"Sorry beauty!"

The hazy and cool autumn nights are a good time for night running.

At the corner of a dimly lit intersection, two men and women running toward each other bumped into each other.

Sunan barely managed to stabilize his body. Long-term training made him react quickly. He immediately adjusted his body to one side, greatly reducing the force of the collision between the two sides.

Through the dim glow of the street lights, it could be seen that the person who collided with him was a woman in her early twenties wearing a black dress, tall and with delicate features.

The woman ignored Sunan and continued running in the direction he came from, very fast and looking a little hurried.

"Are you running so fast to be reincarnated?" Su Nan muttered dissatisfiedly after looking at the woman's back.

He didn't stop too much and continued running forward at a steady speed.

Sunan is a security guard. Different from ordinary security guards, he works in a very famous five-star hotel in this city.

Precisely because it is a high-end hotel, even the security guards are treated very well. In contrast, the hotel has very high requirements for security guards and requires excellent physical fitness.

Daily night running has become a required course for him every day.

The route he took for a night run was not too remote. It was during the rush hour after get off work, and there were many people running at night. Sports enthusiasts could be seen everywhere along the way, which was not surprising.

However, before he could run for long, he couldn't help but take a second look at the two people coming towards him.

They were two men, running very fast. The strange thing was that both of them were wearing peaked caps, and a pair of black masks completely obscured their faces.

Looking at the two of them calmly, Su Nan felt a little strange. In his opinion, the two of them didn't look like they were running around here at night.

Instead, he seemed to be chasing someone.

The reason is simple. Running requires quick breathing. No one would wear a mask and run at night, and at such a fast speed!

Sunan didn't think too much and kept running forward. In his opinion, even if the two of them were really chasing someone, it was none of his business.

Ten minutes later.

Dragging his exhausted body, Sunan returned to his rental house.

After taking a quick hot bath, as usual, he began to wash the sweat-soaked clothes.

Suddenly, he noticed something and reached into his pants pocket.

A bracelet-like metal ring appeared in his hand.

"Is this a bracelet?"

"Why do I have such a thing on my body?" Su Nan frowned.

Under the light, after careful observation, it was quickly discovered that this was not a bracelet.

The metal ring is composed of two semicircles, with a clever and delicate buckle in the middle, which can be disassembled and opened. When put together, it fits tightly. The whole ring has a silvery white luster and is full of metallic texture.

Su Nan was certain that this thing was definitely not his.

When he got off work, he dug into his pocket. At that time, he didn't have this thing on him.

"I ran all the way back after get off work. I didn't do anything else during this period, and I didn't come into contact with anyone. How did this thing get into my body?"

Sunan thought carefully and tried her best to filter out everything that happened after get off work.

Suddenly, he thought of something and frowned.

"It's the woman who collided with me. She is the only one who has been in contact with me!" Su Nan's face changed slightly, and he thought of a lot in an instant.

Obviously, the metal ring was most likely put into his pocket when he collided with the woman, while he was not paying attention!

If this is the case, the implications are extraordinary.

It is impossible for someone to put something into someone else's pocket for no reason. Even if it is a prank, someone is trying to mess with you.

Sunan didn't believe that the woman accidentally dropped the metal ring into his pocket.

Continuing to observe the metal ring carefully, he found that on the inside of the metal ring, there were several small words and a series of alphanumeric combinations clearly engraved on it.

Monster World, RtU-5143

"World of Demons and Demons? Could this be a gaming bracelet?"

Seeing these small words and letters, Sunan reacted.

He is familiar with this style of letter combinations. Many game bracelets have similar letter combinations.

Online games have experienced hundreds of years of development, and have evolved from web games that could only be operated by pressing buttons on the web page to virtual reality games that can directly realize conscious operations through the game warehouse.

Because game warehouses are expensive to build, and early game warehouses can only play games specified by game manufacturers, virtual reality games have not been widely popularized for a long time.

It was not until the emergence of gaming bracelets that this situation improved.

The game bracelet has two functions. One is to store game software. Players who want to experience different games only need to purchase a game bracelet corresponding to the game.

The second is identity verification. For players, the game bracelet is like a personal ID card, saving the player's personal information.

It's not that Su Nan has never seen a game bracelet before. On the contrary, he is also a senior game enthusiast. In his bedroom, he has an expensive game warehouse.

However, most of the gaming bracelets he has seen are made of plastic with sophisticated chips inside.

Like the current one, the entire bracelet is made of metal, which is the first time I've seen it.

According to the numbering format of the game bracelet, the text part is the name of the game.

"If it's a gaming bracelet, just check it and you'll know."

