I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 154 Three different roads

"Bone City?"

Sunan was surprised to see the information in the prediction.

Only the human race can build a city, the demon race doesn't need it at all.

If it weren't for the foresight information, he would never have imagined that in such a place occupied by countless monsters, there was a city built by human beings.

"The information provided by Tiangong Pavilion only has a general introduction to the Bone Cave, and no specific information. This is probably not because Tiangong Pavilion does not know about it, but because the other party did not sell it to me."

Thinking of the information about the purchase in Tiangong Pavilion not long ago, Su Nan was a little dissatisfied.

This is not the first time this has happened. The same was true for the information about the City God Temple last time.

Obviously, Tongten Pavilion will not just sell some extremely secret things to ordinary people, even if they contain essence and blood.

[The walls of the Bone City are towering, and the bone mountains appear low in front of them. You don't know how far away they are, but you can clearly see their existence. 】

[You understand, the end of this road is the Bone City. You can get there as long as you keep moving forward. 】

[Three minutes later, you were not in danger. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


[The appearance of Bone City becomes your goal, and you move forward quickly along the path made of black soil. 】

[A minute later, you followed the path and bypassed two bone mountains. 】

[Two minutes later, you came to the foot of a relatively short bone mountain. Here, you suddenly stopped. In front of you, the black path broke off! 】

[You see, the path that was supposed to go around the low hills has a gap of a thousand meters in the middle, which is replaced by bones. 】

[There is no other way, you have to use the Heavens Movement again. 】

[You successfully crossed the fault zone and came to another section of path a thousand meters away. 】

[Keep moving forward. Three minutes later, you are not in danger, and the sea of ​​bones around you is still calm. 】

[The second prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"I have used up the two Heavenly Movements. If we encounter problems again, I am afraid we will be in trouble."

Sunan looked solemn. Although the black path was relatively safe, it was not absolute. Accidents could happen at any time.

With the Shift of the Heavens, as long as there is no emergency and he encounters an existence that can kill him instantly, he will have the opportunity to use the Shift of the Heavens to escape.

But without the movement of the heavens, his chances of death would greatly increase.

But there was nothing he could do about it. If he didn't use the movement of the heavens, it would be impossible for him to cross the kilometer of empty space.


[After three minutes of walking, you are one step closer to Bone City. However, you still have a long way to go to reach Bone City. 】

[A minute later, you stop again. You see that the black path ahead seems to have been destroyed. The black soil is scattered, revealing the white bones underneath. 】

[Don’t be careless and proceed carefully. Fortunately, although the path was damaged, it was still relatively safe and no accidents occurred. 】

[However, this situation did not last long. The closer to Bone City, the more places the black path was destroyed. 】

[Finally, the path in front of you breaks again, and this time the missing distance between the two sections also reaches one thousand meters. 】

[You have no choice but to enter the sea of ​​bones and want to reach the opposite path through the sea of ​​bones. 】

[As soon as you enter the sea of ​​bones, the originally dead sea of ​​bones boils instantly, and countless skeletal hands stretch out from the sea of ​​bones to grab you. 】

[You try your best to dodge and rush towards the black path on the opposite side as fast as possible. Unfortunately, there are too many bone hands, densely packed, completely blocking your way. 】

[Your feet are grabbed by bone hands, and the huge force drags you under the sea of ​​bones. 】

[You resisted with all your strength, but you were pulled by more bone hands, and you were completely pulled into the sea of ​​bones while breathing. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Before you die, your luck will come into play, and your deep intuition will tell you that there is a great opportunity waiting for you in the bone city ahead. 】

[Unfortunately, you can't touch it now. 】

"Great opportunity!" Sunan was shocked.

The previous times when luck had come into play, it only let him know that there might be a treasure.

But this time, tell him directly that there is a big opportunity in the Bone City ahead.

This was the first time he had seen such information in his precognition.

What is a big opportunity?

Sunan didn't know, but it would definitely be greater than any opportunity he had encountered before.

"It's a pity that this opportunity is really not something I can take now."

He sighed.

Outside, his current strength is not a problem in the early stage of Xuan level.

But in this bone cave, he is no different from ordinary people.

