I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 149 Exploring White Water Lake

The yellow-haired monster was still snoring and had no tendency to wake up.

Su Nan no longer hesitated, switched the role to Wang Nan, and took action directly.

He did not use the crazy ghost body to deal with a monster of the mysterious power system. It was enough to use the power of vitality and essence to support him.

Using the Sky-breaking Strike, he punched the monster on the head.

The yellow-haired monster is dead.

He didn't understand until his death how he was somehow escaped from the prison and killed.

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Hunting a Mysterious Level Monster", and 30 points of monster power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 55 points. 】

"55 points of demon power is enough to upgrade a demon sutra to perfection."

However, now is not the time to fuse bloodlines.

Although it was predicted that the Blue Wolf Demon King would not come for him in the next six minutes, he still had to leave here as soon as possible just in case.

He put away the monster's body, determined the direction, and headed south.

Sunan doesn't plan to return to the city now.

The yellow-haired monster had just died, and the Green Wolf Demon King had not found the murderer, so he would not give up so easily. He might still be looking for it, and it would not be safe to go back now.

Just as he thought, as he hunted the monsters, Tianyun City suddenly became turbulent again.

In the abandoned prison.

A beautiful woman in a white dress slowly walked out of the prison.

If ordinary people see a woman, they will definitely think that she is a lady.

Who would have thought that such a beautiful woman would be the feared Green Wolf Demon King.

Outside the prison, an old man dressed as a housekeeper with a wolf tail behind him saw the woman coming out and couldn't help but ask: "Miss, what happened?"

The old man knew very well that his demon king usually kept to himself and would not take the initiative to go to the territory of any of his subordinates.

Even if something happened, he would be asked to take care of it.

Coming here suddenly now is obviously unusual.

"Huang Bao is dead."

The woman's eyes were calm and her voice was calm, but the old man could feel a hint of coldness from it.

"Dead? Who is so bold!"

The old man was shocked, and then he thought of something: "Could it be the same person who killed Lu Er yesterday?"

The woman shook her head and said nothing.

The death of the yellow-haired monster spread quickly, and one stone stirred up a thousand waves. If Lu Er's death yesterday was just a big wave on the calm lake in Tianyun City.

So Huang Bao's death today is undoubtedly a small earthquake.

This is not to say that the two monsters are very important.

But the death of the two monsters was so strange that we didn’t even know who had done it.

Word spread quickly.

The Monster Killing Division.

Chen Su, Ma Qiang, and Zhu Chen received the news immediately.

Zhu Chen couldn't help but wonder: "Do you think this was also done by the Secretary-General?"

Hearing this, the other two were silent for a moment, and Ma Qiang nodded with a serious expression:

"It's not impossible. Lu Er was killed at the same time yesterday, and Huang Bao was killed at the same time today. It can't be such a coincidence!"

"If it is really him, it would be too scary. He is in the early stage of spiritual level!" Chen Su gasped.

Zhu Chen said: "Whether it is true or not, we must not tell anyone about this matter, otherwise the county guard will be the first to spare us."

The other two nodded, understanding the stakes involved.

South of Tianyun City, more than ten miles away.

Sunan stopped in a small forest.

Looking ahead, a rippling blue lake appeared in front of him.

White water lake!

The territory of the White Water Demon King!

Naturally, he came here to prepare for hatching dragon turtle eggs and to explore the situation first.

"Let's fuse the bloodlines first."

Take out the bloodline of the mysterious spirit-level monster that you purchased at Tiangong Pavilion before.

This is the bloodline of a monster called the Spirit Crown Bird, which controls the power of vitality.

Switch the character to Lang Shisan and he begins to fuse blood.

Two or three minutes later, the blood fusion of the Spirit Crown Bird was completed.

A second bloodline appeared in Lang Shisan's personal information.


A total of 28 points of demon power were consumed, and the Spirit Crown Bird Demon Sutra was upgraded to Dacheng.

There are still 27 points of available demon power, and only 25 points of demon power are needed to complete the demon power of the Demon Sutra.

"Come on, as long as this demon sutra reaches perfection, I can try to kill Xiong Yan too."

Sunan was full of confidence.

It's just 25 points of demon power. To him, it's just a matter of two spirit-level monsters.

"Unfortunately, now another Xuan-level monster has died. It will only become more difficult to hunt down the remaining monsters."

