I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 216 Rules in the Temple

[After successfully avoiding a group of soul-eating demons again, you climbed over the hillside and through your incarnation you suddenly saw a majestic temple standing thousands of meters away. 】

[Unlike the three ancient temples you met before, this temple is not completely damaged, and most parts are well preserved. 】

[After a moment, you controlled the avatar and came to the temple. You saw a large number of figures in the temple. Among those figures were humans, monsters, men and women, old and young. 】

"Is it a corpse puppet?"

Unlike the three ancient temples encountered before, this temple is not in a dilapidated state even in the eyes of the incarnation.

I don’t know if it’s because the temple is like this, or if the power of this temple can already affect the incarnation without a soul.

[Seeing your arrival, everyone in the temple looked at you. What shocked you was that those people had expressionless faces, dull eyes, and no energy. 】

[You know, these are probably the unfortunate people who have entered the land of the gods and been swallowed by their souls. They are corpse puppets without souls. They are gathered here by the power of the temple and are controlled by the power of the temple. 】

[You are not afraid, control the avatar and walk into the temple, wanting to pry into the secrets of the temple. 】

[However, as soon as your avatar entered the temple, the expressionless corpse puppets suddenly turned into menacing and terrifying expressions, surrounding your avatar. 】

[You notice that among these corpses, there are actually three figures you have seen before. 】

[Among the corpse puppets on the left is a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man looks ordinary, but you recognize him at a glance. He is the demon king who guarded the Wolf King's Palace from the Sirius clan. 】

[Among the many corpse puppets on the right, there are two old men, one of whom is wearing a gray robe and the other is wearing a white robe. They are the strong men of the Pointing Star Sect who originally attacked Tianlang Valley. 】

"A strong man from the Sirius Clan and two Star Pointing Sect were left here?"

Sunan was shocked.

The last time those from the Dianxing Sect and the Sirius Clan came here were all powerful beings at the king level, and they were even led by emperor-level experts. Even then, there were still three people left here, which shows how terrifying the temple is!

[The corpse puppet attacks your avatar, and you control the avatar to resist with all your strength. However, the corpse puppet that besieged you was once far more powerful than you. Even if it loses its soul and turns into a walking zombie, it is still not something you can resist. 】

[One minute later, your incarnation was killed, and the original magic power returned to your body. 】

[After witnessing the horror of the temple, you know that the temple is beyond the reach of you and the Princess of the Sirius Tribe, so you decisively choose to take a detour. 】

[Two minutes later, you suddenly saw a temple appearing in front of you again. The temple was exactly the same as what you saw in your incarnation. 】

[You know, affected by the luck of Incense Shinto, you are entangled in the temple. No matter which direction you go, you cannot escape from the temple. 】

[You don’t want to give up like this and continue to try to escape. What disappoints you is that no matter which direction you escape, the distance between you and the temple is getting closer and closer. 】

[Two minutes later, when you arrive 100 meters away from the temple, you see a completely different scene than what you saw in your incarnation. In your eyes, the main hall of the temple is extremely festive, as if a wedding is being held. 】

[In the main hall, hundreds of corpse puppets with dull eyes and dozens of soul-eating monsters are like guests, sitting in front of dozens of long tables, all looking at the two of you, waiting for your entry. 】

[Three minutes later, you and the eldest princess finally failed to escape from the temple and entered the temple. 】

[The moment you entered the temple, you fell into a coma. 】

[The fifth prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

A situation almost exactly the same as in the previous prediction of death appeared.

Like the three ancient temples, the predicted temple was sure to kill him and would not let him leave at all.

Sunan looked at the eldest princess and asked quickly: "What are the rules in the temple?"

The eldest princess said solemnly: "That temple is called the Temple of Joy, and it is recognized as one of the most dangerous places in the land of Shenxu. Basically, as long as you go deep into the land of Shenxu, both the human race and the demon race will have a huge impact. There is a chance that you will encounter the Temple of Joy."

"In that temple, the ritual of a newlywed couple going to the temple to get married has been repeated. As long as you enter the temple, you will become a member of the ritual process."

"If you are lucky and become one of the guests, you may be able to escape after the wedding ceremony."

