I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 719

He was a young man who could only be described as perfect and exquisite, but the first impression he gave was that he was like a character slowly stepping out of an ancient epic biography.

Her skin was as delicate as a porcelain doll, and her skin was so fair and translucent.

Judging by his age, he is about 16 years old, and his whole body is filled with surging, agile and fresh breath of life.

But no one in the room thought he would be an otherworldly young man - especially after meeting his eyes.

What kind of pupils are those? The golden eyes seemed to be burning with never-ending fireworks, like the most magnificent and flawless artwork in the world.

In those deep golden pupils, there seemed to be a long time accumulated in them, showing a sense of simplicity and oldness that was extremely incompatible with this young man's age.

The glamorous and youthful exquisite appearance formed a strong contrast with the deep pool of ancient vicissitudes in his eyes, and an indescribable sense of awkward disobedience was transmitted to the hearts of everyone who saw him.

Gives people an unreal impression.

It's just that at this moment, his raised white palm was firmly clamping the neck of the leader of the CP0 agent, and the latter, who hadn't realized what happened, was struggling in vain.

"For so many years, although I don't have much hope for this, the facts have proved that you are still as bad as ever in picking your subordinates." A crisp voice that fits the age of this teenager sounded slowly from his mouth, ethereal and a little bit tiredness.

It seems that time has stagnated on him, and his youth remains forever.

The bald old man barely blocked the swords of Gion and Shiliu, with the veins on his forehead bulging, and blocked the two great swordsmen's full-strength slashing with the blade of Onitsu, and his body froze in place with a slight trembling.

Taking advantage of this gap, he hastily turned his head to look at the direction of the young man, and replied sincerely: "Your Majesty, what you said is very true!"

"Okay, this is not the first time you guys have disappointed [Yu]." The boy had a mature tone that didn't match his appearance, and casually threw the CPO he picked up to the area where Wu Laoxing was.

In the form of an unquestionable order, he ordered: "Go and help them share some pressure, idiot."

"This is our first meeting, isn't it? Sakaski." The boy who was too young had long, silky platinum-blonde hair, which fell straight down to the ground.

"..Em?" Sakaski seemed to ask a question, but in reality he spoke with an unmistakable tone.

This delicate and beautiful guy who looks like a porcelain doll is hard to perceive the domineering and domineering, as if standing in front of him is just a block of air, but every nerve and every inch of Sakaski's skin is screaming Sending an unprecedented alarm to the brain.

The current admiral of the navy slowly turned half of his body, paying attention to any possible actions the other party might make, but from the corner of his eye, he looked at the deck of the Megatron, at Sengoku and Sora who were also facing an enemy. voice asked:

"Did any of you see when he came down the stairs?"

633. God's Fall (Medium)

Sengoku and Sora, who was asked by Sakaski, had an extremely gloomy expression at the moment, and slowly shook his head.

Like everyone else, when they sensed that the king of the sky dragon was taking a step, the two of them focused their minds and attention, staring at the side that was getting darker and darker with the flickering candlelight. stairway.

But when the boy suddenly appeared next to Sakaski and started to communicate, the two of them suddenly realized that the other had finished walking the stairs, and they didn't know when they came here.

Sakaski, who turned sideways, asked the two of them, which undoubtedly made the hearts of the two old coaches sink suddenly.

Sure enough, the two old guys were not the only ones who didn't 'see' how the boy got down.

Ultra-high-speed movement is not new. In the naval camp, Polusalino and Enelo are among the best.

But the [process] of the opponent's movement is too weird in the eyes of the Warring States Period.

From the distant stairs through the corridor to the silent walk to Sakalski's side, the distance of more than 20 meters is certainly not long in the eyes of top experts like them, instead of performing the six-style explosive movement Skill [Shaved] The distance you can reach in about 1 second if you rush on the road.

If the photon reflection of Kizaru's [Yataka Mirror] could be even faster, it would be the same as that boy—appearing beside Sakaski like a teleportation.

【However, why the knowledge-colored arrogance does not respond... Even at the speed of light, the old man's knowledge-colored arrogance should have sensed its landing point and signs in advance】Zhan Guo was puzzled.