He originally planned to hunt down the black bear demon in Tianjiao Academy and the imperial magic monster named Zijia who ambushed the former director.

Now it seems that we need to plan again.

"Let's take a look at the situation in White Water Lake first."

Sunan stopped thinking about it and turned to look at Baishui Lake.


[You come to Baishui Lake. Baishui Lake is the territory of Baishui Demon King. It is extremely dangerous for you. 】

[But there is a spring in the middle of the lake, which is the second place in Tianyun County with the strongest water power. For you, it is the key place for hatching dragon turtle eggs. 】

[You dive into the water and quickly head towards the center of the lake. 】

[After one minute, your speed does not slow down and you continue to move forward. 】

[Two minutes later, you encounter a school of fish and are surrounded by fish. 】

[After three minutes, you are in no danger and continue moving forward. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


[You continue to go deeper into the White Water Lake. The White Water Lake is not too big. You know that you can approach the center of the lake very quickly at your speed. 】

[After a minute, your speed begins to slow down and you carefully observe the situation around you. 】

[Two minutes later, you suddenly saw that in the distance to your left, you could vaguely see a group of patrolling monsters heading in your direction. 】

[You react quickly, use Transfigure to reduce your size as much as possible, and hide behind a rock covered with algae not far away. 】

[The patrolling monsters are only mortal level and are far away. They have not noticed your presence and are still approaching you in a hurry. 】

[Three minutes later, the patrolling monster is still several hundred meters away from you. 】

[The second prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


[The moment you see the patrolling monsters, you already have a plan to blend in with the patrolling monsters. 】

[The monster slowly approaches you, and after a minute, it finally arrives not far from you. 】

[You hid well, the monster didn’t notice you, and you were ready to take action at any time. 】

[Finally, the monsters came near the rock where you were. There were five monsters in this group, all holding spears. You waited silently without rushing. 】

[When the last monster passes near the rock, you suddenly launch a soul attack on the last monster. 】

[The monster cannot resist your attack, and the monster following the team is killed silently. 】

[You quickly transform into the monster, take the spear from the monster's hand, put away the monster's body, take its place, and follow the team. 】

[The leader of the patrolling monster seems to have discovered something. He subconsciously looks back. Fortunately, you have already blended into the team and the leader of the monster has not discovered anything. 】

[Congratulations, you successfully blended into the patrolling monsters and continued to move forward with the patrolling monsters. 】

[Two minutes later, the patrolling team encountered no abnormalities and continued to move forward unhurriedly. 】

[Three minutes later, the patrolling team met another team. No monster noticed anything unusual about you. You followed the team and continued moving forward. 】

[The second prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


[The patrol team is moving forward very slowly. You are not in a hurry and wait patiently. You know that we are not far from the center of the lake now. 】

[A minute later, you finally see a continuous group of underwater buildings in the depths of the lake in the distance. 】

[From time to time, teams of patrolling monsters leave the building complex and patrol in different directions. At the same time, teams that have finished their patrols also return. 】

[Two minutes later, you finally came to the building complex. You saw that the building complex was huge, with hundreds of large and small buildings surrounding it. 】

[And in the center of these buildings is a huge palace, which is particularly conspicuous like stars arching against the sun. 】

[That is the center of the entire white water lake. You have to find the spring in the center of the lake, which is just below the palace, and the entrance is somewhere in the palace. 】

[As the team continues to approach the building complex, suddenly, the appearance of a monster in the huge palace in the distance attracts your attention. 】

[You see, a tall monster covered in scales goes straight to the lake. 】

[The moment you see the monster, you will recognize it. You know that monster. It is the monster that wanted to capture you in Whitewater Town! 】

[The monster disappears on the lake, and you continue to follow the team towards a palace on the left side of the palace in the middle of the lake. 】

[The third prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"It turned out to be that monster from before. It seems that this White Water Demon King is the same demon king that was in the White Water River!"

Su Nan's heart sank, but she wasn't too surprised.

As early as the first time he heard about the White Water Demon King, he had doubted whether the White Water Demon King was the original demon king in the Baishui River in Baishui Town.

When he was in Baishui Town, his daily tasks included the task of exploring the Baishui River.

And that mission was a four-star mission. He knew at that time that there was a demon king in the Baishui River.

Later, because he hunted and killed a group of little demons in the Chen family ancestral hall, the demon king sent monsters to capture them. They were exactly the monsters that appeared in the prediction.