"If you are unlucky and become the groom or the bride, it is basically impossible to survive, because after the worship ceremony is over, the horror begins!"

"Become a member of the ceremony!" Su Nan's heart sank!

According to the previous predictions of death, there is no doubt that he will become the groom!

The eldest princess continued: "The rules there are that whether you are a guest or a bride and groom, you must follow the ceremony. The guests have to watch the ceremony and congratulate them, and the bride and groom naturally have to come to the wedding hall to get married."

"Once you violate the rules, you will be obliterated by the power of the temple. The power of the temple is very powerful. Even the emperor-level powerhouses will not dare to fight against it easily."

"But this does not mean that as long as you follow the rules, you will be fine. On the contrary, if you really follow the rules of the ritual, you will die even worse!"

You can’t follow the ritual!

Sunan quickly wrote it down.

"The ceremony is divided into two parts. The first part is the worship hall. There is nothing much to say in this part. It can only end after three bows and nine knocks. The second part is the wedding banquet. In this part, the bride and groom need to eat with the guests."

"For the bride and groom, every step of these two parts is extremely dangerous, especially the first part of the worship. Every time the three bows and nine knocks are performed, part of the luck and longevity of the bride and groom will be drained until they are drained."

"For the guests, the first part is not dangerous, but the second part is life-threatening, because at this step, the guests' flesh, blood, and soul will be the food at the wedding banquet!"

Will luck and longevity be extracted?

Su Nan was shocked. In the previous three ancient temples, only the souls would be devoured by the god-sacrifice demon. Now, all of a sudden, invisible and intangible things like luck and longevity could be extracted, which was enough to see the difference.

"As for what will happen after these two parts, no one knows at all, because the people who experienced these two parts either died or escaped, and had no chance to continue."

After a pause, the eldest princess said in a deep voice: "Last time, I became the bride in the ceremony. I almost died in order to resist the power of the temple."


After listening silently, Sunan finally had a general understanding of the so-called Temple of Joy, and his heart sank to the bottom.

He couldn't escape, and if he followed the ritual, his luck and longevity would be taken away. He really couldn't figure out how to break the situation in such a situation.

"Although I don't know how you know in advance what we will encounter next, but if it is really the Temple of Joy, I advise you to return immediately."

The eldest princess tried to dissuade him again. She had entered the temple once, and she was very aware of the horror of that temple.

Sunan was silent, didn't say anything, and looked at the panel again.

"Keep predicting!"

[A minute later, you woke up and found yourself lying on a stone bed. You had been changed into a bright red wedding dress at some point. 】

[At this time, an eight or nine-year-old boy made of red paper walks into the room and tells you that the auspicious time has come and it is time to go to the church. 】

[You know that you are no match for the paper puppet demon in front of you, and you cannot escape using normal methods. You decide to use the heavens to move. 】

[The heavens moved and used, you successfully escaped from the temple and came to a hillside. 】

[It’s just that your behavior triggered a certain taboo, and you immediately felt a terrifying aura continuing to come towards you. 】

[You didn’t dare to hesitate and used the Heaven Movement three times in succession. Unfortunately, you were disappointed. You could not get rid of that terrifying existence. 】

【you are dead. 】

He moved the heavens four times, three thousand meters each time, and escaped a distance of more than twenty miles, but he still died in the end!

The enemy is too strong, even using Heavenly Movement is useless!

"Escape is not possible unless there is a teleportation stone, just like the princess did last time, she can escape directly from the land of the gods."

"Quiting the game should also solve the problem, but I don't know if logging in again will be targeted again. This method should not be tried unless it is a last resort."

"Now I can only think of other methods. I wonder what will happen if I control the avatar to enter the temple through the descent of the soul?"

After the spirit comes, the incarnation is no longer a tool, but a real warrior.

Entering the temple under such circumstances, if he still plays the role of groom, it is an opportunity for him.

He might be able to take back his soul after transforming into a groom. In that case, even if the transformation continues with the following rituals, it won't have any impact on him.

After all, the incarnation is just a tool without the arrival of the soul. Tools do not have such things as luck and longevity.

Precognition begins again.

