I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 147 The person who comes to the door

The black tiger demon was surrounded by Ying Gao and Lao Yang and had no choice but to take action against Sunan.

However, when he was about to approach the wolf demon in front of him, Black Tiger suddenly discovered a strange problem.

The wolf demon in front of me is so peaceful!

Facing his attack, there was no panic at all.

has a problem!

Thinking back to the actions of Ying Gao and Lao Yang, an idea suddenly appeared in Hei Hu's mind.

Could it be that the boy in front of me is really the owner of Ying Gao and Lao Yang?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, before he could think about it, he saw the calm-looking wolf demon in front of him raising his palm to slap him.

Instantly, Black Tiger's skin became numb.

Even before he fought with Sunan, he already felt a suffocating sense of oppression!

It’s not the early stage of spiritual level!

This kid is definitely not at the early stage of spiritual level.

Black Tiger screamed in his heart and was about to retreat without even thinking.

Unfortunately it's too late.


With just one palm landing on his chest, Black Tiger felt like his internal organs were going to explode and he flew backwards.

"Hahaha, Black Tiger, how dare you underestimate our master, you don't know how high the sky is."

Seeing Heihu being taught a lesson, Yinggao and Laoyang both laughed, looking like villains who have succeeded.

"You, who are you?" Black Tiger lost his voice.

Sunan ignored Black Tiger, but turned his hand, and a servant seal condensed in his hand.

Seeing the mark in Su Nan's hand, Black Tiger was shocked: "Bloodline servant mark? How dare you!"

"The Bloodline Servant Seal is a forbidden secret technique. If the two demon kings find out about it, you will definitely die!"

At this moment, Hei Hu finally understood why Ying Gao and Lao Yang called Sunan Master.

If you are controlled by the servant seal, isn't that a slave?

Ying Gao walked up to Hei Hu and sneered: "Hei Hu, if you want to survive, you must cooperate with the master and incorporate the servant seal into your body, otherwise you will annoy the master, hehe..."

Black Tiger said without even thinking: "Impossible! Even if I die, I won't let anyone control me!"

Lao Yang advised: "Don't be so harsh. It's better to die than to live. As long as you cooperate with our master, the master will not do anything to you."

Ying Gao and Lao Yang take turns.

Finally, forced by Sunan's death threat, Black Tiger gave in and unwillingly took the Bloodline Servant Seal into his body.

Next, Sunan followed suit.

In just over ten minutes, all five monsters under Xiong Yan were subdued by him.

Four of the five monsters are at the peak of the spiritual level, and one is at the late spiritual level.

As several bloodline servant seals entered the bodies of several monsters, Sunan discovered a problem.

He vaguely felt that the number of bloodline seals condensed was about to reach the upper limit!

"Master, you can only condense nine bloodline servant seals at most, and you can't condense any more after that!" Ying Gao explained.

"Nine?" Su Nan frowned, this was something he didn't have in his bloodline seal condensation method.

Including the five monsters at the moment, he has already condensed seven servant seals.

This means that he can only control two more monsters at most.

"It seems that we need to find other ways to control monsters." Su Nan whispered in his heart.

Look at some more monsters.

At this time, the three monsters he had just enslaved looked at Ying Gao and Lao Yang with murderous eyes, and the anger in their eyes was undisguised.

But Ying Gao and Lao Yang didn't care at all, instead they were all smiles.

Only the two of them were controlled by Sunan before, and they were somewhat unwilling to do so.

Now that they are fine, they feel a lot better now that there are three other unlucky guys accompanying them.

"You should do whatever you are supposed to do now. Don't show any abnormality, and don't reveal my existence for the time being." Sunan ordered.

"Yes, Master!"

Regarding the next plan, Sunan had no intention of involving a few monsters. He planned to act on his own.

Zui Feng Tower.

This is a famous restaurant in Tianyun City, famous for a kind of wine called Zui Feng.

Very few warriors know that the wine cellar of this restaurant is the lair of a mysterious level demon.

In the real world, it is already six o'clock in the afternoon and night is about to fall.

In the game, the east begins to glow, and a new day is about to begin.

The door of Zuifeng Tower is still closed, and there is no light in the restaurant.

Sunan went directly to the backyard of Zui Feng Tower and started predicting.

