I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 174 The Imprisoned Monster

The seventh prophecy begins again.

Su Nan repeated the previous steps of killing Zijia, using Heavenly Teleport to enter the fifth stone chamber, taking out the dragon turtle egg, etc.

Finally, twelve minutes after the predicted time passed, the dragon turtle egg finally swallowed up enough water power.

[Swallowing a large amount of water power, six dragon turtle eggs make up for the water power required for hatching. You know, at this time, you need to use the blood of a person with great luck as a guide to hatch the dragon turtle eggs. 】

[You choose to use your own blood. The dagger cuts your palm, and the blood flows down and drips on the six dragon turtle eggs. 】

[The blood quickly dyed the dragon turtle eggs red, and you immediately saw that the six dragon turtle eggs began to shake gently, as if the life in the eggs was about to break out of the shell. 】

[Your blood is constantly dripping, pulled by your luck, and the luck of heaven and earth is invisibly converging on the six dragon turtle eggs. 】

[Finally, with a crisp cracking sound, the dragon turtle egg on the far right cracked open, and a dragon-like turtle head came out. 】

[Congratulations, you successfully hatched a dragon turtle. 】

"It's done!"

A smile appeared on Sunan's lips. It was obvious that his blood was useful.

The hatching of the dragon turtle egg not only means that he has completed a four-star mission, but also means that he is about to get a dragon turtle!

What is the dragon turtle? It is an auspicious beast born by luck. It has unlimited potential and cannot be compared to monsters.

If trained well, it will definitely be a big help to him in the future.

[The first dragon turtle broke out of its shell, and at the moment it hatched successfully, all the luck that had descended from the unknown gathered towards the first dragon turtle, and the remaining five dragon turtle eggs lost the nourishment of luck. The incubation process is terminated. 】

[The only auspicious beast is that unless the first dragon turtle dies, the remaining five dragon turtle eggs will completely lose the possibility of hatching. 】

[The hatched dragon turtle crawled out of the turtle shell, as if it had found delicious food, and quickly moved towards the remaining five dragon turtle eggs. It opened its mouth and swallowed the nearest dragon turtle egg in one bite. 】

[With the swallowing of a dragon turtle egg, the aura of the dragon turtle rapidly increases, and its realm increases rapidly. 】

[After tasting the benefits of the dragon turtle eggs, the dragon turtle became even more excited and quickly swallowed the remaining five eggs. 】

[Five dragon turtle eggs were swallowed, and the realm of the newborn dragon turtle quickly improved, reaching the peak of the mortal level in an instant. 】

"Is this the peak of the mortal level? Not bad." Sunan was slightly surprised, but not too surprised.

The five dragon turtle eggs were replenished with the source of life, and they also swallowed up a large amount of water power.

After the dragon turtle swallowed five eggs, it was normal for his realm to be raised to the peak of the mortal level. Even Sunan felt that the realm was rising a bit slowly.

[You know, the White Water Demon King is about to come back. You don’t dare to stay. After putting away the dragon turtle, quickly use the heavens to move away. 】

[The fifth prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


Just in case, Sunan chose to waste a chance of prediction.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened.

"That's almost it, we can start now!" Taking a deep breath, he was ready to take action.

This time, except for encountering the jade bed in the second stone room, there were no other dangers. Generally speaking, it went smoothly.

He no longer hesitated and directly took out Zi Jia, who was still seriously injured and unconscious, from the Qiankun Ring.

After taking a few life-sustaining pills, and with the transformation of a large amount of vitality, he has now basically recovered all the power he had consumed by using the Sky-shattering Strike.

He didn't hold back, and landed a punch, directly killing the monster that was already seriously injured and dying.

A mid-level Xuan-level demon died like this.

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Revenge for the previous director of the Demon Slaying Department", and 30 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 36 points]

The mission completion prompt popped up, and he quickly put the monster's body away before he had time to look at it, and then waited carefully.

The next thing is simple.

As predicted, after the White Water Demon King left angrily, he quickly headed towards the center of the White Water Lake.

When he was only more than a thousand meters away from the palace in the center of the lake, he directly used the heavens to move.

As expected, this time he directly entered the fifth stone room again.

The rich power of water rushed towards his face, and a pool of water one foot in diameter came into view.

Without any time to think, Sunan quickly took out the six dragon turtle eggs and put them into the pool.

At the moment when the dragon turtle egg entered the pool, the originally peaceful dragon turtle egg changed and began to devour the power of water crazily.

