I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 184 Entering the secret place

The location of the ancient cave is in a place called Sanzhu Mountain.

Far away, Sunan could see three peaks arranged in a triangle.

The stones on the mountain peak are all red, as if they were dyed red by blood.

After countless years of baptism, although the three mountains are still towering, they are much shorter than the peaks depicted on the treasure map.

Qian Yu took Wang Nan into the valley, which was guarded by dozens of players.

After going round and round again, the group finally came to a cave at the foot of one of the mountains.

"If you want to enter the cave, you need to pass through a magic circle. That magic circle is at the end of the cave."

Qian Yu took Sunan to the end of the cave.

I saw a huge stone plate with a diameter of ten meters at the end of the cave. The stone plate was covered with dense patterns.

And in the center of the stone plate, there was a silver sword.

The long sword was inserted there very abruptly, and looked out of place with the stone plate that was engraved with strange patterns.

"That's... the key to entering the cave!" Su Nan's heart moved slightly, and he instantly understood that the long sword should be the key to entering the cave, just like the treasure map in his hand.

Noticing Sunan's gaze, Qian Yu introduced calmly: "That sword is the center of this magic circle. It cannot be pulled out. Once it is pulled out, the magic circle will be destroyed."

Qian Yu obviously didn't want Sunan to know the true function of the long sword, so he made up a random reason to make Sunan give up his interest in the long sword.

Sunan sneered in his heart.

He didn't point out anything, and moved his eyes away from the sword to look at the predicted information on the panel.

[Following several extraterrestrial visitors, you arrived at the entrance to the ancient cave dwelling recorded on the treasure map. 】

[Step onto the formation plate that enters the entrance of the cave. With the stimulation of the bloodline power of one of the extraterrestrial visitors, the formation plate rotates. You and several extraterrestrial visitors enter the cave of the ancient strongman. 】

[Same as the information you have learned, this cave is located in a small space. The entire space is dimly lit and continues to follow several extraterrestrial visitors. 】

[A minute later, you encountered a mortal-level monster unique to the cave space and dealt with it casually. 】

[Two minutes later, you came to a small hill. This was the territory of a spirit-level monster. You didn’t take a detour, you just killed the monster and passed through. 】

[Three minutes later, you killed a mortal monster again. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue the prediction? 】


Sunan had no choice to continue.

According to Qian Yu, the secret place is deep in the cave space. After entering the cave space, it still takes twenty or thirty minutes to travel.

This means that if he continues to predict, he will still need to waste more than ten predictions.

Although his number of predictions has now reached 54, he may still need to save some time.

After all, the secret place is his main goal.

The cave space has been explored many times and is relatively safe.

As for that secret place, it seems that no one has ever entered it, and no one knows what will happen inside. Only with enough predictions can he enter with confidence.

"Brother Wang Nan, let's go in."

As if to prevent Sunan from being wary of the stone plate, Qian Yu took the lead in walking onto the huge stone plate.

"Okay!" It was predicted that it was safe, and Sunan had nothing to worry about, so he also walked onto the stone plate.

Afterwards, other members of the Jiutian Guild quickly followed suit and walked on the stone plate. Following Qian Yu's urging, runes flashed on the huge stone plate.

The next moment, Sunan's vision blurred. When he could see clearly what was in front of him again, he was already in a dark space.

"Is this the cave space?"

Su Nan was curious and glanced at it, he found that this space was completely different from the space in the Bone Cave.

Except for the lack of sun, moon and stars, there is almost no difference from the outside world.

Under their feet, there was still a huge stone plate with a diameter of ten meters, which was not much different from the stone plate that came in.

Qian Yu led the way, and the group continued to move forward.

Sunan didn't know.

Just when he entered the cave space.

In reality, the people of the Destiny Society received his movements immediately.

"Qian Yu actually took Wang Nan into the ancient cave?"

"What does Qian Yu want to do? Wang Nan's current strength is no longer something we can easily deal with. Qian Yu dares to take him into the ancient cave. If he gets benefits from it, all our plans will be defeated. It’s chaos!”

"This doesn't seem to be entirely a bad thing. It may also be an opportunity for us. According to Qian Yu, there is only one exit in that cave space. If we set a trap at that exit, we might be able to obtain unexpected gains. .”