"It's really fate that we will meet here."

Sunan looked at the lake in the center of Baishui Lake from a distance.

The other party chased him in a very embarrassed manner, and if possible, he wouldn't mind hunting the monster after it left White Water Lake.

"Keep predicting."

[You followed the team into a palace, where many patrolling monsters lived. You left the team while no monsters were paying attention. 】

[You transform into the scaly man and head towards the palace in the center. 】

[A minute later, you met several monsters, but they didn't notice anything unusual about you. 】

[Two minutes later, you arrived in front of the huge palace in the middle of the lake. 】

[You notice that there is a monster guarding in front of the palace who looks very similar to the monster you are transforming into now. 】

[The other party also noticed you, with doubts in his eyes. You knew you couldn't show anything strange now, so you had no choice but to step forward. 】

[The other party asked you, didn’t you follow the instructions of the Demon King to invite the Nine-Tailed King? Why are you back so soon? 】

[You react quickly and tell the other party that you have discovered the alien visitor that the Demon King wanted to arrest, and you want to report to the Demon King. 】

[After that, you ignored the monster and quickly entered the palace. 】

[However, the moment you entered the palace, a young man appeared in front of you and grabbed you by the throat. 】

[Your transformation technique was discovered to be abnormal by the White Water Demon King. 】

【you are dead. 】

"The White Water Demon King is indeed in the palace!"

Sunan frowned. This was what he expected. This was the White Water Demon King's lair, so the probability of encountering the White Water Demon King was naturally very high.

But he didn't expect that he would be discovered as soon as he entered the palace.

As a result, his prediction could no longer continue.

"It seems we have to find a way to lure the White Water Demon King away."

Sunan thought, as long as the White Water Demon King is still there, no matter how many times he predicts it, he will never succeed.

If he wants to enter the palace in the middle of the lake, he must lure the Demon King away.

"How can we divert him away?"

Sunan pondered.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he thought of the predicted situation not long ago when he was killed by the Blue Wolf Demon King.

"Perhaps I can lure the White Water Demon King away by killing his monsters!"

Now the two demon kings have set their sights on him, and they will arrive as soon as possible if any of their Xuan-level demons are killed.

This was originally a bad thing for him, but now it seems that it is not an opportunity.

He only needs to hunt down a big black-level demon under the White Water Demon King to lure the White Water Demon King away.

As long as he grasps the opportunity well, he can sneak into the palace in the middle of the lake!

Thinking of this, he thought of Tianjiao Academy and the two monsters in Wangchen Tower.

Both monsters are under the command of the White Water Demon King.

Regardless of whether it works or not, you have to give it a try!

After looking at Baishui Lake, Sunan turned and left.

He didn't think about hunting the monster that was about to leave White Water Lake.

Now is not the time to alert the enemy.

Ten minutes later.

Sunan transformed into Zhang Yang and returned to the Monster Killing Division.

"Master Secretary, a Xuan-level demon named Huang Bao under the Blue Wolf Demon King was killed." Zhu Chen quickly reported.

After speaking, their eyes were fixed on Sunan's expression. Ma Qiang and Chen Su also stared at Sunan, trying to see something from his face.

Su Nan glanced at the three of them, nodded and said, "It seems that you have guessed it. Yes, it was me who did it."

He didn't hide it, he admitted it directly.

The three of them have already guessed it. Even if he doesn't admit it, the three of them don't believe it.

Anyway, Zhu Chen and the other three knew about his killing of Lu Er, so there was nothing wrong with admitting it now.

As he said that, he took out the corpse and said, "Help me replace this demon corpse with blood essence."

"It's really Huang Leopard!"

Even though they already knew that Sunan had the ability to kill Xuan-level monsters, they were still shocked when they saw Sunan take out the corpse of a Xuan-level monster.

In their memories, even the former Xuan-level director could not kill a Xuan-level monster in one day!

And Sunan did it.

Chen Su reacted and quickly took out the mirror that recorded the points of the demon slayer and recorded it.

"Sir, you now have 500 monster-slaying points."

Chen Su was both frightened and envious.

Even if she accumulates such a number of demon-slaying points for a year, she may not be able to accumulate them.

But Sunan only took less than three days!

"500 points?"

Su Nan nodded, and with a thought in his heart, he asked:

"Are there any vitality-replenishing items in the Demon-Slaying Department's treasure house?"

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