Inside Digong Temple.

As soon as Sunan and the eldest princess entered, they immediately attacked the statue of the Digong.

Two or three minutes later.

There were no surprises, and a king-level god-sacrifice demon was killed.

Sunan quickly picked up the oil lamp on the magic table.

As the Shinto sacrificial vessel refining method in the body was running uncontrollably, the oil lamp in his hand seemed to be rotten and shattered.

There was no special feeling. If there was no foreknowledge, he would never know. At this time, an invisible mark had already entered his body.

At the same time, the predicted picture appeared.

Sunan saw that the person fighting the old man was a giant four to five meters tall.

The giant had two wings on its back, and the flesh and blood on its body was like crystal, crystal clear. When it raised its hands, it burst out with powerful power. Even just the picture gave Sunan a strong sense of oppression.

The old man fought with the giant, and Sunan discovered that the old man's strength during his lifetime was even more powerful than when he transformed into a sacrificial demon, and he was at least a king-level existence.

"This giant doesn't seem like a monster?" Su Nan frowned.

The two-winged giant gave him a feeling that the other party was neither a human nor a monster. This feeling was very strange. If he was asked to say there was something wrong, he couldn't explain why.

The two sides fought, and the battlefield continued to shift, from the ground to the sky. Finally, the old man sacrificed an extremely complicated thing that looked like a rune.

Sunan noticed that there were six bright spots of golden light on the rune, like six bright suns. The rune exploded with terrifying power, and eventually the old man and the giant died together.

At the moment when the scene disappeared, through the old man's perspective, Sunan saw that there were indeed many other human warriors in the distance who were fighting the giants like the old man.

Everyone was fighting in the air, and on the ground, you could see an ancient temple or shrine every few dozen miles.

Those ancient temples and shrines do not exist alone. There are a large number of buildings around them. Those buildings are centered on the ancient temples and temples, and countless ordinary people live in them.

Hundreds of miles away, there is a huge city.

The city seemed to be suspended in the air. In the city, a golden tower stood out.

"That should be the center of the Divine Ruins!" Su Nan guessed.

Through the scene in front of Di Gong, he finally had a general understanding of the past scene of the Shenxu Land.

Obviously, this land of the Gods was once extremely prosperous, with tens of millions of humans living here, but it was a pity that it was later destroyed due to the war.

Those ordinary buildings have turned into smoke and dust over countless years, and only the ancient temples and temples with special powers have been preserved.

"What did you find again?" Seeing the strange color on Sunan's face again, the eldest princess asked immediately.

After looking at the eldest princess, Sunan roughly described the scene he saw.

He didn't hide anything. In his opinion, the eldest princess would be controlled by him sooner or later anyway, so it didn't matter if she revealed something now.

Hearing this, the eldest princess frowned and murmured: "Strange, I have never heard before that there are monsters like the God-Sacrifice Demon in these ancient temples, and I have never heard that after killing the God-Sacrifice Demon, someone can see it alive. picture."

"No?" Su Nan was surprised.

He didn't know much about the land of Shenxu before, but he had never thought about this problem. Now after hearing the eldest princess's words, he immediately realized the problem.

If other people enter the land of Shenxu, they can also find the existence of monsters such as the God-Sacrifice Demon. Then it is impossible for the eldest princess, who has entered the land of Shenxu once before with many powerful monsters, not to know about it.

"Not only does no one know that there is a god-sacrifice demon here, but not many people know about the things related to the Incense and Fire Shinto here. Perhaps only some emperor-level experts from your human race know about it."

"Why is this happening?" Sunan frowned.

"I don't know." The eldest princess shook her head. She thought of something else and said, "You were entangled by this Digong Temple before. Such things rarely happen. Maybe you need specific conditions for you to discover the god-sacrifice demon."

"Specific conditions?"

The eldest princess's words shocked Sunan.

He suddenly thought of the luck mentioned in the prophecy.

There is no doubt that if specific conditions are really needed to discover the god-sacrifice demon, it must be related to luck.

The eldest princess looked deeply at Sunan and continued: "You said that when you touched the oil lamp, the Shinto sacrificial vessel refining method turned away by itself. This means that if you want to obtain the memory of the sacrificial demon before its death, you need to practice Shinto. Sacrificial vessels and ritual refining methods.”

"But according to my understanding of the incense and fire Shinto, the function of the Shinto sacrificial vessel sacrificial refining method is only used to sacrifice the Shinto sacrificial vessels. I have never heard of a sacrificial refining method that can enhance the soul by killing the sacrificial demon."

