I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 243 The game comes to reality

[It has been detected that three players have reached the Xuan level and meet the conditions for the third public beta. 】

[This game will launch its third public beta in three days, with a quota of 100 million people. 】

[The game bracelets will be distributed to eligible players around the world in two days. 】

[After this public beta, a fifteen-day regional event will begin. 】

[Participating in the event will earn a large number of event points. The top 100 players with points will receive a large number of rewards. All players are encouraged to participate enthusiastically. 】

"The third open beta! The third open beta is about to begin!"

The moment they saw the announcement, the players in the regional chat were excited.

The news was immediately transmitted back to the real world, causing a huge uproar in an instant.

Countless people are crazy, they have been waiting for this day for a long time.

"The quota of 100 million people is indeed ten times that of last time. According to this trend, the quota for the next open beta should be one billion people."

"That's great, I don't believe it. With so many places available this time, why can't I be there?"

Today, the number of players in China alone who can use gaming abilities in real life has reached 8.9 million.

Almost everyone has encountered someone with extraordinary abilities, which makes those who are not players crazy with envy.

Su Nan looked at the announcement and was also surprised: "It turns out that three Xuan-level players need to appear to meet the requirements for starting the third open beta."

Last time, because he broke through the spiritual level, the second open test was started. He thought that the third open test would be when he broke through the mysterious level, but the result was not as he thought.

However, upon closer inspection, he actually started this open beta.

Judging from the announcement, this open beta is different from the previous two. There are no mandatory tasks to participate in, and it has been changed to a game activity.

"You can get event points by participating in the event. The points should be the same as the contribution points for this mission, and there should be corresponding malls that can be redeemed."

Seeing the announcement, Sunan instantly analyzed a lot of information.

And it's not over yet.

The game announcements continued, but the next announcement made Sunan's face change one after another.

[After this open beta, players in the game can synchronize their bloodlines to reality after their bloodlines are complete. 】

[After this open beta, the game will be refreshed at zero o'clock every day, and the player status will no longer be reset. After the player dies and is resurrected at zero o'clock, he will be seriously injured and his strength will only be able to be used at one-tenth. 】

Previously, if players wanted to use the bloodline abilities in the game in reality, they had to awaken the bloodline and upgrade it to the Great Perfection.

Now this limit has been lowered, as long as it reaches Consummation, it will be fine.

This is a good thing for ordinary players, but for Sunan, it means nothing.

He has the Life Wheel Sutra and does not need to be restricted by the game at all.

On the contrary, it was the second announcement that had a great impact on him.

"Although the game can still resurrect players, it no longer refreshes the player's status. Doesn't this mean that if you use racial talents and magical powers in the future, you really have to wait twelve hours before you can continue to use them?"

Sunan looked solemn.

Player status is no longer refreshed, which has a huge impact on all players.

In the past, players could wait until the game was refreshed, severely damage the monster at the cost of one death, and then kill the monster after the game was refreshed.

Not only has this method been used by him, but almost all players have used it. It is the key to players being able to defeat the weak against the strong.

This will no longer be possible in the future.

Moreover, the power of resurrection after death is only one-tenth of what it was in its heyday. If someone were to "guard the corpse", it would not even have the power to resist.

"Fortunately, I can predict the future and predict death. As long as I'm careful and don't commit suicide, I won't die easily."

"Besides, I also have a perfect resurrection card. A perfect resurrection card should not have this restriction."

Thinking of the perfect resurrection card, Sunan breathed a sigh of relief.

Last time I got fourteen perfect resurrection cards, I have only used one now, and there are thirteen more.

His three characters must be among the top three in this human crisis mission. If he can still get perfect resurrection cards, then he will have at least twenty or thirty.

Of course, it’s possible that there won’t be any rewards this time.

If that's the case, then the perfect resurrection card he has now may be the best.

"It seems that in the future, you will never use the Perfect Resurrection Card unless absolutely necessary."

Sunan was secretly glad that she had not wasted the perfect resurrection card before.

He had a premonition.

Perhaps with the open beta of the game in the future, there may be more and more restrictions on player resurrection, and one day, players may no longer be able to be revived.

After all, the world of monsters is not a game in essence. In the world of monsters, resurrection from the dead is a taboo, and players cannot always ignore this taboo.

If that day comes, the Perfect Death Resurrection Card will most likely become a priceless treasure!

