I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 592

Before the words fell, Fujitora faintly felt the sudden change in the surrounding aura.

Not only Warring States, but even Polusalino, who was watching the theater not far away, restrained the casualness on his face.

"Has Blackbeard arrived here? That's it, that's it." Zhan Guo nodded in understanding, and turned his attention to Zefa.

Years of tacit understanding among comrades-in-arms made Zefa understand the other party's thoughts the moment he received the hint from the Warring States Period: "That bastard... wants to eat alone behind our backs..."

The two afterimages slowly dissipated at the place where Zhan Guo and Zefa stood before, and the two people who jumped directly into the air with the six-style and hurried on their way, the chorus of anger spread across the battlefield in an instant: "First kill the black!" Beard, get rid of Enilo, that brat who tried to eat alone!"

On the huge battlefield, there was a sudden silence.

Especially Rob Lucci and the others, who were making up for the failed pirates, the cruel smile intoxicated by the smell of blood on the corner of his mouth froze before it faded away.


There were hundreds of sea soldiers who made the same move as him, rushing towards the direction where the marshal left.

Leaving ghosts crying and howling all the way—"Are you the f*cking crumb of the world?!!! Enilo!!! Dare to eat alone??"

"I beg you, Enel, be yourself!"

Although it wasn't the first time that Bilibili's arrogant attitude was classified as disrespectful by everyone, but this time, the response was particularly strong.

"Mr. Yellow Monkey... What about the battlefield? There are nearly a thousand pirates that have not been wiped out." Ace looked hopelessly at the edge of the field of vision where everyone disappeared, and turned his head to stare at Polusalino eagerly.

Taking a bolt-action rifle from a sailor beside him, Huang Yuan pointed to a figure on the left who was doing a lot of killing:

"It's okay, I was wrapped up by that scumbag Shiliu."

After finishing speaking, he rushed over there with great interest, fearing that he would miss any wonderful show.

Witnessing the despicable behavior of all the staff, Ace couldn't sit still anymore, fireworks were sprayed from the soles of his feet, and he started the crazy rush mode to the side of the ice.

Witnessing the ongoing killing, Kuzan opened his mouth, and after weighing it over and over again, he finally didn't open his mouth to stop the navy's frenzy of chasing and killing.

Because he knew that the Warring States Marshal also acquiesced in the occurrence of this matter, and never ordered a truce, but allowed Sakaski and others to expand the results of the war.

Because the navy dare not bet, dare not bet that these pirates they let go on the battlefield will definitely turn from good to evil in the future.

Especially from the moment Whitebeard died on the spot, Sengoku and Sakaski couldn't believe that these remnants of the pirates would not have revenge on the navy.

The most confusing thing on the battlefield is to win face and lose face. The love that White Beard gave to the Navy Headquarters, the Navy can give back to the many islands under his protection.

But it is impossible to release water to the good and bad pirates under his banner, and gamble the conscience of the pirates with the tranquility of the town.

The fighting faction members headed by Shiliu, Pitdog, and Ghost Spider had absolutely no intention of letting any very pirate walk out of this flesh and blood battlefield alive.

It is advisable to chase after the poor, and the professional butchers of the expeditionary army once regarded Sakalski's words as a standard.

But in fact, whether it is the ghost spider who put forward the slogan "imprint fear and justice on the pirates at the same time", or put Sakaski's words on the table... Both sides of the war have already lost their hearts in the fierce fighting stage. restraint and rationality.

War is inhumane.

Seeing the soldiers turned into evil spirits and reduced to beasts in human skin, Kuzan felt inexplicably sad.

There is no real winner in a war, and both parties involved in the war have lost too much.

They don't know mercy, let alone humanity and the bottom line.

The obvious winner takes all.

The loser does not even have the right to choose the way of his own death.

Kuzan stared at the red-eyed Sakalski not far away.

Unlike the serious, unsmiling but iron-blooded senior brother who is usually serious, it fits the image of the devil he is currently imagining extremely well.

Kuzan only sighed softly towards the figure: "Leave the battlefield, there is no redemption here."


Seeing that Sakaski turned his head when he heard the sound, Kuzan rolled his eyes pretending to be relaxed: "Marshal Warring States and the others went to watch Blackbeard. If you want to continue to [walk the bird] here, please feel free."

For Sakalski, he can't wait to see today as a new year. What a blessing to see that the confidantes who have troubled the Navy headquarters for many years are about to complete their work in one battle!?

It's so high ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Now Sakaski can even take the time to personally beat that dead fat pig who dared to rua his cabbage until he can't take care of himself.


[Hands....] He looked down at the group of pirate captains in front of him who resisted to the death and entangled endlessly.

He also looked at the back of the watching group of relatives and friends of the military department headed by the old man of the Warring States Period, who had almost disappeared into the sky.

By the time he beats Marco and the others to the ground, the day lily is probably going to be cold.

Sakaski suddenly fell into a strange silence. He turned his head a little stiffly, and looked awkwardly and politely at [European seal] who had been kicked away by him earlier.



The eyes of the two met, and before Sakaski could speak, [Sleeping Chicken], who had lived with this fierce dog brother for decades, suddenly woke up.

Kuzan turned his head cleanly and ran away.

This time Sakarski really panicked, he hurriedly called out: "Kuzan?! Don't run!!! Come and replace the old man for a while!!!"

Unexpectedly, when Kuzan heard the roar from behind, he changed from running to flying. He tilted his whole body towards the ground, and a cloud of ice fog gathered on the soles of his feet, using this as a thrust to greatly increase his moving speed.

far away...




Watching Uncle Kuzan leave, the war ghost swears viciously.

An angry person gritted his teeth and roared into the air: "Shame on me! Get out of the battlefield immediately, old man!"

Take a night off and make it up tomorrow

It may be that the coach felt that I hadn't gone to the gym for a long time, and then took me directly to do dragon flags and presses today. . .

Can a younger brother of my level do fitness exercises like Long Qi? ? ? ?

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