I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 159 The Second Treasure Map

Tiangong Pavilion.

She is still the girl who hosted Sunan last time.

"Sir, we have many items to replenish vitality, among which..."

After learning that Sunan wanted to buy items to replenish vitality, the girl took Sunan to a counter and took out dozens of items and introduced them one by one.

From medicinal liquids to elixirs, we have them all.

The price also ranges from a few drops of mortal-level monster blood essence to dozens of drops of spirit-level monster blood essence.

There is nothing much to say about these things. The higher the price, the more vitality they contain.

Sunan looked through it briefly and decisively chose an item called chalcedony liquid.

One bottle of this liquid is worth 4 drops of spirit-level monster blood, which is not too expensive.

And the effect is very good.

Sunan tried to put a drop of chalcedony liquid into his mouth, and a burst of vitality suddenly spread out.

The demon meridian circulates, actively converting vitality into essence. As he breathes, he feels that the power of his essence increases slightly.

"Yes, one drop can restore about 1% of the energy. This bottle has almost 100 drops, which can just fill up my energy."

Su Nan made secret calculations in his heart, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

The three mysterious-level monsters he killed were all replaced with blood essence. He now has 4 drops of blood essence from mysterious-level monsters, 28 drops of essence blood from spiritual-level monsters, and 46 drops of blood essence from mortal-level monsters.

This blood essence is definitely a huge wealth for ordinary players.

But for Sunan, it was still too little.

In the end, he used all the blood and essence in his body and bought 18 bottles of chalcedony liquid.

"Eighteen bottles can allow me to replenish the power of essence 18 times, which means that I can restore the power of a bloodline 18 times."

"If it is only used to supplement the power of the imperial system, it will be enough, even more than enough."

"But if you add the physical system and the secret power system, it's still a little bit behind."

The 18 opportunities to restore bloodline power may seem like a lot, but in fact they are nothing.

If he wanted to exert enough power to easily kill spirit-level monsters, just restoring one bloodline would definitely not be enough.

Restoration of vitality is essential.

This means that he must restore at least two bloodline powers each time.

"Fortunately, now that the power of my fire has greatly increased, I can easily deal with spirit-level monsters without consuming too much."

"It's a pity that the body of the Black Cloud Pig Demon cannot be taken out for the time being. Otherwise, I could buy another 10 bottles of chalcedony liquid. That would be enough."

After handing over the blood essence and accepting 18 bottles of chalcedony liquid, Sunan turned and left.

Before leaving, he thought of the divine path Yun again and couldn't help but ask:

"I heard that you have an auction today. I wonder when it will be held?"

"I'm sorry, sir, because today the demon clan is going to take action against the two Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden Nodes in Tianyun City. The auction has been postponed for one day and will not start until noon tomorrow."

Delayed by a day?

Sunan was surprised, then overjoyed.

It would be better if it was postponed. He should have enough blood and essence tomorrow.

Leave Tiangong Pavilion.

Sunan went straight to the Demon Killing Department.

As soon as he arrived at the Demon-Slaying Division, he saw Tian He, the commander of the city guard, waiting for him.

Seeing Sunan, Tian He immediately said: "Director Zhang, the county governor wants to see you."

"Okay!" Su Nan nodded.

After a while.

In the main hall of the Sheriff's Mansion.

"Director Zhang, your performance in the past two days really surprised me!" The old man sat on the high platform, looked at Su Nan and said with a smile.

Su Nan naturally knew what the old man was referring to, and said: "It is my honor to make you laugh and make a contribution to the people in the city."

As he spoke, he smiled bitterly and said: "It's just that now I'm afraid that I've been targeted by the two demon kings. If I want to hunt Xuan-level monsters again in the future, the two demon kings will definitely not let me go."

This is a good opportunity to sell out. If you seize it well, you might be able to get some benefits.

The old man obviously saw his intention and said with a smile: "You are good at extorting money. Don't think that I don't know that you aliens have twenty chances to be resurrected."

Obviously, the old man has never stopped collecting information from extraterrestrial visitors.

Even not only the old man, but all the forces in the demon world are always paying attention to their extraterrestrial visitors.

