I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 67

"Therefore, I, together with Ghost Spider, Dauberman and others, are experimenting with the feasibility of this battle formation." Kuzan somehow brought the topic back, "Battle formations do play a role in the battles of grassroots sailors and mid- and low-level officers. It has a miraculous effect, only a team of well-trained sailors cooperating with each other is enough to besiege the pirate cadres who are not too strong, and the naval officers who spared their skills quickly besieged and killed the captain of the pirate ship."

Even though Kuzan belongs to the moderate faction among the lieutenant generals, he is still not moderate when it comes to the issue of pirate looting. This kind of thing of using pirates to practice swords for the navy is a matter of peace of mind.

He pointed to the content shown on the phone bug: "Look, Mr. Warring States, this is a pirate with a bounty of 13 million Baileys. It is not a strong opponent for us officers in the headquarters, but put In the four seas, it is a big mouse that is enough to cause trouble everywhere."

In order to deal with pirates all over the world, the world government and navy have issued rewards for some pirates with great damage and strength, although the amount of the reward is more representative of the "danger" or "threat" that person poses to the government. "How high is it, but the reward amount often has a lot to do with the pirate's strength.

"This kind of pirate captain who usually needs to be dealt with by a naval officer, as you can see, was trapped in a killing formation composed of sailors, and was subsequently killed by several sergeants." Kuzan said in another video. into the machine.

"This is the battle formation record of several other major generals. Major General Ghost Spider commanded the sailors to make formation adjustments for pirates with different weapon types."

In the eyes of Sengoku and others, they saw another battle circle aimed at shooting weapons. The tower shield wrapped in iron skin blocked the pirates' shooting.

Dozens of shield-wielding sailors quickened their pace and pushed a group of pirates together, and then the knife-wielding navy who had been behind the solid heavy shield quickly cut in and started fighting.

"That's right. In this way, the battle losses of basic-level naval soldiers will be greatly reduced." Warring States nodded with satisfaction: "Sea soldiers can fight more rationally and effectively, and they can be trained in the process of cooperation."

"But there are also disadvantages of the battle formation." Kuzan was very rational and did not keep advocating, but took the initiative to inform several people of the problem. This is a battlefield that requires a lot of high-intensity training and strict requirements to achieve."

Sengoku squinted his eyes, and he noticed a battle formation that was defeated in the record. A pirate captain directly smashed through the siege army composed of sailors with brute force, and then blocked the surrounding sailors with his big axe. With the sword, the gap in the battle formation was not immediately filled.

"It seems that the battle formation still can't trap the pirates with strong strength." Warring States pointed out the limitations sharply.

Kuzan scratched the back of his head, a little helpless: "Ah la la, after all, it's just a battle formation composed of sergeants, sergeants, and lieutenants. Naturally, there is nothing to do about pirates who are stronger than ordinary colonels."

Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, he was thoughtful, and he suddenly said: "If a battle formation composed of school officers and major generals can trap stronger pirates?"

"It's possible in theory, but we haven't practiced it yet." Sakaski interjected. He knew what was going on in the mind of the Warring States Period. After all, the siege of Whitebeard during the top war actually belonged to this kind of siege. rough use.

"If the spare officers and generals can be assembled into the most elite fleet..." Warring States looked at the situation in the picture, his perspective was whether this battle formation could free up more combat power for the navy, Then use those forces where other naval forces fall short.

Garp had a tacit understanding with Sengoku, and he laughed: "Soldiers belonging to the various branches of the four seas can also adopt this model, Sakaski, Kuzan, this is not as simple as a single battle formation. "

Sakaski and Kuzan exchanged glances. Although Karp was always fighting, no one dared to ignore the power of this veteran when he became serious.

Garp's understanding and analysis of the overall situation is not weaker than that of Sengoku and others, and Sakaski has not forgotten his interpretation of the pirate forces such as the Four Emperors and Qibukai.

Kuzan and Karp have a deeper friendship, so they asked more directly: "May I ask the role of the battle formation for the Four Seas Division?"

"Yes, you have overlooked one point. In fact, the place where this set of battle formation theory can be used to the greatest effect is not the seven great routes, but their starting point-the four seas." Garp pointed to the map on the wall

He wiped his little finger directly on the coat behind Sengoku, causing the Buddha to glare at him: "At present, there are too many pirates in the whole world, and even everyone in our Navy Headquarters can defeat a hundred with one enemy." Elite, but such major generals, lieutenant generals, and generals as the backbone cannot appear in various places in the sea at the same time."

The Great Buddha sighed: "There is no one in the navy who can eat the fruit of clones. The generals in the headquarters are not strong enough. This model can be used to achieve the greatest military strength in various sea areas."