The announcement for the game has been longer than ever this time around, and it doesn’t end there.

Continuing to look down, the announcement below made Sunan even more confused.

[Due to the large number of people participating in this open beta, the connection between the real world and the game will be strengthened after this open beta, and there will be a certain probability that a space channel will appear in the two worlds. 】

[Through the space passage, both humans and monsters will have the opportunity to enter both worlds with their true bodies. 】

[Note: On the day of the open beta of the game, a large number of space passages will randomly appear, and a large number of monsters may enter the real world through the passages, so please be prepared. 】

[The space passage that appears this time can only be passed through by the initial king level. The higher the realm, the more dangerous it is to pass through the space passage. 】

"Space channel?"

"Will a large number of monsters enter the real world?"

Sunan's heart was shaken, and his eyes were filled with solemnity.

In the past, no matter how powerful the demon clan was, real-life players did not pay much attention to it, and many people even still played the demon world as a game.

But now monsters are about to enter the real world. What's the difference between playing and suddenly finding out that your hometown is about to be raided?

Moreover, once this hole appears, there will be a steady stream of troubles later.

You know, the real world and the demon world are different.

The world of demons and monsters does not have the magic power of heaven and earth, but the real world does.

Although the spiritual power of heaven and earth is invisible and intangible, it is a vital thing for both humans and demons in the demon world.

Precisely because there is no spiritual power from heaven and earth, the human race cannot practice ancient scriptures, cannot use magical powers, and its strength is greatly reduced.

As for the demon clan, their bloodline has also deteriorated because they lack the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

In the past, the demon clan could not enter the real world, so naturally they would not have any ideas.

But with the third open beta, monsters have a way to enter the real world.

It is conceivable that the demon clan will definitely try their best to enter the real world through the space channel.

"I don't know if thermal weapons can deal with the king-level monster?"

It may be possible to deal with mortal and spiritual level monsters with the current thermal weapons that humans have in reality, but it is basically impossible to deal with mysterious level monsters.

And if we want to deal with the king level, we may only have to use nuclear weapons!

The king-level monster can already control the power of heaven and earth. Not only can it fly to the sky and escape from the earth at an extremely fast speed, it also has some unpredictable abilities.

Only large-scale weapons like nuclear weapons can kill them.

But the problem is, if the monster appears in a deserted no-man's land, it can naturally use nuclear weapons, but if it appears in a city, there are no conditions for using nuclear weapons at all.

"If we follow normal circumstances, when three Mysterious level players appear in the game, most of the other players must have reached the Spirit level, and the mainstream players should be in the middle to late Spirit level."

"Even if a large number of monsters enter the real world at that time, we should be able to deal with them with human strength and thermal weapons."

"But now, although there are almost a thousand spirit-level players, they are all in the early stages of the spirit-level. I am afraid that real humans may not be able to withstand this wave!"

Sunan was a little worried.

In the final analysis, this matter is still because of him.

He improved so quickly!

"That's all, I'll just take action when the time comes."

Sunan shook his head slightly, thinking about his current strength, he wasn't too worried.

The space channel can only pass through the early king level at best. With his current strength, it is difficult to kill the early king level. He can barely deal with one if one appears, but there is nothing he can do if two appear.

But the Human Race Crisis mission is coming to an end, and his three characters take the top three, and he will get another reward.

At the same time, he still has a lot of contribution points that he has not used.

As long as he grasps this last side mission well and can afford ancient magical scriptures, his strength will definitely increase again.

"Unfortunately, predicting the future can only be used in games."

at the same time.

The players who were originally excited because the third public beta was about to arrive, all changed their expressions after seeing the following announcements.

"In the future, you can only use one-tenth of your power after resurrection? Does this still allow us to have fun?"

"Monsters from the world of monsters can actually enter our world? Has the game come to reality?"

"Oh my God! Will our world become like humans in the world of monsters, who can only live an ignoble existence under the oppression of monsters?"

Both players and ordinary people were shocked when they heard the announcement of the game.

Fortunately for the players, most of today's players have achieved perfection in both bloodlines and can be considered to have the ability to protect themselves.

But those ordinary people are all worried, fearing that monsters will appear in their homes after the public beta. Many people even thought of buying self-defense items such as machetes and sticks.

Compared with ordinary people, various countries are even less calm.

Large numbers of troops were mobilized urgently. No one knew how many space passages would appear and where they would appear. The troops had to be dispersed in various places just in case.

