I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 229 The Life Wheel Sutra is improved

"That artifact should have been lost during the war between the Celestial Clan and the Human Clan. It is probably related to several major sacred artifacts of the Celestial Clan."

"Ordinary people and monsters can't even touch that kind of thing, but you aliens have special abilities, so you should be able to collect that artifact."

Sacred weapon?

This was the first time Su Nan had heard such a thing, and he knew without guessing that it must be something powerful similar to the human race's ancient treasures and divine weapons.

"Senior Zhou, to tell you the truth, before I entered here, I tried to get close to the coffin, but before I could get close to the coffin, I was attacked. If it weren't for my special incarnation, I would have died long ago."

Even though Sunan had the direction to try, he still did not directly accept the task.

Judging from the previous deaths, the female corpse's ability to control luck and destiny was so strong that he was already dead before his Life Wheel Sutra could react.

The gap between the two sides is huge and cannot be evened out easily.

Upgrading the Life Wheel Sutra to the third level requires five hundred points of demonic power. For other players, this is absolutely an astronomical figure, but for Sunan, it is not a big problem.

He now only has twenty or thirty points of demon power before he can meet the conditions.

However, he could not guarantee that if the Life Wheel Sutra continued to improve, it would really be able to withstand the power of the female corpse.

"The power of that female corpse is indeed strange and impossible to guard against. I can use all my strength to activate the Trapped Heaven Prison to help you, but you only have three breaths of time."

As for whether Su Nan could open the coffin, Zhou Lingyin only had the attitude of giving it a try.

The reason why she asked Sunan to take action was because she had no other choice. After all, she couldn't find anyone else here except Sunan.

What's more, last time in Tianlang Valley, Sunan relied on his mortal level to complete the impossible task.

Now, Sunan's performance has far exceeded what it was before, which gave her a glimmer of hope.

"Three breaths?" Su Nan's heart moved slightly.

The time of three breaths is neither short nor long. If it is coordinated with the movement of the heavens, it will be enough.

The question is, to what extent can Zhou Lingyin suppress the power of the female corpse?

"Senior Zhou, I can only give it a try to see if I can open the coffin. Whether I can do it or not depends on God's will."

Sunan hesitated for a moment before accepting the task.

This was not only to help Zhou Lingyin, but also to help himself.

Outside the big tomb.

Sunan's main body looked at Yaoli.

The available demon power reached 476 points, only 24 points away from 500 points.

However, now that all the daily tasks he can complete have been completed, it is difficult to obtain demon power today unless he can kill one of the four demon kings.

But this obviously can't be done.

"Where should I get demonic power?"

His eyes glanced at each task, and finally, his eyes fell on a main task.

The secret of Shinto!

The mission of the second ring of the Secret of Shinto required him to complete the sacrifice of the Shinto sacrificial weapon. Now he has refined it twice, and he is not far away from completely refining it.

According to his previous guess, he only needed to kill the god-sacrifice demon one or two more times to complete the sacrifice.

Once the sacrifice is completed, a four-star spiritual level mission is completed.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out the incense burner.

This time, he did not ask the eldest princess to help him. He directly blessed the soul with the power of essence and vitality and entered it into the incense burner.

In the soul space built in the incense burner, the god-sacrifice demon went crazy as soon as he saw Sunan.

Unfortunately, since the last time, the strength of the God Sacrifice Demon has dropped significantly, and it is only at the peak of the Xuan level.

Such strength no longer poses any threat to Sunan today.

Sunan took action, but just over a minute later, the god-sacrifice demon was already killed by him.

The souls of the sacrificial demons filled the space. He quickly refined the power of these souls while refining the incense burner.

A few minutes later, Su Nan suddenly felt that he was suddenly closely connected with the space where the incense burner was condensed. In a trance, he was already the master of this space and could control it at will.

"This feeling……"

Su Nan's heart moved, and the next moment, he saw that the soul space that originally looked like the City God's Temple in front of him suddenly turned into a grayish white.

Just a thought, the scene in this space changes according to his thoughts!

At the same time, a task completion prompt popped up:

[Congratulations, you have completed the second link of the main mission "Secret of the Shinto". Do you want to receive the reward immediately? 】

"It really worked!"

Seeing the task prompt, Su Nan's eyes lit up with joy.

The incense burner was successfully refined, which meant that he could use the incense burner to collect incense.

Sunan is now curious about what the so-called incense does.


