I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 702

Someone who is a textbook editor obviously twitched his eyelids, pretending that he didn't understand the ridicule. [Very well, being despised by the Cricket Sea Kings about the performance of missiles, the funding for the research department of the Temple Watcher for this quarter can be directly cancelled. 】

Another short but passionate roar came from the throat of a giant beast with a head that looked like a male Naga. Fearing that Sakalski would not understand, it rolled its strong front fins inward. Roll up and show off your muscles.

Seeing this, Bai Xing tried her best to lower her voice, and replied to the group of big friends in a tone that she thought was low: "Hey! Don't threaten my master to break his dog's legs!

I can understand that you are concerned about my safety, but Shigong is an elder who watched me grow up, so you can't be rude! "

"..." For a moment, Sakalski seemed to want to provoke a diplomatic war.

Anyway, Bai Xing can ease it, and he is not afraid that this group of sea kings will ignore the sea king's order.

In fact, he, a man of action who walks the talk, did just that.

Looking up and staring at the group of sea kings who dared to give him an eye for an eye, the master who was almost written into the fanbook by Otohime, an apprentice who likes to collude with CP, has his own clever tricks full of ridicule.

Relying on his identity as Master Bai Xing, Mr. Sa provocatively grabbed a corner of the thick protective clothing on the mermaid princess, hugged the little girl's big tail and lifted it up, jokingly said softly: "Little Bai Xing, how do you feel that you are Fat? Neptune relaxed his request again and made you eat a lot of Murloc Island's special pastries while playing games?"

"I'm not fat! A beautiful girl at home won't be fat!" The increasingly guilty Bai Xing said in a low voice, quickly covering his eyes with his hands, unwilling to accept the fact that his weight "may" increase fact.

In an instant, Mr. Akainu reaped the stormy roar of the Neptunes.

But no matter how loud the roar was, this group of angry guys never took any action.

With their wisdom, of course, they can tell that Shirahoshi treats Sakalski as close as family, but this guy's behavior of weighing the Queen's weight arbitrarily makes Sakalski in the Sea King class. His personality prestige dropped from [friendly] to [hit once every time] in an instant.

"What are they talking about this time?" Sakaski looked forward to Bai Xing's continuously running ghost translator with a half-smile.

"We express great indignation at your current actions, (for the time being, there is nothing to do with you, just wait for me)

We will be seriously concerned about the follow-up development of this matter. (But if you dare to bully Bai Xing again, we may have to shoot you!)"

Looking at the big friends who obeyed the call, they had a great time fighting with their masters.

The newly promoted [Sea King], who continued to act as an interpreter, said that it was too difficult for him.

Watching the group of Neptune-like behemoths put down the golden giant ship resentfully and dive into the dark seabed again, Sakaski then turned his head and asked [Sea King] who had finally finished the translation against his will and couldn't help but heave a long sigh of relief. : "Little Baixing, you shouldn't naively think that this matter is over, right?"

The world government is not a fool, let alone a blind one.

How could it be possible to ignore Bai Xing's commotion?

Tens of thousands of witnesses inside the Golden City saw the vision of giant sea kings besieging them in the core, and the news could not be blocked at all.

Sakaski can even be sure that in just a short while, news such as "Aquaman gathered in the Golden City to welcome the appearance of the ancient weapon [Aquaman]" may have been spread.

"This is just the beginning, Shirahoshi.

You must have noticed it too. "The Admiral of the Navy, who has experienced countless storms and baptisms, is still full of emotion:

"When you are supported by countless sea kings, your identity is no longer just the princess of Murloc Island, but the ancient weapon [Sea King—Poseidon] that the world flocks to.

People's coveting, resentment, expectation, fear... will all come one after another. "

From his perspective, he felt a little distressed for this girl who was only sixteen years old.

It was supposed to be a beautiful time of bravely chasing dreams and moving forward without fear, but it carried a heavy name that she had to bear.

Countless people's thousands of thoughts about the four characters "Ancient Weapons" have all been poured into Bai Xing's head.

"From now on, your name in the eyes of the world will only be [Sea King] - the lord of the ocean who can destroy the world, one of the three ancient weapons alongside [Pluto] and [Uranus].

