I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 112 Taking the initiative to trigger an adventure

Wang Nan and Zhang Yang have six tasks, including two to hunt mortal monsters and three to hunt spiritual monsters. All five tasks can be completed.

This calculation adds up to 55 points of demonic power!

It's more than enough to upgrade Lang Shisan to the spiritual level!

Sunan acted quickly.

Unfortunately, because of the battle just now, there were no mortal monsters in the Heavenly Wolf Valley, so he had to look eastward along the mountain range where the Heavenly Wolf Valley was located.

It took him half an hour to complete the two tasks of hunting down mortal monsters.

"The next step is to hunt down three spirit-level monsters!"

Sunan returned to Tianlang Valley and came to the location of Nuanyuetan.

He planned to hunt down all three spirit-level monsters from the mysterious cave.

The battle between the two emperor-level experts caused too much damage to the Tianlang Valley. The Nuanyue Lake where the waterfall originally flowed was now only a large pool.

Fortunately, the entrance to the mysterious cave has not disappeared yet.

"The monster in the cave is not weak and very fast. Even if I transform into the monster, it will be difficult to kill it."

"We must use other means."

In order to maintain his prime condition to face the attack of monsters, he cannot easily use racial combat skills.

As a result, if he wanted to hunt down a top spiritual monster, he could only use foreign objects.

Turning his hand, the ferocious beast bone dagger he had obtained from Zhou Cheng appeared in his hand, and at the same time he took out a blood-colored spar.

This is the mortal bloodline rewarded for completing the first ring of "The Blood of the Demon King".

With the ancient fairy blood, this bloodline is of no use to him anymore, but now it is just right to use it to supplement the bone dagger.

With a slight exertion in his hand, the crystal covering the blood suddenly burst, and a drop of bright red blood flowed out.

Sunan immediately used the bone dagger to catch it. When the essence and blood dripped on the bone dagger, they all disappeared immediately.

As a drop of blood essence was absorbed, the missing blood line on the bone dagger reappeared.

"It can be used three more times." Seeing the changes in the dagger, Sunan was very satisfied.

When everything was ready, he jumped into the pool and entered the cave.

This time he did not predict, not only because he wanted to use all opportunities to predict monsters, but also because of his confidence in his own strength.

With the ability to change his body and the beast bone dagger, it would be a failure if he still killed the monsters in the cave.

Entering the mysterious cave, his appearance immediately changed into the appearance of the monster in the cave, and he headed towards a cave on the right.

This time he did not choose the cave with many bones, but the cave with few bones.

With fewer bones, there will also be fewer monsters, which is actually very suitable for him to hunt and will not attract other monsters while hunting.

A few minutes later, he encountered his first monster.

The monster did not attack him. Sunan came to the monster and directly stabbed the monster with the vicious beast bone dagger.

Sensing danger, the monster reacted instantly and dodge to one side, but the next moment Sunan's soul attack arrived.

The monster moved for a moment, and Sunan's bone dagger was already submerged into the monster!

Suddenly, the bone dagger's restraining effect on the monster appeared, and the monster's speed dropped a bit.

Two minutes later.

He successfully hunted the monster.

Next, Sunan followed the same pattern and quickly hunted two monsters again.

The three opportunities to use the bone dagger are exhausted, and the daily mission is completed.

On his panel, the demon power reached 61 points again!

[Congratulations, your character Lang Shisan’s four bloodlines are perfect, and he meets the conditions for realm improvement. Do you want to spend 40 points of demon power to upgrade his realm to the spiritual level? 】


[Please choose one of the following bloodlines as the main one, and the other three bloodlines as supplements. 】

[Sirius Bloodline, Dark Wolf Bloodline, Earth Tiger Bloodline, Bloodline Fox Bloodline]

The four secret power bloodlines appeared in front of me. Without thinking, I naturally chose the Dark Wolf bloodline.

[You have chosen to use the Dark Wolf bloodline as the main one, the Heavenly Wolf bloodline, the Earth Tiger bloodline, and the Bloodline Fox bloodline as the supplementary ones. Do you confirm your choice? 】

[Tip: There is a risk of bloodline conflicts getting out of control when the realm is improved, so please choose carefully. 】


[The realm improvement begins, please wait patiently...]

The exact same situation occurred when Wang Nan was promoted to the spiritual level not long ago, and the blood in his body began to surge.

After having an experience, Sunan was not in a hurry and waited slowly.

Finally, as the four bloodlines merged into one, the power of soul, vitality, and essence in his body all surged.

Among them, due to the fusion of two bloodlines that control the power of vitality, the power of vitality has increased the most.