[Congratulations, you have obtained the Spirit Level Demon Sutra. 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained spiritual level bloodline. 】

[Congratulations, you have gained 45 points of demon power. 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Shinto Wish Spirit Condensation Method. 】

[The third ring of the Mystery of Shinto has been opened, please go to the mission panel to check. 】

"The Shinto Willing Spirit Condensation Method!"

Without any time to think about it, he immediately took out the Shinto Wish Spirit Condensation Method, wanting to see what was going on with his Shinto Wish Spirit.

Using the Shinto Willing Spirit Condensation Method, a large amount of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

Su Nan read all the information carefully, and his expression gradually became serious.

The Shinto wish spirit condensation method contains a lot of information, which not only includes how to condense Shinto wish spirit and how to make it grow, but also some introductions about incense.

"Incense is the aggregation of believers' hearts and wishes, mixed with various emotions. For monks, it is tantamount to extremely poisonous poison. Even monks who practice incense Shinto cannot use it directly."

"The Shinto wish spirit is the solution to this problem."

"To put it bluntly, the Shinto wishing spirit is the incarnation of the soul condensed by those who practice incense and Shinto. This incarnation has great limitations and can only be used with Shinto sacrificial vessels. It is a tool used to refine the power of incense."

"Only the power of incense that has been refined by the Shinto wish spirit can be used by those who practice incense and Shinto. However, during this refining process, the Shinto wish spirit will gradually be infected by the negative emotions in the incense."

Sunan now finally understands why even if monks who practice the Incense Shinto become alienated, there will still be sacrificed demons left after their death.

The god-sacrifice demon was born out of those who practice incense and fire. Although it is controlled by the cultivator, it is an independent existence and will not disappear with the death of the cultivator.

"The Shinto wish spirit condensed by a cultivator is a manifestation of the cultivator's own spirituality and is the most original appearance of the cultivator."

An introduction about the appearance of Shinto wishing spirits was found by Su Nan, and Su Nan immediately frowned.

"Even if I change my appearance when I enter this game, I will not be what I am now, nor should I be a woman!"

There is no doubt that there is indeed something wrong with his Shinto wish spirit!

Looking at the Shinto wish spirit condensed in his soul, Sunan looked solemn.

Thinking of the God of Joy, he couldn't help but make a guess.

Does this wishing spirit belong to the God of Joy?

Thinking of this, his heart sank even more. If this was really the case, then the God of Joy might have an ulterior motive in gathering the wish spirit for him!

Trapped in heaven and prison.

Su Nan controlled the avatar and looked at Zhou Lingyin and said: "Senior Zhou, if the Shinto wish spirit condensed by the monks who practice Incense Shinto is not themselves, what will be the result?"

Sunan tried to get relevant information from Zhou Lingyin.

It's a pity to disappoint him.

Zhou Lingyin did not expect that Su Nan would suddenly ask this question. He was slightly surprised, but shook his head and said: "I have heard of the Shinto wishing spirit, but I don't know much about the incense Shinto."

As he said this, Zhou Lingyin obviously guessed something and said, "Why, the Shinto wishing spirit you condensed is not your own?"

"Not bad." Su Nan smiled bitterly and told the story about the God of Joy again.

Hearing this, Zhou Lingyin also frowned slightly. This was obviously the first time she had heard of such a thing.

After pondering for a long time, Zhou Lingyin said: "If it is really as you guessed, then the God of Joy you mentioned may not be that simple!"

"The Celestial Clan and the God Clan appeared in this world in the middle of ancient times. The Celestial Kingdom was destroyed, at least tens of thousands of years ago."

"There are certain rules in this land of gods that allow the power of the Shinto monks from the former Heavenly Dynasty to be revealed in the temple, but that is just the reason for the rules, more like a fixed and unthinking routine. "

"Under such circumstances, it stands to reason that the God of Joy would not be able to help you complete the ritual, even if he could give you some help, let alone help you improve your divine seal and gather your wish spirit for you."

Zhou Lingyin revealed the secret of the Shenxu Land.

After hearing this, Su Nan's heart sank even more, and he quickly asked: "Is there a solution? What will be the consequences if I destroy the current Shinto wish spirit?"

Although the role of the Shinto wish spirit for those who practice incense and Shinto is only to refine the power of the incense wish, it is just a tool.

Moreover, the ultimate fate of this tool is to be infected by the negative emotions in the incense, turning into a weird thing controlled by the negative emotions.