"Is there no way to strengthen the soul through sacrifice?"

This time, Sunan frowned even more.

He instantly realized that the Shinto sacrificial vessel refining method obtained by completing the "Secret of Shinto" might be different from the sacrificial refining method practiced by the Great Xuan Dynasty!

"Could the problem lie in the method of refining the Shinto sacrificial vessels?" He thought of a possibility.

Unfortunately, he currently knows too little information and can only guess based on thin air.

The two of them explored the Digong Temple, which had been restored to its true appearance, and made sure there was nothing else before leaving.

The moment Sunan left the Digong Temple, a message that Lang Shisan had completed his mission popped up:

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Exploring an Ancient Temple", and 45 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Available demon power before clicking: 126 points]

A king-level monster with 45 points of monster power!

This wasn't over yet, he switched the role to Wang Nan and continued to move forward.

When he was completely far away from the Digong Temple, another mission completion prompt popped up in front of him:

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Escape from Digong Temple", and 30 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 156 points]

After completing two tasks in succession, a full 75 points of demonic power were received!

There are only the last four points left to gather enough demon power for Wang Nan to break through to the Xuan level!

And these last four points came quickly.

A few minutes later, Sunan deliberately failed to avoid a group of soul-eating monsters, and with the help of the eldest princess, he easily killed them all.

Wang Nan and Zhang Yang's two missions to hunt down the soul-eating demon were completed.

A total of 20 points of demon power have been received, and the available demon power reaches 176 points.

"The demon power is enough, but I don't know what will happen if Wang Nan's character wants to break through?"

The character Wang Nan does not have the ancient demon bloodline. His bloodline is improved by the bloodline spirit fruit. Compared with the star-swallowing demon bloodline and the dragon turtle bloodline, it is naturally inferior.

This is not the biggest problem. Wang Nan's biggest problem is the erosion of demonic energy.

Fortunately, he has death prediction, but he can try to use death prediction to see the results of the breakthrough.

"I wonder how I will die if I use death prediction in this land of gods?"

Sunan's heart moved, and she planned to start predicting.

Although the role of physical power is not obvious in this land of the gods, the benefits brought by the breakthrough are in all aspects and can greatly improve his ability to deal with dangers in the land of the gods.

Switch the character to Wang Nan and look at the death prediction on the panel.

[You realize that breaking through from the spiritual level to the mysterious level is likely to cause unknown dangers. Should you consume a certain number of prediction times to predict your death for three minutes in the future? 】


As Su Nan thought, he saw the three prediction times disappear on the panel.

[You are exploring the land of Shenxu. You know that if you want to survive in such a dangerous place, you must improve your strength as much as possible. You choose to let your character Wang Nan break through from the spiritual level to the mysterious level. 】

[Unfortunately, you failed. During the process of blood fusion, the demonic energy hidden in your blood broke out. 】

[If it hadn’t been for the eldest princess of the Sirius tribe to help you interrupt the bloodline fusion process at the critical moment, you would eventually have been affected by the demonic energy and the bloodline conflict would have gone out of control. 】

"The breakthrough still failed!"

As soon as the precognition began, it was the message of his breakthrough.

Su Nan's heart sank slightly, but he was not too surprised. On the contrary, this situation was expected by him.

It's just that his luck was exposed, and he was a little unwilling to do so.

The precognition continues.

[After escaping a disaster, you no longer think about a breakthrough, but continue to go deep into the land of the gods. After that, you encounter two ancient temples one after another. With the help of the eldest princess, you successfully kill the god-sacrifice demon in them. 】

[Finally, you came across a huge temple. The moment she saw the temple, the eldest princess recognized that it was the temple where she suffered a heavy blow. 】

[You realize the seriousness of the problem and immediately want to turn around and leave. However, you are horrified to find that no matter which direction you run, you are getting closer and closer to the temple. 】

[A minute later, you and the eldest princess finally entered the temple. The moment you entered the temple, you fell into a coma. 】

[Three minutes later, you woke up and found yourself lying on a stone bed. You had been changed into a bright red wedding dress at some point. 】

[At this time, an eight or nine-year-old boy walks into the room and tells you that the auspicious time has come and it is time to go to the church. 】

[You see, the boy is not a human at all, but a paper man made of red paper, very similar to the paper puppet demon you have seen. 】

[You realize that you are trapped in an illusion. You dare not stay here any longer. You rush out of the room with all your strength, trying to escape from here. 】

[Your behavior angered the boy, and you died. 】

"Wedding ceremony? Pay a visit to the church? What the hell is this?"