Although only one dragon turtle egg would hatch in the end, Sunan still followed the predicted method and put all six dragon turtle eggs into the pool.

Only by allowing all six dragon turtle eggs to swallow enough water power can the hatched dragon turtle grow rapidly after swallowing the other five turtle eggs.

According to the prediction, it will take twelve minutes for the dragon turtle egg to swallow enough water power.

Anyway, it was determined that there was no danger, and Sunan was not in a hurry. While waiting slowly, he looked at the Zhutian Shift that had one more time left on the panel, and he couldn't help but feel a move in his heart.

"There are six rooms here. I haven't looked at the sixth room yet, so I'll take this opportunity to take a look."

He was curious and wanted to see what was in the sixth stone room.

With predictable use, text information jumps quickly.

[There are six stone chambers in the inner palace of the White Water Demon King. You already know what is in five of them, but you know nothing about the last one. You are curious and plan to explore it. 】

[The heavens are moved and used, and you successfully arrive at the sixth stone chamber. You find that there is nothing in this stone chamber, only a step extending underground. After a slight hesitation, you carefully go down the step. 】

[The steps are very long and I don’t know where they extend. After walking for a full minute, you reach the end of the stone steps. 】

[This is also a stone chamber. What surprises you is that there is a monster trapped in this stone chamber, a monster that looks like a deer but not a deer, and looks like a horse but not a horse. 】

[The monster's body is covered with iron ropes, and the iron ropes pass through the monster's body and are eventually submerged into the stone walls in all directions. 】

[Noticing your arrival, the monster bound by the iron rope suddenly opened its eyes. It was a pair of emotionless eyes, scarlet and cold. 】

[The moment the monster opened its eyes, you died. 】

"There is a monster trapped under this palace!" Su Nan was surprised.

With his current strength, it would be possible for him to be killed without any resistance, at least at the peak of Xuan level, or even at King level.

He prefers the latter.

"If it is really a demon king, then why did the White Water Demon King imprison him?"

I looked at the number of predictions and saw that I still had 24 predictions for today, which was completely enough.

He simply continued to predict.

This time he tries to see if he can release the monster.

The monster must be imprisoned by the White Water Demon King. If it can be released, it might be able to help him deal with the White Water Demon King.

[You know, the monsters right now are very dangerous and cannot be dealt with by you. 】

[You react quickly. When the monster opens its eyes, you quickly tell him that you are here to help him. 】

[Unfortunately, the monster ignored you and stared at you coldly with a pair of eyes. 】

【you are dead】

"Dead again? Is it because I am using the human identity now?"

It is Zhang Yang's task to hatch dragon turtle eggs, and now his identity is naturally Zhang Yang.

As the wheel of life rotates, he transforms himself into a wolf demon.

When the precognition cooldown ends, he continues to predict.

[You react quickly. The moment the monster opens its eyes, you quickly tell the monster that you are here to help the monster escape. 】

[Unfortunately, the monster ignored you and stared at you coldly with a pair of eyes. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Dead again?"

Sunan frowned, wondering why the monster wanted to kill him this time.

After that, he tried to transform into the White Water Demon King, and even transformed into the monster before the monster opened its eyes.

Unfortunately, they all ended in failure.

That monster is completely inert. As long as he opens his eyes, he will die.

"Forget it, since you want to be trapped, then you can be trapped."

Four consecutive predictions yielded no results, and Sunan was too lazy to waste any more energy.

He looked at the dragon turtle egg again.

Five or six minutes later, the water gushing in the pool had been reduced by half.

continue waiting.

Another five or six minutes passed, and when only a quarter of the spring water was left, the dragon turtle eggs finally stopped swallowing them.

"The time has come!"

Sunan reacted quickly, took out the dagger he had prepared, and drew a line on his palm in a predictable way.

Blood gushed out and fell drop by drop on the six turtle eggs in the pool.

The moment his blood fell on the dragon turtle eggs, the dragon turtle eggs began to tremble.

This process lasted only more than ten breaths.

With a crisp sound, the dragon turtle egg on his rightmost side was the first to crack, and a small head came out.

At the same time as the dragon turtle egg cracked, a message that the task was completed popped up.

[Congratulations, you have completed the first link of "Dragon Turtle". Do you want to receive the reward immediately? 】


[Congratulations, you have obtained a spiritual bloodline]

[Congratulations, you have obtained a spiritual level demon scripture]

[Congratulations, you have gained 45 points of demonic power]

[Congratulations, you have obtained dragon turtle essence and blood]

[The second ring mission has been opened, please go to the mission list to view it. 】

A four-star mission was completed. Before he could check the rewards and missions, Sunan looked at Dragon Turtle.