After a pause, the old man turned around and said: "However, as far as I know, you aliens can only be resurrected at the place of death. This is a flaw."

As he spoke, the old man turned his hand, took out something and threw it to Sunan.

Sunan took it and saw that it was a black diamond-shaped stone.

"This is a teleportation stone. After using it, you can teleport to a random place."

Teleportation stone?

Sunan's eyes lit up.

He knows this stuff.

Li Hao had previously obtained a piece of it in Trapped Heaven Prison, and after using it, he was directly transported out of Tianyun County.

However, Li Hao's teleportation was obviously directional, while the old man's teleportation was random.

It doesn't matter, whether it's directional or random, it's definitely a treasure for escaping.

Although he has a perfect resurrection card, who has enough spare time for such a thing?

"Thank you, sir!" Sunan thanked him quickly.

"I don't know what's going on when you ask me to come down here this time?"

The old man said: "I asked you to come this time because of the matter of the Heavenly Vault God's Forbidden City tonight."

"This time the demon race is determined and will use any means to completely destroy our human race's Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden City."

"The demon clan is so powerful that the number of monsters within my human clan's territory far exceeds that of our human clan warriors, let alone the monsters in the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge."

"I feel relieved that you are here in our Tianyun County. What I am worried about is whether there will be any problems with the nodes in the other eight counties."

"Ten Thousand Demon Ridge? What is that place?" Su Nan was curious. This was the first time he heard of this place.

The old man explained: "Ten Thousand Demon Ridge is the territory of the demon clan. Our Dongchen State originally did not only have nine counties, but twelve counties."

"Unfortunately, after ancient times, the land of three counties was completely occupied by the demon clan. Those three counties are collectively called Wanyao Ridge."

Su Nan suddenly realized, and was secretly shocked.

The number of monsters in the Nine Counties far exceeds that of human warriors. I can't imagine how many monsters there will be in the Ten Thousand Monsters Ridge.

"Sir, if one node is broken, what impact will it have on other nodes?"

The old man said solemnly: "The formation nodes of the other eleven states have been destroyed, but it has no impact on me, Dongchen State."

"But if any of our magic circle nodes in the nine counties of Dongchen Prefecture are broken, the ability of all other magic circle nodes in our Dongchen Prefecture to suppress monsters will be further reduced."

"At that time, those who can get close to the formation nodes will not only be at the spirit level, but also those at the early stage of the Xuan level, or even the middle stage of the Xuan level."

Suppression further weakened!

Su Nan nodded secretly, which fell into his guess.

"After this incident, I allow you to enter the treasure house of my Sheriff's Mansion and choose any treasure as a reward."

Pick a treasure?

Su Nan's heart moved and he said: "Master Sheriff, can I choose now? If I can increase my strength now, wouldn't I be more sure this time?"

"You want to pick in advance?"

The old man frowned, was silent for a moment, and nodded: "You are right. If you can complete the task, the things will naturally be yours. If you cannot complete the task, I will give you the things now, which will increase the hope of completion."

The old man was not rigid, but he agreed to Sunan's request.

After saying that, he looked at Tian He and said, "Commander Tian, ​​take Director Zhang to the treasure house to pick something out."

Tian He nodded, looked at Sunan and said, "Director Zhang, please come with me."

The treasure house of the Sheriff's Mansion is in the west courtyard of the Sheriff's Mansion.

There are a large number of guards guarding the place.

After Tian He took Sunan around for a while, they came to a basement.

There is an old man in black who is at the top of Xuan level guarding here.

"Mr. Qiu, on the order of the county governor, I bring Director Zhang to pick out a treasure." Tian He said respectfully to the old man in black who was guarding him.

"Oh?" The old man in black was surprised. He obviously knew about Sunan. He looked at Sunan and his eyes shone:

"Is this the new director of the Demon-Slaying Department? He is indeed a young hero!"

"Senior is joking." Su Nan laughed.

The old man in black stopped talking and took out the key to open the treasure house.

Sunan followed the old man into the treasure house.

What he saw was that this was a room of only a hundred square meters, with seven shelves placed, and the items on each shelf were different. They were somewhat similar to the treasure house in the Wolf King's Palace that he had seen before.