[Climbing over the wall, you come to the backyard. There is no one here, and there is no monster. There are two rows of houses on the left and right sides, which are no different from ordinary small courtyards. 】

[You know, in this ordinary courtyard, there is a mid-level mysterious monster hiding. 】

[You come to the row of rooms on the left side of the small courtyard to search. After a minute, you find nothing, so you go to the room on the right. 】

[Two minutes later, you found the entrance to the underground wine cellar in the last room on the right side of the courtyard. 】

[Entering the wine cellar, you find that there is a snoring sound coming from the depths of the wine cellar. You follow the snoring sound and finally come to a stone room at the end of the wine cellar. 】

[You see a giant bear with brown hair lying on the stone bed and sleeping soundly in the stone house. On one side of it, there is a jar of unfinished wine. 】

[Seeing this situation, you had an idea, gave up your original plan, and tried to sneak attack the monster directly. 】

[Unfortunately, the five senses of monsters in the middle stage of Xuan level are very sharp. As soon as you get close to the monster and prepare to take action, the monster wakes up instantly and slaps you with a palm. 】

[This monster is not only physically powerful and powerful, but also very fast. Even if you try your best to resist it, you can only barely parry it, without any backhand strength. 】

[After three minutes, you will lose to the monster. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Before you die, you realize that if you want to kill the monster head-on, your current strength is still far behind. 】

"As expected of mid-Xuan level." Sunan looked solemn.

The early stage Xuan-level monster in the prison last time was not awakened until he took action.

And this monster was discovered just as he was about to take action. Its sense of danger was much stronger than that of the early Xuan level.

"We will definitely not be able to defeat him, but we still have to follow the plan."

[Climb over the wall, come to the backyard, and go straight to the wine cellar, which is the last room on the right. 】

[A minute later, you came to the stone room at the end of the wine cellar and saw the snoring monster, as well as the jar of unfinished wine not far from the monster. 】

[Don't dare to be careless, hold your breath, and come to the stone bed. Instead of taking this opportunity to hunt monsters, you drop two drops of soul-breaking water into the jar of unfinished wine. 】

[Your movements were very careful and did not wake up the monster. After everything was done, you exited the stone house and waited silently. 】

[Two minutes later, the monster did not wake up. 】

[Three minutes later, the monster is still sleeping. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


After looking at the number of predictions, Sunan did not choose to continue.

There are only 4 predictions left.

"The monster still doesn't know when it will wake up, so continuing to predict is a complete waste of times."

"As long as the monster drinks the drugged wine, it will definitely not wake up for a while. I can wait until the game is refreshed and then take a look."

Sunan is not in a hurry.

If the monster drinks the drugged wine after waking up, it won't be too late for him to come over tomorrow.

If the monster doesn't drink, there's no point in waiting.

With the decision made, Sunan acted quickly.

A few minutes later, he left Zuifeng Tower.

He poured three drops of soul-breaking water into the monster's wine jar.

This amount is enough for the monster to sleep for three days.

As for the remaining two drops of soul-breaking water, he decided to leave them to the monsters in the abandoned prison in Beicheng.

However, the monster in the prison is different from Xiong Yan, and you definitely cannot wait for the monster to take it by itself.

"There are monsters guarding the prison. If I want to enter, I must get rid of all the monsters guarding me."

"That way, when the monster wakes up, it's likely that the problem will be discovered."

"So, I'm going to try to see if I can feed the monster alcohol!"

Su Nan's mind was spinning as he walked towards the abandoned prison.

More than ten minutes later, he arrived at the abandoned prison.

[You come to the abandoned prison again, ready to hunt the monsters inside. 】

[Entering the prison, two mortal-level monsters immediately discovered you. You reacted quickly and used the power of your soul to kill the two monsters before they could react. 】

[You transform into one of the monsters and continue walking deeper. A minute later, you arrive at the entrance to the second floor of the prison. 】

[After also quietly killing the monster guarding the entrance, you enter the second floor. 】

[You see a monster with yellow hair on its face sleeping soundly, with two female monsters lying on either side of it. 】

[You carefully come to the yellow-haired monster, use the power of the soul to kill one of the female monsters, change into its appearance, and replace it. 】

[Your attack did not wake up the yellow-haired monster. You found the wine jar that the monster drank from and poured the last two drops of soul-breaking water into the wine. 】

[After doing this, you try to wake up the yellow-haired monster and let it drink the wine. 】

[The yellow-haired monster woke up in a daze and was very dissatisfied with you for waking it up. 】

[But after you handed the wine to the yellow-haired monster, the monster took it habitually, drank the remaining wine in a big gulp, and then fell down and snored again. 】

[You did not rush to take action, but waited silently for the effect of the soul-breaking water to take effect. 】

[Three minutes later, the monster snored loudly, and no accident occurred. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"Successed so easily?"

Sunan was surprised.

He was already prepared to fail, after all, this plan was too risky.

Whether you kill the female monster or let the monster drink the wine on its own initiative, it is easy for the monster to notice the problem.

The result was good, the plan went incredibly smoothly.

"In that case, don't blame me!"

He had no more foresight.

Now that the monster can successfully drink wine, the rest is not important.

Two minutes later.

According to the predicted method, he successfully made the monster drink the wine.

After waiting for a moment, he predicted again.