"Very good. Now that the two characters are at the spirit level, I may not need to predict an hour in advance when a monster is coming. Half an hour in advance is enough."

"In this way, the 20 times of prediction can be divided into two predictions, giving greater certainty."

Feeling the power inside her body, Sunan felt that she had to change her plan.

You can't put all your eggs in one basket.

If all twenty predictions were used at once, even if he had a chance of killing the monster in the prediction, he would not dare to gamble without a second prediction.

On the contrary, it is safer to divide it into two predictions.

If he couldn't kill the monster after two predictions, it wouldn't be too late for him to run away.

Thinking of this, Sunan decided to change his plan.

[Congratulations, you became the second player to break through to the spirit level. You will receive 80 points of luck as a reward. 】

[Congratulations, your realm has been upgraded to the spiritual level. Your talent of predicting the future has been enhanced, and the number of times it can be used per day is increased by 3. 】

The number of predictions reached 20 times!

"The luck reward for the second person who breaks through to the spiritual level is 20 points less, which is not bad at all."

His eyes fell on the Life Wheel Sutra, and his current luck value appeared in front of him.

[Current total luck value: 456 points]

[Available luck: 206 points]

Three characters, one first, one second, and one fourth, have a total luck score of 250 points from the rankings, more than twice as much as before!

"It seems that with the improvement of realm, there is more luck coming from the rankings." Su Nan understood what was going on.

He cares more about usable luck than ranking luck.

206 points is enough for him to actively trigger 4 ordinary-level adventure events.

Even if it triggers a rare adventure event, it is enough to trigger it twice!

"Would you like to try it?" He was a little excited.

The monster is about to attack. It would be best if we can add some more methods.

Thinking of this, he made a decision.

[Please select the level of triggering adventure events]

"Rare level!"

Since it needs to be triggered, it is natural to trigger a high-level event.

As one hundred points of available luck are consumed, a prompt pops up:

[The rare adventure event has been triggered and is expected to take effect in three minutes. Please return to Tianlang Valley and wait patiently...]

"Go back to Tianlang Valley and wait? Will Qiyu come to your door on his own?" Su Nan was surprised.

He originally thought that after the adventure event was triggered, he would find treasures like he did last time at the Digong Temple in Baishui Town.

No matter how bad things are, you can still find a solution to the problem like in the mysterious cave.

But I never thought that adventure would come to me on my own.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to find anything by yourself, whether it's living or dead." Sunan's expression condensed slightly.

After thinking about it, he decided to use a precognition opportunity to predict something just in case.

However, he would have to wait a minute.

A prediction only lasts for three minutes. If you predict now, even if the adventure happens, the prediction will be over.

The monster was coming soon, and before that, he didn't want to waste too many predictions.

After a minute, he began to predict.

[You return to Tianlang Valley and arrive at the location where Thousand Wolf Cave was. You have a hunch that you will have an adventure here. 】

[After a minute, nothing special happens, you continue to wait. 】

[Two minutes later, nothing happened. You started to feel a little strange, wondering if you had made a mistake. 】

[Just when you were doubting, you suddenly saw a red figure cutting through the sky in the distance, heading towards Tianlang Valley. 】

[The red figure came to Tianlang Valley, seemed to have lost all power, and fell hundreds of meters away from you. 】

[You approach carefully, and then you realize that the red figure you recognize is the eldest princess of the Sirius tribe. 】

"The eldest princess of the Sirius tribe?"

"This is my adventure? What kind of adventure is this?" Su Nan looked strange.

[At this time, the eldest princess was obviously seriously injured, dying and unconscious. 】

[Your mind suddenly changes, and Mu Ran has a bold idea. You decide to take this opportunity to kill the eldest princess of the Sirius tribe. 】

[When thoughts arise, you immediately take action and carefully approach the unconscious eldest princess. 】

[However, as soon as you approached the eldest princess, the unconscious eldest princess suddenly opened her eyes, and a cold light shot towards you. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Dead? What kind of adventure is this?" Su Nan was stunned.

A rare adventure, being killed?

This is very wrong.

At the same time, he was even more confused.

This eldest princess is a king-level demon. What kind of battle happened to cause this girl to be so severely damaged.

The strong men of the Star Pointing Sect and the Sirius Clan chased the demon emperor's coffin. What changes happened in the end?

Sunan was curious.

But now is not the time to think about this.

After reading the prediction carefully again, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Maybe this adventure really makes me hunt the eldest princess."

"A king-level monster is seriously injured in front of me. If this is not an adventure, then what else is an adventure?"

