I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 101 Return to Tianlang Valley

None of the people present were ordinary players, and this was not the first time they had seen this situation.

They naturally understood that the three-star mission of Digong Temple had been completed!

"Who is it? Who has completed the mission of Digong Temple?"

"Zhang Yang, it must be Zhang Yang! Zhang Yang just entered Digong Temple."

"How is this possible? It hasn't even been a minute since he entered the Digong Temple. In such a short period of time, he was chased by a spirit-level monster and was able to kill another spirit-level monster. How did he do it? !”

"Let me tell you, Zhang Yang definitely has the trump card to kill monsters!"

Even if they didn't know what happened in Digong Temple, everyone still guessed that Sunan killed the monster after seeing that the mission of Digong Temple was completed.

A three-star mission was completed in less than a minute.

This speed is simply appalling.

"Sure enough, he also completed the three-star mission yesterday."

Outside the Digong Temple, the three Huang brothers looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

Although they speculated yesterday that Zhang Yang had the ability to kill spirit-level monsters, they still had doubts because Zhang Yang had only completed three bloodlines after completing the mission.

But the current situation told them that Zhang Yang did have that ability.

Some were happy and some were sad. Some were shocked by Sunan's methods, while others were jealous and angry.

The strong man who was killed by Su Nan was furious: "Damn it! He was actually allowed to kill a spirit-level monster!"

Climb out of the game room.

Sunan gasped for air.

In the game, his strength was drained, and in reality, his body was also very uncomfortable.

He could even feel that the originally peaceful blood vessels in his body were much more manic than before.

In particular, the three physical bloodlines belonging to Wang Nan have a tendency to conflict with each other.

Fortunately, after running the Life Wheel Sutra and switching his destiny to Zhang Yang, the situation became much better.

"The cost of using the magic sword is too high. It will never be used in the future unless it is absolutely necessary."

Sunan's face darkened. Bloodline conflict was a big problem. If it was not handled well, it would be doomed.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, even if he was killed by a monster, he would not use the magic sword again.

"If the monster keeps guarding the stone chamber, I won't be able to log in to the game today. I can only wait until the game is refreshed tomorrow to find a solution."

Sunan was helpless. This was the fastest time for him to go from logging in to logging out of the game.

Only two minutes in total.

He didn't even have time to look at today's daily tasks.

Today is Sunday.

It’s another rare day of rest.

Su Nan had nothing to do, so he opened the forum and started hanging out.

On the forum, the number of posts increases by more than 10,000 every day. At a glance, most of them are players sharing their gains in the game, and there is not much nutrition.

After reading for a long time, he finally saw a post worthy of his attention.

"Secret news! The Tianyu Dynasty invited the three sects and six religions to discuss the restoration of the Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden City."

"Sky Vault Divine Forbidden?" Su Nan's heart moved, and he immediately thought of a mission he saw in another post five or six days ago.

It was a main quest called "Danger in the Sky".

Only the first level of the mission was a four-star level, and the reward was an ancient scripture, which attracted a lot of heated discussion among players at the time.

Clicking on the post, Su Nan read it carefully. After a few minutes, she finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that most of the heavenly vaults that covered the twelve states were destroyed by monsters, and their power was greatly reduced.

The Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden City in Dongchen Prefecture is one of the relatively well-preserved places among the twelve prefectures.

However, not long ago, a large number of monsters began to attack various nodes of the Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden City in Dongchen State, causing serious instability in the Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden City in Dongchen State.

This time, the Dayu Dynasty invited the other nine major forces in Dongchen State to stop the monsters' actions and try to repair the Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden City.

"The participation of the ten major forces in Dongchen State is definitely a big deal."

"Maybe it will involve all the players in Dongchen State by then."

For some reason, Sunan had an intuition that this time things would definitely not be simple.

Keep searching in the forum.

Unfortunately, more than ten minutes passed and he couldn't find any posts that interested him.

In the following time, Sunan opened the forum every hour, wanting to know the movements of the scaly man.

until ten o'clock in the evening.

The appearance of a post shocked him.

It was a post made by a player in Baishui Town. From a picture in the post, you could clearly see that the monster that wanted to catch him left the Digong Temple and returned to the Baishui River.

"The monster actually left."

Sunan felt happy.

Without thinking, he immediately logged into the game.

In the game, Sunan appears in the stone chamber.

The place is empty at this time.

Not only was the monster's body missing, but the mummy was also missing.