Su Nan was surprised. He had thought that he might encounter a powerful soul-eating demon. He had thought that he might be killed by a god-sacrifice demon in an ancient temple, but he never thought that he would be killed by a paper puppet demon.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the paper boy is not a paper puppet demon, but a sacrifice demon.

There was still a long way to go before reaching the temple. Sunan ignored the temple's affairs for the time being and turned his attention to the issue of breakthrough again.

"Your Highness, if your bloodline is eroded by demonic energy, is there any solution?"

"Eroded by demonic energy?" The eldest princess was surprised and didn't understand why Sunan would ask this question.

After thinking about it, she still said: "Demon energy is a very special force that is difficult to solve. Even your human race's blood baptism cannot solve it. I don't know how to remove it."

"Don't you know either?"

Su Nan was a little disappointed. He thought of the blood baptism mentioned by the eldest princess and asked, "What is blood baptism?"

He remembered that as the director of the Demon-Slaying Department, one of the benefits was blood baptism.

The eldest princess said: "Blood baptism is a method for your human race to suppress the out-of-control blood. After blood baptism, you can calm down the blood that was about to get out of control."

"However, I heard that this method can only be used by warriors below the king level. Once you reach the king level, it will be of no use."

"I see."

Su Nan nodded. No wonder being able to have the perks of being the director of the Demon Slaying Department and being able to calm down a bloodline that was about to get out of control was definitely an unimaginable temptation for a warrior.

Unfortunately, it cannot solve the problem of demonic erosion.

Sunan's heart felt heavy. The more he came into contact with the demonic energy, the more terrifying he felt the power.

This is simply unexplainable power!

Fortunately, the number of monsters is constant. In ancient times, they were absolutely suppressed by the strong men of the human race and the demon race. Otherwise, there would be no place for humans and demons in this world.

"I don't know if Zhou Lingyin has a solution."

Sunan sighed secretly and could only place her last hope on Zhou Lingyin.

With the avatar clearing the way in front, and with the ability to predict the future, the rest of the journey will go smoothly.

After predicting it five or six times, he encountered an ancient temple again.

This is a Temple of the Kitchen God.

Like the Digong Temple, in the eyes of the incarnation, the ancient temple had been destroyed and only ruins were left, but in the eyes of Sunan's body and the eldest princess, it was intact.

Even though the prediction of the future had told him that he would kill the sacrificial demon in this public temple, Sunan still did not dare to be careless.

After predicting it again and making sure that there were no accidents, he took the eldest princess into the ancient temple.

A few minutes later, the sacrificial demon in the Kitchen God Temple was killed.

Similarly, when Su Nan picked up the Shinto sacrificial vessel in the Kitchen God Temple, he obtained a Stove God seal and a scene of the former Kitchen God before his death.

It is somewhat similar to the scene before the death of the Earth Lord. The enemies he faced were all giant monsters with huge bodies, crystal-like bodies, and wings on their backs.

At the end of the scene, Sunan also saw the Kitchen King offering a complicated rune with six points of golden light. Relying on the power of the rune, the Kitchen King and the other party could die together.

Continuing forward, more than ten minutes passed.

Sunan encountered the third ancient temple.

This is a Hebo temple.

Just like the previous Kitchen King Temple, he successfully killed the sacrificial demon and obtained the He Bo Seal.

However, just as he had predicted it, after he got the Hebo Seal, something he didn't expect happened.

[Congratulations, you have obtained the three divine seals of Di Gong Seal, Kitchen King Seal, and He Bo Seal. Your Shinto luck has been greatly improved. 】

[Your Shinto luck is connected with the remaining Shinto luck in the Shenxu Land, and the Shenxu Land will undergo unknown changes due to your arrival. 】

[Deep in the land of the gods, a golden light rises into the sky. As the golden light rises, it is imprinted on your soul. Three divine seals that were originally invisible appear in your soul. 】

[You see, it is a mark composed of three strange lines. There is a little golden light on all three marks. 】

[You don’t know, that golden glow represents the taste of Incense Shinto. 】

[The three divine seals are merging and turning into a new divine seal in a moment. There are two golden lights on the divine seal. 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained a second-grade divine seal. 】

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