"But it's a pity that I'm not strong enough to catch this adventure!"

Sunan's face looked a little ugly.

Spending a hundred points of luck, but giving him an adventure that he couldn't catch at all, this is too cheating!

But if he was allowed to let this adventure go, he was a little unwilling.

After all, it was a hundred points of luck, the reward he got for being the first to break through the spiritual level. Could it be wasted like this?

Su Nan's mind raced, thinking about a solution.

Suddenly, he thought of something and his eyes lit up.

"I shouldn't think about hunting the eldest princess. Maybe I can change my mind and think about how to get benefits from the eldest princess!"

The eldest princess was severely injured and must need help. If we can take advantage of this opportunity to benefit from her, the possibility of success is very high!

Thinking of this, Sunan's eyes shone.

"Is it possible? You'll know after you give it a try."

Of course, it would not work as a player now. He would need to become a monster from the Sirius clan.

The wheel of life rotated, and the role was switched to Lang Shisan. At the same time, he transformed into a wolf demon.

Wait until one minute to cool down.

He immediately foresaw again.

[You transform into a wolf demon and stand at the spot where Thousand Wolf Cave used to be in Tianlang Valley and wait. You know that an adventure will come to you in a minute. 】

[Sure enough, a minute later, you saw a red figure cutting through the sky in the distance, heading towards Tianlang Valley. 】

[The red figure came to Tianlang Valley, seemed to have lost all power, and fell hundreds of meters away from you. 】

[You approach carefully and see the eldest princess of the Sirius clan who was seriously injured and dying. 】

[You come to the eldest princess. The unconscious eldest princess suddenly opens her eyes. After discovering that you are a monster from the Sirius tribe, the cold light in her eyes fades away. 】

[Seeing that the eldest princess did not recognize your identity, you stepped forward boldly, pretending to be shocked and angry, and asked the eldest princess what happened. 】

[The eldest princess looked at you for a moment, hesitated slightly, and told you that she was severely injured by a strong human race and now urgently needs your help. 】

[You nodded in agreement. Suddenly, you felt a pain in your head and suddenly lost consciousness. You were attacked by the power of the princess’ soul! 】

[The eldest princess caught you and did not kill you. Instead, she dropped a drop of blood on your forehead and used a strange technique on you. 】

[This is a forbidden method from ancient times, called blood symbiosis, which can only be performed by the same bloodline. 】

[After being cast, your life will be continuously extracted by the caster to maintain the caster's vitality. 】

[At the same time, as time goes by, you will be subtly and gradually controlled by the caster. 】

[However, there is a drawback to this method. If the person who is being cast dies suddenly, the caster will be counterattacked. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue the prediction? 】

"Blood Symbiosis Technique? Subtly controlled?" Su Nan was shocked.

Being drained of life is nothing. Judging from the precognitive information, the person being cast will not die due to the loss of life.

But being subtly controlled is a bit outrageous!

If he was really being subtly controlled, there would be no need to play this game.

Fortunately, it's easy to break this symbiosis, all you need to do is die once.

"If someone dies under a spell, the caster will also suffer backlash. How strong will this backlash be?"

Su Nan's eyes moved slightly.

He is a player, death is nothing to him, he can be resurrected the next day.

What would happen if he used death to bite the eldest princess?

Thinking of this, Sunan's eyes lit up again.

Now the eldest princess has been severely injured and is already dying of serious injuries.

If it gets backfired at this time, will it cause more injuries and lead to death?

Suddenly, a bold idea emerged.

"Keep predicting!"

Sunan decisively chose to continue.

Although he wanted to save the number of predictions to predict monsters, the current situation was worthy of him continuing to predict monsters.

[The eldest princess of the Sirius tribe is seriously injured and dying. She has no choice but to use the blood symbiosis method on you, hoping to use your vitality to maintain her life. 】

[You were temporarily unconscious under the attack of the eldest princess's soul. You had no choice but to let the eldest princess use it without any resistance. 】

[Two minutes later, the eldest princess’s blood symbiosis technique was finally successfully used, and you woke up. 】

[The eldest princess tells you that she used a secret technique to temporarily borrow your vitality, but it has little impact on you. 】

[At the same time, because the secret technique consumed a drop of blood essence, her injuries worsened and she was about to fall into a coma completely. It would take at least ten days to wake up. 】

[Then the eldest princess hands you a ring and tells you that after she fell into coma, she used the ring to collect her and send her to the Li Mansion in Tianyun County. 】

[After saying that, the eldest princess was completely unconscious. 】

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