There was a strong feeling of weakness in his body, and he almost stumbled to the ground.

"I really don't have any strength left!" Su Nan looked ugly.

If there is a player here now, he can be killed easily. Now he is really powerless to fight back.

Fortunately, he still has demonic powers.

A total of fourteen points of demonic power were consumed, and the Underworld Wolf Sutra was immediately promoted from beginner level to Dacheng.

The power of vitality is rapidly born and strengthened in the body, and the weak body is like a dead tree that springs back to life, filled with strength again.

Without any time to think, he immediately left the Digong Temple.

Because the monster left, no player remained in Digong Temple, but no one found him logging into the game.

But just in case, he quickly headed towards an ancient forest in the distance.

Entering the ancient forest, he immediately transformed himself into a wolf demon.

Changing body and shape can change the breath. In this way, it is basically impossible for monsters to find him again.

After doing this, he had the opportunity to look at today's daily tasks.

Lang Shisan’s mission remains the same.

One one-star mission, two three-star missions, nothing interesting to see.

What caught his attention was Lang Shisan's main mission.

[Main mission: Wrath of the Demon Emperor]

[Task Second Ring: Hunt 60 mortal-level aliens and three aliens with top 100 luck. 】

[Task Difficulty: Three Stars]

[Task reward: Mortal level bloodline, Mortal level demon sutra, 15 points of demon power. 】

The mission level has not changed, but the number of players killed has increased from 30 to 60.

"60 players, it's a bit difficult!"

There are more than sixty players coming to Baishui Town now.

But these players are located in different locations, and many of them have not logged in. It is not easy to hunt them down.

It would be possible if he only hunted a few dozen, but it would be impossible for him to hunt 60.

Continue to look at Wang Nan’s mission.

[Daily Task 1: Kill the spirit-level monsters that are chasing you]

[Daily Task 2: Hunting the monsters in Digong Temple]

[Daily Task 3: Explore Baishui River]

Of the three tasks, except for the completed task of "hunting the monsters in Digong Temple", the other two tasks are impossible to complete.

The wheel of fate was turning, and he switched the role to Zhang Yang.

[Daily Task 1: Deliver a message to Granny Zhao’s son]

[Daily Task 2: Hunt a mortal monster]

[Daily Task Three: Hunt a Spirit Level Monster]

Three tasks, even the simplest of hunting down mortal monsters, are not something he can complete now.

Unless he can return to Sleeping Heaven Prison and hunt down those monsters with little strength left in Sleeping Heaven Prison.

Otherwise, his current Dacheng-level vitality power would not be enough to hunt down mortal-level monsters.

After reading the tasks of the three characters, Sunan sighed secretly.

"With my current strength, even if I fuse another Dzogchen bloodline, I may not be able to kill that monster covered in scales."

"Besides, there is a demon king-level demon behind that monster. Even if I kill it, it will not be safe. It will only become more dangerous."

"There are only three days left before the end of the survival mission. We can no longer stay in Baishui Town. We must return to Tianlang Valley as soon as possible and find a way to get the bronze bell."

After pondering for a moment, Sunan decided to return to Tianlang Valley.

It's a pity that he only has one kind of vitality power now. Otherwise, he really wants to hunt down a group of players before leaving.

Sunan didn't know that by leaving, he had escaped a huge crisis.

Baishui Hanoi.

In the palace on the huge ship, a young man was listening to the report of the scaly man below.

"Oh? Are you saying that the extraterrestrial visitor can not only use the power of the three systems, but also take out the blood of the ancient demon, gain racial talents after fusion, and finally get a magic sword?"

"Yes sir!"


"I haven't seen such an interesting thing for a long time. Let me go and see what's so strange about the foreign visitors that day."

The young man stood up, his eyes full of interest.

The next moment, his figure disappeared into the palace.

Not long after, he arrived at the Digong Temple. Apparently he knew that players could log out of the game. The young man stood in the Digong Temple and waited silently.

Baishui Town is more than thirty kilometers away from Tianlang Valley.

Because of the sharp decline in strength, it took Sunan more than an hour to return to Tianlang Valley this time.

Just like last time, he used the appearance of the eldest princess to shuttle through the mountains and forests and returned to the Sirius Valley.

What he didn't expect was that after transforming into the wolf monster guard, he only walked for two minutes when he encountered three teams of patrolling monsters!

This amount has more than doubled than before!

"What happened?"

