[You realize that killing mysterious monsters may lead to huge crises. Should you consume a certain number of prediction times to predict the last three minutes of your death in the future? 】


Looking at the prompts on the panel again, Sunan made a choice.

Suddenly, a full 20 prediction times were consumed.

"20 times?"

Sunan couldn't help but gasp.

Twenty times, that’s a full hour.

Will the White Water Demon King kill him in an hour?

Sunan was surprised. One hour was neither long nor short. At his current speed, it would not be a problem to escape hundreds of miles.

[You are chased by the White Water Demon King, and you are exhausted from running away for a day and a night. 】

[Every available method has been exhausted. Even if you use two teleportation stones in succession, you still cannot escape the pursuit of the White Water Demon King. 】

[The mark on your body is completely indecipherable. Although the monster will no longer be able to detect your location as long as you escape a hundred miles away, you cannot guarantee that there is no other big monster who masters the secret method within a hundred miles of you. 】

[The mark on your body is like a spark in the dark night in the eyes of the monster who masters the secret method. It is particularly conspicuous. Even if the White Water Demon King temporarily loses your position, he can still find you again with the help of other monsters. 】

As soon as the precognitive information appeared, Sunan's eyes lit up.

one day one Night?

It's not an hour!

"The number of predictions consumed is not consistent with the prediction time. My previous guess was wrong!"

Not only was Su Nan not disappointed because his guess was wrong, but his eyes were filled with joy.

Using one hour of prediction time to predict what will happen 24 hours later, isn't this a huge profit!

In this way, even if he encounters a big crisis, he can spend a day preparing and finding a way to solve it.

However, the prediction that followed made him frown again.

"All means exhausted?"

"Even after using both teleportation stones, you still didn't get rid of the White Water Demon King?"

His heart sank. He had not been too worried about the mark on his body before. The reason was that he had a teleportation stone.

In his mind, if he encountered unstoppable danger, he would use the teleportation stone to leave.

But now the predicted information shattered his thoughts.

[You were eventually caught by the White Water Demon King in Hongshan County. The White Water Demon King did not kill you directly, but took you to use the teleportation stone and returned directly to the White Water Lake in Tianyun City. 】

[A minute later, the White Water Demon King locks you into a secret room, where another monster that looks like a deer but not a deer, not a horse but a horse is imprisoned. 】

[You, like that monster, were pierced through your body by the White Water Demon King with iron ropes. Those iron ropes have special abilities and imprison all the power in your body. 】

[Two minutes later, the White Water Demon King walked into the secret room with a monster at the peak of the Xuan level. This was a monster that was good at using the power of the divine soul. 】

[The monster exerts the power of the soul on you, and all the power is imprisoned. You have no ability to resist, and the memory is forcibly read by the monster. 】

[Three minutes later, you are dead! 】

[Congratulations on unlocking the new ability to predict the future. You can actively use this ability through the personal information panel. 】

A prompt appeared, and a new option suddenly appeared below Predict the Future on the panel.

[Death Prediction: You can consume a certain number of prediction times to predict the last three minutes before your death in the future. 】

The premonition ended. There was no information in the premonition about how the White Water Demon King would chase him or how he would escape.

But from the first few simple messages of prediction, one can already imagine how embarrassing his escape process was.

"The White Water Demon King is really cautious. It's not enough to imprison me, but he also has to imprison my power!"

Sunan's face was gloomy. In the last prediction, he had been to the secret room where he was imprisoned. It was under the sixth stone room in the inner hall of the palace in the center of Baishui Lake.

However, in the original prediction, he tried to get close to the monster several times, but he was killed by the monster every time.

This shows that the monster is not completely restrained in power, which is different from his situation.

"As long as there is a monster that knows secret magic within a hundred miles, the White Water Demon King can find me. It seems that there are only two ways to escape the capture of the White Water Demon King."

"Either find a way to solve the mark, or find a place where no monster within a hundred miles knows that secret method."

Both methods, whether the first or the second, are very difficult to implement.

It was predicted that he had already tried to solve the problem of the mark on his body, but it ended in failure.

Even his most powerful method, the Life Wheel Sutra, was useless. He really couldn't think of any other solution.

The second method is also difficult to implement.

Where could he go to find a monster that didn't know the secret magic within a hundred miles?

Sunan thought quickly in his mind.

at the same time.