Dragon turtles are auspicious beasts and belong to a completely different race from monsters.

The newly born dragon turtle crawls out of the egg. It is only the size of a palm. It looks somewhat similar to an ordinary turtle, but it is much more domineering than an ordinary turtle.

The four legs are covered with pieces of silver scales, one tail is long and slender, like a dragon's tail, and the head is like a combination of a dragon's head and a glans.

I don't know if it was because Sunan used its blood to incubate the dragon turtle, but the moment the dragon turtle hatched, Sunan felt that he seemed to have established some unknown connection with the dragon turtle.

The little guy was very excited to see him, as if Sunan was its relative. Sunan could feel the joy from the dragon turtle.

"What's going on?" Sunan was surprised. Unfortunately, this phenomenon was not mentioned in the prediction.

But to be sure, this is obviously a good thing.

The little guy staggered and tried to crawl towards Sunan, but when it found five other dragon turtle eggs next to it, it immediately changed its direction and opened its mouth wide. The next moment, a strange scene happened.

The little guy, who was obviously only the size of a palm, actually swallowed a dragon turtle egg that was several times larger than itself.

As the first dragon turtle egg was swallowed, the dragon turtle, which was stumbling just now, suddenly seemed to be completely reborn and quickly ran to the next dragon turtle egg.

Sunan didn't stop him and watched quietly.

However, when the little guy swallowed the fourth dragon turtle egg, Su Nan suddenly had a bold idea:

"There are only one auspicious beasts. There can only be one auspicious beast of the same kind in a world. What will happen if I take the dragon turtle egg to the real world to hatch?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Although there may have been some connection between the two worlds in ancient times, they are now two independent worlds. If the dragon turtle eggs are taken out, there may be a chance of hatching.

"Whether it works or not, you have to give it a try."

To exchange dragon turtle eggs into reality, 580 points of demon power are required.

580 points of demon power is definitely a big number for him now.

Even if he completes all three roles and nine tasks every day, it still takes four or five days to accumulate.

But when he reaches a higher level in the future, the rewards for completing tasks will be more, and the demon power he will gain will naturally be more, and he will be able to redeem it one day.

But that's all the dragon turtle eggs are. They are unique existences. If they are gone, they are really gone.

Thinking of this, Sunan didn't hesitate at all and quickly put away the last egg before the dragon turtle had time to swallow it.

Seeing his food being robbed, Dragon Turtle was a little confused. He looked at Sunan with a pair of small black eyes, as if asking why Sunan wanted to rob him of his food.

"Little guy, four pills are enough. Leave this one to me."

As the dragon turtle eggs were devoured one by one, the palm-sized dragon turtle's body was rapidly growing in size, and its aura was also rapidly increasing.

At this time, the little guy was twice as big as before, and although his realm was missing a dragon turtle egg, he still reached the peak of the mortal level.

He grabbed the little guy without having time to take a closer look, and after putting away the turtle shell, he immediately used the Heavenly Movement to leave the palace in the middle of the lake, and then headed out of the White Water Lake.

After leaving Baishui Lake, he still didn't dare to stop.

He didn't choose to exit the game until it was safe.

Just when he exited the game, a roar came from the White Water Lake.

The White Water Demon King is back, and has discovered that the power of the water in the spring in the center of the lake has decreased.

But these have nothing to do with Sunan.

early morning.

Sunan woke up from her sleep.

I looked at the time, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

As usual, after going out to have some breakfast, I opened the forum and started reading when I came back.

Yesterday, the first side mission of Human Race Crisis ended, but the impact has not passed.

There are still a lot of posts on the forum about players from various counties fighting against the demon clan yesterday.

Among them, the most discussed ones are naturally Wang Nan and Zhang Yang.

Sunan took a quick look and discovered that someone had distributed the products in the fourth-level contribution mall.

"Spell seeds? Magic seeds? Ancient fairy blood? What on earth are these?"

"The magic seeds have actually been exchanged. It must have been exchanged by Great God Wang Nan."

"Is this the difference between high-end players and us low-end players? These things are simply not accessible to us ordinary players!"

The things in the mall are basically unheard of and unseen by ordinary players. The post was posted and attracted a large number of players to watch.

Sunan glanced at it casually without paying attention, but another post attracted his attention.

That was a post looking for him.

To be precise, it was a post asking for Wang Nan.

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