Sunan glanced at it and found that there were many kinds of things here, including all kinds of cultivation resources.

The old man in black said: "Director Zhang, I don't know the specific uses of most of the items in this treasure house, so I can't introduce them to you. You can only choose them by yourself. Just tell me what you like."

Sunan nodded, starting from the first row of shelves and looking carefully.

Opportunities are rare, and when you have to choose, you naturally have to choose something with the greatest value.

Even if he cannot pick the one with the greatest value, he can still pick the one that is most useful to him.

However, he thought this way, but when he actually started to choose, he had a problem.

Most of the things here only have one name, no introduction, and many things don't even have names, so how can he choose?

Fortunately, he also has a game panel. As long as he holds something in his hand, the game panel will naturally display relevant information.

Picking up a fist-sized red stone, the game's introductory information appears in your hand.

[Fire Stone: A stone containing the power of fire, which can be used as a material for forging spiritual treasures. 】

The introduction was short. Sunan put it down and took a porcelain bottle containing elixirs next to it.

[Rejuvenation Pill: An elixir refined from a type of vitality grass, which can restore vitality. 】

It was also a brief introduction, and Sunan couldn't help but frown secretly.

"The information given on the front panel of the game is the most basic information. It is basically impossible to find the most valuable things based on this information."

"Looks like I can only use personal space!"

In the second public beta, the game has opened the function of redeeming game items to reality. As long as the items are loaded into the personal space, the items will have the corresponding price of redemption to reality, and he can determine its value by the price of the items.

Thinking of this, Sunan did not shy away from the old man and directly put a ball-shaped object into his personal space.

Suddenly, the price of the ball appeared in the personal space.

120 demon power.

He secretly noted the price, took out the ball again, and moved on to the next one.

One item after another disappeared in his hands, and then reappeared. This scene made the old man in black frown.

However, he seemed to have thought of the identity of Su Nantian's visitor, so he didn't ask any more questions.

A black stone requires 235 points of demon power to be exchanged for reality.

A dagger requires 300 points of demon power to be exchanged for reality.

"It is indeed a treasure trove of the Sheriff's Mansion, there are so many good things!"

Su Nan sighed, putting the items into the space one by one and checking them one by one.

He found that except for some elixirs and elixirs, the exchange price of most things here was more than 100 points of demon power. The highest among them was a green bead the size of a grape, which reached 980 points of demon power!

In the game's introduction, that item is called the Psychic Cat's Eye.

More than ten minutes later, he finally came to the last shelf.

Before he could check the exchange prices of the items on the shelf, suddenly, one of the items caught his attention.

It was a broken animal skin, yellow-brown, with red lines drawn all over it.

Seeing this animal skin, Sunan's eyes lit up.

He also has such an animal skin!

That was originally obtained from the treasury of the Wolf King Palace.

Broken treasure map!

[Broken treasure: This was once a treasure map drawn by a strong man in ancient times. Unfortunately, due to an accident, the treasure map was split into two. Finding the other half of the treasure map may yield good results. 】

Picking up the treasure map, the introductory information of the game popped up. In an instant, Su Nan was sure that the broken treasure in front of him was the other half of the treasure map in his hand.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a thing here." Sunan was secretly happy.

According to the introduction in the original prediction, this treasure map is the treasure map of the cave of a strong man in ancient times.

If he could find that strong man's cave, he might actually gain something good.

Of course, Sunan didn't have high hopes for whether he could really find the cave.

After so many years, the world has undergone tremendous changes, and it is not certain whether the strong man's cave is still there.

"Senior, as the director of the Demon-Slaying Department, I should have the right to exchange Demon-Slaying Points for items here, right?"

Sunan asked.

He didn't plan to use that opportunity to choose a treasure, but planned to use the Demon Killing Points to redeem it.

Although the treasure map may allow him to find the cave of an ancient powerful man, it is not the most valuable in this treasure house.

Even compared to other items, it is nothing at all. It would be a big loss if you use that opportunity.

The old man in black nodded and said: "Of course, Director Zhang's Monster Killing Points can be redeemed not only at the Treasure House of the Monster Killing Department, but also here."