No matter how random a monster pops up, he can't contend with it.

And the most disgusting thing is that once he really takes action, it will cause a steady stream of trouble.

All he could rely on was the movement of the heavens.

Once the number of uses of Shifting Heavens is exhausted, he becomes an ordinary person.

At present, the road leading to Bone City, the closer it is to Bone City, the more places are destroyed.

Unless he can confront the powerful monster in the sea of ​​bones, he will not be able to continue on this road.

"I don't know what's in the bone city?"

Sunan was curious, but had no choice.

"There are only two other ways to try. I hope it won't be destroyed too."

When the precognition cooldown ended, he started to predict again.

[Go forward along the path. After a minute, you bypass several bone peaks and come to a fork in the road. 】

[Without hesitation, this time you chose the middle road that is neither wide nor narrow. Although this road is winding and winding, it continues forward. 】

[One minute later, you bypassed three bone peaks and encountered no danger. 】

[Two minutes later, you circled the three bone peaks again, and the sea of ​​bones around you was calm. 】

[Three minutes later, you have walked a full six or seven miles, and the road ahead is still winding and winding without any changes. 】

[It’s just that you find that the further you go, the more violent the atmosphere is, making you more uncomfortable. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


[The black path under your feet seems to have no end. You don’t know where it leads. All you can do is move forward as quickly as possible. 】

[The sea of ​​bones around you is lifeless. It doesn't seem to be dangerous, but it gives you a creepy feeling. 】

[A minute later, you walked two miles forward again. When you arrived here, the hostility in the space became more intense. 】

[You can feel that the violent aura is mixed with another aura that you are familiar with, that is demonic aura! 】

[Two minutes later, your steps began to slow down and your expression became solemn. 】

[You find that, at some point, the blood in your body has been eroded by demonic energy, and it begins to agitate uncontrollably. 】

[Three minutes later, you have walked more than ten miles away from the fork in the road. At this point, the blood in your body has begun to riot uncontrollably. 】

[You have a hunch that the end of this path is definitely a desert filled with demonic energy. If you continue walking, you will eventually lose control. 】

[The second prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"Devil energy?" Su Nan's expression slightly condensed.

He finally understood why the road was now smooth and without any danger.

Even monsters have an instinctive dislike and resistance to demonic energy. The further along this road, the heavier the demonic energy becomes, and monsters will naturally not appear in such a place.

Maybe there might be no monsters under the sea of ​​bones where he was located!


Even though he knew he would die, Sunan still chose to continue predicting.

He wanted to see what was at the end of this road.

[The demonic energy in the space is getting stronger and stronger. Every step you take, you bear the risk of the bloodline conflict getting out of control. 】

[You didn’t back down, you moved forward indomitably. 】

[One minute later, due to the erosion of the demonic energy, the bloodline of the Double-Winged Snake and the bloodline of the Three-Yang Crow in your body began to conflict violently. 】

[After two minutes, you completely lost control. 】

[The moment before you lose control completely, you find that the demonic energy in the surrounding space is attracted and rolls towards you. 】

The precognition ended in loss of control, and he ultimately failed to see what was at the end of the road.

"Is it just a conflict between the two-winged snake bloodline and the three-yang crow bloodline? The other four bloodlines are not affected by the demonic energy!"

The loss of control was expected, but the conflicting bloodlines surprised Sunan.

Obviously, this is the function of the Life Wheel Sutra.

Under the influence of the Life Wheel Sutra, even the demonic energy can only affect the bloodline of his current character, but cannot affect the bloodline of his other two characters.

"But what can I do? If one character loses control, my consciousness will be controlled by anger. Even if the other two characters are not affected, it is meaningless." Su Nan shook his head.

The three characters can be regarded as three independent bodies, but their consciousness is shared. They have only one consciousness.

If one day he can divide his consciousness into three parts, then losing control of one of his characters may not have a fatal impact on him.

"Now there is only the third way left. I don't know where Hu Xiaotian is?"

"I hope you're not already dead!"

After seeing the horror of the Bone Cave, Sunan was a little worried about Hu Xiaotian.

Although Hu Xiaotian is powerful, comparable to the emperor, but staying in this weird place for three days may be a bit unlucky.