In the past, the yellow ape moving at the speed of light beside him disappeared instantly in the eyes of others, and then appeared in another place in an instant. But at least under the perception of the domineering sense of the Warring States period, you can see the opponent's landing point and the process of starting the attack before activating the ability in advance.

This is also the reason why Sakasky and others were able to capture the opponent's trace when the yellow ape approached the speed of light and moved at super high speed. No one's consciousness can keep up with the speed of light. The ability user himself, Polusalino, can't do it either.

The power of a high-ranked knowledgeable domineering is that even if the domineering itself cannot capture the absolute speed, it can capture the individual who is about to move at the absolute speed before the absolute speed occurs.

Just like many veterans whose skills are not as good as before, dodging bullets does not need to be faster than the speed of the bullet, but only faster than the body speed of the opponent's muzzle aiming or pulling the trigger.

Knowledge-colored domineering has played such a role in previous applications, but this time it is completely different.

Regardless of whether it is a wise general or the commander-in-chief of the entire army, their knowledgeable arrogance is still expanding in a large area, but they have no reaction to the strange movement of the boy, no [foreseeing] the slightest sign, and there is no [seeing through] the other party's footsteps , completely ignored this round of movement.

Kong You and Zhan Guo glanced at each other, and they both saw a trace of uneasiness hidden deep in the other's sharp and vigilant eyes.

Immediately, these two rock-like tall and indestructible figures jumped up from the deck of the Megatron, stomped in mid-air, and quickly rushed to Sakalski's side like walking a ladder.

When he saw the two of them shaking their heads in the Warring States Period, Sakaski had already thought of a lot at this moment.

About why this mysterious Im appeared in such a young man's appearance, and how the other party shortened the distance between them in an instant.

Time and space, or...belonging to the incomplete concept of skimming space—【Time】?

Sakalski tried his best to recall the pictures that had been imprinted into his mind through vision. After careful investigation, the memory did not show a sense of dislocation as imagined.

But that slight sense of incongruity is always lingering.

And Sakalski is well aware that this vaguely incongruous situation is a denial of subjective consciousness.

His body, or somatosensory time, subconsciously accepts the smooth time without lag gaps, just like the human subconscious accepts a clock jumping from 00:00 to 00:01 and then to 00:02 as freely.

In this process, time has not suffered any disturbance, neither has it accelerated nor slowed down, everything is such a natural transition.

However, Sakalski's own subjective consciousness could not accept the [fact] that Im approached him from a distance, which happened without process or gap.

Jumping directly from the origin to the end point is like staring at a complete apple with bright red color without blinking, and suddenly finds that there is only one incomplete core left in the apple, and the subjective consciousness can obviously feel that there is a lack of chewing the process of.

From the time the other party stepped down the stairs to standing next to him and chatting casually, during this process, his body did not make other unconscious movements, and his perception of domineering power continued to function.

However, all of Sakaski's perception methods failed to detect how close the king of the Celestial Dragon was, as if the other party had been standing there without moving.

What assisted him in making this judgment was another obvious reference—under the coverage of Sakalski’s wide range of knowledge and arrogance, he could not only perceive the movement on the stairs in the distance, but also be able to compare the Warring States and the [Steel Bone] The position of the empty station is included.

And from the time when the mysterious Mr. Yim came downstairs to appearing next to him without warning and intermittently, Sengoku and Kong as references never moved, and there was no trace of body movement.

[It seems to be a superhuman fruit related to the time series] Sakaski quickly made a preliminary judgment in his mind.

Time, as a "topic" that will always be debated, discussed and revered by the world

From a physical point of view, it is a parameter used by human beings to describe the movement process of matter or the occurrence process of events.

Looking at it from a historical perspective, it is a long river running forward.

Philosophy, religion, literature... Different fields and different perspectives have different views and definitions of time.

But in Sakaski's view, no matter what kind of statement, theory or research it is, they all have one thing in common with the current situation - all demonic abilities involving the time series are extremely difficult and troublesome to the extreme.

There are quite a few superhuman Devil Fruits with abilities related to time, whether it is the original name [Tianyue Time] who has the ability to travel to the future and married as Mrs. Guangyue, or Bartholomew who can change the age of himself and others. Bear's Daughter——【Glutton Girl】Joelly Bonnie.

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