The first three times were spent on the road, and it was not until the fourth time that the so-called Temple of Joy appeared in the sight of the incarnation.

[Your soul descends on the avatar, and prepare to use the avatar to explore the temple in front of you. 】

[When you come to the temple, you see that the decorations in the temple are extremely festive, as if a wedding is being held. 】

[In the main hall, hundreds of corpse puppets with dull eyes and dozens of soul-eating monsters are like guests, sitting in front of dozens of long tables, all looking at you, waiting for your entry. 】

[You did not avoid the temple, but controlled the avatar and walked straight into the temple. At the moment you entered the temple, your soul in the avatar fell into a coma. 】

[A minute later, when your avatar wakes up again, you find that you have somehow changed into a wedding dress. 】

[You did not panic, but your eyes showed joy. This is exactly the result you want. 】

[At this time, an eight or nine-year-old boy made of red paper walks into the room and tells you that the auspicious time has come and it is time to go to the church. 】

[You did not think about escaping, but walked out of the room under the leadership of the boy. A moment later, under the leadership of the boy, you came to the main hall. 】

[You see a woman wearing a wedding dress and a red hijab walking into the hall led by another girl tied with red paper. She stands with you. In front of you is a female statue. 】

[You know, once the worship ceremony is actually carried out, your soul and longevity will be extracted. You dare not continue to descend the soul on the incarnation and try to take back the soul. 】

[However, the moment you took back your soul, an unknown taboo was touched, and a terrifying power descended. 】

[Unfortunately, your avatar was killed, and the source of the spell returned to your body. 】

"Can't you take back your soul halfway?"

Sunan was disappointed and the first attempt failed.

The incarnation is gone, and there is no need to predict what will happen next. Before a good method can be thought of, if the main body continues to enter the temple, it will be a dead end.

"According to what the eldest princess said, being the bride and groom is the most dangerous, so is it okay if I play the role of a guest?" After thinking for a moment, Su Nan thought of another method, and her eyes lit up.

He played the role of the groom several times when he entered. It is undoubtedly very difficult to change his identity.

But for him, there is nothing he can do, but he has to pay some price.

"There can never be two grooms in a wedding. I will first let my avatar enter the temple and play the role of the groom. Then I will enter in my own body and I should be able to play the role of the guest."

"After that, I can just take back the soul in the avatar. At most, I will lose one avatar!"

If the avatar is killed, it can still be resurrected, but it requires a lot of strength and some time to re-condensate. The process is somewhat similar to condensing the natal essence and blood.

Although that would mean that he would have no avatar available for the next two or three days, but it was nothing compared to being able to escape from the temple smoothly.

Prediction begins again,

After wasting three predictions, his body followed the incarnation to the Temple of Joy again.

[You know, once you enter the temple, you will either become the bridegroom or the bride, or you will become the guest. It is much safer to be the guest than to be the bridegroom and the bride. You plan to let your avatar become the groom and your body become the guest. 】

[Your soul descended on the avatar and controlled the avatar to walk straight into the temple. At the moment when your avatar entered the temple, your soul in the avatar fell into a coma. 】

[A minute later, when your avatar wakes up again, you find that your avatar has changed into a wedding dress. 】

[After confirming that your incarnation has become the groom, your body walks towards the temple. 】

[The moment you entered the temple, your eyes blurred. When you saw the surrounding scenery clearly again, you were already sitting at a long table. 】

[On your left and right are a man and a woman. Their faces are expressionless and their expressions are dull. You know that you have successfully become a guest. 】

[Soon, your incarnation and a woman in wedding clothes walked into the hall, led by two boys and girls tied with red paper. 】

[You know, once the worship ceremony is actually carried out, your soul and longevity will be extracted. You dare not continue to descend the soul on the incarnation and try to take back the soul. 】

[However, the moment you took back your soul, an unknown taboo was touched, and a terrifying power descended. 】

[Unfortunately, your avatar was killed, and the source of the spell returned to your body. 】

The same situation as before happened.

The critical moment has come. The avatar is killed. Whether it has any impact on his body depends on what happens next!

This part of the writing is very stuck, I don’t feel it at all, and it’s very slow. I may only be able to update it once in the past few days.

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