For a time, the real world was turbulent, and it looked like a scene of impending doom.

Destiny will.

Everyone looked at the game announcement with smiles on their lips.

"It seems that those old guys guessed quite accurately. The appearance of three Xuan-level people is the condition for this open beta."

"Sure enough, the connection between the two worlds will be strengthened again in this public beta, and space channels will appear."

"This time we can also use the space channel to enter that world. Once there, our strength can be fully utilized."

Compared to others, everyone in the Destiny Association was not too surprised by the appearance of the space channel.

As the connection between the two worlds strengthens, the emergence of space channels is inevitable!

Stop paying attention to game announcements.

Su Nan looked at today's task and frowned slightly.

Wang Nan broke through the Xuan level, and the difficulty of the mission changed.

[Daily Task 1: Hunt a Mysterious Level Monster]

Mission Difficulty: Two Stars

[Daily Task 2: Hunt a Spirit Level Monster]

Mission difficulty: one star

[Daily Task 3: Complete Han Fu’s commission]

Mission Difficulty: Three Stars

When the task of hunting monsters appeared, Sunan was not surprised at all. These were all old acquaintances.

What surprised him was the task of "complete Han Fu's commission".

This was obviously a mission that was triggered because he found Taixu Sect yesterday.

What surprised him was that this turned out to be a three-star mission.

He is now at the Xuan level, and the corresponding three-star mission is also at the King level.

Giving something as a gift is as difficult as killing a king-level monster? This is obviously problematic.

There seems to be only one possibility for such a thing to happen.

"Is that Liu Qing'er in danger?" Su Nan thought of a possibility.

And it’s not just any ordinary danger!

Let’s look at Zhang Yang’s mission again.

Zhang Yang's mission was the same as yesterday, which was to hunt down a monster at three levels: king level, mysterious level, and spirit level.

Lang Shisan's mission is also the same as yesterday, which is to hunt players.

"Let's go see what's going on with Liu Qing'er first."

After reading the three character tasks, Sunan decisively decided to solve Liu Qing'er's task first.

There were a lot of monsters tonight, so there was no rush to hunt them.

If Liu Qing'er dies, his mission will be over.

When he exited the game yesterday, he placed his avatar in an inn in Jinshu Town. When his soul came to him, his avatar was still sitting cross-legged on the bed of the inn, and nothing unexpected happened.

Outside the Taixu Sect's residence.

Su Nan looked at the two Taixu Sect disciples who blocked him again and asked: "You two, I wonder if that Liu Qing'er is back?"

"No." One of them shook his head.

The other person frowned and said, "It's strange. After such a long time, it's reasonable for Senior Sister Liu to come back. Why hasn't she come back yet?"

Hearing this, another person was also surprised: "Yes, Senior Sister Liu's mission shouldn't be difficult. Why haven't you come back yet? Is something going to happen?"

The two looked at each other, both having bad thoughts.

Seeing this, Sunan sighed.

As expected, something happened.

"It seems like I have to go rescue people again."

Sunan was helpless and didn't dare to be careless.

For a three-star mission, if you are lucky, you may encounter an early-stage king-level monster. If you are unlucky, you may encounter a late-stage king-level monster, or even a peak king-level monster, then you do not need to complete the mission.

"Then where did Liu Qing'er go to perform her mission?"

More than ten minutes later, Sunan came to a small lake more than ten miles outside Jinshu Town.

This is a lake called Lao Ma Lake.

According to what the two disciples said, it turned out that a disciple from the Taixu Sect disappeared here the day before yesterday, and Liu Qing'er and three other disciples came here to investigate yesterday.

One day passed, and not only the missing disciple could not be found, but even Liu Qing'er did not come back.

Sunan stood hundreds of meters away from the lake, looking at the lake which was only more than a thousand meters away, with a strange expression in his eyes.

"What danger could there be in a place like this?"

This place is still within the scope of Jinshu Town, shrouded by the forbidden power of the Sky Vault. It stands to reason that there cannot be a king-level monster here.

"There is nothing else here. If there is danger, it should be in this lake."

His eyes fell on predicting the future, and Sunan was ready to start predicting.

He did not use ordinary foresight, but directly used death foreknowledge.

He had a hunch that this time it wouldn't go well.

The premonition begins and ends quickly.

However, when Su Nan looked at the small lake in front of him, his eyes were filled with surprise and doubt.

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