"Furthermore, if that Wang Nan doesn't have the means to leave the cave space, maybe I can take this opportunity to completely trap him in that space."

"You will know if you can give it a try. This is an opportunity after all."

In the cave space.

Under the leadership of Qian Yu, Sunan quickly headed towards the depths of the cave.

Three minutes later, Sunan killed two monsters.

He found that compared to the outside world, the monsters here seemed a bit dull.

Qian Yu said: "Many monsters were born in this space, but for some unknown reason, the monsters here do not have much intelligence. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are beasts with no power."

"No wisdom?" Su Nan was surprised, and instantly realized the importance of this place to the Jiutian Guild.

Monsters have no intelligence, which means that the monsters here are easier to hunt than the monsters outside.

For players, monsters are monster power. With such a treasure land where monsters are easier to hunt, it will be difficult for Jiutian Guild not to rise!

"No wonder your guild can cultivate so many talents. It turns out that it is sitting on such a treasure." Su Nan glanced at the players brought by Qian Yu this time and admired.

In addition to the two spirit-level players, one fat and one thin, Qian Yu also brought a total of fifty mortal-level players.

These people are all the fourth kind of mortal level demon sutra Dzogchen!

"Brother Wang is joking. In Brother Wang's eyes, these are probably nothing at all."

Qian Yu smiled. He seemed to be speaking lightly, but there was a hint of pride in his eyes.

He has now made this place his base camp. If Sunan didn't have the necessary token to enter the secret place, he would not have let Sunan come here at all.

Half an hour later.

The group of people finally arrived at the so-called secret place without any danger.

What surprised Sunan was that the entrance to the secret place was actually a stone.

The stones are ordinary, the kind that no one would notice if placed among the rocks.

"No wonder the cave has been discovered for more than five hundred years, and no one has discovered that there is a secret place here." Sunan lamented.

"It's a coincidence that we met a spirit-level monster here. I fought with the monster and accidentally discovered that this stone was extremely hard and completely different from other stones. Later, after careful study, I unexpectedly discovered that this was a stone. The entrance to the secret place.”

What a coincidence?

Listening to Qian Yu's words, Su Nan didn't believe it at all.

In his opinion, Qian Yu must have hidden a lot of things.

But these are not important. With foresight, he is confident that even if Qian Yu has bad intentions, he can easily defeat him.


With a thought in his heart, Sunan began to predict again.

[You follow another extraterrestrial visitor to the entrance of a secret place in an ancient cave. You know that to enter the secret place, you need two tokens, and you happen to have one of them. 】

[You and another extraterrestrial visitor took out the token. The moment you both placed the token on the stone in front of you, the entrance to the secret place appeared in front of you. 】

[Seeing that the entrance really appeared, another visitor from the outside world was very excited and made a promise with you that after entering the secret place, you will explore separately without interfering with each other. 】

[After you readily agreed, another alien visitor couldn’t wait to lead the other alien visitors into the secret place. Seeing this, you no longer hesitated and entered the secret place immediately. 】

[The light and shadow before your eyes changes, and you successfully enter the secret place. 】

[The location you are in is a huge desert, stretching as far as the eye can see. The black wind is howling, raising yellow sand all over the sky. 】

"Sure enough, the first area of ​​the secret land is a desert."

Qian Yu had already said on the way here that the secret land is divided into three areas: desert, swamp, and ice sheet.

As soon as he entered the secret place, he appeared in the desert, which showed that Qian Yu did not lie to him.

[Other extraterrestrial visitors appeared not far from you. After the leader of the extraterrestrial visitors said goodbye to you, he led the other extraterrestrial visitors directly towards the east. 】

[After a slight hesitation, you did not choose to follow the other visitors from outside the world, but chose to go south. The wind and sand roared, and the raised sand quickly covered the traces you left. 】

[You are not walking very fast in the desert. You know that this desert may not seem dangerous at the moment, but in fact it may be full of dangers. 】

[A minute later, you walked thousands of meters, and there was no other sound in your ears except the howling wind. 】

[Two minutes later, you came to a relatively high sand dune and looked over. Unfortunately, there was nothing around except endless yellow sand. 】

[Three minutes later, you did not encounter any danger and continued to move forward. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


The desert is huge and endless, and I don’t know where it ends.