Opening the mobile browser, he directly searched for the world of monsters. The web page refreshed, and the next moment a large number of results related to the world of monsters appeared on the screen.

"There really is such a game."

Su Nan's eyes lit up, and she chose a link at the top and clicked on it.

This is the game forum for "World of Monsters".

"What a rubbish game. It's been a week and I haven't even completed the opening task."

"Slip away, this is not me playing the game at all, the game is playing me. I log in to the game every day and I can't even survive ten minutes!"

"Without ten years of cerebral thrombosis, I wouldn't have been able to plan this game. Now I want to know who came up with this game!"

Posts that were all full of negative emotions came into view, and Su Nan was very surprised when he casually browsed through the game forum.

After watching it for a moment, he finally understood what this game was about.

The so-called "World of Monsters" is a game that has just been on the market for a week.

The production company of this game doesn’t know what to think. Since the game was launched, it has not carried out any advertising, and players can’t even find the game’s official website. This directly results in very few people knowing about this game.

What’s even more strange is that there are no game bracelets for this game on the market at all. The game bracelets for players in the forum are all given by the game company through express mail during the early game reservations.

According to some player statistics, so far, only a few thousand players have logged into this game, and many players have quit the game directly after trying it a few times.

The reason is simple, the game is too difficult!

In the game, players only have one life per day. Once they die, they will no longer be able to log in to the game that day, and the game difficulty will be maxed out.

This also leads to the fact that a week has passed and many players have not even completed the novice tasks at the beginning.

"The difficulty of game missions is divided into four levels. One star is the easiest, and four stars is the most difficult. There is a huge gap between each star."

"I advise players who have not completed the novice missions to quickly improve their strength. For novice missions, they must choose one-star missions. Do not choose missions with difficulty above the two-star level."

A pinned strategy post attracted Sunan's attention. The poster was a player named Zhou Cheng.

This player is obviously very powerful, at least at the current stage of the game, he is a top player.

"Although there are many rewards for tasks with difficulty of two stars and above, they are too time-consuming and labor-intensive. Even if you barely complete them, the difficulty of subsequent main tasks will increase significantly."

"Instead of wasting time on novice tasks, it is far better to skip novice tasks as soon as possible. The best way is to conquer daily tasks and main missions."

"I used this method. Now I have completed two links of the main mission, and my practice of Demonic Scripture has been upgraded from beginner to master."

Zhou Cheng's strategy has attracted the attention of a large number of players. Some players do not agree with his methods. In their view, difficult tasks mean high rewards, which makes the game more challenging.

Of course, these people are only a minority, and more people still agree with Zhou Cheng's method. At least Zhou Cheng's rapid rise in a short period of time has proven the feasibility of this method.

But, so what if they agree?

Novice tasks are still too difficult for them.

"The Great God is so terrifying. According to speculation, it takes 14 points of demon power to upgrade the Demon Sutra to Dacheng. I haven't even got 2 points of demon power now."

"As expected of a master, Old Versailles! Who doesn't want to complete the novice mission as soon as possible, but the strength does not allow it."

Under Zhou Cheng's strategy post, a large number of players lamented.

They don't know that novice tasks are a waste of time, but the problem is that novice tasks are too difficult for them.

"Is this game really that difficult? I just don't know if I can log into this game?"

After looking at the content on the forum and looking at the game bracelet in his hand, Sunan became interested.

Normally, the game bracelet is bound to the player's identity, and other people cannot log in even if they get the bracelet.

Of course, there are exceptions. Some players play games not only for entertainment, but also to make money. These people often do not bind their bracelets to their identities, so that they can sell the bracelets in the future and make a fortune from it.

With the attitude of giving it a try, Sunan returned to the bedroom and entered the game room wearing the bracelet.

[Consciousness connection...]

【connection succeeded! 】

[Game bracelet detected, loading game...]

[The game is loaded. This bracelet has been bound to the player "Falling Leaves". You are not the bound player of this bracelet. Please log in with your own bracelet. 】

"can not log in!"

"Sure enough, other people's gaming bracelets are still unreliable."

Virtual textual information popped up in front of his eyes. Sunan was not surprised and just shook his head.

Just when he was about to open the game warehouse and exit, suddenly, the text in front of him changed and a series of messages popped up.

[An unknown error occurred. It was detected that the player ‘Luoye’ is dead. This bracelet is in an ownerless state. You can log in normally. 】

[The bracelet has been re-bound, and one of the abilities of the previous player will be randomly inherited]

[Ability is randomly selected...]

[Talent ability has been extracted, confirm yes/no inheritance]

[Note: Each player can only inherit the abilities of the previous player once, please choose carefully. 】

A series of words jumped, and Su Nan was confused.

"The previous player has died? What happened?"

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