But, he was disappointed.

The time the monster took it was too short, the soul-breaking water had just taken effect, and the effect was not obvious yet.

There was no other way, so Sunan had no choice but to leave the prison temporarily after getting rid of the other female monster.

He planned to wait until a few hours later to see the effect.

Leave the prison.

After checking the time, Sunan was walking around the city.

"There are only five hours until the game is refreshed."

"Lang Shisan hasn't completed any of his missions yet. It looks like he's going to find a few unlucky players to hunt him down."

There are 10 million people in this open beta, and more than 800,000 players have come to Dongchen State.

There are more than 800,000 players scattered across nine counties, and there are more than 90,000 players in each county.

Sunan didn't know the exact number of players who descended on Tianyun City, but it was conservatively estimated to be in the thousands.

Not long after searching, he encountered a team of more than a dozen players who were looking for monsters to hunt.

This team is not entirely composed of new players, but is led by two veteran players who have merged with the third bloodline.

From everyone's conversations, Sunan learned that this was a player named Arson Guild.

"Since you are not a player of my Demon Slaying Division, then I am not polite."

Sunan didn't hesitate and transformed into a wolf demon to take action.

After a while.

A task completion prompt pops up.

He didn't stop there and continued searching.

More than ten minutes later, he found two more groups of players.

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily mission "Hunting 5 Extraterrestrial Visitors", and 5 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily mission "Hunting 30 extraterrestrial visitors, and 15 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 25 points. 】

A total of 37 players have been hunted and killed. In addition to completing two daily tasks, the main mission has advanced a lot.

120 players, now only need to hunt 30 more!

However, if you want to complete the main mission "Wrath of the Demon Emperor", you have to hunt down 10 players who are in the top 100 in luck.

He has only finished hunting 2 of them now.

"The ten players with the top 100 luck are having some difficulties!"

All possible tasks were completed, and Sunan quit the game.

In a B\u0026B.

After leaving the game warehouse, in order to prevent being discovered, Sunan put the game warehouse back into the storage ring.

Went out for a quick bite to eat and a run.

It wasn't until two hours later that he returned to the B\u0026B.

Log into the game again.

In the game, the sun is shining brightly and people are coming and going on the street.

The Monster Killing Division.

Su Nan took out the two monsters he had hunted in Shimo Mill and Liu Quanhe and asked Chen Su to register them.

Although he didn't know what was in the treasure house of the Sheriff's Mansion, he thought that no matter how small the mosquito was, it was still a piece of meat, so he did not waste the monster-killing points of the two monsters.

"Sir, these two monsters are both at the late spiritual level, with a total of 96 monster killing points." Chen Su said.

Su Nan nodded, and with the addition of Lu Er's early stage Xuan level monster, his monster killing points reached 408 points.

"Sir, if you have no use for the monster corpse, you can exchange it for the same amount of monster killing points."

"The Monster Killing Division also collects monster corpses?" Su Nan was surprised.

A corpse at the late spiritual level is worth 48 demon-slaying points. If exchanged in equal amounts, it means that 48 demon-slaying points are worth 3 drops of spirit-level monster blood.

Chen Su nodded: "Yes, our Dayu Dynasty has several treasures that extract the essence and blood of monsters, so naturally we also collect monster corpses."

"Is it okay if I exchange it for blood essence?"

"Of course it's okay." Chen Su nodded.

Sunan's eyes lit up, this was quite convenient.

He doesn't want anyone to know that he can hunt Xuan-level monsters yet. If Lu Er's body is taken to Tiangong Pavilion, it will easily cause trouble.

It's different in the Monster Killing Division.

Chen Su and the three of them all knew that he could hunt Xuan-level monsters. Even if he continued to hunt Xuan-level monsters in the future, there would be no problem.

"In this case, help me replace these corpses with blood essence."

Su Nan took out all the other demon corpses except the king-level demon corpse and the corpse of the black cloud pig demon.

After a while, he got the blood essence.

There are more than ten drops of mortal-level essence and blood, eight drops of spiritual-level essence and blood, and one drop of mysterious-level essence and blood.

This bit of blood essence is a bit lacking.

Sunan sighed. He was still thinking about accumulating more items to replenish vitality before starting the side mission.

Now it seems that I can only find a way to hunt a few more monsters in these two days.

Collect the essence and blood.

At this time, a member of the Demon Slaying Department came in and reported: "Mr. Director, there are three extraterrestrial visitors looking for you."

The three Huang brothers?

"Let them come in." Sunan said.

Soon, three players entered the Monster Killing Division.

To Su Nan's surprise, these three people were not the three Huang brothers.

But he knew two of the three.

One of them was Meng Feng, who he had killed just once yesterday, and the other one was even more familiar to him.

Zhou Cheng!

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