The old man can't predict what you will experience and what you will encounter. Sakaski stretched out his palm towards Bai Xing slowly but firmly, with the palm facing up: "But in the eyes of your family and in our eyes, you will always be just that little Xing Xing who can cry. "

The mermaid girl who seemed carefree and accepted her identity very quickly in the thick protective clothing finally let go of the airtight veil in her heart at this moment, crying like a tearful person.

619. Your Name (Medium)

Robin slowly opened his eyes wide, and stared speechlessly at the old thing in front of him who made Shirahoshi cry at the slightest disagreement.

Leaving aside whether the group of sea kings will take advantage of the situation and come back to ask the teacher, it is good now, among the few people present, she is the only unlucky person who cannot evaporate the water vapor, and is rolled down by Bai Xing like a flood. The teardrops made me drenched all over.

In desperation, the black-bellied elder sister could only sigh secretly and took out her trump card to interrupt her: "Okay, little Baixing.

If your cries attract the Neptunes again, Nami should go crazy about the hull maintenance fee. "

As if he had been suddenly cut into some dead spot, Bai Xing covered his mouth in an instant to forcefully suppress his crying, and tried his best to contain a series of sobs in his throat.

"Sister Robin, what did you do?" Ace, who was covered in clouds and mist, couldn't help but be dumbfounded. Although he knew that the other party should have several black histories compiled one by one over more than ten years, he could still make his voice out just now. The crying "crying nose" star stopped whimpering abruptly, this "skill" Ace consciously couldn't learn.

"It's just a simple and clear statement of the facts." A black-bellied black-bellied animal replied with a smile.

【Shirahoshi is afraid of Nami? ] Sakaski, who couldn't help but feel a little surprised in his heart, keenly noticed that when the word "Nami" popped out of Robin's mouth, Shirahoshi shuddered undetectably.

Who knows how much this little guy who, according to Neptune, spends online shopping all day has overdrawn his future life reserves from Nami's coffers.

The dignified future Aquaman will be shackled by money, Sakaski only thinks that the young people of this generation are too superficial.

[Ridiculous, what's so scary about that girl Nami? 】The senior general had a lot of sneers in his heart, and wanted to set an example for Bai Xing and the younger generation through his rich life experience and experience, to prove that an interesting soul would definitely not stick to the smell of copper. money.

Then, out of the corner of Mr. Sa's eyes, he caught a glimpse of the brand new button-down coat that he was forced to put on again because he couldn't wash off the coffee stains left on it before he left from the headquarters...


Almost slapping his old face, Sakaski couldn't help thanking himself for his steady style of thinking twice before acting. Before he could engrave this experience and lesson in his mind, Robin became more and more gloomy for some reason His face broke into his line of sight.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the [Integration Movement] series of missions are announced to be completed, please return to the team." The survivor of O'Hara pursed his lips tightly and his expression became more solemn.

If [Uranus] is really a 'national treasure' regarded by the Tianlong people as a national treasure, she now understands why Wulaoxing and others strictly ordered the navy to carry out the investigation when they learned that O'Hara was studying these clues in private. Demon Slaughter Order—that is the truth that absolutely cannot be touched by outsiders.

And she must make Sakaski pay enough attention to the existence of [Uranus], even if [Pluto] and [Sea King] are both in the naval camp!

Sakaski glanced sideways at the other party, and the softness hidden in his eyes was fleeting, and then it was covered by his calm and deep eyes: "You are allowed to return to the team, you have worked hard."

As he was striding forward, he motioned to His Royal Highness, who was almost forgotten in the corner, to take Shirao Xing and go with him to the VIP room that was used as a safe house by the navy.

"Subordinate...I have information I want to confirm with you." Robin forced himself to be calm, but he couldn't help but think of the name that those traitors chanted before their death—【Uranus】.

This name was like a key, unlocking the past of O'Hara that she had buried in her heart for many years and did not want to recall.

【Uranus】does exist in the records of the main text of history, even if only a few words have been left, and it has been mentioned in a few strokes.

The name of a prosperous kingdom was repeatedly mentioned in the historical texts preserved by O'Hara, and this is also the focus of research by O'Hara scholars such as Dr. Clover.

But with O'Hara's in-depth research and translation of the historical text, they finally understood why that country with a prosperous civilization disappeared without a trace overnight, as if it had never appeared before.

Only the rest of the ethnic groups with [D] in their names have become the only traces of the history of this once glorious and prosperous country.

To be honest, Robin is not very clear about the extent to which scholars have carried out subsequent research.

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