Prediction cooldown ends, predict again.

[Go forward along the path. After a minute, you bypass several bone peaks and come to a fork in the road. 】

[Without hesitation, this time you chose the narrowest road on the right. 】

[This road can only accommodate one person walking, so you move forward quickly along the road. 】

[However, as soon as you walked a hundred meters, the sea of ​​bones around you began to surge, and a bone demon that looked like a cheetah appeared, jumped up, and rushed toward you. 】

[This is just a spirit-level bone monster, but you know that once you take action, it will attract more monsters. 】

[You chose to dodge, but this time your dodge had no effect. 】

[The sea of ​​bones surges, and bone monsters appear one after another. In the blink of an eye, you are surrounded by more than a dozen monsters. These monsters are of many types, different sizes, and even more bizarre in appearance. 】

[The monsters are particularly hostile to your arrival, and they all attack you, but you have no choice but to fight back. 】

[You are so powerful that you can crush one of these spirit-level bone monsters with one punch. 】

[As you took action, something worried you appeared. Three more powerful bone demons crawled out of the sea of ​​bones. 】

[These are three mid-level mysterious monsters. After a moment of fighting, you are no match. 】

【you are dead! 】

"What's going on? Why were you attacked by monsters on the path this time?"

Sunan was surprised.

In the past, even if you left the path, you would only be pulled down to the sea of ​​bones by bone hands and would not be directly attacked, but this time it was different.

There is obviously something wrong with this.

Carefully study the information in Precognition.

Suddenly, a piece of information caught his attention.

"These monsters are particularly hostile to my arrival? Why is this?"

"Is it... because I use the identity of a human race?" Su Nan thought of a possibility.

There had been a war between humans and monsters here, and it was naturally the humans who could make the monsters who died in the battle hate them.

Think of this.

He immediately tried to run the Life Wheel Sutra, switching his character to Lang Shisan, and at the same time using his body transformation to change his appearance.

After doing this, he waited until the foresight cooldown ended and he foresaw again.

[Go forward along the path. After a minute, you bypass several bone peaks and come to a fork in the road. 】

[Without hesitation, this time you chose the narrowest road on the right. 】

[After a minute, you bypass the two bone peaks and continue to move forward quickly. 】

[Two minutes later, you kept walking along the path without stopping. 】

[Three minutes later, you stopped. In front of you, a huge skeleton was lying on the path, blocking your way. 】

[The skeleton is very strange. It is not white, but gray-black. It is obviously different from the skeletons in the surrounding sea of ​​bones. 】

[Your intuition tells you that there may be danger there, so you don’t dare to tempt it easily and use the Heavenly Movement decisively. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"No more attacks!"

Su Nan's eyes lit up, which undoubtedly proved that his guess was correct.

Then he thought of something again, and his eyes showed surprise.

"I understand, the three roads here correspond to humans, demons, and monsters respectively."

"The end of the first road is a city. Only humans can build cities. The second road is full of demonic energy and is naturally related to demons."

"For the first two, I use my identity as a human to walk around. Although I don't have any care, I won't be targeted."

"Only this third road belongs to the demon clan. If you walk here as a human, you will naturally be attacked."

If his guess is true, then it is conceivable that the end of this road must be related to the demon clan.


[The path is winding and winding. It seems safe, but in fact it is full of dangers. Your caution allowed you to avoid a death crisis. 】

[After successfully crossing the huge skeleton blocking the road, you continue to move forward. However, this time, not long after you left, a sudden change occurred. 】

[I saw that the originally calm sea of ​​bones seemed to have set off waves, and the sea of ​​bones in the distance rippled and spread rapidly. 】

[In the blink of an eye, the waves have spread to your side. As the sea of ​​bones surges, countless bone demons emerge from under the sea of ​​bones. 】

[These bone demons are not coming towards you, but are running at high speed in the direction where the path extends. 】

[The bone demons appeared in countless numbers, and the scene was spectacular, like a tide, rushing towards the end of the path at a very fast speed. 】

[You realize that something is obviously abnormal ahead. 】

"Abnormal? What happened ahead?" Su Nan's eyes became interested.

After predicting it for so long, I finally encountered something different.

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