Just when his character, General Lang Shisan, had just broken through to the Xuan level, all the players, whether it was regional chats or forums, exploded.

For a moment, all the topics discussed were focused on Lang Shisan.

"Master Lang Shisan has made a breakthrough! Master Lang Shisan has surpassed Wang Nan and Zhang Yang to be the first to break through. How did he do it?"

"How is this possible? Didn't he just merge with the fourth bloodline? Why has he broken through the Xuan level now?"

Lang Shisan's breakthrough shocked ordinary players.

Everyone originally thought that Wang Nan would still be the first person to break through to the Xuan level this time. Even if something happened to Wang Nan, Zhang Yang would be the first to break through.

No one thought that Lang Shisan, who was originally just a perfectionist of three spiritual-level bloodlines, would be the first to break through.

"I understand, it's the blood of the ancient demon! The demon power of Master Lang Thirteen has been enough for a long time, but he just wanted to fuse the blood of the ancient demon, so he has been unable to do so."

"This time the human race crisis branch allowed the great master Lang Shisan to obtain enough contribution points to exchange for the blood of ancient fairies. Only then can the great master Lang Shisan quickly integrate the fourth bloodline and break through after the mission is over."

Someone thought of a possibility, which was quickly recognized by players.

Since the top items in the Contribution Mall were exposed, everyone has a certain understanding of high-end things such as magical powers and ancient scriptures and ancient demon bloodlines.

Many people even speculated that Wang Nan and Zhang Yang merged with the ancient demon bloodline when they were at the mortal level. Now everyone knows the importance of the ancient demon bloodline to warriors.

"Will the breakthrough of Master Lang Shisan be like the breakthrough of Master Wang Nan last time, causing the game to be put into open beta again?"

"It's very possible, but not necessarily, that the conditions for the first open beta and the second open beta are different. It's very likely that the conditions for each open beta are different. Someone breaking through to a higher realm is not the only condition for the open beta. "

"Whether there will be a public beta will be known until the next game refresh. According to the previous two rules, once the public beta conditions are met, the game will be announced the next day."

Thinking of the open beta of the game, countless ordinary people are excited.

Since the second public beta, the number of players who can use game abilities in real life has reached hundreds of thousands!

Walking on the street, you can encounter beings with extraordinary power. Those powerful abilities make ordinary people envious and even more fearful.

Powerful power can amplify people's desires infinitely, and they have the ability and confidence to implement things that many originally did not dare to think about or do.

Compared with before the emergence of the demon world, today's crime rate has soared dozens of times, and without exception, it is all related to players.

Without official control, reality would have been chaotic.

Nowadays, the biggest wish for ordinary people is to enter the game as soon as possible and gain the power in the game.

"By the way, who knows which county in the game Master Lang Shisan is in?"

Someone thought of Lang Shisan's identity in the game again, and everyone was shocked to realize that no one had ever seen Lang Shisan until now!

"We all know the players trained by several major forces. This Lang Shisan is definitely not from any force."

"Look! Find that Lang Shisan. If such a person can be used by us, he can go sideways in the game from now on."

The major forces reacted quickly and wanted to find Lang Shisan.

Suddenly, there was another wave of searching for Lang Shisan.

in the game.

Su Nan thought for a moment and finally had an idea of ​​how to deal with the white water monster.

"It's difficult to find a place where there are no monsters who know secret magic within a hundred miles. Maybe it's only possible by entering a place like the cave space of the Cave Immortal Old Man. Depending on the space formed by the cave, the monsters might not be able to find it."

"But this is not a long-term solution. If I want to escort the magic weapon to Tianyun County, I can't hide forever. I still have to find a way to crack the mark."

"With my current ability, it is basically impossible to crack the mark. I can only ask other people for help. I don't know if the Tianyun City Sheriff is still there?"

Su Nan's mind changed, and he planned to go to the county guard for help.

The Tianyun City Sheriff's Mansion has a magic circle leading to Wansheng County. If you can use that magic circle to reach Wansheng County, and then go to Zhongtian County through Wansheng County's magic circle, the task will be much easier.

However, there is another problem.

Is that county guard still in Tianyun City?

It has been a day since the Tianyun City magic circle was broken. He has no idea what Tianyun City is like now.

Moreover, now that he goes back, there is a high probability that he will be captured by the White Water Demon King.


Sunan didn't think much and decisively chose to predict.

He did not choose to predict death, but used normal methods to predict death.

