I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 595

It was precisely because he was worried that his usual move [Amazono Cloud Sword] would be nullified, so he asked the sailors for an extra gun for self-defense before leaving.

It now appears that Polusalino had to congratulate himself for his foresight.

If he was punched firmly by this black servant, he would inevitably be injured.

"Navy Headquarters actually sent a general to attack me, it's really giving me face!" Blackbeard, who still had the upper hand with one enemy and two, couldn't hide his pride and complacency in his tone.

Realizing that he was still unable to rely on his proud fruit ability to defeat the opponent, Enilu simply gave up the electromagnetic force field, and the three golden taiko drums were melted under the high temperature of [Lei Metallurgy] and reshaped into a single pole The golden spear in the shape of lightning attacked Tiqi with this invisible gravitational force.

With one hand resting on the butt of Polusalino's gun, Tiqi waved the other hand to meet Enilo's spear.

After repelling the two with brute force, Tiqi also secretly evaluated in his heart.

Polusalino, who has no sword in his hand, is not as threatening to him as a whole, but Enilo, who is too tough.

At least the latter can almost ignore the effect of the failure of the fruit's ability, relying on physical skills to fight with him personally.

On the contrary, the yellow ape who relies too much on the ability of the devil fruit, most of his accomplishments are in the shiny fruit, so he can only rely on armed domineering and knowledge-like domineering to deal with one or two.

"You're called Tiqi... right?" Your Excellency Huang Yuan forced his lover to smelt the lightning-shaped spear in his hand again at high temperature, and after it was divided into one hammer and one sword, he looked at Blackbeard with a smile: "You're wrong about something."

Tiqi narrowed his eyes slightly, and after his gaze paused for a moment on the long sword in the opponent's hand, he asked with interest: "I don't know what the general is referring to?"

Seeing Polusalino clutching the trigger of his rifle with one hand and raising his sword with the other, Tiqi felt a little more cautious.

Holding a sword flower casually, Polusalino still maintained a smiling expression, but his words seemed to point out: "Your face is bigger than I imagined~"

Before the words were finished, more than a hundred black shadow portable bombs roared and fell heavily on the ice.

524 I Don’t Have the Strength to Beat People, yet I’m Too Brazen to Call Him a Pirate (Part 2)

The smile completely froze on Tiqi's cheeks.

It was as if someone had applied super glue evenly around the facial muscles inch by inch, and there was no room for movement.

He seemed to be looking directly at Polusalino and Enilo in front of him, but in fact, he turned his gaze to the shadowy figures stepping out of the ice and frost behind them.

Ice slag, frost and snow all over the sky splashed in all directions with more than a hundred people falling from the sky one after another.

The fine ice and snow shadows that fly into the air are refracted several times under the sunlight, and reflected on the blue curtain that symbolizes tranquility and tranquility.

The warm sun of Alabasta hangs high in the sky, pierces the clouds, and seeps into the translucent icy fog.

The blue, which symbolizes tranquility and solitude, is mixed with warm and cheerful soft light, and under the shallow but dense ice fog and hoarfrost, sparkling flashes like stars are intertwined.

Obviously, it should be a solemn and tragic battlefield atmosphere, but under the lingering and entanglement of this man-made freezing fog, it sets it off like a gorgeous, mottled and melancholy dream.

It's like everything that can only be found in the most innocent fairy tales.

And Tichi really hoped that all this was just a dream, because he had already glimpsed a slender and capable figure walking out of the ice-blue fog.

Compared with those strong men in the expeditionary army who were full of muscles and ready to show their strength, he was even a little thinner among them.

The muscular lines of a body are tough but not bloated, as if they have been hammered and sculpted thousands of times, without losing the soft and classical curves, and they are as sharp as a knife and an axe.

Wearing a pure black suit on him, it seemed as if he could absorb all the colorful lights and shadows around him into this deep darkness like an abyss.