In anticipation, Sunan was very careful at first and didn't walk very fast.

But as time passed, and after discovering that there seemed to be no danger in the desert, he began to move forward at full speed.

But something strange happened to him.

The second precognition ended and he did not encounter any danger.

The third prediction ended and he did not encounter any danger.

At the end of the fourth prediction, he still didn't encounter any danger.

Including the first precognition and the end of the five consecutive precognitions, he did not encounter any danger.

This is strange.

Don't say that this is an ancient cave space, full of dangers.

Even in reality, after such a long time, it is time to encounter some danger.

At his current speed, it was easy to travel several miles at full speed.

According to the prediction, fifteen minutes had passed and he had walked at least sixty or seventy miles. Not only was it time for him to leave the desert, he should at least encounter some danger.

But now he hasn't even encountered a monster, which is obviously a problem.

"Is it because I'm going in the wrong direction?"

Su Nan thought of a possibility. In the prediction, Qian Yu was heading east, while he was heading south.

If Qian Yu, like him, chose randomly, then forget it.

If it is a purposeful choice, maybe you will find something by following Qian Yu.

Thinking of this, Sunan stopped predicting and planned to start over.

"Brother Nan, as long as you take out that dagger, we can open the entrance to the secret place."

In a few moments of foreknowledge, Qian Yu had taken the lead in taking out his token, which was a knife, also covered in rust.

"Okay." Su Nan did not hesitate, turned his hand and took out the dagger.

The two of them placed their swords on the stone, and a ray of light suddenly shot out from the stone, forming a huge light pillar reaching the sky in front of them.

"It's on!"

Qian Yu was overjoyed when he saw the light beam appear.

He has been planning this secret place for a long time. Although his original plan was disrupted due to Sunan's sudden intervention in the auction, as long as he can enter the secret place, he is still in control of it.

Suppressing the impatience in his heart, he looked at Sunan and said: "Brother Wang Nan, in the secret place, each opportunity depends on his own ability. Once you enter the secret place, there is no need for you and me to continue to follow. It depends on whether we can gain anything. It’s our own luck.”

"That's natural." Su Nan nodded.

Even if Qian Yu didn't say anything, he would choose to separate.

After hatching the dragon turtle, his luck doubled. If he really had the opportunity, he didn't believe he would miss it.

Moreover, many of his methods are secret, and it would be inconvenient for him to use them with Qian Yu.

Qian Yu took the lead to walk towards the light pillar. The moment his body submerged into the light pillar, his whole body suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

Upon seeing this, other Jiutian Guild players reacted quickly and entered the light pillar one after another.

Sunan also entered the pillar of light, and the scene before his eyes changed, and he came to the desert.

The predicted information just now told him that there was a black wind blowing in the desert.

Just reading the words in the precognition, he didn't have any intuitive feeling.

Only when he finally came to the desert did he understand what black wind was.

The whole space was groggy, the wind was howling in my ears, and looking to the sky in the distance, it seemed like a big mouth was about to swallow the entire desert below.

Qian Yu obviously didn't want Sunan to follow him. When his family members arrived, he immediately led everyone eastward at a very fast speed, as if he was afraid that Sunan would follow.

Sunan didn't move, standing there observing the situation around him, as if hesitating which direction to choose.

Seeing this scene, the fat spiritual player next to Qian Yu said: "Boss, that Wang Nan didn't follow."

"It would be best if he didn't follow us. If he does, it will be very detrimental to our next actions."

Qian Yu glanced back calmly and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Sunan was still staying where he was.

How could he know?

At this time, in Sunan's prediction, Sunan had already followed them and walked several thousand meters away.

[Looking at the desert in front of you, you know that this desert is very strange and it is difficult to leave if you walk randomly in it. You choose to follow the team of another alien visitor. 】

[The leader of the group of extraterrestrial visitors discovered that you were following him. He was secretly angry but had no choice but to do anything. 】

[A minute later, you followed the group of extraterrestrial visitors and walked several thousand meters. 】

[Three minutes later, the team of extraterrestrial visitors in front did not encounter any danger. You followed the team a thousand meters away. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


Next, just like the situation predicted when they were outside the secret place, everyone spent the time in the rush.

But, slowly, his brows gradually wrinkled.

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