The ability to predict death is good, as it can predict events for a longer period of time with a smaller number of predictions.

But it is not applicable in all situations.

For example, right now, if he wants to know what exactly happened in the middle, he can only predict it again and again.

[You have been marked by the monster's secret method, which cannot be solved with your ability. You plan to return to Tianyun City and find the Tianyun County Sheriff to help solve it. 】

[One minute later, you didn’t encounter the monster. 】

He used Heavenly Movement twice, and was chased by monsters for three minutes each time. At this time, he was already far away from Tianyun City.

If you want to return to Tianyun City, it will naturally take you another six or seven minutes to go back.

The two predictions ended, but fortunately there were no accidents.

It wasn't until the third prediction that he returned to Tianyun City.

[Two minutes later, you finally returned to Tianyun City. At this time, Tianyun City was already empty of people and had become a demon city completely occupied by monsters. 】

[You go straight to the Sheriff's Mansion, preparing to find the Sheriff of Tianyun County and borrow the magic circle there. 】

[You don’t know that in yesterday’s battle, the county guard was defeated by Hu Xiaotian, was seriously injured, and disappeared, and the magic circle of the county guard’s mansion was also broken when the two Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden Nodes in Tianyun County were destroyed. , destroyed by monsters. 】

[Three minutes later, you arrived at the Sheriff's Mansion. However, as soon as you arrived, a figure appeared not far from you and slapped you with a palm. 】

[You recognized that figure. It was the White Water Demon King, one of the two demon kings in Tianyun City. 】

[Facing the demon king's attack, you know that you have no ability to resist, so you decisively use the teleportation stone that you have prepared long ago. 】

[At the critical moment, you were transported to Hongshan County by the teleportation stone. 】

"Sure enough, I met the White Water Demon King"

Sunan's heart sank as he predicted that the White Water Demon King would appear in nine minutes.

It now seems that in at least nine minutes, the White Water Demon King will know that more than ten Xuan-level demons are dead and will come to capture him.

"The county guard was severely injured by Hu Xiaotian and disappeared. The teleportation circle was also destroyed. It seems that the Wansheng Prefecture's magic circle must have also been destroyed. It seems that we can only find another way!"

Sunan's mind changed rapidly.

He instantly thought of another person.

The human emperor-level powerful person he knew was not only the Tianyun County Sheriff, but also another one.

Zhou Lingyin!

"In the prediction just now, I was teleported to Hongshan County. Maybe I can use this opportunity to find Zhou Lingyin."

Sunan quickly made a decision.

Regardless of whether he could find Zhou Lingyin or not, he couldn't stay in Tianyun County any longer. He wanted to leave Tianyun County as soon as possible.

The Qiankun Sect where Zhou Lingyin belongs happens to be in Hongshan County, so you can give it a try.

However, now Hongshan County has also fallen. Even if Zhou Lingyin has left the Trapped Heaven Prison before, he may not still be in Hongshan County now.

"Unfortunately, death prediction, although the prediction time is long, can only predict three minutes before death. Otherwise, I can use death prediction to directly try to find it."

Having an idea, Sunan no longer hesitated.

Hold the teleportation stone in your hand and use it directly.

As the teleportation stone was used, Sunan felt that his body was wrapped in a strange force. The next moment, his eyes flashed and he disappeared.

Hongshan County.

Yuxia Town is a small town not far from Hongshan County and Tianyun County.

Because it is located at the junction of the two counties, many warriors used to come and go, so the place was quite prosperous.

Unfortunately, with the fall of Tianyun County and Hongshan County, this place was also deserted.

Only a few players are still here.

At this time, on a hill north of Yuxia Town, several middle-aged people were protecting a young girl and looking ahead in horror. Not far from them, there was a monster at the top of the spiritual level!

"How is that possible? There was no spirit-level monster here before. Why does a spirit-level monster suddenly appear now?"

"It's over, the mission will be completed soon, and we can leave here. It's good now, there is a spirit-level monster here."

"I knew that a three-star novice mission would definitely not be that simple."

"What are you still doing? Run!"

One of the leading men reacted quickly, shouted loudly, and tried to cover the escape of the remaining people.

Only then did the other people react and immediately protected the girl and escaped.

But the monster obviously had no intention of letting them go. Almost in the blink of an eye, it came behind a few people at extremely fast speeds, blocking their retreat.

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