"Is it because of the players?"

"Or was it discovered that I was pretending to be a princess?"

Su Nan's heart condensed and she couldn't help but get very energetic.

He used the appearance of the eldest princess to enter the second and third floors of Trapped Heaven Prison several times before, and even collected all the keys. It was normal for him to be discovered.

But then he shook his head again.

He used the appearance of the eldest princess to trick the mountain demon into entering the Heavenly Wolf Valley. If it was really revealed that he was pretending to be the eldest princess, it would be impossible for him to enter smoothly.

And if it is because of the players, it is unlikely.

Ordinary players can't enter Tianlang Valley at all, at least until the Star Pointing Sect doesn't take action.

"Could it be that Zhou Cheng's affairs were exposed?" He thought of another possibility.

This is the most likely.

Zhou Cheng used the spirit-melting disk to control the trapped prison, and the princess was also refining the trapped prison.

With the gradual integration of the soul-melting disk, it was impossible for the eldest princess not to notice the abnormality.

"Just in case, let's predict it once."

[Returning to Tianlang Valley, you find that the guards in Wolf Valley are even tighter than a day ago. 】

[You transformed into a wolf monster guard and headed towards the Trapped Heaven Prison. Not long after, you encountered a group of monsters again. 】

[You try to ask what happened, but the patrolling monsters don’t hide anything and tell you directly that they have received news that the Human Race’s Pointing Star Sect will take action against the Sirius Clan in three days. 】

[The eldest princess was very angry and ordered all members of the Sirius clan to be under martial law. Any discovery must be reported as soon as possible. At the same time, patrols were increased to prohibit any humans from entering the Sirius Valley. 】

[After you express your knowledge, continue to the Trapped Heaven Prison. 】

[Two minutes later, you arrived at Sleepy Sky Prison, only to find that the monster guarding the entrance stopped you and told you that no clan member is allowed to enter Sleepy Sky Prison without the order of the eldest princess. 】

[You have no choice but to leave. 】

After the prediction ended, Sunan frowned slightly.

It's not good news for him that he can't go back to the trapped prison.

He also hoped to enter the Wolf King's Palace through the passage behind the Trapped Heaven Prison.

"Let's see if we can pretend to be the princess and go in."

Again he foresaw.

[Returning to Tianlang Valley, you find that the guards in Tianlang Valley are tighter than two days ago. 】

[You transformed into a wolf monster guard and headed towards the Trapped Heaven Prison. During the process, you encountered several teams of patrolling monsters. 】

[The monster did not notice anything unusual about you. Two minutes later, you arrived in front of the Sleeping Heaven Prison smoothly. 】

[You know, you cannot enter the Trapped Heaven Prison in your current appearance, so you choose to use your body to transform into the princess. 】

[When I come to the entrance of Trapped Heaven Prison again and see you, the monster guarding you immediately salutes you, and you order the monster guarding to open the entrance. 】

[The guarding monster did not hesitate and immediately opened the entrance. You successfully entered the Trapped Heaven Prison again. 】

"We're in!" Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he once again lamented that the eldest princess was so easy to use. As long as she didn't encounter a king-level monster, there would basically be no problems.

Of course, this is why he doesn't use it much.

He often walks by the river and his shoes don't get wet. If he uses them too often, he will inevitably be discovered.

After confirming that there was no problem, Sunan went to Trapped Heaven Prison according to the predicted method.

Three minutes later.

Trapped in Heavenly Prison, he transformed back into Wang Nan's appearance.

He casually opened a cell and prepared to complete the task of hunting monsters first.

However, when the cell door opened, no monster was seen, and Sunan didn't care.

But what surprised him was that when he opened several cells in succession, they were all empty, with not a single monster in them!

"What's going on? Could it be that Zhou Cheng's people got rid of all the monsters?" Su Nan guessed.

This possibility is very high. He was not in Trapped Heaven Prison yesterday, so Zhou Cheng will definitely not let this opportunity go.

If that's the case, then he won't be able to use those players to gain demon power in the future.

Going straight to the cell with the back door, Sunan entered the passage leading to the Wolf King's Palace.

He wanted to see if the monster guarding him today was still there.

At the end of the passage was the eldest princess's palace, and he didn't dare to go there without warning.

After using precognition twice in succession, he finally reached the end of the passage.

To his surprise, this time there was no monster guarding the end of the passage.

He successfully entered the palace of the eldest princess.

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