"Then if I want to use Monster Killing Points to exchange for this animal skin, how many Monster Killing Points will be needed?"

Hearing this, the old man in black showed surprise in his eyes and said: "This animal skin has been here for some years. According to the old man's research, it should be an ancient thing. Unfortunately, there is only half of it and it is of little value. If Director Zhang wants it, , you can take it away with 100 Monster Killing Points.”

One hundred demon-slaying points?

"I exchanged this item with Monster Killing Points!" Su Nan said directly without even thinking about it.

After killing Huang Bao last time, his Demon Killing Points reached 500.

After that, he killed Xiong Yan, a monster in the middle stage of the Mysterious level, and two monsters with two ears and one eye at the peak of the Spirit level. The monster killing point had reached 1076!

The old man in black didn't say anything. He turned his hand and took out a mirror similar to the one used by Chen Su to record the points of slaying monsters.

The old man looked at Sunan in the mirror, and a number suddenly appeared.

It is exactly the 1,076 demon-slaying points that Sunan now possesses.

Seeing the numbers on the mirror, the old man was stunned. He obviously didn't expect that Sunan would have so many monster-killing points.

After coming back to his senses, the old man in black praised again: "Director Zhang is worthy of being the county governor's favorite. After only three days here, he has already caught up with the savings of other director generals in a year!"

Sunan smiled and said nothing.

I don’t know how the old man did it. He just touched the mirror gently and the number on the mirror immediately decreased by one hundred.

"Director Zhang, this is your thing." The old man handed the animal skin to Su Nan.

Sunan took it, put it away without looking at it, and continued to look at other things.

Two minutes later, he finally took a look at all the items on the seven shelves in his personal space.

The green bead with the highest exchange price was still the one with 980 points of demon power.

[Psychic Cat Eyes: The eyes left behind by a psychic cat demon after his death. He can let you see certain things that you cannot see. 】

The introduction of the game is very short, except for the name, and its related uses are also specious.

"Something I can't see? What is something I can't see?" Sunan thought.

In the end he only thought of one thing.

Nianyao! Only Nian Yao he couldn't see.

"If I can only see the Nian Yao, then this thing is too useless to me!" Su Nan frowned.

Although the exchange price of the psychic cat's eye is expensive, the specific function is not yet known. He has chosen it now, and it will be embarrassing if he takes it out and cannot use it.

If it was true as he thought, the psychic cat's eyes could only see the Nian Yao, then it would be basically invisible to him.

He has foreknowledge.

Just because he can't see it doesn't mean he doesn't know.

Under the psychic cat's eyes, the second most expensive exchange item was a broken arrow.

The exchange price is also as high as 900 points of demon power.

[Rusty Broken Arrow: A broken arrow wrapped in rust. It seems to have no characteristics other than the hard material. 】

Broken Arrow's message is shorter than that of Psychic Cat's Eye.

If it weren't for the exchange price of 900 in his personal space, Sunan would really have thought this was an ordinary broken arrow.

"Try precognition, maybe precognition can give me some hints."

[With the permission of the Tianyun County Sheriff, you can choose a treasure from the treasure house of the Sheriff's Mansion. 】

[After viewing them for the first time, you already have a general understanding of the value of these items, but you do not intend to choose the ones with the highest value. You plan to look at them again and choose the things that are most useful to you. 】

[You start looking at the treasures on the first shelf. There are more than forty treasures on this shelf. You know that one of the items called the Moonstone is the most valuable. 】

[A minute later, you looked at the treasures on the first shelf from beginning to end again. Unfortunately, there was nothing that satisfied you among these items, so you moved to the second shelf. 】

[Two minutes later, you looked at all the treasures on the second shelf again. You still didn't find anything you were satisfied with, so you had to continue to the third shelf. 】

[Three minutes later, you looked at all the items on the third shelf again, but still didn't find anything that attracted you. 】

[Just as you were about to walk towards the fourth shelf, suddenly, your luck took effect, and your eyes were attracted by an oval stone about the size of a purple egg on the third shelf. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"Here we come!" Su Nan's eyes lit up.

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