was "supporting" himself, Usopp, who was already out of breath from running, responded desperately: "That's right!!!"

He screamed for help to the reindeer that was still running wildly in front of him, crying like ghosts and gods: "Chopper!! This is my lifelong request!! Slow down, I want to get in the car too!!!"

Unexpectedly, the reindeer seemed to be able to understand human speech, and slowed down a little. It was not until Usopp fell into the sleigh in a diving posture that it regained its normal speed.

"It's a great help, Chopper! My good brother, you still love me!" The big talker, who was finally able to rest for a while, heaved his chest like a bellows.

Suddenly, a human voice came out of the reindeer's mouth: "Even if you praise me like this, I won't be happy! You bastard (≧ω≦)"

Its running torso also twisted as if suddenly hit by an epilepsy.

"Hey, hey, hey! Chopper! I'm glad I'm happy, it's awkward, the car is going to be overturned!!" Seeing that a catastrophe was about to happen due to irregular driving, Usopp could only call desperately in panic.

This blue-nosed reindeer named Tony Tony Chopper is a new member of their pirate group who abducted... cough cough... when they passed through the Sakura Kingdom of Magnetic Drum Island.

After experiencing the tragedy of being beaten bloody by Blackbeard on the battlefield, the Straw Hat Pirates discovered the flaws and loopholes in their team configuration.

In the past, they could rely on their individual strength to defeat the enemy directly. Even if they were injured in the battle, it was enough for them to return to the ship and use the medical cabin of the Vinsmoke family for treatment.

They have spent the five years of voyage in this way. It seems that the fully functional medical room on the ship can replace the role and functions of the ship doctor.

But when encountering a powerful wolf like Blackbeard, this flaw that was previously ignored by the Straw Hat Pirates was infinitely magnified.

The other party is fully capable of preventing you from running back to the ship to get medical treatment. Therefore, an accompanying ship doctor who is proficient in first aid in the field is very important.

The Straw Hat Pirates, who were hunted down by Blackbeard, finally found a qualified ship doctor in the Kingdom of Sakura, a subsidiary country of Germa Kingdom.

In the past, the arrogant Yelang tyrant Valpo and the Drum Kingdom he ruled were severely retaliated by Germa66 after repeatedly rejecting the multi-level medical cooperation proposed by the Vinsmoke family.

The clone army defeated the army that Valpo thought was extremely powerful with almost no effort.

King Valpo was even beheaded by the princes of the Vinsmoke family inhumanely and inhumanly, as a warning to others.

Since then, the Drum Kingdom has disappeared in the long river of history. Instead, a medical powerhouse built on the ruins of the Drum Kingdom - the city of cherry blossoms.

Instead of the previous king's self-styled retreat strategy, Dalton, the first monarch of the Sakura Kingdom, adopted a new policy of actively exploring and cooperating with the outside world.

The Sakura Kingdom, which has a strong medical background, has taken advantage of the new policy and has become the world's leading medical talent pool.

Based on this background, when the prince and princess of the Vinsmoke family went to the place hoping to invite a doctor to join them, Dalton did not hesitate to send this doctor who was cultivated by the chief doctor in the country. Disciples come.

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