But Sunan still couldn't bear an unstable factor in his body.

If possible, even if he lost his Shinto wish spirit and could no longer refine incense, he would still want to get rid of this unstable factor.

Zhou Lingyin shook his head: "I don't know much about Shinto. You need to try it yourself."

Su Nan's eyes moved slightly, and she had already made a decision in her heart.

He decided that after this matter was over, he would find a way to destroy the current Shinto wish spirit and try to reunite it.

Let’s look at the main mission again.

[Main mission: The secret of Shinto]

[Third Ring: Condensing Shinto Wishes]

[Task Difficulty: Four Stars]

[Task reward: Spirit-level bloodline, Spirit-level demon sutra, 45 points of demon power, incense prayer technique]

Not surprisingly, the third ring mission is another four-star mission.

Su Nan now understands that as long as there are no monsters involved, the mission will basically not be at the five-star level.

"Incense prayer technique?"

"It seems that this should be a Shinto secret technique, a secret technique that uses the power of incense."

Looking at the rewards from the mission, Su Nan guessed some information about the so-called incense prayer technique just from the literal meaning.

This mission allowed him to gather his wishing spirit. His current Shinto wishing spirit has initially been condensed, but it has not met the requirements for completing the task. This shows that in order to complete this task, the condensed wishing spirit must be strong to a certain extent.

"According to the introduction of the Shinto wish spirit condensation method, after the Shinto wish spirit is initially condensed, you need to find a place with more incense, collect incense, and use the power of incense to make the Shinto wish spirit grow."

"The Shinto wish spirit is the same as the divine seal. It is divided into nine levels. The higher the level, the more incense can be refined and the faster the refining speed."

"Except for the initial condensation of the Shinto wishing spirit, it does not require incense. It only needs the power of the soul. If you want the Shinto wishing spirit to grow later, you need to refine a large amount of incense."

Now eight of Dongchen's nine counties have fallen, and the human race has all evacuated to Zhongtian County. Even though there were many prosperous places in the nine counties, now they are gone with the withdrawal of the human race.

He could only wait until he got to Zhongzhou County to think of a solution.

"If you want the incense to be prosperous, a large number of people must worship. The number of human beings in this world is very small. Compared with the actual population, the difference is hundreds and thousands of times. Even if there is incense, it will not be too much,"

"If I exchange the Shinto sacrificial vessel into reality, can I use the Shinto sacrificial vessel to collect incense and practice in reality?"

Suddenly, Sunan had a bold idea.

In reality, there are a huge number of human beings, and there are countless ancient temples and believers all over the world. Some of the more famous ancient temples have a large number of believers going to worship every day.

If he could collect incense in those places, I can't imagine how fast he would be able to practice the incense divine way.

Thinking of this, Su Nan's eyes shone with golden light.

If the plan works, he might be able to soar into the sky with the help of divine fire and magic.

After all, he is the only one who practices Incense Shinto.

"One person has the incense and power of a world to himself?"

Just thinking about it, Sunan began to breathe quickly.

Other players can only use the power of the game in reality if their bloodline is perfect, but Sunan has the Life Wheel Sutra, but there is no such restriction.

In reality, except for the abilities that require the use of the game panel, he can use all other abilities.

Similarly, the power he cultivated in reality can naturally be used in the game.

Without any time to think about it, Sunan immediately put the Shinto sacrificial incense burner into his personal space.

I saw a number appearing under the incense burner in my personal space.


"Three hundred points of demon power. I can exchange the incense burner into reality. As long as three hundred points of demon power, it's not a lot for me. It seems like I can really give it a try."

The more Su Nan thought about it, the more he felt that the plan was feasible. If he didn't have more important things to do now, he couldn't help but exchange the incense burner for reality immediately.

After a while, he suppressed the urge in his heart and turned to look at Yaoli.

Right now it is important to upgrade the Life Wheel Sutra first.

45 points of demon power have been received, and the available demon power has reached 521 points.

It is enough to ascend the Life Chakra Sutra.

Looking at the Life Wheel Sutra, Su Nan's heart moved, and suddenly the game prompt popped up:

[Do you want to spend 500 points of demon power to upgrade the Life Wheel Sutra to the third level? 】


Sunan didn't hesitate.

As the full 500 points of demonic power on the panel were consumed, the Life Wheel in his body instantly moved at an extremely fast speed.

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