"...It can reduce battle damage, cultivate the navy's awareness of military discipline, and strengthen the combat power of the grassroots navy to a certain extent...We will explain this matter in detail with Brother Kong. If possible, use a sea area as an experimental area first , if the results are good, we will continue to popularize the four seas and the headquarters." Warring States took out a pocket watch from his pocket, and the discussion among the few people reached midnight before they knew it.

And he has to read all the reports on this battle in detail.

Desperation... The Buddha stared at Sakaski with a fairy face, and Sakasky turned his head to look at Kuzan, who was about to deliver coffee to relieve his fatigue, with a look of hatred.

"Kuzan! Don't sleep!" Garp punched the idiot who was already asleep while standing.

104. Interlocking (Part 2)

"Huh? Is it dawn?" Kuzan tilted his head with a blank expression.

The three old guys who are over half a century old are not at all angry. Although their strong bodies don't mind staying up for a day or two, it's an attitude that you accompany you to work!

These old people are still working for the army, you little brat who gave the lecture actually fell asleep for me??!

"Hold him, Sakarsky." The Buddha took the tray of coffee from Kuzan's hand, and motioned to Sa, who walked around behind Sleeping Worm, to do it.

"What are you guys doing... woo woo woo... gurgling! gurgling! gurgling!" A clean cross firmly held Kuzan's figure, and the Buddha picked up the coffee with a kind face and poured it into Kuzan's mouth. .

Only then did Kuzan realize in horror that Karp and Zefa were standing on both sides of Sengoku with a cup of coffee each.

"The phone bug is ringing! Mr. Karp! Teacher Zefa!" Kuzan wanted to cry, but could only rely on the sudden timely rain to continue his life.

The Buddha showed his benevolent smile to help the world: "I will answer the phone."

He turned to answer the buzzing phone bug lying on the table.

"Sengoku?" Sora's tired voice came from the microphone,

The admiral anxiously asked them what they were most concerned about: "Brother Kong, is your meeting with the five old stars over? Will the world government agree to our revised plan?"

The few people who were still fighting on the side quieted down instantly, and quickly returned to work.

The revision proposal of the Shichibukai system under the king is of great significance to the navy, and several people can't help but hold their breath and wait for the marshal's answer.

Sora was silent for a moment, but he still planned to inform the headquarters of the agreed opinion, "The Five Old Stars have agreed to the proposal that the king's Shichibukai can only rob pirates."

"This is undoubtedly good news!" Even with the heart of the Warring States Period, they couldn't bear the excitement in their hearts. Karp and Zefa even raised their arms to their chests, and their two powerful hands were tightly held together.

The admiral's voice was a little low: "Is Sakaski in your office?"

"Sakasky is here." Warring States glanced at Sakaski who was rubbing Kuzan's hair, and replied.

"?" Hearing that he was called by the marshal, Sakaski was stunned, a little confused.

"Let him answer the phone, and let everyone else go out, I want to talk to him alone." Kong was a little surprised at first, but then he reacted. In addition to Sakaski, there are other navies in Sengoku's office waiting for news together.

"Yes." Zhan Guo didn't want to ask why, he gently put the microphone on the desk, turned around, took Garp and others directly out of the office, and closed the door by the way.

Sakaski picked up the microphone from the table, he didn't know why Sora wanted to interview him alone: ​​"Marshal..."

"Have they all left?" Sora directly interrupted Sakaski's words. He had to make sure that no third person in the Navy headquarters knew the news.

"Yes, I'm the only one." Sakaski looked at the empty general's office. If Kong Kong puts so much emphasis on the principle of confidentiality, then there must be some confidential matters involved.

Kong went straight to the topic: "Do you still remember the proposal you gave half a year ago to station the navy on Fishman Island?"

"Of course, is there any progress?" Hearing about the Fishman Island, Sakaski grasped some ideas.

"The five old stars intend to let you carry out this top-secret mission, but the world government and the Navy headquarters will not issue any relevant documents. Do you understand what I mean?" Kong raised his head and looked at the five sitting on the sofa in front of him. A politician did not explain much.

Sakaski slowly repeated the content just now, chewing on the information revealed in the marshal's words.

He suddenly sneered. When he proposed the plan, he wondered why Wu Laoxing knew that he could not issue a decree to allow the navy to station on Fishman Island, but he didn't make a clear statement, and even once gave a positive evaluation of his strategic thinking.

It seems that Wulaoxing and the Heavenly Dragons in the Holy Land are not completely united.

Actions that are not officially recognized are classified tasks that can only be performed in the name of individuals.

"Can I talk to the Five Old Stars? Marshal?" Sakasky asked for instructions.

"Of course." A somewhat unfamiliar voice suddenly interjected.

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