The clothes are so neat and straight that it doesn't seem like they have just experienced a huge and fierce battle, but it seems that they have just rushed to the end of a stylish banquet gracefully.

Ling Lie's murderous intent was colder than the frost around him, and he maintained a leisurely pace. The king of killers who walked the world in the name of "killing weapon" quietly came out through the fog.

A white pigeon with a tie around its neck flapped its wings and landed on one of its shoulders.

In the white frost behind him, there are more figures indistinctly.

Suddenly, a few meters away to the west of him, a huge and powerful tail of a scaled beast suddenly swept away the fog in front of him, breaking through the boundary between blur and clarity, illusion and reality under the fog.

Every time you step, you leave a [claw]-shaped four-toed footprint on the ice that is very similar to today's birds. Its length is much greater than its width. This is one of the iconic features of large carnivorous dinosaurs.

If it competes with Tyrannosaurus rex in size, it is not the largest existence among carnivorous dinosaurs, but it has a body structure that is more suitable for hunting.

In the naked form, the four-edged flange warhammer held tightly in his right hand naturally drooped, and the single-edged war sword held in the palm of his left hand pointed directly at Tiqi.

A mass of scorching and passionate flames rolled up a mighty tornado of flames on the ice on the west side of Drake. In the center of the fire storm, the young face surrounded by burning orange flames seemed quite Annoyed: "Hey! Enel! Why don't you play your cards according to the routine! You have the kind to speak according to your ability!"

But Enilo seemed to be deaf to the accusations, and played with his qualifications: "Oh, when I was with your sister in the war, you were still playing house in Marlin Fandor. This is called a soldier who never tires of deceit."

But his words immediately attracted Lu Qi's expressionless cynicism: "In terms of qualifications, you only expect to be able to bully Ace, do you need me to remind you? When I was training with her in the small garden, our' Lord God' is still in Sky Island and is revered by all people."

The critical damage of being exposed to the black history caused Enilu to become angry immediately. He raised his middle finger at the cat-like creature with a long knife in its mouth, and shot back: "Yeah, but in terms of military age, I am still better than you." The guy who jumped over from CP9 on the way will live for several months."

A calm male voice seemed to be dissuading the dispute, but he seemed full of confidence: "I don't understand what you are arguing about at all. Hurry up and get rid of this fat man, so that I can continue to accompany her to complete the observation and research of paleontology in vivo."

Unexpectedly, when Drake's words fell, it aroused public outrage.

"Shut up! You dead specimen! Shock you!"

"Paleontology eliminated by the times, may I trouble you to stay in the museum?"

"Burn your dormitory! I really will burn people's dormitory!"

Blackbeard stared blankly at the group of leaders of the new generation of navy who were arguing with each other and advancing towards him.

Although he didn't understand the disputes between these few people, it was undoubtedly aimed at himself.

Behind the few of them, more and more sailors waved the frost barrier and appeared within his field of vision.

There is another person who is using a sword as a staff, tending to suspend a thick rock formation above his head.

But what really frightened Tiqi was the two breaths that fell behind him.

Standing behind him like a glorious sun, and like a giant pillar of Optimus, cutting off all escape routes.

Tiqi turned his neck stiffly and stared at the two naval legends who had spent most of their lives on the battlefield.

Only at this moment did he understand what Polusalino's so-called "big face" was all about.

"Jie ha ha ha ha ha!! What the hell are you doing!" Tiki laughed suddenly, unable to restrain his emotions, his whole body trembled from laughter.

He raised his fat and rough fingers, and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes because of the burst of laughter: "Most of the well-known masters in the Navy Headquarters have come, so they won't be so motivating for a small person like me, right?"

At this moment, Tiqi no longer took any chances, not to mention his black beard, even if the white beard came, he would have to kneel here.

Without resentment and incompetence and rage, these petty minds have never belonged to his black beard.

Even though there are thousands of reluctance to give up, when this moment comes, he will accept death head-on.

It's just that he was a little puzzled.

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